Detailed explanation of plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

What is 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate?

Plant growth regulator2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is a high-efficiency cytokinin, mainly to promote crop growth, promote crop rooting, and enhance fertilizer efficiency and other functions. The main function features are relatively long duration of effect, wide range of safe dosage, and higher safety.

The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is a compound with extremely high biological activity, and will become a substitute for plant growth regulators gibberellins, nitro compounds, naphthalene rings, and adenines. World botanists and agricultural scientists called the revolution of plant growth regulators.

Content: raw powder, crude oil 98%

Solubility: easily soluble in water and alcohols, hardly soluble in benzene, stable at room temperature, itself a neutral substance, stable under acid or neutral conditions. In alkaline solution (PH>8), the activity decreases and the content decreases. It is not suitable for compounding with alkaline pesticides and fertilizers, so as not to affect the efficacy. This product is non-toxic, non-polluting, and safe for humans, animals and plants.

Physicochemical properties of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

The active ingredient of plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is diethylaminoethanol hexanoate. The pure product is a colorless liquid that is easily oxidized in the air. The industrial product is light yellow or brown oily liquid. Crude oil is slightly soluble in water. , soluble in most organic solvents; its citrate is pure white crystal, easily soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, methanol, acetone and other organic solvents, stable at room temperature, and has the smell of amine.

Physiological effects of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can increase the content of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid, photosynthetic rate and the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase in the plant, promote the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of the plant, and enhance the absorption of water and fertilizer by the plant and accumulation of dry matter, regulate the water balance in the body, enhance the disease resistance, drought resistance, and cold resistance of crops and fruit trees, delay plant aging, promote early maturity of crops, increase yield, and improve crop quality, so as to increase yield and quality.

Physiological activity of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can effectively regulate the growth and development of plants mainly through the influence on the ultrastructure and function of plant cells and the regulation of the content of nucleic acid, protein and peroxidase in the body, so that various The yield and quality of crops can be considerably improved.

1. Promote the division and elongation of cells, accelerate the growth and differentiation of growth points, promote seed germination, promote tillering and branching;

2. Improve the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, increase the content of chlorophyll, nucleic acid and photosynthetic rate, and delay plant aging;

3. Improve nitrogen and carbon metabolism, promote root development, promote stem and leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, early budding and flowering, increase fruit setting rate, and promote crop maturity;

4. Activate good genes to play a full role, strengthen defense and stress resistance mechanisms, and thrive even in adversity, greatly increasing yield and improving quality.

Main features of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

1 Broad-spectrum and high-efficiency, less dosage, and suitable for various economic crops and food crops.

2 Safe and Stable Diethyl ethyl hexanoate is a kind of fatty ester compound, which is equivalent to oil. It has no toxicity to humans and animals, and will not remain in nature. The raw powder is non-flammable and non-explosive, and it can be stored and transported according to general chemical substances, and there is no potential safety hazard in storage, transportation and use.

3 Sustained-release effect Diethyl hexanoate will be quickly absorbed and stored by plants, one part acts quickly, while the other part acts slowly, and can effectively last for more than 20 days in the body.

4 Adapt to low temperature Other plant growth regulators lose their regulating effect on plant growth when the temperature is lower than 20 degrees, while diethyl diethyl ethyl hexanoate can regulate as long as the plant has growth phenomenon.

5 Synergistic detoxification Can be compounded with fertilizers, insecticides, and fungicides to enhance fertilizer and drug effects and reduce dosage; it has detoxification effects on most herbicides; when compounded with herbicides, it can be used without reducing the effect of herbicides Effectively prevent crop poisoning under certain conditions, so that herbicides can be used safely.

Advantages of Amino Fresh Fat DA-6

1. Plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is suitable for use in various growth stages of various food crops and economic crops, and is a broad-spectrum strong plant growth regulator. It can be used for seed soaking, root irrigation at seedling stage, foliage spraying, flowering spraying and expansion stage, and has good application effects in different seasons.

