Do you know how to use Quizalofop-P?

What is Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide?

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a new type of optically active upland stem and leaf treatment agent. Cas 94051-08-8 is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as drought and temperature. It has the advantages of high efficiency, low toxicity, and safe use. It has a short half-life of degradation in the soil and does not affect the next crop.

Quizalofop-P is an improved product after removing inactive optical isomers in the process of synthesizing Quizalofop-P. Its mechanism of action and herbicidal spectrum are similar to those of grass grams. It is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds, conducts upward and downward in the plant body, accumulates at the top and middle meristes, inhibits cell fatty acid synthesis, and causes weed necrosis.

Quizalofop-P is a highly selective new upland field stem and leaf treatment agent. It is highly selective between gramineous weeds and dicotyledonous crops. It has good control effect on gramineous weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. . Quizalofop-P acts faster, its efficacy is more stable, and it is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and humidity.

Quizalofop-P(94051-08-8) Chemical Properties

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a white powdery crystal. m.p.90.591.6℃, vapor pressure 9.33×10-5Pa (20℃), b.p.220℃/26.7Pa. It is soluble in acetone, xylene, ethanol, and n-hexane at 20°C, and its solubility in water is 0.3 mg/L. Storage stable under normal conditions. The industrial product is light brown powdery solid, m.p. 89~90℃.

Physicochemical properties of Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8)

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a single optical isomer of the R form, and its activity is 2 to 3 times higher than that of Quizalofop-P. The inhibitory activity of the R form against rice and barnyard grass is 430 times and 65 times higher than that of the S form, respectively.

The mechanism of action of the herbicide Quizalofop-P is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds, conducted upward and downward in the plant body, and accumulated in the top and middle meristems, inhibiting cellular fatty acid synthesis and causing weed necrosis. It is a highly selective new upland field stem and leaf treatment agent. It is highly selective between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops, and has good control effect on grass weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. Its action is fast, its efficacy is more stable, and it is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and humidity.

Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide action mechanism

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds, conducts upward and downward in the plant body, and accumulates at the top and middle meristes, inhibiting cell fatty acid synthesis and causing weed necrosis. It is a highly selective new upland field stem and leaf treatment agent. It is highly selective between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops, and has good control effect on grass weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. Quizalofop-P acts faster, its efficacy is more stable, and it is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and humidity.

Functional characteristics of Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a new type of optically active upland stem and leaf treatment agent. It is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as drought and temperature. It has the advantages of high efficiency, low toxicity, and safe use. It has a short half-life of degradation in the soil and does not affect the next crop. It has high selectivity between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops, and has good control effect on grass weeds in broadleaf crop fields. It is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds, conducts upward and downward in the plant body, and accumulates in the top and internodal meristems, inhibiting cell fatty acid synthesis and causing weed necrosis.

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds, conducts upward and downward in the plant body, and accumulates at the top and middle meristes, inhibiting cell fatty acid synthesis and causing weed necrosis. It is a highly selective new upland field stem and leaf treatment agent. It is highly selective between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops, and has good control effect on grass weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. Quizalofop-P acts faster, its efficacy is more stable, and it is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and humidity.

Characteristics of Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide

1. Safety: Specially designed to kill annual and perennial astronomical weeds, safe for broadleaf crops such as various beans, peanuts, potatoes, vegetables, etc.

2 Rapidly penetrates into weeds and causes rapid damage to weeds.

3. The efficacy is stable and not easily affected by weather conditions

4. There is no soil residue problem and it will not affect subsequent crops.

5. Good rain resistance. If it rains 1-2 hours after application, it will have little impact on the efficacy and no need to re-spray.

6. Under abnormal climate conditions such as high temperature and dryness, contact spots may sometimes appear locally on the leaves of crops after application, but the growth of new leaves will be normal and will not affect later growth or yield.

7. Generally, damage to the core leaves of weeds can be observed 5-7 days after pesticide application, and weeds will die by their roots in 10-15 days.

