Bensulfuron methyl herbicide how to use

Whai is Metsulfuron methyl?

Bensulfuron methyl is the methyl ester of bensulfuron. An acetolactate synthase inhibitor, it is used as a herbicide for the control of a variety of both annual and perennial weeds in crops, particularly wheat and rice.Cas 83055-99-6 It has a role as a herbicide, an agrochemical and an EC (acetolactate synthase) inhibitor. It is a N-sulfonylurea, a member of pyrimidines, a methyl ester and an aromatic ether. It is functionally related to a bensulfuron.

Bensulfuron-methyl Cas83055-99-6 is a selective pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide that inhibits the formation of acetolactate synthase (ALS inhibitor). Bensulfuron methyl is selective acting, through foliar and root uptake, by inhibiting biosynthesis of the essential amino acids valine and isoleucine. It stops cell division by inhibition of the acetolactate synthase enzyme. It could decrease the chlorophyll content and inhibit the growth of plant.

Metsulfuron methyl is a residual sulfonylurea compound, used as a selective pre- and postemergence herbicide for broadleaf weeds and some annual grasses. It is a systemic compound with foliar and soil activity, and it works rapidly after it is taken up by the plant.

Bensulfuro methyl Cas83055-99-6 is a selective systemic conduction paddy herbicide with low toxicity to humans and animals, and low toxicity to fish, birds and bees. It was used to control sedge and broad-leaved weeds in rice fields earlier, and has been used to control broad-leaved weeds in wheat fields. The agent can diffuse rapidly in water, be absorbed and transferred to various parts of weed roots and leaves, and hinder the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. It is used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and Cyperaceae weeds in paddy fields, and the effect on Gramineae weeds is poor. It is safe for wheat, rice and other crops.

What is the mode of action of Bensulfuron methyl herbicide?

Bensulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 is selective acting, through foliar and root uptake, by inhibiting biosynthesis of the essential amino acids valine and isoleucine. It stops cell division by inhibition of the acetolactate synthase enzyme.

Rapidly absorbed through the foliage. Weak auxin activity as determined in wheat coleoptile elongation test, cucumber root elongation test, cucumber curvature test and ethylene biosynthesis test in soya beans. No influence on Hill reaction. Plant response is similar to IAA or auxin-type herbicides of the class of benzoic acids and pyridine compounds.

is by inhibiting cell division in the shoots and roots of the plant, and it is biologically active at low use rates. It is very effective on weeds that include bulbs or tubers.

Bensulfuron methyl is a broad-spectrum selective systemic herbicide for sulfonylurea paddy fields. Bensulfuron-methyl is absorbed through the root system and quickly transfers in the weed plant, hindering the growth of valylic acid, leucine, and isosulfuric acid. The biosynthesis of leucine prevents the division and growth of cells, the growth function of sensitive weeds is hindered, the premature yellowing of young tissues inhibits the growth of leaves, and the growth of roots is hindered and necrotic.

What is the use of Metsulfuron methyl?

Metsulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 is commonly used in forestry situations. It is usually used together with other herbicides that control the weeds not susceptible to metsulfuron. Metsulfuron-methyl also controls susceptible weeds in cereals, where selectivity is due to rapid metabolism within the cereal plants.

Bensulfuron methyl (BSM) was the first sulfonylurea herbicide commercialized for use in rice, and it remains the dominant sulfonylurea for broadleaf and sedge weed control in this crop.

Metsulfuron methyl is by inhibiting cell division in the shoots and roots of the plant, and it is biologically active at low use rates. It is very effective on weeds that include bulbs or tubers.

Bensulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 is a broad-spectrum rice field herbicide, used for pre-emergence and early post-dental treatment, can effectively control many annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and sedges, and quickly releases active ingredients after being applied to paddy fields. Absorbed by plants, quickly inhibits the growth of sensitive weeds.

