Corn field herbicide nicosulfuron

What is nicosulfuron (111991-09-4)?

The pesticide herbicide nicosulfuron is an organic compound with the molecular formula C15H18N6O6S. Cas 111991-09-4 belongs to the sulfonylurea class of selective herbicides. It is usually used as a post-emergence herbicide to protect corn crops from weeds. Grass damage.

Nicosulfuron-methyl is a sulfonylurea systemic herbicide that can be rapidly absorbed by the stems, leaves and roots of plants, and is rapidly transmitted through the xylem and phloem. It blocks branched-chain amino acids by inhibiting the activity of acetolactate synthase in plants. Synthesis, thereby preventing cell division and causing sensitive plants to stop growing. Generally, annual weeds die in 1 to 3 weeks, and broadleaf weeds with less than 6 leaves are suppressed and stop growing. Corn is highly resistant to this drug and may experience temporary chlorosis or slight growth retardation after treatment, but generally recovers quickly without affecting yield.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Toxicity

The acute oral LD50 of rats and mice is >5000mg/kg, the acute dermal LD50 of rabbits is >2000mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LC50 of rats is >5.47mg/L. Slightly irritating to eyes and non-allergenic to guinea pig skin. Ames test was negative. Carp LC50>10mg/L (96h).

Nicosulfuron(111991-09-4) Chemical Properties

The pesticide and herbicide nicosulfuron is a white crystal. m.p.172173℃, solubility: dichloromethane 16%, DMF6.4$, chloroform 6.4%, acetonitrile 2.3%, acetone 1.8%, ethanol 0.45%, hexane <0.002%, water 12%. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) 0.44 (pH=5), 0.017 (pH=7), 0.01 (pH=9). Easily decomposes and metabolizes in dilute aqueous solutions and soil environments. Industrial product m.p.169173℃.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) mechanism of action

The herbicide nicosulfuron is an inhibitor of acetolactate synthase. The agent is absorbed from the stems, leaves and roots of the plant and is rapidly transmitted through the xylem and phloem of the plant. After absorbing the pesticide, weeds will soon stop growing, and their growing points will turn green and white, and gradually expand to other stems and leaves. Generally, weed damage symptoms can be seen 3 to 4 days after application, and it takes about 20 days for the entire plant to die. Weeds turn russet when they die. The agent is quickly metabolized into inactive substances after entering the corn plant, and is safe for most corn varieties.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Features

The pesticide nicosulfuron is a sulfonylurea systemic herbicide, which can be quickly absorbed by the stems, leaves and roots of plants, and is rapidly transmitted through the xylem and phloem. It inhibits the activity of acetolactate synthase in the plant to prevent branching. Amino acid synthesis, which in turn prevents cell division, causing sensitive plants to stop growing. Generally, symptoms of weed damage can be seen 3 to 4 days after pesticide application, with heart leaves turning yellow, chlorosis, and whitening. Then the other leaves turn yellow in sequence from top to bottom. Generally, annual weeds die in 1 to 3 weeks, and broadleaf weeds with less than 6 leaves are suppressed and stop growing. Corn is highly resistant to this drug and may experience temporary chlorosis or slight growth retardation after treatment, but generally recovers quickly without affecting yield. Nicosulfuron methyl can be combined with atrazine, octanoyl bromoxynil, methyl ethyl acetate, fluroxypyr, 2.4 drops of butyl ester, 2.4 drops of isooctyl ester, acetochlor, and methotrexate Mix amine, butachlor, mesotrione and other herbicide ingredients to produce compound herbicides.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Functional Characteristics

The pesticide nicosulfuron is a systemic herbicide that can be absorbed and rapidly transmitted by the stems, leaves and roots of plants. By inhibiting the activity of acetolactate synthase in plants, it prevents the branched-chain amino acids tyrosine and leucine from reacting with isoforms. Leucine synthesis in turn prevents cell division, causing sensitive plants to stop growing. Symptoms of weed damage include yellowing, chlorosis, and whitening of the heart leaves, and then other leaves turn yellow in sequence from top to bottom. Generally, weed damage symptoms can be seen 3 to 4 days after application. Annual weeds die in 1 to 3 weeks. Perennial broadleaf weeds with less than 6 leaves are suppressed, stop growing, and lose their ability to compete with corn. High doses can also kill perennial weeds.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) weeding characteristics

Herbicide Nicosulfuron Properties: Colorless crystals. Melting point 172-173℃. soluble in water. Solubility in acetone is 18g/kg, ethanol is 4.5g/kg.

