Ametryn tri azobenzene selective systemic herbicide

What is Ametryn (834-12-8)?

The pesticide Ametryn is a triazobenzene-based selective systemic herbicide. Cas 834-12-8 is a colorless crystal. Solubility in water is 185mg/L (20℃). It can be absorbed through roots and shoots and conducted upward to all parts of the plant, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of isoprene compounds. It hinders the biosynthesis of carotene and chlorophyll in sensitive plants, so that although the plants can germinate and emerge from the soil, they will have no pigment and die in a short period of time.

Ametryn (834-12-8) toxicity

The acute oral LD50 of the herbicide Ametryn in rats is 73mg/kg, the acute dermal LD50 in rabbits is >2000mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LC50 in rats is >4.65mg/L (4h). Slightly irritating to rabbit eyes and skin. Rainbow trout LC503.2mg/L (96h), goldfish LC5014.0mg/L, quail LD5030000mg/kg. Safe for bees.

Ametryn (834-12-8) Chemical Properties

The herbicide Ametryn is a white crystalline solid. m.p.8084℃ (recrystallized in petroleum ether), density 1.19g/m3, vapor pressure 1.12×10-4Pa. The solubility is: acetone 500g/L, methanol 450g/L, toluene 400g/L, water 18.5mg/L. It is stable in slightly acidic or slightly alkaline media and easily hydrolyzed in strong acidic and alkaline media. Non-flammable and non-corrosive.

Mechanism of action of Ametryn (834-12-8)

The pesticide and herbicide Ametryn is a selective systemic herbicide of the triazine class obtained by chemical modification of Ametryn. It kills herbicides quickly and is a typical photosynthesis inhibitor. By inhibiting electron transfer in photosynthesis of sensitive plants, nitrite accumulates in the leaves, causing plant damage and death. Its selectivity is related to differences in plant ecology and biochemical reactions.

Characteristics of Ametryn (834-12-8)

The herbicide Ametryn can be adsorbed by 0-5cm of soil to form a drug layer, so that the weeds will be exposed to the pesticide when they sprout out of the soil, and it has the best control effect on newly germinated weeds. At low concentrations, atramethrin can promote plant growth, that is, it stimulates the growth of shoots and roots, increases leaf area, thickens stems, etc.; at high concentrations, it has a strong inhibitory effect on plants. Ametryn has a wide range of uses and is suitable for controlling annual weeds in sugar cane, citrus, corn, soybean, potato, pea, and carrot fields. At high doses, it can control certain perennial weeds and aquatic weeds, and is widely used.

Ametryn (834-12-8) Product Performance

The herbicide Ametryn is soluble in organic solvents. It hydrolyzes with strong acid and strong alkali to form 6-hydroxy body. It has an inhibitory effect on photosynthesis of plants and is a selective herbicide. It has a rapid weed-killing effect and can be adsorbed by 0-5 cm of soil to form a chemical layer, allowing weeds to contact the chemical when they germinate out of the soil. It is most effective against newly emerged weeds. Used to control annual field weeds such as crabgrass and foxtail grass in corn and sugarcane fields.

Physical and chemical properties of Ametryn (834-12-8)

The herbicide Ametryn is a colorless crystal. Melting point 84~86℃. Vapor pressure 0.112mPa (20℃). The solubility in water at 20°C is 185 mg/L. It is easily soluble in organic solvents, stable in weak acids and weak alkali, and non-corrosive.

Ametryn (834-12-8) preparation specifications

≥97% original drug, 50% (M/V) water suspension, 80%, 50% wettable powder

The herbicide Ametryn preparation is 80% afenazin wettable powder, which is suitable for controlling annual weeds in sugar cane, citrus, corn, soybean, potato, pea, and carrot fields. At high doses, it controls certain perennial weeds and also controls aquatic weeds.

①Spring sugarcane field. After the weeds in the sugarcane field have fully germinated, use 0.13 to 0.2 kg per acre (0.1 to 0.16 kg of active ingredient) and 40 to 50 liters of water, and spray evenly on the stems and leaves of the weeds.

