An article explaining in detail the excellent systemic herbicide clethodim

What is clethodim (99129-21-2)?

Clethodim is a cyclohexenone herbicide. Clethodim belongs to the genus Clethodim, and its chemical name is 2-{1-[(3_chloro-2-allyl)oxy]iminopropyl}-5-[2-(ethylthio)propyl] -3-Hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one, Cas 99129-21-2 is a broad-spectrum post-emergence herbicide for the control of grass weeds in broadleaf crops. It has a strong killing effect on a variety of annual and perennial weeds. It is mainly suitable for farmland weeding of more than 40 kinds of crops such as soybeans, flax, tobacco, and watermelon. It can control more than 30 kinds of grass weeds such as barnyardgrass.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) mechanism of action

The herbicide clethodim is a systemic conductive stem and leaf treatment agent. After stem and leaf treatment, it is quickly absorbed through the leaves and transmitted to the meristem and roots, destroying cell division and inhibiting the activity of the plant meristem. The plants will become chlorotic and necrotic within 1-3 weeks of treatment, and then the leaves will dry up and die. The half-life of clethodim in soil is 3-26 days, and its duration is short and has no impact on subsequent crops.

Physicochemical properties of clethodim (99129-21-2)

The original drug of clethodim is a light yellow, odorless and viscous liquid that decomposes when heated to the boiling point. The pure product is a transparent, amber liquid, which decomposes at the boiling point, with a flash point of 28°C and a specific gravity of 1.14 (20°C). Soluble in most organic solvents such as methanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, toluene, octanol, xylene, and olive oil. It is unstable under ultraviolet light, high temperature, strong acid and strong alkali conditions. The half-life of the original drug is 0.7 months. The decomposition rate of the active ingredients after one year of storage in a glass container at 21°C is less than 1%. The half-life of the original drug in soil is 3 to 26 days.

Toxicity: Clethodim is a low-toxic herbicide. The acute oral LD50 of the original drug is 1 630 (male) and 2 430 mg/kg (female) in rats, the acute dermal LD50 in rabbits is > 5 000 mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LD50 is > 6.03 ~ 6.28 mg/kg. This product is non-irritating to rabbit eyes and skin, has no sensitizing effect on guinea pig skin, and has no teratogenic effect. LC50 (96 h) for rainbow trout is 67 g/mL and non-toxic to bees.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) Properties

The herbicide clethodim technical product is an amber transparent liquid. Relative density 1.15 (20℃), vapor pressure 1.3×10-5 Pa (20℃), soluble in a variety of organic solvents, unstable to light.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) effect

The herbicide clethodim is mainly suitable for farmland weeding of more than 40 kinds of crops such as soybeans, flax, tobacco, and watermelon, and can control more than 30 kinds of grass weeds such as barnyardgrass. This herbicide is a systemic conductive stem and leaf treatment agent. After stem and leaf treatment, it is rapidly absorbed through the leaves and transmitted to the meristem and roots, destroying cell division and inhibiting the activity of the plant meristem. After 1 application, The plants become chlorotic and necrotic within ~3 weeks, and then the leaves dry up and die. The half-life of clethodim in soil is 3 to 26 days, and its duration is short and has no impact on subsequent crops. Its mechanism of action is the same as that of sethoxypropyl, sperflufenofop, and quizalofop, all of which are acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors.

Characteristics of clethodim (99129-21-2)

(1) The cost of the original drug is low and the product activity is high: Clethodim is completely different from aryloxypropionic acid herbicides such as quizalofop, flufenofop, and flufenofop, but their structures are completely different. The mechanism of action is the same, both are ACCase inhibitors. Especially in the application of soybean fields, clethodim plays a decisive role. The use of clethodim has the advantages of high activity, broad herbicidal spectrum and safety of flumefenofop. Low cost of pyrimethofop.

(2) Broad control spectrum: It can be used on a series of broad-leaf crops in dry fields, such as soybeans, rape, cotton, peanuts, flax, tobacco, watermelon and more than 40 kinds of annual and perennial weeds in dry fields, vegetables and fruit trees, such as barnyardgrass. , crabgrass, setaria, goosegrass, wild oats, wild lilies, bromegrass, bermudagrass, paspalum, wild sorghum and other weeds, but has little or no activity against broadleaf weeds and sedges.

