A brief analysis of the herbicide fomesafen

What is fomesafen (72178-02-0)?

Fomesafen  is a selective herbicide that can be used before and after soybean emergence. Fomesafen can be absorbed by weed stems, leaves and roots, destroying weed photosynthesis, causing weed leaves to turn yellow or have burning dead spots, and quickly wither and die. Rain 4 to 6 hours after application will not affect the weeding effect. The chemical solution remaining on the leaves is washed into the soil by rain, or the chemical sprayed into the soil will be absorbed by the weeds and kill the weeds. Under high temperature conditions, it is easy to cause contact phytotoxicity to soybeans, with symptoms such as leaf shrinkage, burning spots on the leaves, and severe scorching of individual leaves; the soybean leaves are not transmitted to other parts, and generally do not affect the growth and yield of soybeans; If soybean root rot occurs seriously, it will be difficult to recover from the damage and the yield will be seriously reduced.

The  herbicide  fomesafen is an organic compound with the molecular formula C15H10ClF3N2O6S, Cas 72178-02-0, molecular weight 438.7629, white or off-white powder, melting point 220-221°C, and relative density 1.574. It is mainly used in soybean fields to control weeds such as pigweed, amaranth, polygonum, nightshade, thistle, duckweed, cocklebur, amaranth, and ghostweed.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) Physical and Chemical Properties

The active ingredient content of the herbicide fomesafen is 95%, and the appearance is a gray-white powdery solid. Melting point 218-221℃, density: 1.28g/cm3, vapor pressure <0.1mpa (50℃). Solubility in water depends on the pH value, 50mg/L (pH7), pH1-2 is less than 1mg/L; acetone 300g/L; methylene chloride 10g/L: xylene 1.9g/L; methanol 20g /L; the acidic pH value is about 2.7 (20℃). Can generate water-soluble salts.

Fomesafen(72178-02-0) Chemical Properties

The pure herbicide fomesafen is a white crystalline solid. m.p.220221℃, relative density 1.28 (20℃), vapor pressure <0.1×10-3Pa (50℃). Solubility at 20°C: acetone 300g/L, methylene chloride 10g/L, xylene 1.9Chemicalbookg/L, hexane 0.5g/L, cyclohexanone 150g/L; solubility in water is related to pH value, when 20°C When the pH value is 1 to 2, the solubility is 600g/L. The partition coefficient is 794 at pH 1.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) Toxicity

The herbicide fomesafen is low-toxic to humans and animals. Acute oral LD50 in rats: 3160 mg/kg for male rats and 2870 mg/kg for female rats; 4300 mg/kg for male rats and 4220 mg/kg for females. Mild irritation to skin and eyes. It is very toxic to fish and aquatic life, and also has low toxicity to birds and bees.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) Features

The herbicide fomesafen is a highly selective post-emergence herbicide in soybean and peanut fields. It can effectively control broadleaf weeds and cyperus rotundus in soybean and peanut fields. It also has certain control effects on gramineous weeds. It can be absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds, causing them to quickly turn yellow and die. Rain will not affect the efficacy 4-6 hours after spraying, and it is safe for soybeans.

The herbicide fomesafen is a highly efficient and selective herbicide. It is mainly used for post-emergence weeding in soybean fields and has special effects on controlling broadleaf weeds. Its principle of action is to absorb through leaves and destroy photosynthesis. The agent is also very active in the soil. When soybeans have 1 to 3 compound leaves after emergence and weeds have 2 to 5 leaves, use 25% water agent 9 to 20 mL/100m2 to spray the weed stems and leaves with water. At this dose, pre-emergence application is better than pre-sowing application. The disadvantage is that it will cause certain phytotoxicity to soybeans, but it will recover quickly. Post-sowing and pre-emergence application is less likely to cause phytotoxicity to soybeans. 2. Selective herbicides. It can be absorbed through the leaves and destroy the photosynthesis of plants. It has special effects on controlling broadleaf weeds and has good activity in the soil.

Functional characteristics of fomesafen (72178-02-0)

Fomesafen is a selective contact herbicide that can be used before and after soybean emergence. It can be absorbed by the stems, leaves and roots of weeds, destroying the photosynthesis of weeds, causing the leaves of weeds to turn yellow or have burning spots, and quickly wither and die. Rainfall 4-6 hours after application will not affect the weeding effect. The chemical liquid remaining on the leaves is washed into the soil by rain or sprayed into the soil, and will be absorbed by the weeds and kill the weeds.

How does fomesafen (72178-02-0) work?

Protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor. Fomesafen is a selective herbicide with the advantages of wide herbicidal spectrum, good herbicidal effect, safe for soybeans, the environment and subsequent crops (at the recommended dose). It can be used before and after soybean emergence. The stems, leaves and roots of weeds can absorb it, destroying their photosynthesis, causing the leaves to turn yellow or have dead spots, and they can quickly wither and die. Even if there is rain 4 to 6 hours after post-emergence stem and leaf treatment, its herbicidal effect will not be reduced. The chemical solution remaining on the leaves is washed into the soil by rain or the chemical sprayed into the soil will be absorbed by the roots of the weeds and kill the weeds. Soybean roots can quickly degrade the agent after absorbing it. Pre-emergence or post-emergence application after sowing is safe for soybeans. Temporary leaf contact damage may occasionally be seen, but growth and yield will not be affected.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) uses

Fomesafen can be used as an efficient and selective herbicide. It is mainly used for post-emergence weeding in soybean fields and has special effects on controlling broadleaf weeds. Its principle of action is to absorb through leaves and destroy photosynthesis. The agent is also very active in the soil. When soybeans have 1 to 3 compound leaves after emergence and weeds have 2 to 5 leaves, use 25% water agent 9 to 20 mL/100m2 to spray the weed stems and leaves with water. At this dose, pre-emergence application is better than pre-sowing application. The disadvantage is that it will cause certain phytotoxicity to soybeans, but it will recover quickly. Post-sowing and pre-emergence application is less likely to cause phytotoxicity to soybeans. It is mainly used in soybean fields to control weeds such as pigweed, amaranth, polygonum, nightshade, large and small thistles, duckweed, cocklebur, hemp, and ghostweed.

1. It is an efficient and selective herbicide. Its principle of action is to destroy photosynthesis through leaf absorption. It is mainly used for post-emergence weeding in soybean fields and has special effects on controlling broadleaf weeds. The agent is also very active in the soil.

2. When soybeans have 1 to 3 compound leaves after seedlings and weeds have 2 to 5 leaves, use 25% aqueous agent 9 to 20 mL/100m2 and mix it with water to spray the weed stems and leaves.

3. At this dose, pre-emergence application is better than pre-sowing application. The disadvantage is that it will cause certain phytotoxicity to soybeans, but it will recover quickly. Post-sowing and pre-emergence application is less likely to cause phytotoxicity to soybeans.

4. A selective herbicide, which is a protoporphyrin oxidase inhibitor, mainly used to control broadleaf weeds in most fields, such as amaranth, amaranth, pigweed, cocklebur, amaranth, wolfberry, nightshade, Purslane, etc., have a certain inhibitory effect on grass weeds. According to the recommended concentration, it will not cause phytotoxicity to soybeans, and the leaves will only have slight yellow spots or shrinkage, and will quickly return to normal in 5 to 7 days without affecting soybean yields. It rains 4 to 6 hours after application, and the control effect will not be affected. The control effect is better than bentazone and acifluorfen. Can be used as a liquid.

This product has a long lasting effect and is not suitable for soil treatment. Strictly control the dosage when spraying stems and leaves, and do not increase it at will, otherwise it will damage subsequent crops; this product cannot be used when soybeans are intercropped or mixed with other crops. Spray When applying pesticide, do not drop it on other crops to avoid phytotoxicity; when crops need to be sown again, only soybeans can be sown, corn can be sown after 10 months, rice and cotton can be sown safely after one year, and sorghum, sugar beets and leafy vegetables can be sown separately. Very sensitive and should not be rotated.

Scope of application of fomesafen (72178-02-0)

The herbicide fomesafen is suitable for controlling amaranth, amaranth, tripartite, amaranth, ragweed, rape, shepherd's purse, pigweed, commelina, datura, nightshade, etc. in soybean and peanut fields. Split-leaf morning glory, corn grass, sedge, Pennsylvania polygonum, purslane, amaranth, amaranth, cassia, goldenrod, pigweed, acanthus, physalis, sesbania, chicory Broad-leaf weeds such as cabbage, tribulus, clover, nettle, Pennsylvania cocklebur, spiny cocklebur, and cocklebur. It can also be used to control broadleaf weeds in orchards and rubber plantations.

Usage method: When soybeans have 1-3 compound leaves after seedlings and weeds are at 1-3 leaf stage, use 68-132 ml of 25% water agent per acre, add 20-30 kg of water, and spray the weed stems and leaves evenly. Adding an appropriate amount of non-ionic surfactant to the solution will have better results.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) application technology

① Treat annual broadleaf weeds at the 2-4 leaf stage after soybean emergence. When most weeds have emerged, their stems and leaves are treated. Apply pesticides too early due to uneven emergence of weeds. Weeds that emerge later need to be sprayed again or treated with pesticides. Other weed control measures. Application of pesticides too late will increase the resistance of weeds and increase the dosage of pesticides.

