Detailed Explanation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides Dinotefuran

Development and progress of dinotefuran

Dinotefuran is a new neonicotinoid insecticide, which is effective against Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Beetles and total insecticides on rice, cotton, vegetables, fruits, lawns and ornamental plants. It is effective against insects such as Pteroptera and highly effective against sanitary pests.

In April 2002, dinotefuran was registered in Japan, and in May of the same year, it was listed in Japan for use in fruit trees, rice and vegetables. It went on the market in South Korea in March 2003 and is used for rice and watermelon. In 2006 and 2010, it was launched in the United States for grapes and potatoes; for vegetables, potatoes and grapes. In 2008, dinotefuran was registered in the European Union, and in 2012 in India. The preparation product is 20% dinotefuran soluble granule, which is used for rice.

Dinotefuran has 25 registered dinotefuran technical products and 142 preparation products (104 single doses and 38 mixed formulations) in China, and about 75% of them are mainly registered in rice. In addition, they are also registered for the control of Cucumber whitefly, thrips, tea leafhopper, tomato whitefly, cabbage flea beetle, watermelon aphid, and indoor control of cockroaches, etc.

Since dinotefuran entered the market in 2002, the global sales in 2003 were 21 million US dollars, increased to 35 million US dollars in 2004, 40 million US dollars in 2005, 60 million US dollars in 2007, and 90 million US dollars in 2009. In 2010, it was US$95 million, and in 2011, the product that entered the ranks of US$100 million was US$110 million, growing rapidly at an average annual rate of 17%. In 2014, global sales decreased to US$95 million, rose to US$105 million in 2015, and remained at US$105 million in 2016. Dinotefuran has grown relatively rapidly in Japan’s local market, accounting for about 50% of the global sales of dinotefuran. In 2005, its sales in Japan were 2.97 billion yen, ranking No. 8 in Japan’s insecticide sales ; In 2010, it rose to the second place in the list with 5.91 billion yen, far surpassing acetamiprid (3.69 billion yen), thiamethoxam (3.41 billion yen) and imidacloprid (3.49 billion yen) among similar products. ); from 2005 to 2010, the compound annual growth rate of dinotefuran in the Japanese market was 14.75%. In recent years, the global market of dinotefuran has stabilized, with a compound annual growth rate of 2.0% from 2010 to 2015, and China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and India are its key markets.

Mechanism of action of dinotefuran

Dinotefuran, like nicotine and other neonicotinoid insecticides, targets nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists, and dinotefuran is a neurotoxin that can cause insect central nervous system to Disturbance, thereby interfering with the normal nerve activity of insects, causing the interruption of the transmission of stimuli, making the insects in a state of extreme excitement, and gradually dying in paralysis. Dinotefuran not only has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects, but also has excellent systemic, penetrating and conducting effects, and can be rapidly absorbed by the stems, leaves and roots of plants.

Physicochemical properties of dinotefuran

The appearance of the original drug is an odorless, white crystalline solid with a melting point of 107.5°C and a boiling point of 208°C (decomposition). Dinotefuran exists as isomers, mainly the D-enantiomer (providing insecticidal activity) and the L-enantiomer (highly toxic to Apis mellifera). The relative density is 1.40.

Solubility (20°C): 39.8 g/L in water; Solubility in organic solvents (20°C): 9.0×10-6 g/L in hexane, 7.2×10-2 g/L in xylene, 0.15 g/L in toluene, 11 g/L in dichloromethane, 58 g/L in acetone, 57 g/L in methanol, 19 g/L in ethanol, and 5.2 g/L in ethyl acetate L.

Stability: stable at 150°C; hydrolysis DT50 > 1 year (pH 4, 7, 9); photolysis DT50 is 3.8 hours (distilled water/natural water).

Features of dinotefuran

(1) Many crops: dinotefuran is widely used in agriculture in grains such as rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, peanuts, etc., vegetable crops such as cucumber, cabbage, celery, tomato, pepper, brassica, beet, Rapeseed, gourd, cabbage, etc., fruits such as apples, grapes, watermelons, citrus, etc., tea trees, lawns, and ornamental plants, etc.; in non-agricultural indoor and outdoor hygiene control such as houseflies, ants, fleas, cockroaches, red fire ants, German small Cockroaches, centipedes and other pests.

(2) Wide anti-insect spectrum: dinotefuran has many dosage forms and has a wide range of applications. It can not only control ground pests, but also control underground pests. Therefore, it is recognized as a broad-spectrum and highly effective pesticide.