(3) It has good systemic and osmotic transferability: after application, it can be quickly absorbed by the weed stems and leaves, and quickly penetrates and conducts to the root system and plant growth points, destroying the meristematic tissue of the weed, causing it to be The growth of treated weeds is inhibited and they lose competition for new crops. Weed control is crucial at this time, so that crops such as soybeans, rapeseed, cotton, watermelon and peanuts have sufficient ability to compete with weeds for nutrients, light, etc.

(4) High selectivity: Broad-leaf crops such as corn, soybeans, rapeseed, cotton, watermelon, melon, etc. are extremely resistant to clethodim throughout the growth period, and the application dosage reaches the recommended dosage of 8 times, it is safe for crop leaves.

(5) Good rain resistance and long duration of effect: the active ingredients are absorbed within 1 to 3 hours after application, and subsequent rainfall does not reduce its herbicidal activity; the onset of herbicidal activity in young tissues can be observed 7 days after application Chlorosis and necrosis occur, and then the remaining leaves shrink and wither. The duration of the effect of the pesticide can be as long as 30 to 60 days.

(6) Safety for subsequent crops and the environment: The half-life of clethodim in the soil is very short, and it is easily decomposed into safe substances in the soil, so it is very safe for subsequent crops and the environment.

(7) Low temperature resistance and little external influence: It is resistant to low temperature and can normally exert its efficacy above 2℃. However, when the temperature is too low, the weed killing speed will be slow and the control effect will decrease. For example, when using 120 g/L clethodim EC at the 3-leaf stage, 100 mL/mu, and adding 30 kg of water for spraying (the dosage is larger, and the amount of water added is sufficient), it should have a good control effect. The reason why the grass did not die was that the temperature after application was low and the action was slow. Weeds absorb pesticides through the leaves. Under low temperature conditions, the stomata will close and the cuticle will thicken, which is not conducive to the absorption of pesticides by weeds. Therefore, the low temperature after applying clethodim will affect the weeding effect.

Clethodim agent can be applied when the relative air humidity is greater than 65%. Rainfall will not affect the efficacy of the agent 1 hour after application. Choose to apply pesticides in the morning and evening in summer, and choose sunny days at noon in winter to facilitate the absorption and effectiveness of the pesticide. However, when the temperature is too high in summer when pesticides are applied, it will also cause the stomata of the weeds to close, resulting in slow absorption, or the sprayed pesticides will easily evaporate, affecting the effectiveness of the pesticides. When used on broadleaf crops, the pesticide should be avoided from drifting to the grass crop fields, otherwise phytotoxicity will easily occur.

Mixing clethodim with glyphosate and other biocidal herbicides has a good effect: As weeds continue to develop resistance to glyphosate, mixing clethodim with glyphosate can be used as a method to deal with and A means to combat glyphosate resistance. For example, in the domestic melon, bean and eggplant working areas, the prevention and control of goosegrass has become a problem. Because goosegrass is a malignant gramineous weed with a well-developed and deep root system, and particularly strong drought tolerance and growth ability, glycerin is generally used. Due to the large amount and long-term use of glyphosate, resistance has developed and the control effect is poor. Because clethodim has special effects on controlling grassweed in the Gramineae family, its effect lasts for more than 40 days. At this time, the mixed spraying of clethodim and glyphosate (or glufosinate-ammonium) has almost become a "special effect weapon" to control cowgrass, and the effect is very good.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) use objects

The herbicide clethodim is suitable for use in broad-leaf fields such as soybeans, rape, tobacco, cotton, peanuts, flax, etc. It can control barnyard grass, hard grass, crabgrass, wild oats, wheatgrass, setaria, goosegrass, bluegrass, etc. Graminous weeds. Clethodim is a new upland post-emergence herbicide with excellent selectivity. After application, it can be quickly absorbed by the stems and leaves of grass weeds and transmitted to the stem tips and meristems, inhibiting the activity of the meristems. Disrupting cell division, ultimately causing weed death.

How to use clethodim (99129-21-2)

Use the herbicide clethodim to control weeds in rape fields. The ideal application period is when the weeds are basically all out, in the 3 to 5 leaf stage and growing vigorously. At this time, the liquid is easily sprayed on the weed leaves, and the weeds absorb and transmit it. It is also fast and can effectively control most grass weeds in one application. According to tests, when the drug was applied to weeds at the 4-5 leaf stage, the weed leaves turned obviously yellow 3 days after the application, the bases of the heart leaves turned black 7 days after the application, and most of the weeds died 21 days after the application. When applying pesticides to weeds below the 3-leaf stage and above the 5-leaf stage, the effect of the drug is only 5 days and 7 days after the application, respectively. The former has almost no effect 21 days after the application, and the latter has obvious leaf yellowing.