2. It has strong drought resistance, cold resistance, waterlogging resistance, lodging resistance, disease resistance and drug resistance, promotes plant vegetative growth, flower bud differentiation, tuber expansion, root tuber expansion and fruit expansion, and improves flowering and fruit setting. Fruit trees Better coloring, earlier crop maturity, significantly increased yield, and effectively improved crop quality.

3 The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate itself is non-toxic and harmless to humans and animals. The various concentrations used will not cause side effects to plants. There will be no residue after use, which can effectively protect the environment and prevent the next crop from being damaged. No side effects, high safety performance.

4. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can improve the plant's disease resistance. It can be used in combination with fungicides to effectively control fusarium wilt and viral diseases and reduce the use of fungicides by 10-30%. Diethyl hexanoate can avoid lepidopteran pests, and it can be used in combination with insecticides to enhance plant insect resistance. It can be used as an antidote for herbicides and mixed with herbicides to reduce the phytotoxicity of herbicides. Mixed use with fertilizers can improve the utilization rate of fertilizers and save the cost of fertilizers.

5. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has a certain slow-release effect, and the validity period can reach 20-40 days.

6. Spraying diethyl hexanoate for ornamental flowers can prolong the flowering period and enhance the ornamental effect.

7. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can improve the nitrogen fixation capacity of leguminous crops.

Disadvantages of Amino Fresh Fat DA-6

1. It takes 3 days for the use of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate to show the effect, while sodium nitrophenolate and brassinolide can achieve immediate results.

2. Aminoethyl hexanoate belongs to exogenous hormones and has no nutritional components. It needs to be used in conjunction with alginic acid, trace elements, and fish proteins, while sodium nitrophenolate and brassinolide are endogenous hormones that promote cell growth. Protoplasm flow, improve cell viability.

3. The concentration and application time of different crops in different growth stages should be determined according to the experimental demonstration effect, and the number of applications cannot be increased indefinitely.

The role of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

1 Preserve flowers and fruits to promote growth. The effect of diethyl hexanoate on crops, fruits and vegetables is also very good. It can protect flowers and fruits, promote plant growth and fruit growth, and the effect is also a very good product.

2. Provide nutrients to promote growth. The use of diethyl diethyl hexanoate can also provide the nutrients needed for crop growth, and provide nutrients can also promote plant growth.

3 Promote the growth of roots and tubers, such as peanuts, potatoes, carrots and other crops, when they grow, they need more nutrients, so that they will grow better, diethyl hexanoate can provide nutrients to promote crop growth.

4 Improve the quality of cash crops. Rapeseed, cotton, tea, sugar cane, etc. encountered in life, some grow well but the quality is not good, so diethyl hexanoate can improve the quality of crops, so that economic crops can grow well when they grow , the quality will be very good.

5. Prolong the life cycle of plants. For the flowers and ornamental potted plants we usually see, we can use diethylhexanoate for long-term observation, which can improve the life cycle of plants and allow them to be viewed for a long time.

6. Improve nitrogen fixation capacity. For some crops such as soybeans, if the nitrogen fixation capacity is not enough during the growth cycle, diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate can be used, which can have a good effect.

7 Improve the stress resistance of crops

The plant growth regulator diethyl diethylhexanoate (DA-6) has the ability to enhance the drought resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, waterlogging resistance, disease resistance and other stress resistance of various crops, and has the effect of increasing yield. Reasonable use can make crops mature earlier, and can increase the sugar, amino acid, protein, and other nutrients of crops.

8 Increase production and income, promote photosynthesis

The use of diethyl diethyl ethyl hexanoate can improve the photosynthetic ability of crops, increase chlorophyll, nucleic acid content and photosynthetic efficiency, increase the water and fertilizer absorption capacity and nutrient accumulation of plants, delay aging, enhance disease resistance, increase chlorophyll, increase yield, and improve growth. .

