A Brief Analysis of Difenoconazole a Triazole Microbial Fungicidess

What is difenoconazole (119446-68-3)?

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole, chemical formula C19H17Cl2N3O3, Cas 119446-68-3, is a low-toxic heterocyclic fungicide pesticide, easily soluble in organic solvents, has low mobility in soil, and slow degradation. the

Microbial Fungicides Difenoconazole is a triazole fungicide, is a sterol demethylation inhibitor, has the characteristics of high efficiency, broad spectrum, low toxicity, and low dosage, and is an excellent variety of triazole fungicides. It is extremely strong, by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol in pathogenic bacteria cells, thereby destroying the structure and function of pathogenic bacterial cell membranes, it is used for fruit trees, vegetables, wheat, potatoes, beans, melons and other crops, and it is effective against various fungi such as vegetables and melons. It has very good protective and therapeutic effects on diseases, and has the characteristics of "three nos" (no pollution to the environment, no pollution to agricultural products, and no killing of natural enemies). It is an ideal fungicide for the prevention and treatment of crop resistant diseases such as citrus scab and leaf spot .

Main dosage forms of difenoconazole (119446-68-3)

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole: 10%, 20%, 37% water dispersible granule; 10%, 20% microemulsion; 5%, 10%, 20% water emulsion; 3%, 30 g/L suspension Coating agent; 25%, 250 g/l emulsifiable concentrate; 3%, 10%, 30% suspending agent; 10%, 12% wettable powder.

Physicochemical Properties of Difenoconazole (119446-68-3)

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole chemical formula is C19H17Cl2N3O3, pure product is white powder with slight fragrance, melting point 78.6 ℃, density 1.37 g/cm3 at 20 ℃; the original drug is off-white powder, density 1.40 g/cm3, Melting point 76.0°C, vapor pressure 3.3×10-8 Pa (25°C), solubility (20°C): water 3.3 mg/L, easily soluble in organic solvents. It has little mobility in soil and slowly degrades.

Mechanism of action of difenoconazole (119446-68-3)

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole water-dispersible granules are beige to brown fine granules. Difenoconazole has a strong inhibitory effect on the spore formation of plant pathogenic bacteria, and can inhibit the maturation of conidia, thereby controlling the further development of the disease. The mode of action of difenoconazole is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol by interfering with the C14 demethylation of pathogenic bacteria cells, so that sterols are retained in the cell membrane, which damages the physiological function of the membrane and leads to the death of the fungus.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) mode of action

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects.

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole product features: difenoconazole is relatively safe among the triazole fungicides, widely used in fruit trees, vegetables and other crops, effective control of scab, black pox, white rot disease, leaf spot, powdery mildew, brown spot, rust, stripe rust, head blight, etc.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) control object

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole has a broad bactericidal spectrum, and it is effective against Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and other species including Alternaria, Ascodiospora, Cercospora, Craniospora, Ballacne, and Phoma It has long-lasting protective and therapeutic effects on semi-known diseases including Septoria genus, Septoria genus, Septoria genus, and Scutellaria genus, powdery mildew family, rust fungi and certain species of pathogenic bacteria. It is also very effective against grape anthracnose and white rot. Foliar or seed treatments increase crop yield and maintain quality.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) scope of application

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole has a very wide range of applications and can be widely used in crops, vegetables, fruit trees, horticultural crops and other crops.

It can be used for both seed dressing and spraying, both at the seedling stage and at the adult plant stage. It is safe and safe to use.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) application technology

Suitable crops and safety

Tomatoes, sugar beets, bananas, cereal crops, rice, soybeans, horticultural crops and various vegetables, etc. When treating wheat and barley with stems and leaves (wheat plant height 24-42cm), sometimes the leaves may change color, but it will not affect the yield.

Control object

For Ascomycotina, Basidiomycotina and including Alternaria, Ascodiospora, Cercospora, Septoria, Coccidioides, Phoma, Cylindrospora, Septoria Semi-known fungi including , Scabella, Powdery mildewaceae, Rust fungi and certain kinds of infectious pathogens have long-lasting protective and therapeutic activities. At the same time, it can treat beet brown spot, wheat glume blight, leaf blight, rust and mildew caused by several pathogens, apple scab, powdery mildew, grape powdery mildew, potato early blight, peanut leaf spot, Net spot disease, etc. have a good therapeutic effect.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) Uses

Microbial Fungicides Difenoconazole is a triazole fungicide with systemic properties and a sterol demethylation inhibitor with a broad bactericidal spectrum. It is a triazole fungicide with systemic property and wide bactericidal spectrum. It is a sterol demethylation inhibitor. Broad bactericidal spectrum, used for foliar treatment or seed treatment.

