Discussion on the herbicide butachlore

What is butachlore?

The herbicide butachlore is an organic compound with the molecular formula C17H26ClNO2 and is a selective pre-emergence herbicide. It is mainly used for the control of annual grass weeds and certain broad-leaved weeds in direct seeding or transplanting paddy fields. Also selective for wheat, barley, sugar beet, cotton, peanut and cabbage crops. The effective dosage is 1.0-4.5kg (active ingredient) per hectare.It is generally used for soil surface treatment before emergence, and it can also beapplied after emergence in paddy fields. It is an important variety of herbicides in paddy fields.

butachlore is a selective pre-emergence herbicide. It is mainly used for the control of annual grass weeds and certain broad-leaved weeds in direct seeding or transplanting paddy fields. Also selective for wheat, barley, sugar beet, cotton, peanut andcabbage crops. It is generally used as pre-emergence soil surface treatment, and itcan also be applied after emergence in paddy fields. It is an important variety of herbicides in paddy fields.

Physical and chemical properties of butachlore

The herbicide butachlore is an amber liquid with a boiling point of 196°C (66.7Pa). Insoluble in water, miscible with acetone, benzene, ethanol, ethyl acetate, hexane. It decomposes at 275°C, is stable at pH 7-10, and is stable to ultraviolet light.

Mechanism of action of butachlore

The herbicide butachlore is generally used as a sealing agent in paddy fields, or used before the one-leaf stage of weeds to exert its ideal effect.

After the drug is used, butachlore is absorbed by the weed shoots, and then transmitted to various parts of the weed to play a role. The absorbed butachlore will inhibit and destroy the production of protease in the weeds, affecting the synthesis of weed proteins, resulting in the failure of normal growth and development of weed shoots and young roots, resulting in the death of weeds.

When butachlore is applied in dry land, the soil needs to be moist, otherwise it is easy to cause phytotoxicity.

butachlore control object

butachlore can control annual gramineous weeds and some broad-leaved weeds, such as barnyardgrass, crabgrass, foxtail, buffalo, bermudagrass, knotgrass, special-shaped sedge, water amaranth, etc...

butachlore has poor effect on barnyardgrass above the three-leaf stage, so it must be controlled before the one-leaf stage of weeds. It is used in the three-leaf stage, and the water should not submerge the seedling core.

How to use butachlore

1. After the rice seedling fields and direct-broadcasting fields are set up, 2-3 days before sowing, irrigate the shallow water layer, use 75-100 ml of 60% EC per mu, and spray 35 kg of water evenly on the soil surface to keep the water layer 2- 3 days, drain and sow. It can also be sprayed with 60% EC 100-125 ml per acre to 30 kg of water at the stage of 1 leaf, 1 heart to 2 leaves of the seedlings and before the 2 leaf stage of barnyardgrass. Layer 3-4 days. Early live broadcast fields can be sprayed after "soaking in hood water" after sowing.

2. The transplanting field is generally used 3-5 days after transplanting, when barnyardgrass and other germination peaks, use 60% EC 100-125 ml per mu, spray 35 kg of water evenly, or sprinkle 5% granules per mu 1000-1200 grams, keep the shallow water layer for 3-4 days.

3. Use of dryland crops After sowing small (big) wheat and before emergence, use 100-125 ml of 60% EC per mu, and 50 kg of water, and spray evenly on the soil surface. Corn, upland rice, and vegetable weeding can also refer to this method.

Contraindications for the use of butachlore

1. After the plant absorbs butachlore, it inhibits and destroys protease in the body, affects the formation of protein, and inhibits the normal growth and development of weed sprouts and young roots, thus causing the death of weeds. Used on clay loam and soil with high organic matter content, the agent can be absorbed by the soil colloid and is not easy to be leached, and the special effect period can reach 1-2 months

2. butachlore is highly toxic to fish, so it cannot be used for fish farming, and the field water after rice field treatment cannot be discharged into fish ponds. butachlore has good control effect on weeds before emergence, but poor control effect on large grasses. It should be applied before sowing and planting as much as possible.

