Broad spectrum protective microbial fungicide iprodione

What is Iprodione 36734-19-7?

The pesticide and fungicide Iprodione is an organic compound with the chemical formula C13H13Cl2N3O3 and Cas 36734-19-7 white crystal. It is difficult to dissolve in water, easily soluble in acetone, dimethylformamide and other organic solvents, and decomposes when exposed to alkali. It is non-hygroscopic and non-corrosive.

The pesticide Iprodione is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide that can prevent and control strains that are resistant to benzimidazole systemic fungicides (such as carbendazim and thiabendazole). It is a contact fungicide. It is suitable for preventing and controlling early defoliation, gray mold, early blight and other diseases of various fruit trees, vegetables, melons and fruits. It cannot be mixed or rotated with fungicides with the same mode of action such as procymidone and vinclozolin, and cannot be mixed with strongly alkaline or strongly acidic agents.

Physicochemical properties of Iprodione 36734-19-7

Properties: White crystal, odorless.

Stability: Stable when stored at room temperature.

Preparations: Common preparations include 50% parahexine suspension, etc.

Toxicity: It is a low-toxic fungicide. The acute oral LD50 is 3500 mg/kg in rats and 4000 mg/kg in mice; the transdermal LD50 in rats is ≥1000 mg/kg. The acute oral LD50 for bobwhite quail is 930 mg/kg and for wild ducks is 10,400 mg/kg. LD50 for bees ≥ 400 micrograms/head (contact kill).

Density: 1.236g/cm3

Melting point: 130-136℃

Water solubility: 0.0013 g/100 mL

Iprodione 36734-19-7 mechanism of action

The fungicide Iprodione inhibits protein kinases, intracellular signals that control many cellular functions, including interference with carbohydrate binding into fungal cell components. Therefore, it can inhibit both the germination and production of fungal spores and the growth of hyphae. That is to say, it affects all developmental stages in the life cycle of pathogenic bacteria.

The role of Iprodione 36734-19-7

The pesticide Iprodione is a highly efficient, broad-spectrum, contact fungicide of the diformimide class. It is suitable for preventing and controlling early defoliation, gray mold, early blight and other diseases of various fruit trees, vegetables, melons and fruits. Preparation: 50% wettable powder, 50% suspending agent, 25%, 5% oil suspending agent. Iprodione is a low-toxic fungicide. Mechanism of Action: Iprodione inhibits protein kinases, intracellular signals that control many cellular functions, including interference with carbohydrate binding into fungal cell components. Therefore, it can inhibit the germination and production of fungal spores and inhibit the growth of hyphae. That is to say, it affects all developmental stages in the life cycle of pathogenic bacteria.

Iprodione 36734-19-7 usage

The fungicide Iprodione has a good bactericidal effect on Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia spp., Neurospora spp., Sclerotia spp., and Pleurosporium spp. To prevent and control tomato early blight, start spraying about 10 days after tomato transplantation. Use 50% wettable powder 11.3~22.5g/100m2. Spray once every 2 weeks for a total of 3~4 times. To control gray mold, start before the disease occurs. Start using 50% wettable powder 5g/100m2, spray once every 10 to 14 days (especially during the flowering and fruiting periods), a total of 3 to 4 times, which can improve tomato yield and quality. For example, if 100-200g of the original drug is used for seed treatment per 100 kilograms of seeds, it will be effective in preventing smut caused by Helminthosporium graminearum and Ustilago tritici. Use 50% wettable powder to prepare a 4g/L concentration liquid to soak potato seeds, which is effective in preventing black mole disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Treatment of onion and garlic bulbs can prevent and control black rot sclerotinia. Use 50% wettable powder 11.3~15g/100m2, spray once each in the early flowering stage and full flowering stage of rapeseed to prevent and control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rapeseed. This agent should be used alternately or mixed with other agents to avoid the development of drug resistance.

Product features of Iprodione 36734-19-7

1 The fungicide Iprodione is suitable for melons, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, garden flowers, lawns and other vegetables and ornamental plants. The main targets of prevention and control are diseases caused by Botrytis, Pearl Fungus, Alternaria Alternaria, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, etc. Such as gray mold, early blight, black spot, sclerotinia, etc.

