A product that solves the stubborn enemy of resistance to acaricidal insecticides spirodiclofen

What is spirodiclofen (148477-71-8)?

The pesticide spirodiclofen is a chemical substance with the molecular formula C21H24Cl2O4. Cas 148477-71-8 has a white powdery appearance, no special odor, is contact-killing, and has no systemic properties. It has a good killing effect on eggs, young mites and nymphs of harmful mites, but is ineffective on adult mites, but has the effect of inhibiting the egg-laying and hatching rate of female mites.

The insecticide spirodiclofen is a broad-spectrum acaricide that works by inhibiting lipid synthesis (LBI). It has no cross-resistance with currently available acaricides and has additional insecticidal properties.

The insecticide spirodiclofen is a chemical substance with a white powdery appearance, no special odor, contact killing effect, and no systemic properties. It has a good killing effect on eggs, young mites and nymphs of harmful mites, but is ineffective on adult mites, but has the effect of inhibiting the egg-laying and hatching rate of female mites.

spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) Properties

Physical and chemical properties: Appearance is white powder, no special odor, melting point: 94.8℃, vapor pressure at 20℃ 3×10-7Pa, density at 20℃ 1.29g/cm3. Solubility (substance/1000ml solvent, 20℃): 20 in n-hexane, >250 in methylene chloride, 47 in isopropyl alcohol, >250 in xylene, 0.05 in water.

Toxicity: rat acute oral LD50>2500mg/kg, acute dermal LD50>4000mg/kg; sunfish LC50>0.0455mg/L, rainbow trout LC50>0.0351mg/L, water flea LC50>100mg/L. For bees, LD50>100μg/bee, for North American quail, LD50>2000mg/kg.

 spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) mode of action

The insecticide spirodiclofen has a completely new mechanism of action, with contact killing effect and no systemic properties. It mainly inhibits the fat synthesis of mites and blocks the energy metabolism of mites. It is effective in all developmental stages of mites, including eggs.

The mechanism of action of spirodiclofen (148477-71-8)

The insecticide spirodiclofen has contact and stomach poisoning effects. Its miticidal mechanism is mainly by inhibiting the fat synthesis of harmful mites and blocking their energy supply, thereby causing the harmful mites to starve to death. This product has many advantages such as wide spectrum of killing mites, strong adaptability, killing both eggs and young, long lasting effect, low toxicity, low residue, good safety and no mutual resistance. It can be used with most pesticides (strongly alkaline pesticides). (Except with copper preparations) Mix and use immediately. Mixed with existing acaricides, it can not only improve the quick-acting effect of mite hazards, but also facilitate the resistance management of mite hazards. Spirobifen has a good control effect on mite eggs and nymphs. Although spirodiclofen is ineffective against adult mites, it has an inhibitory effect on the egg-laying and hatching rates of female mites.

Advantages of spirodiclofen (148477-71-8)

1. New structure and unique mechanism of action

The active ingredient of the insecticide spirodifenacet is tetrafenacet, and its mechanism of action is to inhibit fat synthesis in the body of harmful mites. It has no cross-resistance with existing acaricides and is suitable for controlling harmful mites that are resistant to existing acaricides.

2. Broad spectrum of killing mites and strong adaptability

The insecticide spirodiclofen has a good control effect against red spider mites, yellow spider mites, rust mites, tea mites, cinnabar spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. It can be used on citrus, grapes and other fruit trees, as well as eggplants, peppers, Mite control on tomatoes and other solanaceous crops. In addition, the mite hazard has a good concurrent control effect on pests such as pear psyllid, elm oyster shield scale and leafhoppers.

3. Kill both eggs and young

The insecticide spirodiclofen has a particularly excellent ovicidal effect and also has a good contact killing effect on young nymphal mites. Although spirodiclofen cannot kill female adult mites quickly, it has a good sterilizing effect on female adult mites. 96% of the eggs laid by female adult mites after being exposed to the drug cannot hatch and die in the late embryonic stage.