The reason why the application of clethodim has poor control effect before the 3-leaf stage and after the 5-leaf stage of weeds is mainly because the weeds above the 5-leaf stage are older, have increased drug resistance, and reduce the control effect; the weeds at the 3-leaf stage The front leaves are upright, the inner leaves are less exposed, and the amount of pesticide is small. Although some weeds can be removed after application, there are still weeds emerging behind.

Clethodim is a stem and leaf treatment agent and has no soil sealing effect. Clethodim can be used to kill weeds in the 2-leaf stage of rapeseed. However, the weeds are not fully emerged at this time. There are still weeds unearthed after application, and it is necessary to use the drug again to control the unearthed weeds. , medication costs increase.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) uses

Clethodim can be used as a post-emergence herbicide, a stem and leaf treatment agent with high selectivity and systemic conduction. Used to control a variety of annual and multiple grass weeds. Annual grass weeds should be sprayed at the 3- to 5-leaf stage, and perennial grass weeds should be sprayed after the leaves are divided. For example, in plantations such as soybeans, peanuts, rapeseed, cotton, flax, tobacco, various broad-leaf vegetables, grapes, citrus, apples, etc., pesticides can be applied from the second leaf to the tillering stage of gramineous weeds. It is used to control annual grass weeds such as barnyard grass, wild oats, foxtail grass, crabgrass, burdock grass, barnyard grass, barnyard grass, stephanotis and other annual grass weeds. Appropriately increasing the dosage can control perennial weeds such as Imperata, Arabian sorghum, and bermudagrass. and some highly resistant annual grass weeds. For weeding in soybean fields, use 24% EC 408-600mL/hm2 and spray it on the water, stems and leaves. If the medication is used during non-optimal application period, the frequency of application or the dosage of medication needs to be increased.

Selective herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass weeds

Methods to improve the stability of clethodim (99129-21-2)

The herbicide clethodim is a method for improving the stability of clethodim, which is characterized in that: the method reacts clethodim and amine compounds in an organic solvent at a temperature of 0°C to 30°C to generate clethodim. Amine salt, and then stored in the form of clethodim amine salt, the amine compound is ammonia, a primary amine, a secondary amine or a secondary amine compound (I) is clethodim; the compound of formula (II) is the Clethodim amine salt, M represents an amine compound; the amine compound is one or more of methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine, isopropylamine, butylamine and isobutylamine.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) field control effect

1 The herbicidal activity of the herbicide clethodim is significantly higher than that of 12.5% clethodim engine oil emulsifiable concentrate. The ED90 of the two against barnyardgrass is 36.2 (active ingredient) and 72.8 g/hm2 (active ingredient) respectively, and the ED90 for soybeans, cotton, and peanuts is , rapeseed and other broad-leaf crops are highly safe. The best application period for clethodim is at the 2- to 5-leaf stage of grass weeds; clethodim has better resistance to rain erosion, and is significantly better than clethodim; different types of grass weeds are resistant to clethodim Ketone sensitivities are different, among which ryegrass is the most sensitive to clethodim, wild oat is more sensitive, barnyardgrass is moderately sensitive, and green foxtail, crabgrass, goosegrass, and wheatgrass are slightly less sensitive. Multi-site field test results show that clethodim has good control effects on major grassy weeds such as barnyardgrass, setaria, wheatgrass, and bluegrass that occur in soybean and rape fields.

2 Herbicide Clethodim Flax is a flat-sown honey crop, and weeds are more serious. The effect of using pesticides to control weeds will directly affect the yield and quality of flax. The dosage of 24% clethodim EC is 450-600 mL/hm2, which has good control effect on gramineous weeds. The yields of flax raw stems, seeds and fibers increased by 35.77%-45.76% and 21.82%-21.82% respectively compared with the blank control. 28.20%, 47.42%~50.65%. Clethodim has special effects on resistant weeds such as foxtail grass, crabgrass, wild millet, and alkali grass. It is safe for flax crops when used within a certain range.