9 Improve quality

The plant growth regulator diethyl diethyl hexanoate is a residue-free and pollution-free product. After using diethyl diethyl hexanoate, it can improve fruit coloring, beautiful fruit, good taste, bright flowers, high ornamental value, and long flowering period.

10 The plant growth regulator diethyl hexanoate can be quickly absorbed by crops, and the drug's effect time is relatively long-lasting.

11 It can be used in combination with other pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, trace elements, insecticides, etc., and has a synergistic effect.

How to use 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

1. The original powder of plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can be directly made into various liquids and various powders, and the concentration can be adjusted according to needs: the operation is simple, and no special additives, operating processes and special equipment are required.

2 The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is mixed with fertilizers. Other plant growth regulators such as aromatic ring compounds and adenines are not compatible with micro-fertilizers. Special solvents, auxiliaries, chelating agents and complex fertilizers are required for mixing. Advanced technology: DA-6 can be directly mixed with N, P, K, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, MO, etc., and has good compatibility. It does not require additives such as organic solvents and additives, and is very stable and can be stored for a long time. And it can improve the assimilation ability of plants, accelerate the absorption and utilization of fertilizers by plants, increase fertilizer efficiency by more than 30%, and reduce fertilizer consumption by more than 10%. Its effect exceeds that of other synergists by more than 10%.

3. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is used in combination with all fungicides. DA-6 is a neutral substance and can be heterocyclic fungicides, such as carbendazim, etc.; it can replace benzene fungicides, such as methyl thiophanate, metalaxyl, etc.; amine fungicides, dicyandiamide, etc.; organophosphorus fungicides, such as Daobenjing, etc.; sulfur fungicides, such as acetoallin, mancozeb, etc.; quinone fungicides, Such as dithianon, etc.; copper fungicides, such as copper sulfate, organic copper, etc.; organic arsenic fungicides, such as thiram, etc.; antibiotic fungicides, such as Jinggangmycin, penicillin and streptomycin and other fungicide compound , all have obvious synergistic effect, which can increase the effect by more than 30%, and reduce the dosage by 10-30%. And experiments have proved that DA-6 has inhibitory and preventive effects on various plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.

4. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is used in combination with insecticides. DA-6 is a neutral substance and can be used with organophosphorus insecticides such as dichlorvos, methyl parathion, etc.: pyrethroid insecticides Insecticides such as cypermethrin; carbamate insecticides such as methomyl, carbofuran, etc.; acaricides such as fofol, triazotin, etc.; Wait for recombination. It can increase plant growth and enhance plant insect resistance, and DA-6 itself can repel molluscs. After compounding DA-6 with insecticide, it can kill insects and increase production, achieving the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

5. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can be used as an antidote for herbicides. DA-6 has detoxification effects on most herbicides, such as phenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D, diclofop, etc.; benzoic acid Such as dicamba, etc.; substituted ureas such as chlorotoluron, etc.; trichlorobenzenes such as simazine, organic heterocyclics such as clomazone, paraquat, tribenuron-methyl, etc.; other herbicides such as palapaquat.

6. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is used in combination with the herbicide, which can effectively prevent the poisoning of the crops without reducing the effect of the herbicide, so that the herbicide can be used safely. For poisoned crops, DA-6 can be used for detoxification, so that the crops can quickly recover and reduce economic losses.

7. When the plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is used alone, the effect is best at 10-15ppm; when used in combination with fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, the effect is best at 10ppm.

Preserve flowers and fruits to promote growth

Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, sweet peppers and other solanaceous fruits: Spray diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 10~20mg/L once each at the seedling stage, early flowering stage, and after fruit setting to achieve strong seedlings and good disease and stress resistance. Increase flowers and preserve fruit to increase the seed setting rate, the fruit is uniform and smooth, the quality is improved, the effect is early maturity, and the harvest period is prolonged.