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole is a broad-spectrum triazole fungicide that inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis by inhibiting cytochrome P450-dependent 14α-demethylation, leading to fungal cell membrane rupture and cell death . Difenoconazole has inhibitory effect on the growth of Fusarium graminearum in vitro (EC50s of mycelial growth=1.69-19.6mg/L). Difenoconazole also inhibited the growth of Sonalis, Fulva, Staphylococcus cinerea and Staphylococcus solani (EC50s were 0.131 mg/L, 0.069 mg/L, 0.297 mg/L and 0.252 mg/L, respectively ).

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) Features

1. Systemic conduction, wide bactericidal spectrum Difenoconazole is a triazole fungicide, which is a high-efficiency, safe, low-toxicity, broad-spectrum fungicide, which can be systemically absorbed by plants and has strong penetration. Within 2 hours, it will be absorbed by the crops and has the characteristics of upward conduction, which can protect the new young leaves, flowers and fruits from the harm of pathogens. It can cure multiple diseases with one medicine, and has a good control effect on various fungal diseases. It can effectively control vegetable scab, leaf spot, powdery mildew and rust, and has both preventive and therapeutic effects.

2. Resistance to rain erosion and long-lasting efficacy The agent adhered to the leaf surface is resistant to erosion by rain, and volatilizes very little from the leaves. Even under high temperature conditions, it also exhibits long-lasting bactericidal activity, which is 3 to 4 days longer than ordinary fungicides.

3. Advanced dosage form, crop-safe water dispersible granules are composed of active ingredients, dispersants, wetting agents, disintegrants, defoamers, adhesives, anti-caking agents and other additives, and are granulated through micronization, spray drying and other processes . It can be quickly disintegrated and dispersed when put into water, forming a high-suspension dispersion system without dust influence, which is safe for users and the environment. Free of organic solvents, safe for recommended crops.

4. Good compatibility Difenoconazole can be mixed with fungicide ingredients such as propiconazole and azoxystrobin to produce compound fungicides.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) use

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole is mainly used as foliar treatment and seed treatment. Among them, 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules are mainly used for stem and leaf treatment, and the dosage is 30-125g/hm2. The application of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of pear scab, Apple spot defoliation, tomato early blight, watermelon blight, pepper anthracnose, strawberry powdery mildew, grape anthracnose, black pox, citrus scab, etc.

Pear scab: In the early stage of the disease, use 6000-7000 times of 10% water-dispersible granules, or add 14.3-16.6g of the preparation per 100L of water (effective concentration 14.3-16.6mg/L). When the onset is severe, the concentration can be increased. It is recommended to use 3000-5000 times the liquid or add 20-33g of the preparation per 100L of water (effectiveness 20-33mg/L), and spray continuously for 2-3 times at intervals of 7-14 days.

Apple spot deciduous disease: use 2500-3000 times of liquid or 33-40g of preparation per 100L of water at the beginning of the disease (effective concentration 33-40mg/L), and use 1500-2000 times of liquid or 50-66.7 of preparation per 100L of water when the disease is severe g (effective concentration 50-66.7mg/L), spray 2-3 times continuously at an interval of 7-14 days.

Grape anthracnose and black pox: use 1500-2000 times liquid or add 50-66.7g of preparation per 100L of water (effective concentration 50-66.7mg/L).

The prevention and treatment of citrus scab, sand skin disease, and strawberry powdery mildew ring disease have good effects, especially when citrus is used at the autumn shoot stage, it can effectively reduce the occurrence of future diseases such as scab disease and sand skin disease that seriously affect commercial products. At the same time, it can promote the ripening of citrus autumn shoots. Spray with 2000-2500 times liquid or add 40-50g (effective concentration 40-50mg/L) per 100L water.

Watermelon blight: use 50-80g of the preparation per mu (active ingredient 5-8g).

Strawberry powdery mildew: use 20-40g of the preparation per mu (2-4g of active ingredients).

Tomato early blight: In the early stage of the disease, use 800-1200 times the flow or add 83-125g of preparation per 100L of water (effective concentration 83-125mg/L), or use 4.0-60g of preparation per mu (active ingredient 4-6g).

Pepper anthracnose: Use 800-1200 times liquid or add 83-125g of preparation per 100L of water (effective concentration 83-125mg/L) in the early stage of the disease, or use 40-60g of preparation per mu (active ingredient 4-6g).

To control potato early blight, spray 50-80 grams of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules per mu, and the effective period is 7-14 days.

To prevent leaf spot, rust, anthracnose, and powdery mildew of beans, cowpeas, and other legumes, use 50-80 grams of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules per mu, with a duration of 7-14 days, to prevent anthracnose Best mixed with mancozeb or chlorothalonil.