2 The pesticide Iprodione is a broad-spectrum contact-type protective fungicide. It also has a certain therapeutic effect and can also be absorbed through the roots and have a systemic effect. It can effectively control fungi that are resistant to benzimidazole systemic fungicides.

3 The fungicide Iprodione is a broad-spectrum, contact-killing, protective fungicide, highly efficient and low-toxic, non-polluting to the environment, safe for humans and animals, and non-toxic to bees. It is especially suitable for application on vegetable crops.

4 The fungicide Iprodione is mainly used to prevent disease and has a long efficacy period, usually 10 to 15 days. Therefore, it can not only inhibit the germination and production of fungal spores, but also inhibit the growth of hyphae, affecting all developmental stages in the life history of pathogenic bacteria. It can prevent and control strains that are resistant to benzimidazole systemic fungicides (such as carbendazim and thiabendazole), as well as some strains that are usually difficult to control.

5 Iprodione is often mixed with thiram, mancozeb, prochloraz, carbendazim and other fungicide ingredients to produce compound fungicides.

Iprodione 36734-19-7 uses

The pesticide Iprodione is a highly efficient, broad-spectrum, contact fungicide of the diformimide class. It is suitable for preventing and controlling early defoliation, gray mold, early blight and other diseases of various fruit trees, vegetables, melons and fruits. Preparation: 50% wettable powder, 50% suspending agent, 25%, 5% oil suspending agent.

The fungicide Iprodione is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide. It works on spores, mycelium and sclerotia at the same time, inhibiting the germination of pathogenic spores and the growth of mycelium. It is almost impermeable to plants and is a protective fungicide. This agent has a good bactericidal effect on Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia spp., Neurospora, Sclerotinia spp., and Pleurosporium spp. To prevent and control tomato early blight, start spraying about 10 days after tomato transplantation. Use 50% wettable powder 11.3~22.5g/100m2. Spray once every 2 weeks for a total of 3~4 times. To control gray mold, start before the disease occurs. Start using 50% wettable powder 5g/100m2, spray once every 10 to 14 days (especially during the flowering and fruiting periods), a total of 3 to 4 times, which can improve tomato yield and quality. For example, if 100-200g of the original drug is used for seed treatment per 100 kilograms of seeds, it will be effective in preventing smut caused by Helminthosporium graminearum and Ustilago tritici. Use 50% wettable powder to prepare a 4g/L concentration liquid to soak potato seeds, which is effective in preventing black mole disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Treatment of onion and garlic bulbs can prevent and control black rot sclerotinia. Use 50% wettable powder 11.3~15g/100m2, spray once each in the early flowering stage and full flowering stage of rapeseed to prevent and control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rapeseed. This agent should be used alternately or mixed with other agents to avoid the development of drug resistance.

The fungicide Iprodione is a contact fungicide, which acts on spores and mycelium at the same time. It is effective against diseases caused by Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia spp., Sclerotinia spp., Alternaria spp., etc. Diseases, all have preventive and curative effects. Iprodione can also be used as a seed treatment.

How to use Iprodione 36734-19-7

1. Use the fungicide Iprodione to control strawberry gray mold: Start spraying at the early stage of strawberry disease, apply once every 8 days, and stop spraying 2 to 3 weeks before harvest. Use 100 ml (g) of 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder per acre, mix with water and spray.

2. The fungicide Iprodione controls fruit flower rot, gray star disease, and gray mold: Spray the flower rot medicine once each on the fruit tree during the first flowering period and the full flowering period. For gray star disease, spray once 3 to 4 weeks and 1 to 2 weeks before fruit harvest. For gray mold, apply the medicine 1 to 2 times before harvest depending on the condition. Use 66 to 100 ml (g) of 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder per acre, mix with water and spray.