② Fomesafen has a long residual effect period in the soil. When the dosage is high (more than 60g of active ingredients per acre), it can be applied before or after soybean emergence to control gramineous and broad-leaf weeds in soybean fields. Very good effect, but fomesafen has a long residual effect in the soil and can cause varying degrees of damage to subsequent crops such as cabbage, millet, sorghum, sugar beet, sunflower, corn, rape, wheat, flax, etc., so it is not recommended. Use high doses.

③ Applying fomesafen in high temperature or low-lying areas with poor drainage, low temperature and high humidity, long-term water accumulation in the field, and pests and diseases that affect the growth of soybeans can easily cause phytotoxicity to soybeans, but it can return to normal after 1 week without affecting the growth of soybeans. Later growth and yield.

④ When the soil moisture and air humidity are suitable, it is conducive to the absorption and conduction of flufenafop-fen by weeds, so the pesticide should be applied in the morning and evening when there is no wind or breeze and the temperature is low. It is not suitable to apply pesticides during long-term drought, low temperature and relative air humidity below 65%. The dosage should be increased appropriately during drought. Pay attention to the weather forecast before applying pesticides, and there should be no rain within 4 hours after spraying. If there is a long-term drought, if there is rain recently, wait until the soil moisture and humidity in the field improve after the rain before applying pesticides. Although the application time is delayed, the effect will be better than applying before the rain. Avoid applying pesticides on windy days and high temperatures, which may cause the liquid to drift or evaporate and reduce its efficacy. When pesticides are applied during long-term drought and high temperatures, the amount of spray should be appropriately increased to ensure the weeding effect.

⑤ When interplanting soybeans in corn fields, you can use foxal. Do not use fomesafen when intercropping soybeans with other sensitive crops.

⑥ When applying pesticides to fruit trees and plantations, avoid spraying the liquid directly onto the trees. Try to use low-pressure sprays and use protective covers for directional sprays.

(1) Single use Fomesafen is a selective herbicide with the advantages of wide herbicidal spectrum, good herbicidal effect, safe for soybeans, and can be used before and after soybean emergence. The dosage is usually 250-600g (a.i.)/hm2 [the dosage per mu is 16.67-40g (a.i.)]. Use 25% fomesafen 67-100ml per mu (active ingredient 17~25g). The pesticide can be applied to the whole field or to the seedling belt. The spray volume of manual backpack sprayer is 20-30L per acre, and the spray volume of tractor sprayer is 10-13L. Adding a non-ionic surfactant to fomesafen (0.1% of the spray volume, 100ml per 100L of liquid) can improve the absorption of fomesafen by weeds, especially under drought conditions. more obvious. Fomesafen can be mixed with fertilizers. Spraying fomesafen and adding 330g of urea per acre can increase the herbicidal effect by 5% to 10%. After pesticide application, combined with mechanical cultivating and strengthening field management, it is beneficial to control weeds in the later stage.

A high dose of 25% fomesafen aqueous solution (267~533ml per mu (active ingredient 67-134g)) is applied to soybeans before emergence. Although it has a good control effect on annual grass weeds such as barnyard grass, the effectiveness lasts for a long time. It has an impact on the growth of subsequent crops such as corn, wheat, millet, sugar beet, rape, cabbage, sorghum, sunflower, flax, etc., so the use of high doses is not recommended. 25% fomesafen aqueous solution per mu (67~100ml (active ingredient 16.7-25g)) is safe for soybeans. It has no effect on subsequent crops of corn, wheat, flax, sorghum, and sunflowers, but has an impact on the growth of sugar beet, cabbage, and rape sown in stubble. Deep plowing after soybean harvest can reduce the impact on subsequent crops of sugar beet, cabbage, and rapeseed.

(2) Mixed use: When barnyardgrass, crabgrass, wild oats, foxtail grass, golden foxtail grass, wild millet and other grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds occur at the same time in soybean fields, fomesafen should be combined with flufenacet, Mixing of herbicides such as oxazofop-op, ethylpropafop-op, quinalofop-op, fenflufen-ethyl and other herbicides. The dosage per acre is as follows: 25% fomesafen 67~100ml plus 15% carboxyfop-in 50-67ml (or 6.9% carboxyfop-op concentrated emulsion 40-60ml or 8.05% flufenopop-fen) Emulsifiable concentrate 40-50ml or 12.5% diflufenofop 83-100ml or 10% quizalofop 50-66ml or 10.8% flufenofop 33ml).

In order to improve the control effect on perennial broad-leaf weeds such as endive, thistle, spinach, horsetail, etc., the dosage of fomesafen can be reduced and mixed with clomazone, bentazone, etc.:

25% fomesafen 40~50ml plus 48% clomazone 40-50ml plus 150 fine fluopop-alfop 50-67ml (or 12.5% flufenacet 50-67ml or 10.8% fine flufenopop-op 30ml Or 10% quizalofop 50-67ml or 6.9% quizalofop-op concentrated emulsion 40-47ml or 8.05% quizalofop-op emulsion 33-40ml).