To prevent and control pepper anthracnose, tomato leaf mold, leaf spot, powdery mildew, and early blight, start spraying when the lesions first appear, once every 10 days, and spray 2 to 4 times in a row. Generally, 60-80 grams of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules, or 18-22 grams of 37% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules, or 250 g/L difenoconazole EC or 25% EC 25-30 ml, spray on 60-75 kg of water.

To prevent and control black spot of cruciferous vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, spray pesticides from the early stage of disease occurrence, spray once every 10 days, and spray twice in a row. Generally, 40-50 grams of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules, or 10-13 grams of 37% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules, or 250 g/L difenoconazole EC or 25% EC 15-20 ml, spray on 60-75 kg of water.

To prevent and control strawberry powdery mildew, ring disease, leaf spot and black spot, and to treat other diseases, use 10% difenoconazole water dispersible granules in 2000-2500 times; to control strawberry anthracnose, brown spot, and concurrently For other diseases, use 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules 1500-2000 times liquid; to control strawberry gray mold mainly, and for other diseases, use 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules 1000-1500 times times liquid. The amount of medicinal solution varies according to the size of the strawberry plant, generally 40-66 liters of medicinal solution per mu. Appropriate period of application and the number of days between intervals: during the seedling period, spray 2 times from June to September, with an interval of 10 to 14 days; in the field period, spray once before mulching, with an interval of 10 days; spray in the greenhouse during the flowering and fruiting period 1 to 2 times, with an interval of 10 to 14 days.

To prevent and control large and small leaf spot of corn, spray 80 grams of 10% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules per mu, and the effective period is 14 days.

To prevent asparagus stem blight, spray pesticides from the early stage of the disease, once every 10 days, and spray 2 to 4 times, focusing on the base of the plant. Generally use 37% difenoconazole water-dispersible granules 4000-5000 times liquid, or 250 g/L emulsifiable concentrate or 25% emulsifiable concentrate 2500-3000 times liquid, or 10% water-dispersible granules 1000-1500 times liquid spray.

What diseases does difenoconazole (119446-68-3) control

1. Diseases of fruit trees

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole can prevent and control banana leaf spot and scab; prevent and control apple and pear scab and ring spot; prevent and control apple leaf spot; prevent and control citrus, litchi and grape anthracnose, and prevent citrus scab , control grape black pox, white rot; control pomegranate hemp disease, etc.

2. Food crop diseases

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole can prevent and control rice sheath blight and rice false smut, corn large and small leaf spot, potato early blight, wheat seed dressing to prevent wheat smut (including loose smut and fishy smut) , dwarf smut), wheat root rot, sheath blight, glume blight, wheat take-all, powdery mildew, etc.

3. Vegetable and other crop diseases

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole can control watermelon blight and anthracnose; control strawberry powdery mildew, ring spot, leaf spot, black spot, anthracnose, brown spot, gray mold; control pepper anthracnose, Tomato leaf mold, leaf spot, powdery mildew, early blight; control eggplant brown spot, leaf spot, powdery mildew; control cucumber and other melons powdery mildew, anthracnose, vine cutting disease; control beans, cowpea and other beans Vegetable leaf spot, rust, anthracnose, powdery mildew; control Chinese cabbage and other cruciferous vegetable black spot; control garlic, onion early blight, rust, purple spot, black spot, garlic leaf blight; control asparagus stems Blight, prevention and treatment of Panax notoginseng black spot, prevention and treatment of tea tree anthracnose, etc.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) Miscibility

1) Difenoconazole-propiconazole: 30% difenoconazole-propiconazole EC, 50% EC, 18% water dispersible granules, the content ratio of difenoconazole to propiconazole All are 1:1. For rice, control sheath blight. There are also registrations for wheat to control sheath blight, for soybeans to control rust, and for peanuts to control leaf spot.

2) Difenoconazole-tebuconazole: for the treatment of pear trees, scab, 80~133.3 mg/kg, spray.

3) Difenoconazole-fludioxonil: 4.8% difenoconazole-fludioxonil suspension seed coating agent, used to treat wheat, loose smut, 5~15g/100kg seeds, seed coating .

4) Difenoconazole-thiophanate-methyl: 40% difenoconazole·thiophanate-methyl suspension concentrate, used to treat apple tree powdery mildew, 150~250 mg/kg, spray; 5% benzene Etherconazole·thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, used to treat scab, 96~125mg/kg, spray.

5) Difenoconazole-carbendazim: 0% difenoconazole-carbendazim wettable powder, used to treat apple tree anthracnose, 200~300 mg/kg, spray; 30% difenoconazole Carbendazim azole suspension concentrate, used to treat rice sheath blight, 675~900 g/ha, spray.

6) Difenoconazole Mancozeb: 55% Difenoconazole Mancozeb wettable powder, used for the treatment of pear scab 122.2~157.1 mg/kg, spray.