3. The spraying should be uniform, so as to prevent the drug damage caused by excessive local application, or the phenomenon of missed spraying. At present, butachlore is generally not used for weeding in wheat fields. If it is used in vegetable fields, the soil moisture will be too low to affect the efficacy of the drug.

4. At present, butachlore is generally not used for weeding in wheat fields. If it is used in vegetable fields, low soil moisture will affect the efficacy of the drug. During the sowing period of melons and solanaceous vegetables, the use of this product has certain phytotoxicity, so it should be used with caution.

5. The effect of using butachlore is good when the soil has a certain humidity. Dry fields should be watered or sprayed before spraying to improve the efficacy. The effect of using butachlore is good when the soil has a certain humidity. Dry fields should be watered or sprayed before application to improve efficacy.

The herbicide butachlore is registered for the control of annual gramineous weeds and broad-leaved weeds in rice dry seedling fields. The recommended dosage is 44-50 grams of pure medicine per mu, which is equivalent to 100-120 milliliters per mu. The dosage of butachlore should be well controlled during use. If the dosage is too large, it will lead to phytotoxicity, so that the crops will shrink or even die directly.

Therefore, when using it, the dosage should be controlled, the spraying should be uniform, the soil should be moist, and the field water should not be discharged into the fish pond when used in rice fields. Its decomposition will be accelerated under strong acid conditions, and it can be degraded in soil. Low toxicity to humans and animals.

Pharmacological properties of butachlore

The herbicide butachlore is an amide selective systemic herbicide. The pure product is light yellow oily liquid with slight aroma. Insoluble in water, easily soluble in various organic solvents. It is chemically stable at room temperature and under neutral and slightly alkaline conditions. Its decomposition will be accelerated under strong acid conditions, and it can be degraded in soil. Low toxicity to humans and animals, irritating to skin and eyes, highly toxic to fish. butachlore is mainly absorbed by the young shoots of weeds and then transmitted to the whole plant to work. Both pre-emergence and seedling stages can be used. After the plant absorbs butachlore, it inhibits and destroys protease in the body, affects the formation of protein, inhibits the normal growth and development of weed shoots and young roots, and causes the weeds to die. When used on clay loam and soil with high organic matter content, the agent can be absorbed by the soil colloid and is not easy to be leached, and the effective period can reach 1-2 months.

The scope of use of butachlore

1. butachlore has good control effect on weeds before emergence, but poor control effect on big grass. It should be applied before sowing and planting.

2. The effect of using butachlore is good when the soil has a certain humidity. Dry fields should be watered or sprayed before application to improve efficacy.

3. During the sowing period of melons and solanaceous vegetables, the use of this product has certain phytotoxicity, so it should be used with caution.

4. butachlore mainly kills monocotyledonous weeds, and is ineffective or ineffective against most broad-leaved weeds. For plots with more broad-leaved weeds in the vegetable field, other herbicides may be considered.

5. The spraying should be uniform, so as to prevent the damage caused by excessive local application, or the phenomenon of missed spraying.

6. When used in paddy fields and direct-seeding paddy fields, the dosage of 60% butachlore should not exceed 150ml per mu, and the fields should not be flooded. Generally, the lower limit is adopted for the dosage in the south. There will be different degrees of phytotoxicity in the early rice seedling field if the temperature is lower than 15°C.

7. butachlore has poor effect on barnyardgrass above the three-leaf stage, so it must be used before the one-leaf stage of the weeds, and used at the three-leaf stage, and the water should not submerge the seedling core.

8. butachlore is generally not used for weeding in wheat fields. If it is used in vegetable fields, the soil moisture will be too low to affect the efficacy of the drug.

Symptoms of butachlore injury

When the phytotoxicity is slight, the leaves are chlorotic and the tillering is inhibited.

When the phytotoxicity is serious, the tip of the leaf turns white from the bottom leaf, the transition part of the phytotoxicity part and the normal leaf is dark green, the leaves overlap in the later stage, and the distance between the leaves of 2 to 3 leaves becomes closer and other deformed plants.