25% fomesafen 40~50ml plus 48% bentazone 100ml plus 15% fluop-alfop 50-67ml (or 12.5% sethoxydim 83-100ml or 10.8% fluop-alfop 35ml or 6.9 % carboxyfop-op emulsion 47-60ml or 8.05% carboxyfop-op emulsion 40-50ml).

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) compound

When there are many grassy weeds, this preparation can be mixed with sethoxydim or pyriflufenofop, the dosage is 25% aqueous solution 1020~1050ml plus 20% sethoxydim EC 1275ml/ha, or 25% aqueous solution 1020~1050ml Add 15% pyriflufenofop EC 750ml/ha.

General pesticide safety operating procedures should be followed when applying pesticides. Gloves and goggles should be worn when preparing pharmaceutical solutions to prevent the liquid from directly contacting the skin and glasses; pesticide application equipment should be thoroughly cleaned in time and exposed skin and clothing should be cleaned after application. Do not pollute rivers, ponds, etc. with liquids, containers, and clothing. If accidentally swallowed, induce vomiting immediately and send to hospital for symptomatic treatment.

Fomesafen (72178-02-0) production method

Preparation method - Preparation of 3,4-dichlorotrifluorotoluene, using p-chlorotoluene as raw material, through three-step reactions of photochlorination, fluorination and ring chlorination. The side chain chlorination of p-chlorotoluene requires an ultraviolet light source, an appropriate amount of catalyst, a reaction temperature of 110-120°C, and a time of 15-20 hours to obtain p-chlorotrichlorotoluene. For fluorination, pass anhydrous hydrogen fluoride through the pressure kettle at a pressure of 1.6MPa and react for 4 hours. Add an appropriate amount of catalyst. The chlorination of p-chlorotrifluorotoluene on the benzene ring requires the presence of a catalyst. The reaction temperature is 70°C. At the end of the reaction, the material is diluted After hydrochloric acid treatment, separation, organic phase washing, drying and other steps, 3,4-dichlorotrifluorotoluene is obtained. Preparation of 2-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid: 2-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid is obtained by reacting o-nitrobenzoic acid with 10% H2SO4 under the action of Pd/C catalyst at 80-100°C and 957.6Pa pressure for 20 hours. Formic acid. Preparation of 5-[2-chloro-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-2-aminobenzoic acid 2-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid is condensed with 3,4-dichlorotrifluorotoluene and reacted at 135°C 17h, the corresponding diphenyl ether compounds were obtained. For the preparation of fomesafen, the product in the previous step is passed into the toluene solution and reacted with phosgene at 40-50°C for 2 hours to obtain the corresponding amino acid anhydride; then reacted with methylsulfonamide (salt) in DMF solvent at 100°C for 24 hours. , to obtain the corresponding aminolysis product; finally, oxidize it with concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in glacial acetic acid, and react at 70°C for 20 hours to obtain fomesafen.

Preparation method two: first synthesize 5-[2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-2-nitrobenzoic acid, react with methanesulfonylthioisocyanate, and generate fomesafen. Or it reacts with thionyl chloride to become acid chloride, and then reacts with methylsulfonamide to form fomesafen. This method is more reasonable than preparation method one.

Precautions for fomesafen (72178-02-0)

1. Fomesafen has a long-lasting effect in the soil. If the dosage is too high, sensitive crops planted in the second year, such as cabbage, millet, sorghum, sugar beet, corn, millet, flax, etc., will have varying degrees of phytotoxicity. At the recommended dose, corn and sorghum will have mild effects without plowing. The dosage should be strictly controlled and safe subsequent crops should be selected.

2. When used in orchards, do not spray the liquid onto the leaves.

3. Fomesafen is safe for soybeans, but is sensitive to crops such as corn, sorghum, and vegetables. When applying the pesticide, be careful not to contaminate these crops to avoid phytotoxicity.

4. If the dosage is large or the pesticide is applied at high temperature, soybeans or peanuts may produce burning spots. Generally, they can resume normal growth after a few days without affecting the yield.

5. The drug has a long residual period in the soil and will not be inactivated in the soil. It can remain active for several months and is absorbed by plant roots. It has a certain residual herbicidal effect. Normal application will not cause phytotoxicity to the next crop, but excessive application will cause phytotoxicity to the next crop of sensitive crops such as cabbage, wheat, sorghum, corn, sugar beet, flax, etc. After application, there will be dead spots on soybean leaves, but they will return to normal after a week and will not affect later growth.

The price of the herbicide fomesafen (72178-02-0)

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide fomesafen will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide fomesafen you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of herbicide fomesafen (72178-02-0)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide herbicide Fomesafen, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.