②Sugar cane field in autumn. Use 0.07 to 0.13 kg per acre (0.056 to 0.1 kg of active ingredient) and 40 to 50 liters of water. Spray the weeds at the 3-leaf stage before or after the sugarcane sprouts.

Other crops can be used for pre-emergence soil treatment after crop sowing, or post-emergence stem and leaf treatment.

Ametryn (834-12-8) uses

The pesticide Ametryn is a selective systemic herbicide. It is a typical photosynthesis inhibitor. Used to control annual weeds in sugar cane, citrus, corn, soybean, potato, pea, and carrot fields. High doses can control certain perennial weeds and also control aquatic weeds. For use in spring sugarcane fields, use 80% wettable powder 1.95~3kg/hm2 (active ingredient 1.56~2.4kg) and spray 600~750kg water on stems and leaves. For use in autumn sugarcane fields, use 80% wettable powder 1.05~1.95kg/hm2 (active ingredient 0.84~1.56kg) and spray 600~750kg water at the 3-leaf stage of weeds. Other crops can be used as post-sowing, pre-emergence soil treatment or post-emergence stem and leaf treatment. Atrafenac can promote plant growth at low concentrations, stimulate the growth of young shoots and roots, increase leaf area, thicken stems, etc. But at high concentrations, it will have a strong inhibitory effect on plants.

Atrafenac is a selective herbicide, used before and after emergence, to control broadleaf and gramineous weeds in bananas, citrus, coffee, cocoa, corn, oil palm, pineapple, sugar cane, tea, potatoes and non-arable land.

Used to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in bananas, citrus, coffee, sugar cane, tea and non-cultivated lands.

Ametryn scope of Ametryn (834-12-8)

The herbicide Ametryn is a selective systemic herbicide. It kills herbicides quickly and is a typical photosynthesis inhibitor. By inhibiting photosynthetic electron transfer, nitrite accumulates in the leaves, causing plant damage and death; its selectivity is related to differences in plant ecology and biochemical reactions, and it is best for the control of newly germinated weeds. It can be adsorbed by 0-5 cm of soil to form a drug layer, so that when weeds germinate and come into contact with the drug, Ametryn can promote plant growth at low concentrations, that is, it stimulates the growth of young shoots and roots, and promotes the increase of leaf area. Thickening of stems, etc.; at high concentrations, it has a strong inhibitory effect on plants. Atramethrin is suitable for controlling annual weeds in sugar cane, citrus, corn, soybean, potato, pea, and carrot fields. High doses can control certain perennial weeds and also control aquatic weeds.

Ametryn (834-12-8) technology

1. In sugarcane fields, 130 to 200 grams of 80% atramethrin (104 to 160 grams of active ingredient) should be used per acre after sowing and before emergence of sugarcane. If the soil is heavy and sticky, use a high dosage; if the soil is loose, use a low dosage. The spray volume is 40 to 60 liters per mu. Post-emergence Ametrynis at the 3-4 leaf stage of sugarcane. The best Ametrynperiod is when most weeds are out and the weeds are 10 to 20 centimeters tall. The spray volume is 30 to 50 liters per mu. Although Ametryn is safe for sugarcane with more than 4 leaves, direct spraying should be avoided as much as possible. Aim the post-emergence spray nozzle at the ridge and furrow, and lower the nozzle for directional spraying. In sugarcane fields where barnyard grass, stephanotis, red thistle, field bindweed, spinach and bermudagrass cause serious damage, it is best to use pre-emergence spraying. Mixing Ametryn with dichloride or 2-methyl-4-chloride can expand the herbicidal spectrum and improve the efficacy. Use 70 to 80 grams of Ametryn per acre (active ingredient 56 to 64 grams) plus 80% diclofenac 70 ~80g (active ingredient 56~64g), or 56% 2-methyl-4-chloride 50g (active ingredient 28g). When applying pesticides after emergence, adding 0.5% surfactant to the liquid is beneficial to the effectiveness of the drug.

2. In pineapple fields, pre-emergent pesticides should be used on weeds after harvesting or before planting. Use 130-260 grams of 80% Ametryn wettable powder per acre (104-208 grams of active ingredient), add 30-50 liters of water and spray.

