A brief analysis of the pesticide insecticide omethate

What is omethate (1113-02-6)?

The pesticide omethate is an organic compound with the chemical formula C5H12NO4PS. Cas 1113-02-6 is a systemic organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide. It is mainly used to control pests in cotton, wheat, sorghum and other crops.

The insecticide Omethoate is a colorless and transparent oily liquid. The industrial product is a light yellow oily liquid. It is easy to decompose when exposed to alkali and is relatively stable in neutral and acidic solutions. It is a highly toxic, broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide. It has fast knockdown effect on pests, strong systemic and contact killing effects and certain gastric poisoning effects. The dosage form is 40% emulsifiable concentrate. Omethoate is highly toxic to humans and animals and is a highly toxic pesticide. Therefore, special attention should be paid when using it. Omethoate is easily hydrolyzed, and the aqueous solution cannot be stored for a long time. The medicinal solution must be prepared as needed, otherwise the efficacy will be reduced. It is prohibited to use omethoate on cabbage.

omethate (1113-02-6) function

The insecticide Omethoate also has a strong systemic insecticidal effect. It can be sucked into the human body by the stems and leaves of the plant, and can be transferred to the parts where the pesticide is not sprayed, poisoning and killing the pests that harm it. Therefore, when using omethoate, the method of spraying the stems can be used. In general, the temperature has little effect on the efficacy of omethoate. Omethoate is a highly toxic pesticide, but it does not easily penetrate into the human body from the skin, and its contact toxicity is not much different from that of dimethoate.

The insecticide Omethoate is based on the principle that dimethoate is oxidized and metabolized in the body to form a compound with greater toxicity and toxicity than dimethoate. The original drug of organophosphorus pesticides synthesized in factories is an orange oily liquid with a strong onion and garlic smell. It is soluble in water, but the stability of the aqueous solution is worse than that of dimethoate, and it is easier to decompose and fail. Omethoate is relatively stable in neutral and acidic solutions, but will quickly decompose under alkaline conditions.

The insecticide Omethoate has a strong contact killing effect on pests and mites, especially some aphids that have become resistant to dimethoate. It is highly toxic and can still maintain strong toxicity during low temperature periods. It is mainly used as a good pesticide to control various aphids, leaf rollers, Spodoptera litura, flower thrips and stink bugs on bananas. The insecticidal effect of omethoate during low temperature period is faster than that of dimethoate. Omethoate also has a strong systemic insecticidal effect. It can be sucked into the plant by the stems and leaves of the plant, and can be transferred to the part where the pesticide solution is not sprayed, poisoning and killing the pests harming it.

Omethoate (1113-02-6) Application

The principle is that the pesticide Omethoate undergoes oxidative metabolism in the body to form a compound with greater toxicity and toxicity than dimethoate. The original drug of organophosphorus pesticides synthesized in factories is an orange oily liquid with a strong onion and garlic smell. It is soluble in water, but the stability of the aqueous solution is worse than that of dimethoate, and it is easier to decompose and fail. Omethoate is relatively stable in neutral and acidic solutions, but will quickly decompose under alkaline conditions.

The insecticide Omethoate has a strong contact killing effect on pests and mites, especially some aphids that have become resistant to dimethoate. It is highly toxic and can still maintain strong toxicity during low temperature periods. It is mainly used as a good pesticide to control various aphids, leaf rollers, Spodoptera litura, flower thrips and stink bugs on bananas. The insecticidal effect of Omethoate is faster than that of Dimethoate during the low temperature period.

The insecticide Omethoate also has a strong systemic insecticidal effect. It can be sucked into the plant by the stems and leaves of the plant, and can be transferred to the part where the pesticide solution is not sprayed, poisoning and killing the pests harming it. Therefore, when using omethoate, the method of spraying the stems can be used. In general, the temperature has little effect on the efficacy of omethoate. Omethoate is a highly toxic pesticide, but it does not easily penetrate into the human body from the skin, and its contact toxicity is not much different from that of dimethoate.

In addition to being a systemic agent, it also has a strong contact killing effect. It has a wide insecticidal spectrum and can be used to control a variety of pests with sucking and chewing mouthparts and spider mites in vegetables, fruit trees, tea, mulberry, cotton, oil crops, and grain crops. Generally, 30 to 40 grams of active ingredients are used per mu. It is more effective against aphids, and only 15 to 20 grams of active ingredients per mu can be used. It has special effects on leafminers on vegetables, beans, etc., with a special effect period of about 10 days. The main dosage form is 40% emulsifiable concentrate, and there are also ultra-low-volume oil formulations and soluble powders. It has low toxicity and is quickly degraded into non-toxic demethylmethoate and dimethoate by glutathione transferase and carboxamidase in cattle, so it can be used to prevent and control parasites inside and outside livestock.