7) Difenoconazole-propineb: 50% difenoconazole-propineb wettable powder, used to treat apple tree spot defoliation, 227~278mg/kg, spray.

8) Difenoconazole thiram: 60% difenoconazole thiram wettable powder, used for the treatment of tobacco anthracnose, 900~1350 g/ha, spray.

9) Difenoconazole Kresstrobin: 40% difenoconazole Kresstrobin water dispersible granules, used for the treatment of spotted leaf spot of apple trees, 80~133.33 mg/kg, spray; 80% difenomethyl Cyclostrobin wettable powder is used to treat watermelon powdery mildew, 120~180 g/ha, spray.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) Toxicity

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole has an acute oral LD50 of 1 453 mg/kg for rats; an acute dermal LD50 of rabbits > 2 010 mg/kg; it is non-toxic to bees. The acute oral LD50 of difenoconazole in rats is 2 000 mg/kg for female animals and 1 710 mg/kg for male animals; the dermal LD50 of rats for both female and male animals is greater than 640 mg/kg; for rabbit skin and It is non-irritating to eyes and is a low-toxicity substance. Difenoconazole has no obvious genetic damage to mouse germ cells and somatic cells. According to the judgment standard of Aems test, the four test concentrations of difenoconazole have no mutagenic effect on A97, TA98, TA100 and TA102. Under short-term administration conditions, there is no mutagenic effect.

The Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole is a fungicide that is safe, low-toxic, and does not pollute the environment and agricultural and sideline agricultural products. The aquatic toxicity of difenoconazole is one of the important reasons restricting its use in rice. According to the research results, 10% difenoconazole water dispersible granule, 20% difenoconazole microemulsion, 15% difenoconazole suspension, 30g/L difenoconazole suspension seed coating have the best effect on Scenedesmus obliquus was moderately toxic, and the toxicity grades to Daphna magna were highly toxic, highly toxic, highly toxic, and highly toxic, and the toxicity grades to zebrafish were poisonous, poisonous, highly toxic, and extremely toxic.

Difenoconazole (119446-68-3) Precautions

1. Difenoconazole should not be mixed with copper preparations. Because copper preparations can reduce its bactericidal ability, if it is really necessary to mix with copper preparations, the dosage of difenoconazole should be increased by more than 10%. Although difenoconazole has systemic properties and can be delivered to the whole plant through the transporting tissue, in order to ensure the control effect, the amount of water must be sufficient when spraying, and the whole fruit tree is required to be sprayed evenly.

2. The spray volume of watermelon, strawberry and pepper is artificially 50L per mu. Fruit trees can determine the amount of liquid sprayed according to the size of the fruit tree. The amount of liquid sprayed for large fruit trees is high, and the amount of liquid sprayed for small fruit trees is the lowest. Applying pesticides should be carried out in the morning and evening when the temperature is low and there is no wind. On sunny days, when the relative air humidity is lower than 65%, the air temperature is higher than 28°C, and the wind speed is higher than 5m per second, spraying should be stopped.

3. Although difenoconazole has dual effects of protection and treatment, in order to minimize the losses caused by the disease, its protective effect should be fully exerted, so the application time should be early rather than late, and the best effect should be sprayed at the early stage of the disease .

It is particularly effective against newly infested germs. Therefore, spraying difenoconazole in time after the rainfall can eradicate the source of the initial fungus, and will play a good role in controlling the development of the disease in the later stage of growth.

It should not be mixed with copper-containing agents. It can be mixed with most insecticides and fungicides, but a mixing test must be done before application.

In order to prevent pathogens from developing resistance to difenoconazole, it is recommended that the number of spraying of difenoconazole should not exceed 4 times in each growing season. It should be used alternately with other pesticides.

In the early stage of the disease, use low doses with long intervals; when the disease is severe, use high doses with short intervals; during the epidemic period with lush plant growth, suitable temperature, high humidity, and heavy rain, use high doses with short intervals and increase the number of medications , to ensure the effect of disease prevention and production increase. No growth inhibitory effect on vegetables.

Poisonous to fish, do not pollute water sources. Avoid storage below 10°C and above 30°C.

Pay attention to safety protection when using the medicine. If the medicine splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with water for at least 10 minutes; if swallowed by mistake, immediately send to the hospital for symptomatic treatment. There is no special antidote for this medicine. The remaining liquid medicine and washing wastewater cannot pollute fish ponds, pools and water sources.

Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole (119446-68-3) price

Usually, the price of the pesticide Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Difenoconazole Pesticide Microbial Fungicides you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of the Microbial Fungicides difenoconazole (119446-68-3)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, Microbial Fungicidess, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Microbial Fungicides Difenoconazole, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.