If sprayed once every 1 to 2 months, the dosage is 1/4 or 1/2 of the conventional amount (260 grams/acre). Directional spraying can keep the field free of weeds.

3. In banana fields, apply pesticides before and after seedlings when transplanting or at other times. Use 75 to 330 grams of 80% Ametryn wettable powder per acre (60 to 264 grams of active ingredient), and add 30 to 50 liters of water to spray. The interval between repeated applications is 3 to 4 months. The maximum pesticide Ametrynrate in a year is 1.7 kilograms per mu (1360 grams of active ingredient).

4. Potato fields Atramethrin can be used as a desiccant on mature potato vines. Generally, 70 to 150 grams of 80% Ametryn wettable powder (56 to 120 grams of active ingredient) and 66 liters of spray liquid are used per mu. Be careful and thoughtful when spraying. Drying time is 10 to 14 days. Drying time required increases at low temperatures. At the same time, it can also control weeds in the seedling stage in the field.

The liquid preparation adopts the secondary dilution method. First pour the required amount of medicine into the container, add a small amount of water and stir it into a paste. Slowly pour the paste into a medicine box containing a certain amount of water, stirring while pouring, and then add water to the required amount.

In order to increase the activity of achloride, rainfall and irrigation are key, so pesticides should be applied during the rainy season or before irrigation.

Ametryn (834-12-8) compound

Atrachloride·acetochlor: 40% acetochlor and acetochlor are used for pre-emergence weeding after sowing in summer corn fields. It has ideal control effect, and the control effect is obviously better than that of a single agent. The agent can be promoted and applied in production. It is recommended 667m2 dosage: 250-300ml, add 50kg of water, spray on the ground after sowing and before seedlings. When spraying, the soil surface should be leveled, the soil should be moist, and the spray should be even.

Ametryn and clopyrazolin: Ametryn and clopyrazofuron are compounded in a ratio within the combination range of (16-25): 1, showing obvious synergistic effects. After determining that the total content of the preparation is 30%, the content of chlorpyrazosulfuron + atramethrin = 1.5% + 28.5% is more appropriate.

Sodium dimethyl tetrachloride and Ametryn: 48% sodium tetrachloride and Ametryn WP has good control effect on weeds in sugarcane fields. Compared with 56% sodium dimethyl tetrachloride WP and 80% Ametryn WP alone, 48% sodium dimethyl tetrachloride·Ametryn WP broadens the herbicidal spectrum, improves the control effect, and has a good overall control effect. Safe for sugar cane.

Mesotrione·Ametryn: The suitable promotion dosage of 75% mesotrione·Ametryn wettable powder is 562.50~675.00g a.i./hm2. It can be applied once during the seedling stage of sugarcane to effectively control sugarcane fields. It is a monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous and broad-leaf weed and is safe for the growth of sugarcane plants.

Oxyfluorfen·Atrafenac: Oxyfluorfen is a diphenyl ether herbicide. It is mainly used for pre-emergence soil treatment and has high control effect on annual broadleaf grasses, sedges and grasses. Among them, The control effect on broadleaf grass is higher than that of grass. Use oxyfluorfen and Ametryn (38% suspension) to control annual weeds in apple orchards. It is safe for apple trees. The optimal dosage is 1140~1425g/hm2.

2-Methyl 4 chloride·Atramethonium·Diuron: 55% 2-Methyl 4 chloride·Atramethonium·Diuron wettable powder has quick effect on the control of weeds in sugarcane fields, high comprehensive control effect and long lasting effect. It kills grasses with a broad spectrum. The recommended dosage for production is 1237.5~1732.5g/hm2 of active ingredients.

First aid for Ametryn (834-12-8) poisoning

Wear a mask and gloves when applying the herbicide Ametryn. If the medicine splashes on your skin or clothing, wash it with soap and water; if you accidentally take it, send it to the hospital for symptomatic treatment immediately.

The appearance of the preparation is bright brown powder, density 0.28-0.35 g/cm3, pH 6-9, moisture content ≤0.1%, wetting time no more than 1 minute, and storage stability at room temperature for more than 2 years.