Cucumbers, wax gourds, pumpkins, loofahs, bitter gourds, zucchini, zucchini and other melons: use 8-15mg/L concentration of hexanoate to spray once each at the seedling stage, early flowering stage, and after fruit setting to achieve strong seedlings and disease resistance , Cold resistance, increased flowering number, increased fruiting rate, beautiful melon shape, correct color, increased dry matter, improved quality, early maturity, and late pulling of seedlings.

Citrus and orange: Spray diethyl diethylhexanoate at a concentration of 5~15mg/L once at the initial flowering stage, the middle stage of physiological fruit drop, and when the fruit is 2~3cm long, so as to accelerate the expansion of young fruit, increase the fruit setting rate, and make the fruit surface smooth and thin. Sweet taste, early maturity, increased yield, enhanced cold resistance and disease resistance.

Litchi and longan: use 8~15mg/L diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate to spray once at the initial flowering stage, after fruit setting, and fruit swelling stage, which can increase the fruit setting rate, increase the grain weight, thicken and sweeten the pulp, and reduce the core , precocious, yield-increasing effects.

Banana: Spray diethyl diethylhexanoate at a concentration of 8~15mg/L once at the flower bud stage and after the bud break stage to achieve more fruit, even fruit combing, increased yield, early maturity, and good quality.

Loquat, grapes, olives: Spray 8~15mg/L of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate once at the initial flowering stage, after fruit setting, and fruit expansion stage, which can improve the fruit setting rate, the fruit grows fast, the size is uniform, and the fruit is heavy. Increase, increase sugar content, decrease acidity, improve stress resistance, early maturity, and increase production.

promote vegetative growth

Chinese cabbage, spinach, celery, lettuce, mustard greens, water spinach, cauliflower, raw cauliflower, coriander and other leafy vegetables: use 20~60mg/L concentration of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate after planting, and the growth period interval is more than 7~10 days Spray once, a total of 2~3 times, can achieve strong plants, improve stress resistance, promote vegetative growth, fast growth, increased leaves, wide, large, thick, green, thick and tender stems, large and heavy balls, early harvesting effect.

Leeks, scallions, onions, garlic and other onions and garlic: Spray diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 10~15mg/L at intervals of more than 10 days during the vegetative growth period, a total of 2~3 times, which can promote vegetative growth and enhance resistance Effect.

Promote root and tuber growth

Radish, carrot, pickled mustard, burdock and other root vegetables: Soak the seeds with diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 8~15mg/L for 6 hours. Spray once at the seedling stage, fleshy root formation stage and expansion stage with a concentration of 10~20mg/L, which can achieve the effects of fast growth of seedlings, strong seedlings, straight, thick and heavy roots, smooth skin, improved quality, early maturity, and increased production.

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro: Spray 8-15 mg/L diethyl diethyl hexanoate once each at the seedling stage, root formation stage and expansion stage, to achieve strong seedlings, improved stress resistance, more, large, heavy potato pieces, and early maturity , the effect of increasing production.

Improve seed production

Kidney beans, peas, lentils, kidney beans and other legumes: Spray diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 5~15mg/L once at the seedling stage, full flower stage, and pod stage, to achieve strong seedlings, good stress resistance, and improve pod formation. rate, early maturity, prolongation of the growing and purchasing periods.

Rice: Soak the seeds with diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 10~15mg/L for 24 hours. Spraying at the tillering stage, booting stage, and filling stage can achieve the effects of increasing germination rate, strong seedlings, enhancing cold resistance, increasing tillers, increasing effective panicles, increasing seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight, good root activity, early maturity and increased production.

Wheat: Soak seeds with 12~18mg/L diethyl aminohexanoate for 8 hours, and spray once at the three-leaf stage, booting stage, and filling stage, which can increase the germination rate, make the plants strong, dark green leaves, full grains, and bald. The degree of shortening, the number of grains per panicle and thousand-grain weight increase, the effect of resistance to dry and hot wind, early maturity and high yield.