The plant shrinks, and often the heart leaves of the main stem curl and do not unfold, resulting in a green onion; ineffective tillers or new tillers are wrapped by onion-like leaves and cannot be eared, and twist and grow horizontally at the tiller nodes, making the tiller nodes thicker and deformed. Severe butachlore phytotoxicity can also make the leaves yellow and red, without tillers.

Causes of butachlore injury

1. The dosage is too large. In order to improve the control effect, farmers arbitrarily increase the amount of use, causing rice phytotoxicity. This year, we conducted experiments on rice performance with different dosages of butachlore in a single-crop rice field. According to the test results, when the effective content of butachlore exceeds 1275 grams per hectare of paddy fields, it may cause different degrees of phytotoxicity. Aggravated by increasing dosage.

2. Uneven spraying. Inhomogeneous mixing of medicaments and sand or fertilizers, or uneven spraying during application, resulting in excessive application of pesticides in some places, resulting in phytotoxicity.

3. When spraying, the water layer in the field is too deep, submerging the heart leaves of rice. butachlore is a pre-emergence herbicide, and the water layer is too deep (submerged the heart leaves) when the pesticide is applied, which makes the butachlore liquid affect the growth point of rice, and the symptoms of phytotoxicity appear.

Countermeasures against butachlore phytotoxicity

In view of the cause of butachlore’s phytotoxicity, we must strictly control the dosage when applying butachlore, so as to achieve uniform application, keep a suitable water layer (3-5 cm) in the field during application, and avoid submerging the heart leaves or cut off water. Once phytotoxicity occurs in the field, it can be washed with clean water several times, the original field water is replaced, and fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate are topdressed to alleviate the phytotoxicity.

butachlore use precautions

Mild phytotoxicity: rice plants are slightly dwarfed, and the leaves are slightly chlorotic;

Moderate phytotoxicity: plants are dwarfed, leaves are obviously chlorotic, and tillering is inhibited;

Severe phytotoxicity: the plant is short, the heart leaf is twisted or has no heart leaf, the color of the leaf is dark green, no tiller, the rice root turns yellow, the growth of new root is inhibited, and dead seedlings will appear in severe cases.

Degradation pathway and influencing factors of butachlore

Degradation of butachlore in soil

The soil ecological environment is a complex multi-media multi-interface system, which includes both the solid part - soil minerals and organic matter, and the liquid part - interstitial water, groundwater and surface runoff, as well as various plants and microorganisms, and is connected to the atmosphere. After many kinds of pesticides are directly or indirectly applied to the soil, the important ways for the residual pesticides to disappear in the soil are through photochemical degradation (main way), hydrolysis (water degradation characteristics), and microbial degradation (important way). Since the degradation pathway of butachlore is often associated with influencing factors, it is specifically analyzed in the process of searching for influencing factors.

(1) Photochemical degradation. butachlore existing in soil and water bodies will undergo photochemical decomposition reaction, which is one of the main pathways of butachlore degradation. After photolysis reaction, butachlore can be converted into non-toxic or less toxic substances. Factors affecting the photolysis of butachlore include light source, pH value, photosensitizer, photoquencher and so on.

(2) Hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of butachlore is a chemical reaction, which is the process of interaction between butachlore molecules and water molecules. Temperature, pH value, and metal ions can affect the hydrolysis of butachlore.

(3) Microbial degradation. Although traditional chemical methods (including photolysis, hydrolysis, etc.) are convenient, new environmental pollutants may be produced during the chemical reaction, and the effect is relatively slow. Utilizing microorganisms to degrade butachlore has the advantages of non-toxicity and less residue, and is a safe and effective method.