3. The fungicide Iprodione is used to control tomato gray mold, early blight, and sclerotinia, and cucumber gray mold and sclerotinia: Start spraying at the early stage of the disease, and apply 1 to 3 times throughout the growth period, with an interval of 7 ~10 days. Use 50-100 ml (g) of 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder per acre, mix with water and spray.

4. The fungicide Iprodione is used to control gray mold, sclerotinia, black spot, spot disease, stem blight, etc. in vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, kidney beans, cabbage, watermelon, melon, asparagus, etc.: Start applying pesticides at the early stage of the disease. The interval is 7 to 10 days for leaf diseases and 10 to 15 days for root diseases. Use 66 to 100 ml (g) of 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder per acre, mixed with water and spray.

5. The fungicide Iprodione can be used to control leaf spot, gray mold, sclerotinia and root rot of ornamental crops: spraying can be started at the early stage of the disease, with an interval of 7 to 14 days, and 50% fungicide per acre should be used each time. DIprodione suspension or wettable powder 75.4-100 ml (g), mixed with water and sprayed, you can also use the method of soaking cuttings, that is, soak 15 times in 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder 125-500 times. minute.

6. For the prevention and treatment of apple ring spot, brown spot and defoliation, when the disease occurs at the beginning of the spring growth period, spray 50% Iprodione wettable powder 1000-1500 times, and then spray once every 10-15 days.

7. Peanut crown rot: Use 100-300 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder for every 100 kilograms of seeds.

8. To prevent and control corn leaf spot, start spraying when corn leaf spot first appears. Mix 200-400 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder with water and spray it again every 2 weeks.

9. The fungicide Iprodione is used to control cucumber gray mold and cucumber sclerotinia. In the early stage of the disease, 75-100 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre is used, mixed with 50 kg of water and 80-100 kg of spray respectively. Spray once every 7-10 days, for a total of 1-3 times.

10. The fungicide Iprodione is used to control broad bean red spot and leek gray mold. Use 50 grams of 50% wettable powder per mu, mix with 50-75 kg of water and spray once every 7-10 days, and spray 2-3 times continuously. .

11. The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control lettuce gray mold. Use 25 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder mixed with 50 kilograms of water. Spray once every 10-15 days in the early stage of the disease, and spray 2-3 times continuously.

12. The fungicide Iprodione is used to control gray mold, early blight and spot disease on greenhouse cucurbit vegetables, peppers, eggplants, etc.: Start spraying at the early stage of the disease, apply once every 7 days, and apply 2-3 times continuously. Use 50-100 ml (g) of 50% Iprodione suspension or wettable powder per acre and spray it with water.

Iprodione 36734-19-7 Application

(1) Seed dressing

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control garlic white rot. The dosage of 50% Iprodione wettable powder is 0.2% of the weight of garlic seeds. The water consumption is 0.6% of the weight of garlic seeds. Dissolve the agent in water, and then mix it with the liquid. kind.

The fungicide Iprodione controls black spot and white spot diseases of cabbage. The dosage is 0.2% to 0.3% of the seed weight.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and the dosage is 0.2% to 0.5% of the seed weight.

The fungicide Iprodione controls melon vine blight, white rot of green onions and onions, carrot spot, black spot, and black rot, cabbage black spot, and sunflower leaf snake eye. The dosage is 03 per seed weight. %.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sweet (hot) peppers. The dosage is 0.4% to 0.5% of the seed weight.

(2) Seed soaking: Dilute 50% Iprodione wettable powder with water, soak the seeds with the medicinal solution, then remove and wash the seeds before germination or drying before sowing. The concentration of the medicinal solution and the length of seed soaking time vary depending on the disease.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent early blight, leaf spot, and black spot on tomatoes. Use 50% Iprodione wettable powder 500 times and soak the seeds for 50 minutes.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control watermelon leaf blight. Use 1000 times of 50% Iprodione wettable powder and soak the seeds for 2 hours.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control purple spot and downy mildew on green onions. Mix 50% Iprodione wettable powder 1000 times with 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 1000 times and soak the seeds for 50 minutes.