The pesticide nicosulfuron is a systemic herbicide that can be absorbed by the stems, leaves and roots of weeds, and is then transmitted within the plant, causing growth stagnation, chlorosis of stems and leaves, and gradual death of sensitive plants. Under normal circumstances, they die in 20-25 days. , but it takes a longer time to treat some perennial weeds when the temperature is low. The efficacy of pesticides is good when applied before the 4-leaf stage after budding, and the efficacy decreases when the seedlings are large. The drug has pre-emergent herbicidal activity, but the activity is lower than that after emergence.

Its main features are

1. The herbicide nicosulfuron is a vegetable oil suspension agent processed by a special process. Corn oil or industrial grade soybean oil is usually used as the solvent. It not only enhances the weed control effect, but also can be applied as soon as the grass appears, without waiting. rain.

2. It has good quick effect. Weeds will begin to change color and wither 5-7 days after application.

3. Good persistence. The herbicide nicosulfuron not only has a very good weed-killing effect on stems and leaves, but also has a certain soil sealing effect. It is still effective in controlling weeds 30 days after application.

4. Good rain resistance. Rainfall 8 hours after application will not affect the efficacy.

5. It is safe and will not cause any adverse effects on corn and subsequent crops under normal conditions. However, do not use excessive amounts. Excessive use may easily cause a reduction in the emergence rate of small seeds in the next crop.

Applicable crops: corn.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Advantages

1. Double elimination of Hekuo

The herbicide nicosulfuron is used in corn fields and has good control effects on annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Barnyard grass, foxtail grass, wild oats, amaranthus retroflexus, goldenrod, purslane, duckweed, cocklebur and amaranth all have good control effects. It has certain control effect on small sedge Cyperus rotundus.

2. Thorough weeding

The herbicide nicosulfuron is used in corn fields. It kills weeds completely without rebound and is systemic. After application, it rains for 6 hours and does not need to be re-sprayed.

3. High safety

The herbicide nicosulfuron is used in corn fields. The corn leaves are in front of five leaves and after three leaves. The corn is the safest. Before the 5th leaf of corn, most of the nutrients required for production come from the corn seed embryo, which can secrete zeindone and produce antibodies to nicosulfuron. After 6 leaves of corn, nicosulfuron is relatively less safe for corn.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Disadvantages

1. Slow weeding speed

The herbicide nicosulfuron has systemic conductivity and the weeding speed is relatively slow. It takes about 10 days to see signs of weed poisoning. It takes about 20 days for the weeds to dry up and die.

2. Poor control effect on large grasses

The herbicide nicosulfuron has poor control effect on large grasses. The 4-leaf stage of weeds is the best application period for nicosulfuron. The older the weeds, the worse the weeding effect. Therefore, it is recommended that nicosulfuron be used at the 2 to 4 leaf stage of weeds for the best effect.

3. Frequent drug harm

The herbicide nicosulfuron is easy to cause phytotoxicity after the five leaves of corn are concentrated. Every year, 70% of the phytotoxicity in corn fields comes from nicosulfuron. When using nicosulfuron in corn fields, be sure to pay attention to directional spraying.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) performance

The pesticide nicosulfuron belongs to the sulfonylurea herbicides. The agent is absorbed by plant stems, leaves and roots. Rapidly transmitted through the xylem and phloem of plants. After absorbing the pesticide, the weeds will soon stop growing, the growing points will turn green and white, and gradually expand to other stems and leaves. Generally, weed damage symptoms can be seen 3 to 4 days after application, and it takes about 20 days for the entire plant to die, and the weeds will turn reddish brown after they die. The herbicide nicosulfuron is a herbicide for controlling crabgrass, goosegrass, setaria, wild sorghum, wild millet, amaranth retroflexus, pigweed and sedge weeds. At a low inhibitory dose, it has a good inhibitory effect on Polygonum benthamiana, Purslane, Nightshade, Convolvulus, Endive, etc., but it is ineffective against Amaranth and Amaranth. It is non-irritating to the skin and eyes of rabbits and has no sensitizing effect on the skin. Within the experimental dose, it has no mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects on experimental animals.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) prevention and control targets

Barnyard grass, crabgrass, goosegrass, setaria, amaranth retroflexus, purslane, amaranth, field bindweed, amaranth, endive, golden setaria, wild millet, nightshade, sweetgrass, cocklebur, duck Annual weeds and perennial broadleaf weeds such as plantweed, wind lily, bluegrass, horsetail, artemisia, thistle, wild oats, etc.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) application technology

At the 3-4 leaf stage of corn, when weeds emerge and are mostly about 5cm tall, spray the stems and leaves. Use 4% suspending agent 50-75ml/mu (summer corn), 65-100ml/mu (northern spring corn), and spray with 30kg/mu water.