Improve the quality of cash crops

Rapeseed: Soak the seeds with 8-15mg/L diethylhexanoate for 8 hours, and spray once at the seedling stage, the initial flowering stage, and the pod stage, which can improve the germination rate, vigorous growth, more flowers and more pods, early maturity and high yield, rapeseed The content of erucic acid is reduced and the oil yield is high.

Tobacco leaves: use 8~15mg/L concentration of diethyl hexanoate to spray once after planting, group tree stage, and flourishing long-term, to achieve strong seedlings, increased leaves, thicker, improved stress resistance, increased yield, early harvest, and the color of flue-cured tobacco Good, high-level effect.

Tea: Spray once with 5-15mg/L diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate when the tea buds germinate and once after picking, which can achieve the density of tea buds, increase the weight of hundreds of buds, increase the number of new shoots, luxuriant branches and leaves, high amino acid content, and increase production. Effect.

Sugarcane: Spray diethyl diethylhexanoate at a concentration of 8~15mg/L once at the seedling stage, jointing stage, and rapid growth stage to increase effective tillering, plant height, stem thickness, single stem weight, sugar content, and rapid growth. Anti-lodging effect.

Edible fungi such as shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, fungus, straw mushrooms, and Flammulina velutipes: use 8-15mg/L concentration of diethylhexanoate to spray once each at the initial stage of fruit body formation, the initial mushroom stage, and the growth stage to improve the growth of mycelium. Increase the number of sporophores, accelerate the growth rate of single mushrooms, grow neatly, have thick meat, thick stipe, greatly increase fresh weight and dry weight, and improve quality.

Extend plant life

Flowers: Spray diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 8~25mg/L every 7~10 days during the growth period, which can increase the plant and daily growth, increase the number of internodes and leaves, increase the leaf surface and its thickness, and Flowering, prolonging the flowering period, increasing the number of blooms, bright flowers and green leaves, and enhancing the effect of cold resistance and drought resistance.

Ornamental plants: Spray diethyl hexanoate at a concentration of 15-60 mg/L once every 7-10 days during the seedling period, and once every 15-20 days during the growth period, so that the seedlings can be strong, come out of the nursery early, and increase the plant height and crown width. The leaf color is dark green, accelerates growth, and has the effects of cold resistance, drought resistance, and anti-aging.

Improve nitrogen fixation capacity

Soybean: Soak the seeds with 8-15mg/L diethyl diethylhexanoate for 8 hours, and spray once at the seedling stage of flowering and pod setting, which can increase the germination rate, increase the number of flowers, improve the nitrogen fixation ability of rhizobia, and make the pods full. Increased dry matter, early maturity, and increased yield.

Amino fresh fat DA-6 application range

Plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is widely used in various crops, edible fungi, flowers, and medicinal materials. It can be used for soaking seeds, dipping roots, root irrigation and spraying on leaves.

The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can be directly made into powder, water, tablet, capsule, emulsifiable concentrate and liquid , then join).

Use DA-62-4g per mu, that is, spray 2-3 times at a concentration of 10-20ppm, so that fruit trees (apple, pear, grape, citrus, banana, etc.) can preserve flowers, promote fruit, increase fruit setting rate, and increase Fruit, quality improvement, commercial performance (uniform fruit size, good coloring, smooth peel), sweetening, 10-40% increase in yield, enhanced stress resistance, 5-7 days early maturity.

Using DA-61-2g per mu can increase the yield of tobacco leaf, peanut, soybean, tea, sugarcane, sugar beet, rape, etc. by 15-40%, corn by 15-35%, wheat by 10-30%, and rice by 10-20% %, and can enhance stress resistance and promote early maturity.

Use DA-61g per mu, that is, spray 2-3 times at a concentration of 5ppm, which can make the flowers strong, colorful and green, enhance stress resistance, and improve commerciality: when used for edible fungi, the quality can be improved, harvested earlier, and the yield can be increased by 35% % or more, soaking seeds at a concentration of 10ppm for 6-24 hours can increase the germination rate and enhance stress resistance.