(3)Seedbed disinfection

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control cruciferous black root disease. Before sowing, use 3 kilograms of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mix with 40 to 50 kilograms of fine soil, and spread evenly on the surface of the seedbed, leaving a small amount of medicinal soil to cover the seeds.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control rapeseed brown spot. Use 8 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per square meter of seedbed area and mix it with 0.8~1.6 kilograms of sieved dry fine soil to make medicinal soil for sowing rapeseed. Finally, cover the seeds with medicinal soil.

(4) When the stem blight of melons is severe, 500-600 times of 50% Iprodione wettable powder can be used to smear the diseased stems.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control sclerotinia and watermelon vine blight on cucumbers, squash, winter melons, zucchinis, etc. Use 50% Iprodione wettable powder 50 times and apply it to the affected areas on the stems and vines.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control tomato early blight. Use 180-200 times of 50% Iprodione wettable powder to smear the diseased areas on stems and leaves.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control gray mold on tomatoes and eggplants. In the prepared plant growth regulator solution (such as 2,4-D, sodium p-chlorophenoxyacetate), add 0.1% of 50% isobacteria. Urea wettable powder and then treat the flowers.

(5) Root irrigation

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control cucumber fusarium wilt. Use 50% Iprodione wettable powder 400 times for root irrigation.

(6)Spray dust agent

Use 1 kilogram of dust agent per acre of protected land at a time, and spray it with a closed shed film in the evening. Use 3% dust agent to prevent and control celery leaf spot, leaf spot, and tomato early blight; use 5% dust agent to prevent gray mold, leaf mold, anthracnose, and tomato diseases in tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, strawberries, etc. Early blight, late blight, and cucumber sclerotinia.

(7) Spray prevention and control of strawberry gray mold and leaf spot, tomato gray mold, early blight and sclerotinia, cucumber gray mold and sclerotinia, melon and eggplant gray mold and early blight, etc. Start spraying before or at the beginning of the disease. Use 50-100 ml of 50% Iprodione wettable powder or 50% Iprodione suspension per acre, mix it with 50 kg of water and spray evenly, once every 7-10 days, for 2- 3 times.

The fungicide Iprodione controls gray mold, sclerotinia, black spot, spot disease, stem blight, etc. in vegetables such as garlic, Chinese cabbage, peas, beans, asparagus, etc. Start using the medicine at the early stage of the disease to prevent and control leaf diseases. Once every 7 to 10 days; to control root and stem diseases, once every 10 to 15 days, depending on the condition, use 2 to 3 times, each time use 66 to 100 ml of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mixed with 50% water Kilogram spray.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control cucumber gray mold. In the early stage of the disease, use 75-100 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mixed with 50 kilograms of water and spray. Spray once every 7 to 10 days, for a total of 1 to 3 times.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control cucumber sclerotinia. In the early stage of the disease, use 75 to 100 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mixed with 80 to 100 kilograms of water, and spray once every 7 to 10 days for a total of 2 times.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control lettuce gray mold. Use 25 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mixed with 50 kilograms of water and spray. In the early stages of the disease, spray it once every 10 to 15 days for a total of 2 to 3 times.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control black shank in cabbage. Use 50% Iprodione wettable powder 1500 times for spraying, spray once every 7 days, and spray 2 to 3 times continuously. The medicine should be sprayed to the lower old leaves, stem base and border surface.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control aquatic vegetables, such as lotus root brown spot, wild rice blast, flax spot, sheath blight, water chestnut gray mold, wild rice sheath blight, taro spot, etc., starting from the early stage of the disease, use 50% Spray Iprodione wettable powder 700-1000 times, once every 7-10 days, and spray 2-3 times continuously. The disease prevention effect is better after adding 0.2% neutral washing powder to the liquid.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control stem blight of Cypress cypress. In the stem picking period in spring and summer or in seriously diseased fields after cutting off old plants and leaving the mother stems, spray 50% Iprodione wettable powder 1500 times to protect the young stems from being unearthed. protected from disease infestation. In the young stem stage, if diseased plants appear, promptly spray 50% Iprodione wettable powder 1500 times, once every 7 to 10 days, and spray 3 to 4 times in a row.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control broad bean red spot and leek gray mold. Use 50 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder per acre, mix it with 50 to 75 kilograms of water and spray it once every 7 to 10 days for 2 consecutive times. ~3 times.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to prevent and control sclerotinia in rapeseed. It should be applied once during the initial flowering period when the bud rate reaches 20% to 30% or when the disease first occurs (the stem disease rate is less than 0.1%) and during the full flowering period. Each time, 50% of the fungicide should be used per acre. 66~100ml of diclofenac wettable powder, mixed with 50kg of water and sprayed.