8. It is better to control the application time before the 4-leaf stage of grass weeds. When the grass age is older, the dosage of the drug needs to be increased to achieve better control effect. When the grass age is too old and has even started heading, the control effect of this drug should be applied. Extremely poor. The application of Jinglonghelin during the flowering stage of soybeans has poor control effect.

Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide properties

1. Strong selectivity

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a low-toxicity, fast-killing herbicide that is highly selective between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops (high selectivity means that Quizalofop-P will not harm crops, only Effective on grass weeds) and has good control effect on grass weeds in broadleaf crop fields.

The herbicide Quizalofop-P can control wild oats, barnyard grass, foxtail grass, golden foxtail, crabgrass, wild millet, goosegrass, wheatgrass, teff, stephanotis, brome, barley, multiflora ryegrass, Annual and perennial grassy weeds such as poisonous wheat, milletgrass, bluegrass, paspalum, bermudagrass, cogongrass, creeping wheatgrass, reed, etc. Quizalofop-P is suitable for broadleaf crop fields, such as soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, vegetables, tobacco and other crops.

2. Quick and effective

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is applied to weeds and is absorbed through the stems and leaves of weeds. It can be rapidly transmitted up and down in the weeds within a few hours.

It is precisely because of its two-way rapid conduction characteristics that it can wither annual weeds, such as barnyard grass, crabgrass, brome, etc., within 24 hours. Moreover, within 2-3 days after Quizalofop-P is applied, the young leaves of weeds will turn green and turn yellow; in 4-7 days, the leaves other than the young leaves will begin to die; after 10-15 days, the weeds will die with their roots. . Now, everyone must weed quickly before weeds appear in large numbers.

3. Stable efficacy

The herbicide Quizalofop-P has relatively stable efficacy and good rain resistance. If you have just applied the herbicide and there is light rain 1-2 hours later, there is generally no need to worry, because the rain at this time has little effect on the efficacy of the herbicide, and there is no need to spray again.


Some herbicides may leave residues after use, which bothers many growers. Because if you are not careful, the next crop will suffer from phytotoxicity. However, Quizalofop-P can be used to kill weeds in the current crop field and will not affect subsequent crops because it does not cause soil residue problems. This is something you can rest assured.

Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide uses

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is a phenoxy fatty acid herbicide, a selective systemic conductive stem and leaf treatment agent. The pesticide is highly selective between grass weeds and dicotyledonous crops. The stems and leaves can complete the absorption of the pesticide within a few hours, and annual weeds can spread throughout the entire plant within 24 hours. It is suitable for controlling monocotyledonous weeds in cotton, soybeans, rapeseed, peanuts, flax, apples, grapes, sugar beets and a variety of broad-leaf vegetable crops. When the dosage is increased, it is also effective against perennial weeds such as bermudagrass, cogongrass, and reed. For example, to control grassy weeds in cotton fields, apply pesticides at the 3 to 5 leaf stage. Use 10% EC 7.5 to 10.5 mL/100m2 and spray the water stems and leaves; to control annual grass weeds in soybean fields, apply pesticides at the 3 to 5 leaf stage. , use 10% EC 9 ~ 15mL/100m2, spray 6 ~ 7.5kg of water evenly; to control wheatgrass in rape fields, use the medicine when the weeds are out and are leafing out or there is one leaf. Use 10% EC 5.3 ~ 7.5mL/100m2; to control grassy weeds at the 4-6 leaf stage, use 10% EC 20-30mL/100m2. In fields with mixed single- and double-leaf weeds, it can be used every other day with herbicides for controlling broad-leaf weeds (Betanin, Huwei, broad-leaf dieback, weed burner, etc.), or 10% EC 7.5mL/100m2, Add 20 mL of 45% broadleaf dried emulsifiable concentrate or 48% bendasone liquid and mix.

Post-emergence herbicide for dry fields, suitable for controlling gramineous weeds in broad-leaf crop fields such as soybeans, peanuts, cotton, potatoes, mung beans, watermelons, and rapeseed.

Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide use period

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is used to control gramineous weeds at the 3-5 leaf stage. To control annual grass weeds, use 50-70ml of 5% Quizalofop-P EC per acre. (Mix 30-40 kg of water and evenly spray the stems and leaves) When the soil moisture and air humidity are high, it is conducive to the absorption and conduction of Quizalofop-P by weeds.

Scope of application of Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide

1. Rapeseed, tobacco, cotton, peanuts, flax and other cash crops;

2. Vegetables: Generally speaking, vegetables are not grasses, so most of them can be used. Such as soybeans, potatoes, beets, carrots, garlic, green onions, celery, leeks (turnips), fennel, onions, asparagus, garlic sprouts, daylily, coptis, angelica, parsnips, Ophiopogon japonicus, Sichuan peppercorns

Ligusticum, peppers, peas, broad beans, peas, pumpkin, pepper, tomato, eggplant, cabbage, lettuce, melons, cauliflower, cucumber, onion

① If it is a vegetable seedling, there may be some spots, which can be solved by watering more. ② When used under drought conditions, it will cause slight phytotoxicity to soybeans, but it can recover quickly and will not affect the yield.

3. Fruits: strawberries, citrus fruits, grapes, plums, pears, apples, pome fruits, peaches, watermelons, etc.

4. Forestry nurseries, young forests, alfalfa, etc.

Annual and perennial grass weeds. Such as: horse pond, barnyard grass, stephanotis, kangaroo, foxtail grass, cowgrass, bluegrass, wild oats, reeds, Imperata, bermudagrass, etc.

How to use Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide

The herbicide Quizalofop-P is mainly used in soybeans, cotton, peanuts, sugar beets, tomatoes, cabbage, grapes and other crop fields to control barnyardgrass, crabgrass, goosegrass, wheatgrass, foxtail grass, wild oats, bermudagrass, and reeds. , Imperata cognac and other annual and perennial grassy weeds. To control annual grass weeds, when the weeds have 3-6 leaves, use 40-60 ml of 5% EC per acre and 40-50 kg of water for stem and leaf spray treatment. To control perennial grass weeds, when the weeds have 4-6 leaves, use 130-200 ml of 5% EC per acre and 40-50 kg of water for stem and leaf spray treatment.

The herbicide Quizalofop-P can spread throughout the entire plant within 24 hours, causing necrosis of annual weeds. After annual weeds are treated with pesticides, new leaves turn yellow and stop growing in 2-3 days, stems and leaves become necrotic in 4-7 days, and the entire plant dies within 10 days. After perennial weeds are treated with pesticides, the pesticides are rapidly transmitted to underground rhizome tissues, causing them to lose their ability to regenerate.

The control effect of grass weeds is best at the 3-5 leaf stage. To control annual grass weeds, use 20-40ml of 10% Quizalofop-P EC per bucket of water.

When the weather is dry or the weeds are large, the dosage of pesticides needs to be increased appropriately.

1. Quizalofop-P in the nursery: Pay attention to avoid seedlings when spraying, and spray to control weeds when they have 3-5 leaves.

2. The use of Quizalofop-P in cotton and peanut fields: Generally, after the emergence of cotton, when the grassy weeds grow to 3-5 leaves, spray Quizalofop-P evenly to control the grassy weeds.

3. Cabbage, watermelon, sesame, etc.: After crop emergence, when the annual grassy weeds grow to 3-5 leaves, spray Quizalofop-P. If it is close to wheat and corn, be careful that drifting harms wheat and corn. Do not spray when there is wind; wear a spray hood when spraying and lower the nozzle to spray.

4. When soybeans are in the 3-5 leaf stage of annual grass weeds and soybeans have 1-3 compound leaves, use 0.75-1.2 liters of 5% EC per hectare and 450 liters of water (50-80 ml per acre and 30 liters of water). Knapsack sprayer, fan-shaped nozzle for uniform spraying of stems and leaves. To control perennial grassy weeds mainly reeds, the dosage per hectare should be increased. Use 2-2.5 liters of 5% EC per hectare, and add 200-300 liters of water (133-200 ml per acre, add 13-20 liters of water). Spray the stems and leaves evenly at the 4-6 leaf stage.