3. Fifteen days after the herbicide clethodim was applied with 22.5% high-efficiency flufenopyop-clethodim EC, due to the continued low temperature, the weeds in the field did not show obvious reaction symptoms. 30 days after treatment, the Japanese Kanmainiang in each treatment showed obvious reaction symptoms, the leaves turned yellow and had begun to die. 45 days after treatment, the Japanese kangaroos in each treatment generally died, showing good long-lasting efficacy. At 4 different concentrations, the plant control efficiencies against Amaranthus japonica were 91.4%, 93.6%, 96.6%, and 98.1% respectively, and the fresh weight control efficiencies were 93.7%, 95.3%, 97.5%, and 98.7% respectively. The control efficacies of the control agents 12% clethodim EC and 10.8% flumefenofop EC were 95.2% and 94.7% respectively, and the fresh weight control efficiencies were 96.4% and 96.1% respectively. The growth and development of rapeseed were observed at 5, 15, 30, and 45 days after treatment with 22.5% fluopyfenop-ethyl·clethodim EC. No symptoms of phytotoxicity appeared. The growth was better than that of rapeseed in the blank control area, and it was also harmful to the surrounding environment. No adverse effects. The yield measurement results show that: at each treatment dose of 22.5% fluopyfen-ethyl-clethodim EC, the yield increases were 10.8%, 13.7%, 16.3%, and 18.2% respectively. The control agents 12% clethodim EC and The production increases of 10.8% fluopyfenethofop EC were 13.6% and 13.2% respectively.

4. The herbicide clethodim was treated with 24% clethodim EC at dosages of 300, 375, 450, and 525 mL/hm2. 30 days after application, the plant control effect on field gramineous weeds on eggplant was 89.5% to 92.9 %, the control effect on green foxtail, crabgrass and goosegrass is all over 85%, and as the dosage increases, the control effect on gramineous weeds also increases. The control efficiencies of the control agents 15% clethodop-ethyl EC with a treatment volume of 750 mL/hm2 and 10.8% clethodop-ethyl EC were 84.2% and 83.2% respectively, indicating that the lowest dose of 24% clethodim EC The control effect of the treatment on gramineous weeds was significantly better than that of the control chemical treatment. 24% clethodim emulsifiable concentrate is used in pepper fields and has the same situation as eggplant fields.

At 60 days after application, the control effect of grass weeds on eggplant fields was improved compared with 30 days after application, from 89.5% to 92.9% in the eggplant field to 90.2% to 94.9%; in the pepper field from 88.4% %92.9% increased to 90.5%94.7%, indicating that the duration of effect of 24% clethodim EC is more than 60 days. The control effect of the control agent 15% flufenopopop-ethyl EC dropped from 84.2% to 76.4% 30 days after treatment in the eggplant field. 83.2% increased to 84.9%. It shows that the effect of 24% clethodim EC in controlling gramineous weeds in solanaceous vegetable fields is better than that of 15% flufenopopop EC and 10.8% flufenopopop EC, and its effect period is long. Several treatments of the test chemicals were safe for eggplants and peppers, and no symptoms of phytotoxicity were observed.

5. 20 days after the herbicide clethodim was applied with 240 g/L clethodim EC, each dose of the agent showed good control effect on crabgrass and goosegrass, 20, 30, 40, 60 g/ The control effects per mu of plants were 94.6%, 96.7%, 98.6%, 100% and 94.1%, 95.8%, 97.3%, 100% respectively; it also had good control effects on barnyardgrass, 95.3% to 100%; the control agent was 5% Quizalofop EC 60 g/mu plant also has good control effects, which are 95.0%, 94.6% and 96.0% respectively. The process safety observation shows that the agent is safe for soybeans, with no symptoms of phytotoxicity found and no impact on non-target organisms.

6. 30 days after the herbicide clethodim was applied with 120 g/L clethodim EC at different concentrations, the control effects of this agent on crabgrass in each treatment were 93.3%, 97.7%, 100%, 100%, and 100% respectively; The control efficiencies against green foxtail are 92.0%, 96.2%, 100%, 100%, and 100% respectively; the comprehensive control efficiencies are 92.9%, 97.1%, 100%, 100%, and 100% respectively; compared with the control agent 5% Quizalofop The microemulsion dosage of 70 mL/acre has 100% control effect on crabgrass, setaria, and comprehensive fresh weight, and the difference between the two is not obvious. This agent treats the stems and leaves of cotton fields, has good control effect on annual grass weeds, has a long-lasting effect, and has no adverse effects on the early growth and later flowering of cotton.