Application period: 2 to 5 leaves after corn seedlings, 2 to 4 leaves for annual weeds, and before 6 leaves for perennial weeds. Apply when most weeds emerge. It has the best weeding effect and is safe for corn. When the soil moisture and air temperature are suitable, it is conducive to the absorption and conduction of pesticides by weeds. It is not suitable to apply pesticides during long-term drought, low temperature and relative air humidity below 65%. Generally, pesticides should be applied in the morning and evening when the temperature is low and the wind is low; it is best to increase the surfactant when applying during drought. If there is a long-term drought, such as recent rain, wait until the field humidity improves after the rain, then apply pesticides or after irrigation if there are irrigation conditions. Although the application time is delayed, the weeding effect will be better than applying before the rain. For manual pesticide application, it is best to use a fan-shaped nozzle, apply along the ridge, spray one ridge at a time, and set the height, pressure, and walking speed of the nozzle. Do not move the pesticide left and right to ensure uniform spraying.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) uses

The pesticide nicosulfuron is a sulfonylurea herbicide that inhibits plant acetolactate synthase (branched chain amino acid synthesis inhibitor). It can be used to control annual and perennial grass weeds, sedges and certain broad-leaf weeds in corn fields. It is more active against narrow-leaf weeds than broad-leaf weeds and is safe for corn crops. The recommended dosage is 40g/hm2.

Systemic herbicide in corn fields, used to control annual single and double leaf weeds in corn fields. It is used in rice seedling fields, Honda and direct seeding fields to control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedge weeds. It also has a certain inhibitory effect on barnyard grass.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) usage technology

The best effect is achieved when most weeds emerge at the 3- to 5-leaf stage of corn, the 2- to 4-leaf stage of annual weeds, and before the 6-leaf stage of perennial weeds. Use 40 g/L of suspending agent or oil suspending agent 70-1 per mu. o ml, or 3.5 to 5.3 grams of 75% water-dispersible granules, or 3.3 to 5 grams of 80% wettable powder, or 40 to 60 ml of 8% dispersible oil suspension, or 60 g/L 44 to 67 ml of dispersible oil suspension or 6% dispersible oil suspension, spray evenly on 30 to 40 kilograms of water. Use low doses when the weeds are small and have good moisture, and use high doses when the weeds are large and under drought conditions. Nicosulfuron not only has good stem and leaf treatment activity, but also has a soil sealing and herbicidal effect. Therefore, the pesticide cannot be applied too late. If it is applied too late, the resistance of weeds will increase and the weeding effect will be affected. When the soil moisture and air humidity are appropriate, it is conducive to the absorption and conduction of nicosulfuron by weeds; it is not easy to apply the pesticide when there is long-term drought, low temperature and the relative air humidity is lower than 65%; rain 6 hours after the application will not affect the pesticide effect. Nicosulfuron methyl can be mixed with 2,4-butyl ester, atrazine and other agents to expand the herbicidal spectrum and reduce the cost of medication. When mixing, use 40 grams/liter of nicosulfuron suspension per mu, 50 to 70 ml, or 3.5 to 4 grams of 75% water dispersible granules, or 3 to 3.5 grams of 80% wettable powder plus 72% 2 , 4 drops of 20 ml of butyl emulsifiable concentrate or 83 ml of 38% atrazine suspension. When applying, avoid the liquid from drifting to other nearby broad-leaf crops. If surfactants are added to the medicinal solution during medication, it can not only increase the efficacy and stabilize the herbicidal effect, but also reduce the dosage. Reduce medication costs.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) compound

1. Classic formula-smoky wormwood

There are 79 registered herbicide nicosulfuron product suppliers. All dosage forms are dispersible oil suspensions. The total content of active ingredients in the preparations is mainly about 30%, with the lowest being 24% and the highest being 40%. There are three ingredients The highest content of atrazine is about 20%, followed by mesotrione at about 7%, and nicosulfuron at about 3%. It can effectively control annual weeds in corn fields, such as barnyard grass, pigweed, polygonum, crabgrass, oxford grass, purslane, etc.

2. Nicosulfuron + Dicamba

There are two main types of compounds of nicosulfuron and dicamba, one is a two-component compound, and the other is a three-component compound with fluroxypyr; as a variety registered in 1963, dicamba In recent years, paraquat, chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron have attracted people's attention again after being banned. They are very potential herbicide varieties.