It is a selective, systemic conduction type urea herbicide. Inhibitor of branched-chain amino acid synthesis. The active ingredient diffuses rapidly in the water, is absorbed by the roots and leaves of the weed, and is transferred to the various parts of the weed, hindering the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids, preventing cell division and growth, and hindering the growth of weeds and causing necrosis. It is suitable for controlling annual or perennial broad-leaved weeds in paddy fields. Apply pesticides after crops, weeds, and weeds. The recommended dosage is 0.2-0.45g/100m2 for toxic soil treatment or spraying. Such as rice direct seeding field or transplanting field, apply medicine within 3 weeks before and after sowing or transplanting, preferably 5-7 days after sowing or transplanting, use 10% wettable powder 2-3g/100m2, mix fine soil 3kg , field water layer 3 ~ 5cm, spread evenly. Bensulfuron-methyl was poor in control of grass weeds.

Used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and sedges in rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields and transplanting fields

1. Rice seedling fields and direct seeding fields: the pesticide can be applied after sowing to the 2-leaf stage of weeds. To control 1-year-old broad-leaved weeds and sand grass, use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per mu, spray 30 kilograms of water or mix 20 kilograms of fine fluvo-aquic soil. When spraying, keep the water layer 3-5cm for 3-4 days.

2. Transplanting rice into Chemicalbook field: It can be used within 3 weeks before and after transplanting, but it is better to apply the medicine 5-7 days after transplanting. Use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per mu to control perennial weeds and barnyard grass, and the dosage can be increased to 30-50 grams. Water-retaining layer 5cm spraying, can be sprayed on water, can also be mixed with fine soil and sprinkled, keep the water layer for 3-4 days, and dry naturally.

Compound use of bensulfuron methyl

1. The compound of bensulfuron-methyl and pretilachlor is used for sealing treatment after germination and sowing in direct seeding fields.

2. Combination of pyrazosulfuron-methyl and bispyribac, used to prevent and control various weeds in paddy fields except Pachyrhiza chinensis after 4 leaves;

3. Combination of pyrazosulfuron-methyl, cyhalofop-ethyl and bispyribac, used to control various weeds in paddy fields after 4 leaves of rice.

Applications of Bensulfuron methyl

Herbicide Bensulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage and roots, with rapid translocation to the meristematic tissues. Selective pre- and post-emergence control of annual and perennial weeds and sedges (e.g. Butomus umbellatus, Scirpus maritimus, Scirpus mucronatus, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sparganium erectum, Cyperus spp., Typha spp., etc.) in flooded or wetland rice, at 46-60 g/ha

Our Bensulfuron Methyl with High Quality CAS: 83055-99-6 is very safe and stable, as its design and product components are manufactured to high standards.We are favored by Chinese and foreign customers for our service and reputation, beautiful and clean production environment, mature technology, stable and reliable product quality.

How to use Metsulfuron methyl

Herbicide Bensulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 Use is a selective, systemic-conducting type of the weuride herbicide. Inhibitors of branched-chain amino acid synthesis. The active ingredients spread rapidly in water, and are absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds and transferred to all parts of weeds, which hinders the biosynthesis of branched chain amino acids (such as isoleucine) and prevents cell division and growth, inhibit the growth of weeds and necrosis. It is suitable for controlling one-year or perennial broadleaf weeds in paddy fields. After the crop Bud, the application of medicine before and after the weed Bud has a good effect on the duck tongue grass, the eye vegetable, the node vegetable and the saplinaceae weeds (the grass, the special type of the grass, the water and the grass, etc.). The recommended dosage is 0.2~0.45g/100m2 for toxic soil treatment or spraying. Such as rice field or transplanting field, before and after sowing or transplanting within 3 weeks before and after the use of drugs, after sowing or transplanting 5 ~ 7d is better, with 10% wettable powder 2~3g/100 m2, mix 3kg of fine soil, field water layer 3 ~ 5cm, evenly spread. Bensulfuron-methyl has poor control of Gramineae weeds.

Herbicide Bensulfuro methy price

Normally the price of the pesticide Herbicide Bensulfuron methy is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide Herbicide Bensulfuron methy you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide Bensulfuron methy supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Herbicide Bensulfuron methy please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing Bensulfuron methy which are registered , visit the website your then click on the link for Products.