Influencing Factors of butachlore Degradation in Soil

soil condition

The composition of the soil system is complex, and the moisture, composition and organic matter of different soils have a great influence on the degradation of butachlore. According to Zhou Jianping’s research [4], from the half-life of butachlore, it can be found that the degradation order of butachlore under different soil conditions is: pool water soil (30.73d) > wet soil (16.02d) > field dry soil (13.13d ), (can be judged according to the slope of the drawn regression curve), and it can be speculated that the degradation rate of butachlore is related to soil moisture.

crop type

Different crop types tend to have different absorption and degradation speeds and strengths of butachlore. Degradation of the herbicide butachlore in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil, the order of the degradation of butachlore by different crop species is: cotton>rice>corn>wheat, and by measuring the rhizosphere butachlore-degrading bacteria It was found that the number of butachlore-degrading bacteria in the rhizosphere soil was greater than that in the non-rhizosphere soil.

This shows that different crop types provide different influencing substances for microorganisms, thus affecting the degradation rate of butachlore.

Types of microorganisms

The degradation of butachlore in soil is mainly caused by microbial degradation in the soil. The main degradation pathways include: dechlorination, hydroxylation, dehydrogenation, methoxy debutane branching, and carbon-terminal dealkylation Function, oxygen terminal dealkylation and cyclization.

The microorganisms that degrade butachlore are mainly indigenous microorganisms. Such as the vast majority of microorganisms such as Mucor, Penicillium and Aspergillus, Trichophyllum, Fusarium solani, Fusarium safflower and other microorganisms, while exogenous microorganisms are less utilized. The mode of action of microorganisms on butachlore is very complex, not only as an electron donor for enzymatic metabolism, but also for catabolism [6]. In addition, butachlore had a certain inhibitory effect on soil acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, urease, and sucrase, and the effect was enhanced with the increase of concentration. The effect of butachlore on soil catalase is different from other enzymes, showing a certain stimulating effect.

The difference between alachlor, acetochlor and butachlore


The validity period is 40-70 days. It is mainly kept in the soil layer of 0-3cm. Under high temperature and high humidity, or under low temperature and high humidity after treatment, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity, but generally it can return to normal after 10-15 days. Pesticide application 24 to 72 hours after sowing is prone to phytotoxicity. The main part of weed absorption is the bud, so the pesticide must be applied before the weed emerges.

Acetochlor is a seedling herbicide, which can be used to control weeds such as grass, foxtail, crabgrass, goosegrass, etc. It is suitable for soybeans, corn, peanuts and other crops, so how to use acetochlor herbicide what is it then? Let's follow the editor to understand.

Applicable crops of acetochlor

Applicable crops:

Soybean, corn, peanut, transplanted rapeseed, cotton.

Control object:

Barnyardgrass, foxtail, crabgrass, goosegrass, millet, mermaid, bluegrass, stephenia, hard grass, wild oats, brachiaria, golden foxtail, clubhead grass and other annual grass weeds and some small seeds Broad-leaved weeds, such as quinoa, amaranth, sorrel leaf Polygonum, willow-leaved Polygonum, small Chenopodium, Commelina, Cuscuta, zucchini, knot Polygonum, curly stem Polygonum, amaranth, chickweed, wild watermelon seedlings .

How to use acetochlor herbicide

When the corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc. have all seedlings, combined with the thinning and leaving the seedlings, hoe quickly and lightly, and then spray 150ml of acetochlor per mu and spray 90 catties of water. It takes about 30 days from sowing to seedling hoeing. At this time, the weather is dry and rainy, and weeds are scarce. Broad-leaved weeds such as quinoa and amaranthus invertebrates germinate intensively, which is easy to remove and saves labor.

Since the spraying was postponed for more than 30 days, the efficacy of the pesticide was postponed accordingly. By the effective period, the crops had been closed and the ridges had grown tightly. In this way, the time difference spraying is not only labor-saving and efficient, but also increases production, which serves multiple purposes.

Precautions for using acetochlor herbicide

1. The activity of acetochlor is very high, and the dosage should not be increased arbitrarily. In case of high organic matter content, clay loam soil or drought conditions, it is recommended to use a higher dosage; on the contrary, in the case of low organic matter content, sandy loam soil or rainfall irrigation, it is recommended to use a lower limit dosage.

2. In the rainy season, pay attention to the drainage after the rain. The accumulated water will hinder the emergence of crops and cause phytotoxicity.