Dinotefuran can effectively control pests of Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Beetles and Totaloptera, such as brown planthopper, rice planthopper, brown planthopper, white-backed planthopper, Silverleaf whitefly, weevil, rice water weevil, Chinese rice stinkbug, stem borer, thrips, cotton aphid, beetle, yellow striped flea beetle, cutworm, German cockroach, Japanese scarab, melon thrips, small Green leafhoppers, grubs, ants, fleas, cockroaches, etc. In addition to its direct insecticidal effect, it can also affect the behavior of pests such as feeding, mating, oviposition, and flying, and cause physiological effects such as poor fertility and reduced oviposition.

(3) Multiple application methods: dinotefuran not only has contact and stomach poisoning effects, but also has excellent systemic and penetrating properties. The medicament can be quickly absorbed and penetrated by the roots, stems and leaves of the plant, and can be transferred from the xylem to the top or from the leaf surface to the leaf. Therefore, it can be used in a variety of application methods such as spraying, watering, spreading, injection and seed treatment. In addition to being used for traditional foliar spraying, it is also especially suitable for soil irrigation and seed treatment. Since dinotefuran has higher water solubility than thiamethoxam, it can be quickly absorbed in plants, and the use of appropriate dosage can bring protection to seedlings for more than one month. Even if dinotefuran granules are used in dry soil (soil moisture should be kept above 5%), the pesticide can still exert a stable insecticidal effect. Since dinotefuran has little impact on mammals and the environment, it is a better pharmaceutical product for comprehensive pest control.

(4) Low toxicity and strong safety: From the toxicity data of dinotefuran, it can be seen that it is very safe to mammals, and has no teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, and is also very safe to aquatic organisms. When it is used in crops such as vegetables and fruits, because its water solubility is much greater than that of other neonicotinoid insecticides, it can be washed with water when eating, so it is safer than other neonicotinoid insecticides. In addition, the current global problem of high toxicity to important vector insects bees is very prominent. The European Union announced that it will implement a policy of restricting the use of neonicotinoid insecticides from July 1, 2013, in order to reduce or avoid the harm to pollinators such as bees . The oral toxicity of dinotefuran to bees is only 1/4.6 of that of thiamethoxam, and the contact toxicity is 1/2 of that of thiamethoxam. Even so, dinotefuran is still a highly toxic product to bees, but compared with other new As far as neonicotinoid insecticides are concerned, the safety is much stronger.

The joint team of the Pesticide Residue and Environmental Behavior Research Group and the Insect Functional Gene Research Group of the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, through the study of the third-generation neonicotinoid chiral pesticide dinotefuran, confirmed that the insecticidal activity of dinotefuran mainly comes from dinotefuran amine dextrorotary enantiomer, while the toxicity to Italian bees mainly comes from the dinotefuran dextrorotary enantiomer, which reveals the molecular mechanism of the high toxicity of dinotefuran L enantiomer to Italian honeybees. Due to the difficulty of separating the isomers of insecticides, the safety assessment of traditional insecticides usually does not distinguish the difference between the enantiomers of insecticides; therefore, the development of the chiral monomer pesticide of dinotefuran can effectively reduce the impact of dinotefuran on bee populations. Toxicity and effective control of target pests.

(5) Strong quick-acting and high activity: dinotefuran not only has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects, but also has excellent systemic and high penetrating effects. The medicament can be quickly absorbed and penetrated by the roots, stems and leaves of the plant, and can be transferred from the xylem to the top or from the leaf surface to the leaf. The drug can be quickly distributed in the crop leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, roots, etc., and the pests will immediately exert a strong quick-acting effect (better than imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and pymetrozine, and similar to nitenpyram) and activity. High insect repellent effect, the effect is very significant.

(6) Basically no drug resistance: dinotefuran is a new generation of neonicotinoid insecticides, which has no cross-resistance with other types of insecticides, and is resistant to neonicotinoids that have been used due to the use of neonicotinoid insecticides such as imidacloprid and clothianidin. Pests that are resistant to oxazine, acetamiprid, nitenpyram, etc. have better control effects.

(7) Long-lasting effect: dinotefuran not only has good quick-acting properties, but also has a long lasting effect period, usually the long-lasting effect period (better than imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, nitenpyram, and similar to pymetrozine) can reach In 4 to 6 weeks, the insecticide is also relatively thorough, so that the possibility of pest recurrence is greatly reduced.