7 The herbicide clethodim applied with 20% clopyralid, clopyralid, and clethodim dispersible oil suspension has a significant effect in controlling weeds in rape fields. Both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds have good control effects, and the total grass fresh weight control effect can reach 88.7% to 98.0%, which is significantly better than the two control agents. After weed control, the consumption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and water by weeds in the field is significantly reduced, and the light, water and fertilizer conditions in the field are effectively improved. The yield of rapeseed treated with 20% clopyralid, clopyralid, and clethodim dispersible oil suspension reached 2 626.26 to 2 836.26 kg/hm2, with a significant yield increase effect. The yield increased by 18.2% to 27.9% compared with the blank control, and the income increased. 2 173.53 307.5 yuan/hm2. The recommended dosage of 20% clopyralid, clopyralid, and clethodim dispersible oil suspension is 225 to 300 g/hm2 of active ingredients. This agent has good application prospects in controlling weeds in rape fields.

8. The herbicide clethodim is used to increase the selectivity of herbicide types for controlling sunflower grass weeds, facilitate the alternate use of chemicals, delay the development of weed resistance, and extend the service life of the herbicide. Apply 240 g/L Clethodim EC at a dose of 45 to 100 mL/acre, and add an equal amount of Amigo additive to each treatment. During the growth period of the sunflower, spray the stems and leaves of 3 to 6 leaves of weeds to control them. Field trials of grass weeds. The test results show that each treatment with a single dose of the test agent has very good quick-acting, long-lasting effect and control effect on the annual grass weed barnyard grass. The control effect at 15 and 35 days after treatment is stable at more than 94.3%, and is consistent with 10.8 The control effects of the two control agents, % picofopop-fluoride EC and 10% quizalofop-op EC, were equivalent; for perennial reeds, the fresh weight control effect 35 days after application was 56.9% to 76.5%, which was not as good as the control agent 10.8% picofop-fluoride EC. The control effects of the treatments with pyrimethofop EC and 10% quizalofop EC were 88.9% and 91.6%, respectively. However, the control effect of 240 g/L Shuletong EC was significantly improved after adding the same amount of Amigo additives to each treatment. The fresh weight control effect of reed 35 days after treatment was 55.8% to 98.9%, among which 240 g/L Shuletong EC was 80 and 100 mL/acre, the control effects of the two groups of treatments were both above 93%, which was better than the two control agents and was safe for sunflowers.

9 The herbicide clethodim was evaluated with 28% fomesafen·clethodim EC on weeds in mung bean and red bean fields, its herbicidal spectrum and crop growth safety. 15 days after application, the control effect on the number of plants of various weeds was 78.2% to 100%; 30 days after application, the control effect on the number of plants was 77.6% to 95.9%, and the total fresh weight control effect was 89.3% to 97.4%. After application of the pesticide, leaf spots appear on some of the mung bean and red adzuki bean treated leaves, which can recover later and have no impact on yield. The appropriate dosage of 28% fomesafen·clethodim EC in mung bean and red bean fields in Jilin Province should be 294.0-357.0 g a.i./hm2, and the water volume is 375 L/hm2; the 1-3 compound leaf stage of mung beans and red bean is The best time to use this herbicide.

10 The herbicide clethodim was treated with 240g/L clethodim EC 180, 240, 300 mL/hm2, 600 mL/hm2 + 0.125%, and the control effect on gramineous weeds in onion fields reached 89.7% to 100%; 240 g/L clethodim EC 160 mL/hm2 + 0.2% TM-4 special auxiliary treatment, the control effect on the number and fresh weight of grass weeds in onion fields reaches 87.0% to 99.5%; 240 g/L clethodim EC 160 mL/hm2 + 0.05% Litou special additive has no control effect on the number of grass weeds, and the fresh weight control effect is only 72.5% and 78.7%. Each treatment has a certain yield-increasing effect. It shows that different additives added to 240 g/L clethodim EC have different control effects on gramineous weeds. Adding Amigo special additive is the best, followed by TM-4 special additive, and the worst is Lito special additive. Additives. The recommended optimal application dosage range is 240 g/L clethodim EC 240300 mL/hm2 + 0.125% Amigo special additive and 240 g/L clethodim EC 240 mL/hm2, 300 mL/hm2 + 0.2 % TM-4 special additive treatment. The appropriate period for pesticide application is the 4-5 leaf stage of onion seedlings after transplantation, and the 3-5 leaf stage of grass weeds such as barnyardgrass and wild millet. The pesticide application method is spraying on the stems and leaves of onion seedlings.