3. Nicosulfuron + sulfosulfuron

The total content of the herbicide nicosulfuron preparation is 6%, which is a dispersible oil suspension. The content of nicosulfuron-furon is 2%, and the content of nicosulfuron-furon is 4%. It is suitable for corn fields, and the dosage is 40-45 ml/acre. The mixture of the two has good control effect on both gramineous weeds and broadleaf weeds, and can effectively control annual weeds in corn fields.

4. Nicosulfuron+acetate

Metametrazone is a triazolinone herbicide, mainly used to control annual broadleaf weeds and some annual grass weeds in corn fields and sugarcane fields. It is a mixed herbicide with nicosulfuron genus with different mechanisms of action. , can better control annual weeds in corn fields. It is generally applied at the 2-4 leaf stage of corn and the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds in corn fields.

5. Nicosulfuron + 2,4-D isooctyl

The formulations of the herbicide nicosulfuron and 2,4-D isooctyl ester mainly include binary formulations and ternary formulations. The ternary formulations mainly add atrazine or octanoyl bromoxynil. Nicosulfuron-methyl is a sulfonylurea systemic herbicide that has special effects on annual grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds. 2,4-D isooctyl ester has good control effect on broadleaf weeds and sedges. The combination of the two can expand the herbicidal spectrum, improve the control effect, and can effectively control annual weeds in corn fields.

6. Nicosulfuron + terbutylzine

The pesticide nicosulfuron is a systemic, sulfonylurea herbicide that inhibits plant acetolactate synthase (a branched-chain amino acid synthesis inhibitor). It can be used to control annual and perennial grass weeds, sedges and certain broadleaf weeds in corn fields. Terbutzine is a systemic herbicide of the triazine family. Mainly absorbed by roots, very little is absorbed by stems and leaves. It is transmitted to plant meristems and leaves, interfering with photosynthesis and killing weeds.

7. Others

In addition, nicotine is compounded with metolachlor and metolachlor (25% atrazine + 2% nicosulfuron + 15% metolachlor); and acetochlor is compounded (20% atrazine + 2% nicosulfuron + 30% acetochlor); compounded with 2-methyl-4-chloride (20% atrazine + 4% nicosulfuron + 12% 2-methyl-4-chloroisooctane ester) etc.

Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Precautions

After the application of the herbicide nicosulfuron, it was observed that the corn leaves had mild chlorosis and yellow spots, but they recovered quickly. Corn is more sensitive below the 2-leaf stage and above the 5-leaf stage and prone to phytotoxicity. Varieties of corn that are sensitive to this drug include sweet corn and popcorn. Corn treated with organophosphorus insecticides is sensitive to this agent. The temperature during application should be around 20°C, the air humidity should be above 60%, and there should be no rainfall within 12 hours after application, which is conducive to the effectiveness of the medicine.

⒈Different corn varieties have different sensitivities to nicosulfuron, and the order of safety is dent>hard corn>exploded corn>sweet corn. Generally, corn before the 2-leaf stage and after the 10-leaf stage are sensitive to this drug. Sweet corn or popcorn corn is sensitive to this agent and should not be used.

⒉No residual phytotoxicity to wheat, garlic, alfalfa, potatoes, soybeans, etc.; but phytotoxicity to cabbage, beet, spinach, cucumber, sunflower, and sunflower. In areas where grains and vegetables are intercropped or rotated, phytotoxicity tests on subsequent crops of vegetables should be conducted.

⒊When mixed with 2,4-D, the liquid should be prevented from drifting to other nearby broad-leaf crops, and the sprayer should be dedicated.

⒋Corn treated with organophosphorus chemicals is sensitive to this drug. The interval between use of the two agents is about 7 days. Nicosulfuron methyl can be mixed with pyrethroid pesticides.

⒌If it rains 6 hours after application, it will have no obvious effect on the efficacy, so there is no need to spray again.

⒍The maximum residue limit (MRL) in corn is 0.02 mg/kg, the maximum dosage per acre is 4 grams (active ingredient), the maximum number of applications is once, and the safety interval is 30 days.

⒎Avoid direct sunlight. Place it separately from seeds, seedlings, fertilizers and other pesticides, and try to keep it sealed and stored in a low temperature and dry place.

Herbicide nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of pesticide and herbicide nicosulfuron will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide nicosulfuron you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide Nicosulfuron (111991-09-4) Supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide herbicide nicosulfuron, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.