Herbicide Bensulfuron methyl used as herbicide in paddy field

used to control rice seedling field, as an intermediate of herbicide, it can be used in the synthesis of the following herbicides such as bensulfuron-methyl, nicosulfuron, cyprosulfuron-methyl, cyprosulfuron-methyl, ethoxysulfuron-methyl, rimonsulfuron-methyl, Amuron-methyl, pyrisulfuron-methyl, chlorpyrisulfuron-methyl, tetrazolsulfuron-methyl, pyrisulfuron-methyl (NC-311) et al. The product is a broad-spectrum rice field herbicide, which is used for pre-emergence and early tooth post-treatment. It can effectively control many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and Cyperus sinensis, and rapidly release effective ingredients after being applied to paddy fields, absorbed by plants, quickly inhibit the growth of sensitive weeds.

Herbicide Bensulfuron methyl the product is a broad-spectrum rice field herbicide, which is used for pre-emergence and early tooth post-treatment. It can effectively control many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and papyrifera, and rapidly release effective ingredients after being applied to paddy fields, absorbed by plants, quickly inhibit the growth of sensitive weeds.

Metsulfuron methyl Advantage

Non-volatile. High mobility in soil, degraded by micro-organisms.

Highly effective against barnyard grass.

Quick knockdown effect.

Non-phytotoxic to transplanted and direct-seeded rice.

Bensulfuron methy production method

methyl ortho-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate method. Preparation of 2-amino -4, 6-dihydroxypyrimidine, 2-amino -4, 6-dichloropyrimidine, 2-amino -4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine, preparation of O-methyl benzoate, preparation of O-(methyl formate) ampicillin, preparation of O-(methyl formate) benzyl isothiourea hydrochloride, preparation of O-(methyl formate) benzyl sulfonyl chloride, O-(methyl formate) the preparation of benzylsulfonyl, the preparation of O-(methyl formate) benzylsulfonyl isocyanate, and the preparation of benzamuron were obtained.

preparation of 2-amino -4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine 2-amino -4, 6-dihydroxypyrimidine was obtained by refluxing guanidine nitrate with diethyl malonate in ethanol and sodium ethoxide for 4H, the yield was 97%; Then 2-amino -4, 6-dihydroxypyrimidine was chlorinated by POCl3 and refluxed for 1.5h, and the remaining POCl3 was distilled off after reaching the end point, add ammonia to adjust the pH value to 7~8, to neutralize the metaphosphoric acid and hydrogen chloride generated by the reaction, to generate ammonium salt, washed with water, filtered and dried to obtain 2-amino -4, 6-dichloropyrimidine, the yield of 80%; The above product and sodium methoxide reaction, Reflux reaction 6h, cooling filtration, distilled methanol, add the right amount of water, precipitation of solid, filtered and dried to get 2-amino -4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine, yield 91%. 2-amino -4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine can also be prepared by the following synthetic route: the reaction of urea and diethyl malonate in the presence of sodium ethoxide to produce 2,4, 6-trihydroxypyrimidine, then phosphorus trichloride is chlorinated, aminated in the presence of sodium amino acid, and finally reacted with sodium methoxide. Or use malononitrile to react with methanol and hydrogen chloride to generate 1, 3-dimethoxypropanediimide dihydrochloride, and then control the reaction with quantitative sodium methoxide and tend to rearrange to generate monohydrochloride, and then react with cyanamide, obtained by cyclization and rearrangement. Preparation of methyl ortho-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate methyl ortho-formate benzyl chloride is prepared first. O-chloromethyl benzoyl chloride was obtained by chlorinating O-Toluic acid with phosphorus trichloride (or phosgene) to form o-methylbenzoyl chloride. O-chloromethyl benzoyl chloride was obtained by chlorination with chlorine in the presence of initiator BPO, and then esterified with methanol. Then methyl-o-formate benzyl sulphonic acid amine was prepared. Benzyl chlorobenzyl O-formate was refluxed with thiourea in ethanol for 1H to form benzyl thioformamidine O-formate. Methyl ortho-formate benzyl sulfonyl chloride was obtained by passing chloro at 0~5 ℃ for 1H; in the presence of an organic solvent, the reaction temperature is less than 20 ° C. Amidation is performed to obtain benzyl sulfonamide of methyl ortho-formate. Finally, methyl ortho-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate was prepared. Benzyl sulfonamide with O-methyl formate, in the presence of n-butyl isocyanate, organic base (1, 4-diazabicycl-2, 2, 2-octane, or DABCO), with xylene as solvent, phosgene was introduced at 120 ℃ for 3H, xylene and n-butyl isocyanate were distilled out, and benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate of O-methyl formate was obtained. Synthesis of bensulfuron methyl ester benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate xylene solution and 2-amino -4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine at room temperature to stir the reaction of 8~10h, distilled xylene, bensulfuron-methyl was obtained by washing with chlorobutane and drying.