Dimethoate can be rapidly oxidized into omethoate both inside and outside plants and in insects, thereby increasing its toxic effects. The omethoate produced in the factory is called omethoate (40% EC), and its prevention and control targets and application scope are the same as those of dimethoate. However, due to its high toxic effect, it is also more effective when the temperature is lower, and the dosage can be about 1/3 less than dimethoate. Cotton aphids that are resistant to dimethoate can still be effectively controlled with dimethoate, especially in early spring when controlling overwintering cotton aphids on peppers, pomegranates and hibiscus.

omethate (1113-02-6) uses

The insecticide omethate is mainly used to control piercing- and sucking-mouthed pests, and is also effective against chewing-mouthed pests. It is mainly used to control various aphids and red spider mites in cotton, wheat, fruit trees, vegetables, sorghum and other crops. It can be used to control planthoppers, thrips, rice leaf rollers, etc. in rice. The control effect on various scale insects such as citrus red wax scale, birch scale, etc. is also very significant. Since the resistance coefficient of omethoate is small, it is particularly suitable for controlling resistant aphid mites. This product is a highly efficient, highly toxic, broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide with strong systemic, contact and stomach poisoning effects. Used to control cotton aphids, cotton leafhoppers, rice planthoppers, rice leafhoppers, rice thrips, orange aphids, red spider mites, citrus mealybugs, psyllids, red wax scales, etc. For example, to control rice leafhoppers, rice planthoppers, rice thrips, etc., use 7.5-11.3mL of 40% EC per 100 square meters and spray 7.5kg of water. To control cotton pests, use 7.5mL of 40% EC per 100 square meters and spray 7.5 to 10.5kg of water. To prevent and control sagittal scales and bran scales, spray 40% emulsifiable concentrate 1,000 to 2,000 times during the peak period of nymphal scales.

The insecticide Omethoate is a highly effective and broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide with contact and systemic properties. It has a higher toxic effect on a variety of pests, especially those with sucking mouthparts, and has a wide range of insecticides. It can control aphids, red spiders, leafminers, thrips, fruit flies, sawflies, planthoppers, leafhoppers, and scales. insect. Dimethoate can sneak into the body of plants and maintain its efficacy for about a week. Used as insecticide.

It has a strong contact killing effect on pests and mites, especially against some aphids that have developed resistance to dimethoate. It has high toxicity and can still maintain strong toxicity during low temperature periods. omethate also has a strong systemic insecticidal effect.

How to use omethate (1113-02-6)

1. Use the insecticide omethate to control cotton pests: Spray with 1500-2000 times of 40% EC, spray with 50-60 kg of liquid per acre, and spray with 50-60 kg of liquid per acre to control cotton aphids. , spider mites, leafhoppers. Omethoate has good insecticidal activity against cotton aphids that are resistant to pesticides and under low temperature conditions.

2. Use the insecticide omethate to control fruit tree pests: ① Spray with 40% EC 1500-2000 times to prevent aphids and mites on fruit trees. Omethoate is not easy to use multiple times continuously to avoid the development of drug resistance. ② Spray with 40% EC 1000-1500 times to control citrus aphids, mites, psyllids and scale insects.

3. Use the insecticide omethate to control forest pests: Apply 40% emulsifiable concentrate 5 times to the trunks of elm and poplar trees to prevent and control elm goldenrod and chafer adults.

4. To control rice pests, use 75 ml of 40% dimethoate EC per acre, or 50 ml of 50% EC, and spray 75--100 kg of water per acre to control BPH, white-backed planthopper, brown planthopper, leafhopper, and thrips. .

5. Prevention and control of vegetable pests: To control vegetable aphids, eggplant spider mites, onion thrips, and pea leaf miners, use 50 ml of 40% EC per acre and spray 60--80 kg.

6. Tobacco pest control To control tobacco aphids, tobacco thrips and tobacco caterpillars, use 60 ml of 40% dimethoate EC per acre, or 50 ml of 50% EC and spray 60 kg of water.

7. Prevention and control of tea tree pests: To control tea orange gall mites and tea green leafhoppers, spray with 1000-2000 times of 40% EC.

8. For the control of flower pests: gall mites, psyllids, fruit flies, and lygus bugs, spray with a concentration of 300--500 mg/kg. To treat scale insects, thorn moths and aphids, spray 40% emulsifiable concentrate 2000-3000 times on flowers.