Clethodim (99129-21-2) Precautions

1. It is crucial to know the right time for pesticide application. It shows that the leaves of weeds in the 4-5 leaf stage when clethodim is applied will turn obviously yellow 3 days after application, and the core leaves will be easily pulled out at 7 days, and the base will turn black. Most of them died after 21 days. When applying pesticides, it takes 5 days and 7 days for weeds below the 3-leaf stage and above the 5-leaf stage to see a slight effect. At 21 days, the former showed almost no effect, while the leaves of the latter showed obvious yellowing. The reason we analyzed is that the grass age is too old, and the resistance to pesticides increases and it is difficult to control; before the three-leaf stage of weeds, the leaves are upright, the core leaves are less exposed, and the amount of pesticides is less, and at this time, there are still a considerable number of weeds that have not yet grown. Unearthed. Clethodim is a stem and leaf herbicide and has no pre-emergent blocking effect on weeds. The weeds that emerge after application will cover up the control effect of clethodim. Apply the pesticide when the grass is in the 3-5 leaf stage and is growing vigorously. At this time, the pesticide is easy to spray onto the weed leaves, and the weeds absorb and conduct it quickly. One application can effectively control most grass weeds.

2. Pay attention to the impact of climate conditions on the efficacy of the medicine. Weeds absorb pesticides through the stomata and cuticle of the leaves. Under conditions such as drought, high temperature, and low temperature, the stomata close in large numbers and the cuticle thickens, which is not conducive to the absorption of pesticides by weeds. The relative humidity of the air should be above 65%. Spray in the morning and evening in summer, and at noon on sunny days in winter, which is conducive to the absorption and effectiveness of the agent. In early July, when we were testing summer soybean fields in Hebei, the temperature was as high as 35°C. We sprayed the pesticides at the regular dosage. After 7 days, only some wheat seedlings (the previous crop of soybean fields were wheat) showed leaf tip withering and yellowing. Later that day, when the temperature dropped to 26 The effect after spraying is obvious at ℃. If the temperature is too high, the stomata of the weeds will close, resulting in slow absorption. In addition, the pesticides sprayed on the leaves will evaporate quickly, and the efficacy will not be effective.

3. Weed growth and efficacy. We sprayed clethodim on clethodim in rapeseed fields in Hubei and Anhui at the same time in mid-November. The former had obvious control effect two weeks later, while the latter only showed obvious effect one month after application. We discussed and compared the temperature, relative humidity, rapeseed and weed growth data and photos recorded in the two places at that time, and found that there is a little difference between the two places. At that time, the wheat nuggets in the two places were basically at the 3- to 5-leaf stage and about 12cm tall. However, the leaves of Kanmainiang from Hubei are yellowish, with loose, soft leaves and exposed core leaves. The leaves of Kanmainiang from Anhui are dark green and upright. We believe that in addition to the fact that the medicinal solution is easy to roll off and difficult to stick to the upright leaves, the cuticle of the leaves is also thick, which affects the absorption speed of the medicinal solution by the leaves. Therefore, when controlling such weeds, pay attention to the spray effect and be sure to spray evenly and thoroughly.

4. Pesticide application technology. With a good sprayer, the droplets of the sprayed liquid are small and easy to stick to the leaves without rolling off, thus improving the absorption and utilization rate of the pesticide by weeds. We have confirmed this by comparing Shandong Guards brand sprayers with ordinary sprayers. After spraying with a good sprayer, you can see a dense layer of small droplets adhering to the leaves of the weeds.

5. Differences in farming methods. After the previous crop has been harvested, hard sowing, or plowing has been rough, and large soil clods can be seen in the field. Weeds grow in rice stubbles, wheat stubbles or are hidden among soil clods, causing the chemical liquid to be unable to be sprayed on the weeds. Not only is the control effect ineffective, it also wastes manpower and material resources. Therefore, being careful when farming can save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Herbicide clethodim (99129-21-2) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide clethodim will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide clethodim you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide clethodim (99129-21-2) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide herbicide clethodim, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.