Bensulfuron methy Environmental Fate

The breakdown of metsulfuron-methyl Cas83055-99-6 in soils is largely dependent on soil temperature, moisture content, and pH.(acidity / alkalinity) The chemical will degrade faster under acidic conditions, and in soils with higher moisture content and higher temperature.

metsulfuron-methyl the chemical has a higher mobility potential in alkaline soils, due to its higher solubility.

Metsulfuron methyl is stable to photolysis, but will break down in ultraviolet light. It is also stable to hydrolysis in neutral and alkaline conditions.

Metsulfuron-methyl is rapidly taken up by plants at the roots and on foliage. The chemical is translocated throughout the plant, but is not persistent. In tolerant plants, it is broken down to non-herbicidal products.

Bensulfuron methy Ecological Effects

Bensulfuron methyl (BSM) is a new kind of sulfonylurea herbicide widely used to control various weeds and sedges. It is moderately soluble in water, non-volatile and moderately mobile. It would not be expected to persistent in soil but could be persistent in water systems under certain conditions. It is not highly toxic to mammals. It also shows a low toxicity to birds and earthworms but is more of a concern to aquatic plants, algae and honeybees.

Metsulfuron-methyl has a low toxicity to birds,aquatic organisms (including fish), bees, and earthworms.

Bensulfuron methy Metabolic pathway

Bensulfuron methyl Cas83055-99-6 is metabolized by mammals and birds and the major metabolites identified include mono-O-demethylated and 5-hydroxylated bensulfuron methyl and 5-hydroxy-2-amino-3,5- dimethoxypyrimidine. As bird metabolites, cleavage of the pyrimidine ring of bensulfuron methyl is observed which results in two pyrimidine ring-opening metabolites. In rice plants, bensulfuron methyl undergoes rapid O-demethylation at one of the methoxy groups on the pyrimidine ring which will proceed through hydroxylation at the methyl group. Alcoholysis and hydrolysis of bensulfuron methyl (H1) involve mainly the breakdown of the urea moiety which leads to several degradation products, some of which are also identified as metabolites in mammals and plants.

Bensulfuron methy toxicity

Acute oral LD50 was 5000mg/kg in rats and 10985mg/kg in mice. Rabbit acute percutaneous LD50>2000mg/kg. No ocular irritation. The dose of chronic oral no effect in rats was 750mg/kg. The teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects were not found in animal experiments. Carp LC50>1000mg/L (48h), wild duck acute oral LD50>2150mg/kg.

Precautions for Bensulfuron methyl

1 Bensulfuron methyl has a good effect on weeds within the 2-leaf stage, and the effect is poor if it exceeds 3 leaves

2 The effect on barnyardgrass is poor, and it is not suitable for use in seedling fields dominated by barnyardgrass

3 Rinse the spray equipment after use

4 When spraying, there must be a water layer of 3-5cm in the paddy field, so that the pesticide can be evenly distributed. 7 days after spraying, do not drain or string water, so as not to reduce the efficacy of the medicine

5 The dosage of this medicine is small and must be weighed accurately

6 Depending on the grass conditions in the field, it is suitable for plots dominated by broad-leaved weeds and grasses and plots with little barnyardgrass

7 This product cannot be mixed with food and feed.

bensulfuron-methyl had good effect on weeds within 2 leaves, but had poor effect over 3 leaves.

The effect on Humulus scandens is poor, and it should not be used in seedling field with Humulus scandens as main ingredient.

The spray device should be rinsed clean after use.