3. Spraying should be even, avoid heavy spraying or missed spraying.

4. Rice, wheat, millet, sorghum, cucumber, spinach and other crops are sensitive to acetochlor and should not be applied

Reminder: Beans are particularly sensitive to acetochlor, and the safety interval should be at least 2-3 months. Farmers and friends must pay attention.


The duration of effect is 30-35 days, and the activity disappears naturally 10-12 weeks after application. Monocotyledonous grass weeds are mainly absorbed through the coleoptile, dicotyledonous weeds are absorbed through young shoots and young roots, conduct upward, inhibit the growth of young shoots and fine roots, sensitive weeds will be poisoned and die after germination, before emergence or just after emergence . Grass weeds are more absorbent than broadleaf. It is advisable to apply the pesticide 3 to 5 days before transplanting, and apply it before emergence 1 to 2 days after sowing in the field. The medicine is easily degraded by soil microorganisms and has a medium duration.

Applies to:

Soybean, corn (including pop corn, sweet corn), peanut, potato, cotton, pumpkin, watermelon, sugar beet, rapeseed, sunflower, flax, kenaf, sesame, safflower, sugar cane and other upland crops, can also be used in ginger and cabbage, etc. Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, Umbelliferae and other vegetables, orchards and nurseries.

Registration scope

Soybean, corn, peanut, cotton, sugar cane, etc.

Registration scope in other countries

Soybeans, Phaseolus, Chickpeas, Mung Beans, Cotton, Corn (including popcorn, sweet corn), Peanuts, Peas, Potatoes, Safflower, Sorghum, Canola, Sunflower, Sugarcane, etc.

Control object

Barnyardgrass, green foxtail, golden foxtail, goosegrass, bluegrass, wild millet, teff, brachiaria, ryegrass, millet, sansevieria, commelina, mustard, small wild sesame, oil sedge (in sandy soil and loamy soil), water spiny needles, fenugreek, dodder, etc., to willow-leaf Polygonum, sorrel leaf Polygonum, sage, sage-tailed wheatgrass, Baogai grass, purslane, chickweed, Chenopodium, small Chenopodium , Reverse branch amaranth, pig hair vegetable, pepper grass, etc. have good control effect.

Application period

1) Soybean, corn, rapeseed, peanut, potato, celery, etc. should be applied before sowing and before emergence after sowing. The application of soybean before sowing can be divided into autumn application and spring application, and the effect of application in autumn is the best.

2) Apply pesticides before emergence of sesame seeds after sowing.

3) Watermelon and pumpkin direct seeding fields should be sprayed before emergence after sowing, transplanted fields should be sprayed before or after transplanting, and those covered with film should be sprayed before film covering.

4) It is best to apply pesticides immediately after sowing in beet direct seeding fields, and before transplanting in transplanted fields.

5) For cabbage and cauliflower transplanting fields, apply pesticides before transplanting or after transplanting slow seedlings.

6) Apply pesticides within 3 days after planting garlic in bare land and plastic film fields.

7) Spray pesticides before sowing in direct pepper fields, apply pesticides before transplanting in transplanted fields, and apply pesticides before mulching in transplanted fields covered with plastic film.

8) Apply pesticides before transplanting in eggplant and tomato open-field transplanting fields, and apply pesticides before mulching in plastic-film-covered transplanting fields.

9) The leek nursery will apply the pesticide immediately after the seeds are sown, and the old leek field will apply the pesticide 2 days after cutting.

10) Sugar cane fields. ① Pre-emergence application of sugarcane after planting. ②Apply pesticides before film mulching in sugarcane film-covered fields (cleaning or interplanting).

11) Before the seedlings of the carrots after sowing, apply pesticides within 5 days after sowing.


1) Soybean, corn, rape fields. When the soil organic matter content is less than 3%, use 72% metolachlor 100 ml/mu for sandy soil, 140 ml/mu for loamy soil, and 187 ml/mu for clay soil; when the soil organic matter content is above 3%, For 72% metolachlor, use 140 ml/mu for sandy soil, 187 ml/mu for loamy soil, and 233 ml/mu for clay soil. In the south, 72% metolachlor is generally used at 100-150 ml/mu.