Which crops are resistant to lime sulfur and omethoate (1113-02-6)?

Insecticide omethate: Kiwi and ginseng fruits are particularly sensitive to dimethoate and omethate and are prohibited. Hops, Asteraceae plants, some varieties of sorghum, tobacco, dates, peaches, pears, citrus, apricots, plums, olives, figs and other crops are sensitive to 40% Dimethoate or Omethoate EC diluted below 1500 times. If peanuts are used too often, the cotyledons will not close at night. Pay attention to the concentration before use. It can cause obvious phytotoxicity to ornamental plants of the Rosaceae family, such as plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, elm-leaf plums, crabapples, apricots, and pears. It is also very harmful to Acanthaceae flowers and coral flowers.

Lime sulfur mixture: peaches, plums, plums, pears, grapes, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, ginger, melons, cucumbers, etc. The young tissues of grapes, peaches, pears, plums, plums, apricots and other fruit trees are prone to phytotoxicity, so use with caution. Spray during the leaf-falling season, and do not use during the growing season or flowering and fruiting period. It has certain harmful effects on kiwi, grapes, cucumbers and leguminous flowers.

Is omethate (1113-02-6) effective in killing spider mites?

The insecticide omethate can kill spider mites, but it is not particularly effective.

Spider mites belong to the family Tetranychidae and are a common plant pest. The leaves of the affected plants show grayish-yellow spots or patches, and the leaves become withered and yellow, or even fall off.

Spider spiders have a strong reproductive capacity. Under high temperature and drought conditions, they reproduce rapidly and cause serious harm. When spider mites are found on plants, they should be sprayed as soon as possible for control. Commonly used agents include dicofol, dicofol emulsifiable concentrate, dicofol wettable powder, and dicofol emulsifiable concentrate, etc., which can achieve ideal control effects. When spraying, move the potted flowers outdoors and prepare the pesticide according to the instructions. Spray the pesticide evenly, paying special attention to the undersides of the leaves as well.

The pesticide omethate is highly toxic to humans and animals and is a highly toxic pesticide. Therefore, special attention should be paid when using it.

The difference between omethate (1113-02-6) and dimethoate

1. Control different pests: Omethoate is mainly used to control various aphids, leaf rollers, Spodoptera litura, flower thrips and stink bugs on bananas. Insects suitable for killing by dimethoate pesticide include: red spider mites, aphids, white mulberry scales, thrips, scale insects, mole crickets, mites, leafhoppers, sagittal scales, etc.

2. Different insecticidal effects: In the low-temperature period, omethoate has a greater insecticidal effect, especially against some aphids that have become resistant to dimethoate, and it behaves faster than dimethoate. Dimethoate has less insecticidal effect in comparison.

3. Different usability: "Omethoate" is a prohibited pesticide. On the list of prohibited and restricted pesticides published by the Ministry of Agriculture, the use of Omethoate on vegetables is prohibited. Dimethoate is not a prohibited pesticide.

4. Different toxicities: Omethoate is a highly toxic pesticide, while dimethoate is a moderately toxic pesticide.

Precautions for omethate (1113-02-6)

Hazardous characteristics: Highly toxic pesticide, pure product. Rat oral LD50: 50mg/kg; transdermal LD50: 700mg/kg. Oral LD50 of crude oil in rats: 30~60mg/kg, transdermal LD50: 700~1400mg/kg.

Firefighting methods: Use dry powder, foam and sand to extinguish fire. Firefighters must wear gas masks and protective clothing.

First aid: The patient should be removed from the scene. If the skin is contaminated, change clothes immediately, wash the skin with soap and water, induce vomiting immediately if ingested, and give gastric lavage with 1% to 2% soda water, and then send to the hospital for rescue. Special antidotes include pralidoxime, atropine, etc.

Storage and transportation: No smoking, drinking, or eating is allowed at the operation site. It cannot be mixed or mixed with grain, food, seeds, feed, and various daily necessities. Pack lightly and avoid defects to prevent container damage. In cold seasons, pay attention to keeping the storage temperature above the crystallization point to prevent containers from freezing and deterioration. It is strictly forbidden to come into contact with fire. Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse and keep it under designated personnel.

Leakage treatment: absorb with sand, pour it into an open place and bury it deeply. The contaminated ground is neutralized with lime, then rinsed with large amounts of water, and the diluted sewage is put into the wastewater system.

Insecticide omethate (1113-02-6) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide omethate will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide omethate you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide omethate (1113-02-6) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Insecticide Omethate, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.