Abamectin as a pesticide for agricultural use

What is Abamectin Cas 71751-41-2 ?

Abamectin is a widely used insecticide and anthelmintic.Cas 71751-41-2 Abamectin, is a member of the avermectin family and is a natural fermentation product of soil dwelling actinomycete Streptomyces avermitilis. Abamectin comes from the chemical class known as avermectins, also known as nerve poisons. Avermectins are derived from the soil microorganism, Streptomyces avermitilis. These compounds are produced naturally in the soil as an actinomycete fungus.  Of the four separate mixtures of avermectin came abamectin.

Abamectin is active at low rates against a broad range of agricultural, horticultural, and household insects and mites. It is low in toxicity to mammals and breaks down within 24 hours when exposed to light on unprotected surfaces. Abamectin differs from ivermectin, the popular member of the avermectin family, by a double bond between carbons 22 and 25.

 Fermentation of Streptomyces avermitilis yields eight closely related avermectin homologs, with the B1a and B1b forms comprising the majority of the fermentation.The non-proprietary name, abamectin, refers to a mixture of B1a (~80%) and B1b (~20%). Out of all the avermectins, abamectin is the only one that is used both in agriculture and pharmaceuticals.

Abamectin is an insecticide as well as an acaricide (miticide)and a nematicide. It is also used to control fire ants.Abamectin is provided orally to horses for deworming them.

Abamectin Mode of Action Cas 71751-41-2

Avermectins bind to the glutamate-gated chloride channels that are found in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells.They cause hyperpolarization of these cells resulting in paralysis and death.Mammals only possess glutamate-gated chloride channels in the brain and spinal cord and as the avermectins have a low affinity for other mammalian ligand-gated channels and do not usually cross the blood–brain barrier, they are very safe for mammals.

Abamectin works by affecting the nerves of insects through activating the chloride ion conductance mediated by the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In less scientific terms, the Abamectin paralyzes pests by interrupting the nervous system of targeted insects. This causes the insects to stop feeding, eventually starving themselves to death. Abamectin is slow-acting, allowing for pests to carry the active ingredient back to their colony. Cockroaches on the other hand, do not take the pesticide back but the poison is transferred via roach droppings.

What is the use of abamectin insecticide Cas 71751-41-2?

Functions as stomach and contact poison

Control various kinds of phytophagous insects and mites on ornamentals, fruit trees and vegetables Used for the control of red fire ants Disrupts the nervous system of insects. After application, the affected pest becomes paralyzed, stops feeding and dies after a few days.

It gives long-duration protection. Furthermore, it is used to control yellow mites, red mites, red spiders, two-spotted mites, etc. mites on brinjal, chili, tea, cotton, rose, etc crops. It does not mix with other pesticides.

abamectin Insecticide/Miticide is for the control of pest mites on pears, apples, tomatoes, citrus, hops, strawberries and ornamentals, and for the control of pest mites and native budworm

on cotton. After application, Abamectin quickly moves into the leaves where it remains for several weeks and where it is taken up by sucking insects.

Abamectin is not systemic, making good coverage essential.

Abamectin that is not absorbed into the plant is quickly degraded.

How does Abamectin work Cas 71751-41-2?

Abamectin works by targeting the transmissions in the neural and neuromuscular systems of insects. The avermectins (nerve poisons) that are contained within the insecticide stimulate a neural transmitter which causes the break-down of nerve to nerve and nerve to muscle communication. The insect will then become paralyzed, stop eating, and die within 3 to 4 days. Abamectin is a delayed-action insecticide, meaning it is not instant. The benefit of a delayed-action insecticide is it gives the affected insect time to return to the colony and spread the poison through contact or food sharing (ingestion) with the other insects.

Abamectin paralyzes pests by interrupting the nervous system of targeted insects. It is a slow acting pesticide, allowing ants to carry it back to their colony. Roaches do not carry the bait back, but the bait is transferred via feces.

What pests does abamectin target Cas 71751-41-2?

Abamectin can be used to control mites, sucking insects and leaf miners on a wide range of vegetables, fruits, beans and nut crops. Abamectin has limited plant systemic activity. The chemical is taken in by the plant through its roots, stems or leaves.

What is the spray rate for abamectin Cas 71751-41-2

Apply Willowood Abamectin 0.15EC to apple trees by ground application (either conventional dilute or concentrate sprayers) to control listed pests. For use against listed species: • Dilute spray: 2.5 – 5.0 fl. oz / 100 gal – based on a volume of 400 gallons spray per acre • Concentrate spray: 10 – 20 fl.

Abamectin Use Cas 71751-41-2

Abamectin is also used as a veterinary antihelmintic. Resistance to abamectin-based antihelmintics, although a growing problem, is not as common as to other classes of veterinary antihelmintics.[citation needed] The benzoate salt emamectin benzoate is also used as an insecticide. Avermectins have been used to treat various ailments caused by parasites in both humans and animals. Avermectins including abamectin were studied for use as anti alcohol therapies.ivermectin is being studied for use as an anti inflammatory agent.

How effective is abamectin Cas 71751-41-2?

When used as a miticide, Abamectin is very effective because of its residual effect. Repeated applications to plants being damaged by mites may not be necessary because the product creates a protective barrier that will continue to be effective long after application.

Benefits of Abamectin Cas 71751-41-2

Abamectin has shown to kill target insects within 3 to 4 days of contact and achieve a domino effect in killing an entire colony or infestation via the spreading of the poison through contact or food sharing with the other insects in the population.

When used as a miticide, Abamectin is very effective because of its residual effect. Repeated applications to plants being damaged by mites may not be necessary because the product creates a protective barrier that will continue to be effective long after application.

Drawbacks of Abamectin Cas 71751-41-2

Abamectin is not an instant-kill pesticide. It can take 2 to 4 days for a target pest to succumb to the effects of the active ingredient so those looking for a fast resolution may think the product is not working after applying. Patience is a must as Abmectin is effective, but it takes some time to see results.

Avoid using Abamectin when you desire a quicker kill of an insect infestation.

Is Abamectin Safe Cas 71751-41-2 ?

Abamectin is safe to use when applied according to label directions. Abamectin has been carefully evaluated by the EPA for its impact on people and the environment. While Abamectin can be toxic, most products that contain Abamectin in its formulation have low toxicity to where it will not harm people and different warm-blooded creatures, making it safe to handle. Abamectin is generally non-poisonous to birds; be that as it may, it is exceptionally lethal for bees and sea life such as fish so be careful when applying adjacent to where bees are active or near bodies of water

When applied to plants, an Abamectin pesticide do not contaminate or ruin the crops because it is not absorbed by crops. It also quickly lessens in effect because of the sun. It is also safe to use around water systems because the chemical does not leach into groundwater quickly debases when presented to water.

While applying abamectin, it is recommended to always wear protective masks and avoid coming into contact with it via skin. Wash hands thoroughly after use and sit tight for leaves to dry before entering the area of application.

Insecticide Abamectin price Cas 71751-41-2

Normally, the price of the pesticide and Insecticide Abamectin is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and Insecticide Abamectin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide Abamectin supplier Cas 71751-41-2

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Insecticide Abamectin please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.