4. Long lasting effect

The insecticide spirodiclofen has a long lasting effect. In production, a 5000-fold dilution can control the damage of citrus panonychus mites for 40-50 days. It is resistant to rain erosion after being applied to crop leaves. Moderate rain 2 hours after spraying will not affect the normal performance of the drug.

5. Low toxicity, low residue, good safety

The insecticide spirodiclofen is very safe for crops under different temperature conditions, safe for humans, animals and crops, and has low toxicity. Suitable for pollution-free production.

6. No mutual resistance

The insecticide spirodiclofen can be mixed with most pesticides (except strongly alkaline pesticides and copper preparations) for immediate use. Mixing with existing acaricides can improve the effect of spirodiclofen, especially when combined with penetrating acaricides such as abamectin, which is more conducive to the resistance management of mites.

What pests can spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) kill?

The pesticide spirodiclofen is mainly effective against sucking pests. So what are the sucking pests?

1: aphid; 2: mite; 3: leafhopper; 4: psyllid; 5: whitefly; 6: scale insect; 7: date gall midge; 8: thrips.

If you encounter these pests in the future, just apply spirodiclofen and that’s it!

The advantage of the insecticide spirodiclofen is that it has good efficacy and long duration of effect, but it also has a fatal weakness, that is, it has poor quick-acting properties. Therefore, in most cases, spirodiclofen needs to be compounded with avermectin or biphenyl. Use hydrazine ester as a fast-acting acaricide.

How to use spirodiclofen (148477-71-8)

The insecticide spirodiclofen controls solanaceous vegetable spider mites, yellow mites and red spider mites. In the early stages of the occurrence of harmful mites, spray with 24% suspension 4000~6000 times. When spraying, the pesticide should be sprayed evenly, especially on the backs of leaves and new leaves. The application time should be applied in the early stage of damage by pest mites. The yellow mite is a small pest that often occurs on peppers, eggplants and other vegetables. Its body length is only 0.2 mm. Its body color is not obvious red, but transparent, so it is difficult to observe with the naked eye. The yellow mite has tenderness, and adults and Young mites are concentrated on the young leaves of the plant, or on the tender stems, twigs and young fruits.

spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) application method

1. Spray evenly: The insecticide spirodiclofen controls the eggs, young nymphs and female adult mites through contact killing. It has no systemic properties. Therefore, when the agent is mixed with water and sprayed, the spray should be as uniform as possible to ensure that the liquid is sprayed Apply to the front and back sides of the leaves and the surface of the fruit to maximize its medicinal effect.

2. Application time: The insecticide spirodiclofen controls citrus Panonychus mites. It is recommended to apply it in the early stage of damage by the mites in order to give full play to the long-lasting effect of the mites.

(1) Spring use case 1:

When the damage of red spiders and yellow spiders reaches the control indicator (the number of eggs per leaf reaches 10 or 3-4 nymphs per leaf), use 4000-5000 times uniform spray to control red spiders and yellow spiders for about 50 days. After that, if the population of red spiders and yellow spiders increases again, you can use a one-time acaricide (such as pyridaben, profenate, abamectin, etc.).

(2) Spring use case 2:

For example, when the occurrence of red spiders and yellow spiders reaches the prevention and control indicators earlier, first use 1-2 times of acaricides (such as pyridaben, proclofenac, abamectin, etc.). Around early May, use 400-5000 Spraying twice the liquid once can control red spider mites and yellow spider mites for about 50 days.

(3) Medication in autumn:

In September and October, when the population of red spider mites and yellow spider mites reaches the control indicator, use 4000-5000 times the solution to spray once more or mix it with other pesticides according to the mite damage situation to control the citrus harvest until the garden is cleared in winter.