The fungicide Iprodione is used to control corn leaf spot. In the early stage of the disease, use 200-400 grams of 50% Iprodione wettable powder or suspension per acre, mix it with 60 kilograms of water and spray, and spray again every 15 days.

Iprodione 36734-19-7 compound

1. Iprodione + Thiram

(1) Tomato gray mold: Use 93-120g of 50% Isothiram wettable powder per acre diluted with water and sprayed.

(2) Cucumber gray mold: Use 80-160g of 50% Isophila·thiram wettable powder per acre diluted with water and sprayed.

(3) Apple tree spotted leaf disease: Use 600-800 times of 50% thiram wettable powder for spraying.

2. Iprodione + Mancozeb

50% manganese zinc·Iprodione wettable powder is a broad-spectrum systemic and protective fungicide. It is widely used to prevent and control gray mold, leaf enzymatic diseases, sclerotinia, and spotted leaf drop disease in fruit trees, vegetables and other crops. , early blight and many other fungal diseases. In the early stage of the disease, the medication should be taken every 7-8 days, and 2-3 times continuously, depending on the condition.

3. Iprodione + prochloraz

20% promethazine·Iprodione is suitable for cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, dates, citrus, green onions, watermelons, melons, strawberries, apples, grapes, bananas, etc. The disease prevention scope is anthracnose, gray mold, fungus Sclerotinia, brown rot, crown rot, etc.

4. Iprodione + Carbendazim

20% isobacteria·carbendazim suspension can be used to prevent and control spotted leaf disease of apple trees. The concentration of the drug is 400-600 times. The key prevention and control period is from May to June, and the supplementary prevention and control period is from July to August. Every 10 -Apply once every 14 days, a total of 3-5 times (the safe interval on apple trees is 28 days, and can be used up to 3 times per crop season).

5. Iprodione + thiophanate methyl

Thiophanate-methyl 50% wettable powder + Iprodione 50% wettable powder, if used to control cucumber powdery mildew and gray mold, use 45-67.5g per acre, if used to control tomato powdery mildew, gray mold For mildew, use 75-100g per acre.

6. Iprodione + Tebuconazole

In the early stage of the onset of spotted leaf disease on apple trees, use 3000-4000 times of 25% tebuconazole·Iprodione suspension for spraying (the safety interval is 28 days, and the maximum number of applications per crop cycle is 3 times).

Iprodione 36734-19-7 Precautions

(1) When preparing the medicinal solution, first fill half of the sprayer with water, then add the Iprodione preparation and stir evenly, and finally fill it up with water and mix evenly; the foliar spray should be even and thorough so that the plants are fully covered with liquid and It is better not to drip. There may be some precipitation in the suspension, but it will not affect the efficacy of the drug before use after shaking.

(2) Iprodione is a contact fungicide that is mainly protective. It should be applied at the early stage of disease occurrence to ensure that the plants are evenly coated.

(3) Ready to use, do not mix with alkaline substances and strong acidic agents.

(4) It should not be used continuously for a long time to avoid the development of drug resistance. It should be used alternately or mixed with other types of agents, but do not be mixed or used in rotation with pesticides with the same mechanism of action of this agent, such as procymidone and vinclozolin.

(5) The safe interval of 500 g/L Iprodione suspension on tomatoes is 7 days, and it can be used up to 3 times per crop season.

Microbial fungicide Iprodione 36734-19-7 price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide microbial fungicide Iprodione will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide Iprodione you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Microbial fungicide Iprodione (36734-19-7) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide microbial fungicide Iprodione, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.