The plant growth regulator DA-6 can also be used in tissue culture to promote differentiation. At the same time, it can also increase the content of paclitaxel, Eucommia gum, and the content of effective ingredients in Chinese herbal medicine. In addition, it can also be used as a seed coating additive to promote germination and growth. Seedling.

Superior performance of 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate

1. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has many advantages of traditional growth-promoting regulators: spectrum, can be used for various economic crops and food crops; long-term use, use and the entire growth period of plants; low cost High-efficiency, the effect of increasing production is more than 10% higher than that of other growth promoters; improve fertilizer efficiency and drug efficacy, increase input-output ratio; improve crop quality; have special detoxification effects, reduce phytotoxicity, etc.

2. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is highly efficient: 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is more efficient than other plant growth regulators, mainly in terms of improving growth, so that farmers can know at a glance that it is a good regulator. It promotes strong plants and lodging resistance, which is not available in other growth-promoting plant growth regulators.

3. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can enhance photosynthesis, and 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can increase the content of chlorophyll. After three days of application, the leaves will become dark green, bigger and wider, and the effect will be quick and effective. At the same time, it increases the rate of photosynthesis, increases the absorption of CO2 by plants, and adjusts the C/N ratio of plants. Increase the disease resistance of leaves and plants, and make the plants grow vigorously, which is significantly superior to other plant growth regulators.

4. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can adapt to low temperature. At low temperature, 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has a regulating effect as long as the plant has growth phenomenon. Therefore, it can be widely used in plastic greenhouses and winter crops. While other plant regulators lose their regulatory effect on plant growth when the temperature is lower than 20 degrees, so the application in plastic greenhouses is limited.

5. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has no toxic and side effects. 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is a fatty ester compound, which is equivalent to oil. It has no toxicity to humans and animals and will not remain in nature. It is a non-toxic substance.

6. Plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is super stable: 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate is non-flammable and non-explosive. It can be stored and transported according to general chemical substances, and there are no hidden dangers in storage, transportation and use.

7. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has a slow-release effect, and it will be quickly absorbed and stored by plants.

8. Plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can regulate five endogenous hormones in plants. 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate itself is not a hormone, but after absorption, it can regulate auxin in plants. Generally, the use of DA-6 in the early stage will accelerate the vegetative growth of plants, and the use of DA-6 in the middle and late stages will increase flowering, fruit setting, and accelerate the ripening of plant fruits.

9. The plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has a wide concentration range. 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate has a wide range of concentration, that is, from 1-100PPM, it has a good regulating effect on plants. Different concentrations have different peaks of action and yield-increasing effects. No side effects and phytotoxicity have been found.

10. The function and characteristics of plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate: 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate can increase the content of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid and photosynthetic rate in plants, and it can increase the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, and accelerate Plant carbon and nitrogen metabolism, enhance plant aging, promote crop early maturity, increase yield, and improve product quality.

Precautions during the use of diethylhexanoate (DA-6)

1. The plant growth regulator amine fresh fat (DA-6) is easily decomposed by alkali, so it should not be mixed with alkaline pesticides and fertilizers.

2. Do not spray at high temperature to cause volatilization. The spraying time is before 10 am and after 4 pm (the effect is better after the sun sets).

3. Do not use it without restraint. Aminoethyl hexanoate is only formulated for nutrition, and it does not have nutritional ingredients, so it cannot be regulated blindly, and it needs to be filled with substances when it is regulated. It is necessary to compound some nutrients, such as alginic acid, trace elements and fish protein.

4. Be sure to remember the concentration used when using it. Excessive concentration will also affect the growth of plants and may have the opposite effect. Therefore, you should consult the technology before using it to avoid bad effects.

The price of plant growth regulator diethyl diethylhexanoate (DA-6)

Usually, the price of pesticide plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide plant growth regulator 2-Diethylaminoethyl hexanoate you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of plant growth regulator diethyl diethylhexanoate (DA-6)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Amino Fresh Fat DA-6, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.