Frequency of application: Only apply it once during the citrus growing season, and use it in rotation with other acaricides with different acaricidal mechanisms. It can not only effectively prevent and control resistant pest mites, but also reduce the risk of spider mites becoming resistant to mite pests.

spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) Application

The insecticide spirodiclofen is a lipid biosynthesis inhibitor. It inhibits the lipid synthesis of mites, blocks the energy metabolism of mites, and interferes with the growth of mites.

The insecticide spirodiclofen is a highly efficient, low-toxic, broad-spectrum, selective, non-systemic acaricide with contact killing effect. Compared with acaricides that knock down quickly, the effect is significantly slower; compared with chitin insect growth regulator acaricides, the effect is faster. However, spirodiclofen has a long lasting effect and can be used in conjunction with fast-acting acaricides (such as acaricides, fenpropathrin, pyridaben, etc.).

The insecticide spirodiclofen is used to control harmful mites on crops such as citrus, fruit trees, vegetables, cotton, pome fruits, stone fruits, grapes, strawberries, coffee, rubber, hops and nuts, such as Panonychus mites, rust mites, and short-bearded mites. For mites, gall mites and spider mites, the dosage is 96 to 520 g a.i./hm2. Although spirodiclofen is effective against all developmental stages of these mites, it has different effects on each stage. This agent has excellent ovicidal effect and is highly toxic to young nymphal mites. Although it cannot kill female adult mites quickly, it can significantly affect the fecundity of female adult mites and greatly increase the hatchability of eggs laid by treated female adult mites. reduce.

Comparison of competing products of spirodiclofen (148477-71-8)

The pesticides etoxazole and spirodiclofen are both acaricides with a relatively long duration of effect. They are effective against eggs and young nymphal mites, but are ineffective against adult mites, and their duration of effect can reach more than 30 days. The control effect of etoxazole is stable under low temperature conditions. By the end of April and May, it is basically no longer needed, and other acaricides such as spirodiclofen are started to be used. These two acaricides combined with abamectin or auxiliaries have certain synergistic effects, and the effect is better when used in the early stages of mite infestation.

The pesticide etoxazole: mainly controls red spider mites on apples and citrus. It is also very effective against mites such as spider mites, spider mites, panonychus mites, two-spotted spider mites, and cinnabar spider mites on crops such as cotton, flowers, and vegetables. Prevention results.

The pesticide spirodiclofen: has good effects on yellow spiders, yellow tea mites, red spider mites, rust mites, cinnabar spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. It is often used on fruit trees such as grapes and citrus, as well as peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, etc. For mite control of solanaceous crops, spirodiclofen also has good control results against pests such as pear psyllid, elm oyster shield worm and leafhoppers.

The development of resistance is a stubborn enemy that plagues the acaricide market. It is precisely for this reason that there are always new products coming out in the acaricide market. The development of resistance and the introduction of new products are constantly changing the market structure of acaricides. With the expiration of the patent for the upgraded product spirotetramat, one of the "three brothers", the market has gradually opened up. However, the registered crops and application targets of spirotetramat and spirodiclofen overlap, which has affected the market share of spirodiclofen. It may cause considerable impact. It is worth waiting and seeing whether spirodiclofen can continue to provide excellent market performance in the future.

spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) Precautions

1. If the insecticide spirodiclofen is used in the middle and late stages of citrus Panonychus infestation, the number of adult mites affected will already be quite large. Due to the characteristics of killing eggs and young mites, it is recommended to use an acaricide with good sex and short residual effect. The mixed use of agents, such as abamectin, can not only quickly kill adult mites, but also control the recovery of the population of harmful mites for a long time.

2. Considering resistance management, it is recommended that mite hazards be used no more than twice in one growing season (spring, autumn).

3. The main modes of action of mite hazards are contact killing and gastric poisoning, and they are non-systemic. Therefore, the spray should be sprayed evenly on the entire plant, especially on the underside of leaves.

4. It is recommended to avoid using pesticides when fruit trees are in bloom.

Insecticide spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide spirodiclofen will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide spirodiclofen you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide spirodiclofen (148477-71-8) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide spirodiclofen, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.