(8) Effective in controlling common household pests: Although dinotefuran is safe for mammals, its high bee toxicity affects its use in agriculture, but it has a good market in sanitary medicine. Dinotefuran and its compound products are effective against common household pests, such as common housefly, mosquito, fire ants, carpenter ants, stink house ants, ticks, fleas, German cockroaches, smoky cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, bedbugs and Silverfish, etc. have obvious killing effect.

(9) The original drug is more expensive, which limits its development potential: Among neonicotinoid insecticides, the price of dinotefuran original drug (97% content) is relatively high, while the drugs with similar control targets are cheaper than it.

How to use dinotefuran

1. Vegetable crops (using 1% granules and 20% water-soluble granules): 1% granules can be mixed with soil in soil holes when fruit vegetables and leafy vegetables are transplanted, or in the soil of hand-sowed ditch when sowing Blending. This can control parasitic pests during transplanting and pests that fly in before transplanting. In addition, because the agent has good systemic conduction effect, it can be quickly absorbed by plants after treatment, and can maintain the drug effect for 4 to 6 weeks. 20% water-soluble granules can be used as stem and leaf treatment agent to control pests. The two treatment methods of "infusion treatment" and "growing soil infusion treatment" are being tested. The above-mentioned granules and water-soluble granules can be used in combination, so that they can be applied from the initial stage of crop growth to harvest.

(1) The insecticidal spectrum is very wide, and after treatment, it can control many kinds of pests that occur at the same time. When the vegetables are transplanted, they can also control aphids, whiteflies, thrips, diamondback moths, etc. that occur in the early growth stage. Water-soluble granules are used in appropriate periods when pests occur, and also control the above-mentioned pests at the same time.

(2) The residual effect on target pests is long, and the pest density can be controlled for a long time with one treatment, especially for aphids and whiteflies, which can be effectively controlled for up to one month.

(3) The recommended dose has no phytotoxicity to crops.

(4) It has high penetration and can migrate well from the leaf surface to the inside of the leaf. Granules can still play a stable effect in dry soil (soil moisture up to 5%). the

2. Fruit trees (20% water-soluble granules): water-soluble granules are used as stem and leaf treatment agents when insect pests occur, and can effectively prevent and control aphids, red scales, sucking pests, borers, golden leaf moths and other Lepidoptera pests. In addition, it also has a good insecticidal effect on stinkbug pests and a high sucking inhibition effect. There is no phytotoxicity when used at the recommended dosage, and it is very safe to crops when the dosage is doubled. Same as when used on vegetable crops, it has the effect of penetrating and migrating from the leaf surface to the inside of the leaf. At the same time, it is also very safe to the important natural enemies of fruit trees. the

3. Rice (2% granules for nursery boxes, 1% granules, 0.5% DL powder): When used in rice fields, DL powder and granules can be used at a dose of 30kg/h(active ingredients 10-20g h) can effectively control pests such as planthoppers, black-tailed leafhoppers, and rice mudworms. Especially for stinkbug pests, there is very little difference in efficacy between species. After being used in the nursery box, it can effectively control planthoppers, black-tailed leafhoppers, rice worms and rice tube borers after transplanting. The pesticide has a long residual effect on the target pests, and can still effectively control the population density after 45 days. At present, further tests are being carried out on pests such as rice borer, rice borer, and rice black bug.

Dinotefuran is the only neonicotinoid insecticide that does not contain chlorine atoms and aromatic rings, and is known as the third-generation neonicotinoid insecticide, or "nicotine furan". Compared with other neonicotinoid insecticides, it exhibits better performance, has more excellent systemic penetration, and can show more insecticidal activity at a very low dose.

price of insecticides

Since some neonicotinoid insecticides (such as imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin) are banned and restricted in the European Union, plus their high efficiency, broad spectrum, systemic absorption, penetration, low toxicity, good quick-acting and long-lasting , safe to use, and no cross-resistance with conventional insecticides. Dinotefuran is widely used in agriculture to kill pests in rice, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and other crops. Also efficient. The market for dinotefuran is vast, and the formulations and processed products are diversified, which can meet the application needs of users. It is likely to become the mainstream variety replacing the second-generation neonicotinoid insecticides. Currently, the only main source of resistance to the growth of the dinotefuran sales market The price of the original drug is higher.

Usually, the price of insecticides and insecticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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