Ametryn is a low-toxic herbicide. The acute oral LD of the original drug in rats is 50673 mg/kg. The acute percutaneous exposure in rabbits is greater than 2000 mg/kg; it is slightly irritating to rabbit skin but not irritating to eyes. No-effect dose after two years of feeding: 1000 mg/kg of feed for rats (67 mg/kg/day); 1000 mg/kg of feed for dogs (33 mg/kg/day).

Herbicide Ametryn formulations have low toxicity to mammals, birds and fish. Rat acute oral LD501313 mg/kg. The acute percutaneous LD50 in rabbits is greater than 2000 mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LC50 in rabbits is greater than 4.85 mg/L. Mild irritation to eyes and skin.

Herbicide Ametryn Preparation 80% Ametryn Wettable Powder

Characteristics of action: Atramethrin is absorbed through plant roots, stems and leaves. Spraying the medicinal solution onto the plants and being quickly absorbed by the leaves can prevent the stems and leaves from being wetted by rain after Ametrynand reducing the efficacy of the medicinal product. After the plant absorbs Ametryn, it is conducted upward and concentrated in the plant apical meristem, inhibiting electron transfer in photosynthesis of sensitive plants, leading to the accumulation of nitrite in the leaves, achieving the purpose of weeding. Non-sensitive plants can degrade Ametryn. Validity period is about 40 days.

Suitable for crops such as corn, sugar cane, pineapple, banana, cotton, citrus, etc.

The difference between Ametryn (834-12-8) and Atrazine

Ametryn: selective systemic herbicide. It kills herbicides quickly and is a typical photosynthesis inhibitor. By inhibiting photosynthetic electron transfer, nitrite accumulates in the leaves, causing plant damage and death; its selectivity is related to differences in plant ecology and biochemical reactions, and it is best for the control of newly germinated weeds. It can be adsorbed by 0-5 cm of soil to form a drug layer, so that when weeds germinate and come into contact with the drug, Ametryn can promote plant growth at low concentrations, that is, it stimulates the growth of young shoots and roots, and promotes the increase of leaf area. Thickening of stems, etc.; at high concentrations, it has a strong inhibitory effect on plants. Atramethrin is suitable for controlling annual weeds in sugar cane, citrus, corn, soybean, potato, pea, and carrot fields. High doses can control certain perennial weeds and also control aquatic weeds.

Atrazine: It is a selective systemic pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. Mainly absorbed by roots, very little is absorbed by stems and leaves. It is quickly transmitted to plant meristems and leaves, interfering with photosynthesis and killing weeds. In resistant crops such as corn, it is decomposed by zeinase into non-toxic substances, so it is safe for crops. Herbicidal effect and selectivity: Similar to simazine, it is easily leached by rainwater to deeper layers, causing it to inhibit some deep-rooted weeds. It can be decomposed by microorganisms in the soil, and the residual effect period can be as long as about half a year, depending on the dosage, soil texture and other factors.

Ametryn (834-12-8) Precautions

1. When applying pesticides, pesticides should be prevented from drifting to adjacent crops.

2. Sandy soil with low organic matter content is not suitable for use.

3. In plots that have been treated with Ametryn, crops sensitive to Ametryn cannot be planted within one year.

4. This product should be stored in a cool, dry place. Stay away from chemical fertilizers, other pesticides, seeds, food, and feed.

5. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

6. This product is used for pre-emergence soil spray treatment and can be used at most once per season.

7. This product cannot be mixed with other pesticides without testing.

8. Wear necessary protective gear when applying pesticides, try to avoid skin contact with pesticides, apply with the wind, avoid applying with the wind, wash your face, hands and exposed skin and clothing with soap after applying, do not smoke or smoke when applying pesticides diet.

9. The leftover liquid should be properly disposed of after use, and it is prohibited to pour it into the pond to avoid affecting the water source and fish.

Herbicide Ametryn (834-12-8) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide Ametryn will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide Ametryn you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide Ametryn (834-12-8) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide herbicide Ametryn, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.