2) Peanut field. 72% metolachlor 150-200 ml/mu, the dosage of spring peanuts and summer peanuts in film-covered cultivation can be appropriately reduced, and 72% metolachlor 100-150 ml/mu can be used.

3) Watermelon, pumpkin, potato, beet, cotton, sesame fields. 72% metolachlor EC 100-200 ml/mu. Mixed use: Potato fields use 72% metolachlor 100-187 ml/mu + 70% mecitrione 20-40 g/mu.

4) Use 72% metolachlor 80-127 ml/mu before transplanting cabbage and cauliflower.

5) Pepper, eggplant, tomato, ginger, garlic fields. 72% metolachlor 100-150 ml/mu.

6) Cabbage field. North China uses 72% metolachlor at 80-100 ml/mu. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, 50-80 ml/mu of 72% metolachlor is used for summer sowing pakchoi.

7) Celery Nursery. 72% metolachlor 100-127 ml/mu.

8) Leek Nursery. 72% metolachlor 100-127 ml/mu. Old stubble leek field 72% metolachlor 80-100 ml/mu. There are many kinds of vegetables, and annual vegetables propagated with small seeds, such as amaranth, coriander, and celery, are sensitive to metolachlor and should not be used.

9) Sugar cane fields. ①Use 72% metolachlor 100-200 ml/mu before planting sugarcane. Mixed use: 72% metolachlor 100ml/mu + 38% atrazine 100-200ml/mu. ②Use 100-150 ml/mu of 72% metolachlor before film-mulching in sugarcane film-mulched fields (cleaning or interplanting).

10) Carrot fields. 72% metolachlor 100200ml/mu

When transplanting crops, metolachlor-metachlor should be applied after the field is well prepared and before transplanting. When transplanting, try not to stir the soil around the hole. If it is necessary to apply pesticides after transplanting, try not to spray the liquid medicine on the crops, or spray water to wash the seedlings in time after spraying.

Safe Use and Poison Relief

1) The recommended maximum allowable daily intake (ADI) per person is 0.65 mg/kg.

2) Do not smoke, eat or drink during application, and wash hands, face and exposed skin after application. Empty bottles must not be reused.

3) There is no special antidote, and the poisoning phenomenon should be treated accordingly.


1) Metolachlor EC encounters low temperature below 0 ℃, some of which will form crystals and precipitate, and redissolve and return to the original shape when exposed to high temperatures. When stored in the winter in the north, the medicine barrel should be checked one month before use. If crystals are found, the medicine can be removed. Put the barrel at room temperature of 20-22°C and keep rolling for more than 24 hours; you can also put the barrel in 45°C water and keep rolling to keep the temperature constant. Generally, it can be restored to its original state in 3-5 hours.

2) Special attention should be paid to the vegetable field. The content of organic matter in the soil increases after the application of organic fertilizer, and the dosage of metolachlor should be appropriately increased according to the amount of organic fertilizer applied.

3) There are many kinds of vegetables, annual vegetables propagated by small seeds such as amaranth, coriander, celery, etc. are sensitive to metolachlor and should not be used.

4) The sugar beet field has phytotoxicity under high humidity and low temperature conditions, so do not exceed the recommended dosage.

5) It is forbidden to add metolachlor to the irrigation water, as the corn planted in the water is very easy to cause phytotoxicity.

6) It is not recommended to use metolachlor for kidney beans and red beans whose cotyledons are not unearthed.

7) It is not recommended to use metolachlor in saline-alkali land, mulched fields, and drip irrigation fields.

8) The unregistered range has been tested and demonstrated, and metolachlor will be selected after the use technology is mature.


Generally, the weed control time is about 60 days. Can be absorbed by the soil, not easy to leaching, and not easy to volatilize and fail. Rice, sorghum, millet, cucumber, leek, and spinach crops are sensitive to it. The depth of concrete should not exceed 5cm.

The scope of application of alachlor:

It is suitable for soybean, corn, peanut, cotton, potato, sugarcane, rape and other crop fields to control barnyardgrass, crabgrass, cricket grass, foxtail, autumn barnyardgrass, brachiaria, purslane, amaranth, whorled corngrass, and quinoa , Polygonum and other annual gramineous weeds and broad-leaved weeds. It also has a certain control effect on dodder.


The persistence period in paddy field is 30-50 days. When used alone, it can only be used for transplanting rice fields, and it will cause damage to seedlings when used in seedling fields and direct seeding fields. However, adding safener can make up for the deficiency. When the application amount is too large, the seedling core leaves, leaf tips and leaf edges will turn green and curl, and the plant growth will be inhibited.

Pretilachlor is suitable for the control of barnyardgrass, bald barnyardgrass, daughter, goosegrass, cow felt, Alisma narrow leaves, amaranth, special-shaped sedge, broken rice sedge, cloves Polygonum, Cormina and other 1-year-old grasses. Undergraduate and broadleaf weeds.

Use in water direct-seeding fields or seedling fields: after the rice seeds are germinated, the soil is leveled, and the soil is sprayed 2-4 days after sowing (after the rice takes root and needles are established). In the south, 50 ml/mu is used for rice, and in the north, increase the amount according to local conditions. Use 70-80 ml/mu, mix 30 kg of water and spray the soil surface. After use, there should be no water accumulation in the field. Keep the soil moist for 3-5 days and then carry out normal water and fertilizer management.


The validity period is about 40 days. Cucumber is very sensitive to it, and its safety is worse than butachlore, so it should not be applied in rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields, small seedlings, weak seedlings and leaky fields.

Napropionamide (Dahuili, Napropamide): The half-life is as long as 12 weeks. It is effective to apply the pesticide at the pre-emergence or post-emergence 1-leaf stage. Gramineae wheat, Liliaceae leeks, Umbelliferae celery, fennel, and lettuce are sensitive to it.


The residual validity period is about 60 days. Effective against weeds before germination and 2-leaf stage. In the seedling field, the weeding effect is good when the medicine is used 3 days after sowing; the weeding effect is average before or after, and the medicine in advance is easy to cause phytotoxicity. The water cannot submerge the seedling heart.

The application of butachlore in dry fields needs to be applied under the condition of moist soil. It can control annual gramineous weeds such as barnyardgrass, crabgrass, foxtail, buffalo, bermudagrass, knotgrass, heteromorphic sandgrass and some dicotyledonous weeds. It is suitable for weeding in vegetable fields such as cabbage, bean vegetables, radishes, cabbage, solanaceous fruits, and spinach.

It has inhibitory effect on duck tongue grass, snakehead sausage, etc., and has no effect on most broad-leaved weeds and perennial weeds such as dwarf arrowhead, squid, water peanut, etc. And "only kill buds but not weeds" for weeds.


The duration of validity is 60-80 days, and it is safe for subsequent crops. It is ineffective against perennial gramineous weeds and broad-leaved weeds. The drug is suitable for application in mulched fields, irrigated fields, summer crops and dry fields in the south, and young shoots of rice are very sensitive to it.


Long residual period. It takes 1 year after application to plant wheat, etc., and it can only kill weeds before germination.


The duration of validity is more than 1 month, and it is used in paddy fields. It has special effects on barnyard grass, and it should be applied 3-10 days after transplanting rice, with a water-retaining layer of 3-4 cm. Do not apply it at the seedling stage of rice, especially at the seedling stage.


The half-life in soil is 16-20 weeks, and it can control many weeds in wheat fields. Most of the "grass amine" herbicides on the market are amide herbicides, and most of them are soil treatment agents, which are mainly applied after sowing and preemergence of crops.

The price of the herbicide butachlore

Usually, the price of butachlore, a pesticide herbicide, will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide herbicide butachlore you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of the herbicide butachlore

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Herbicide butachlore, please feel free to contact us for latest price.