5. When cotton is in the 3-4 leaf stage of cotton seedlings and annual grass weeds are in the 3-5 leaf stage, use 0.75-1.0 liters of 5% EC per hectare and 300 liters of water (50-67 ml per acre, add 20 liters of water). Stem and leaf spray treatment.

6. To control gramineous weeds, mainly sedge, in rapeseed, apply the pesticide when the sedge appears and is in the early stage of tillering. Use 0.6-0.9 liters of 55 EC per hectare and add 450 liters of water (40-60 ml per acre, Add 30 liters of water) to spray the stems and leaves.

7. To control grassy weeds, mainly crabgrass and barnyardgrass, with peanuts, use 0.75-1.0 liters of 5% EC per hectare, add 450 liters of water (50-67 ml per acre, add 30 liters of water), and remove 3-3 liters of weeds. At the 5-leaf stage, spray treatment on stems and leaves.

The difference between Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) and Flumefofop

1. Reed removal: Flufenopyfen is much more effective. Within a height of 1000px, 60ml is enough, and above 1000px, 80ml is enough. The essence should be no less than 90ml, and most require 120ml. Within 1000px, no matter how high it is, the effect will be difficult to guarantee.

2. Low-temperature effect: The low-temperature effect of flufenofop is much better. The above effect shows that Quizalofop-P is greatly affected by temperature, and is not very effective on older grasses, and the absorption speed is relatively slow. However, flumefenofop-op is relatively unaffected by temperature, especially The influence of low temperature,

3. Weeds are in season. When monocotyledonous weeds have 2-4 leaves, the effect of Esquine is good. However, if the weeds are slightly older, the effect of Esquine will not be able to keep up, and it will not work if the dosage is increased. It is not easy for farmers to control the time of medication. It has been promoted for so many years and farmers all know it. Adding fluopyfenethofop has no problem with the effect.

4. For those who understand technology, Jingquin is cost-effective; for those who do not understand technology, it is safer to use flufenofop. Basically control the entire growth period and grass damage. The drug dissolves in the soil and has no effect on crops.

This concludes the introduction of the difference between Quizalofop-P and Flumefop. Flumefop has a good control effect on annual and perennial grasses from post-emergence to tillering and early heading stages. Not effective on broadleaf grasses and sedges. For broad-leaf crops, the efficacy is long, and one application can basically control the entire growth period and grass damage. The drug dissolves in the soil and has no effect on crops.

Precautions for Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide

1. When using Jinglong Tianling to control foxtail grass, Ye Tai should use 0.75-1.0 liters per hectare. The dosage needs to be adjusted according to the leaf age of the weeds. The dosage can be lower for weeds with younger leaves, and the dosage should be appropriately increased for weeds with older leaves.

2. Mixing with bentazone will reduce the stele-killing effect of Jingfengheling, and it cannot be mixed with triflufen and mesobutyric acid.

3. After applying the pesticide on the leaves of the weeds, the weed plants will turn yellow and stop growing within 2 days. 5 to 7 days after the pesticide application, the young leaves and primary tissues on the nodes will wither, and the weeds will die completely in about 14 days. .

4. It can only be used once for annual weeds such as cotton, peanuts, rapeseed, and soybeans.

5. Wear mouthpieces and rubber gloves when operating. After the operation, wash your face, hands, and feet with soap, and rinse your mouth with water.

6. If you drink by mistake, drink plenty of water, spit out the liquid, and seek medical attention immediately to take rescue measures after calming down.

7. It is sensitive to grass crops. When spraying, do not spray adjacent rice, corn, barley, wheat and other grass crops to avoid phytotoxicity.

8. The spray should be even and the entire weed plant should be sprayed. If rain occurs within 2 hours after spraying, it will have little effect on the efficacy, so there is no need to spray again.

9. When the soil is dry, the dosage can be appropriately increased.

10. Under dry weather conditions, phytotoxicity may sometimes occur on the leaves of crops, but there will be no phytotoxicity on new leaves and no impact on yield.

Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide herbicide Quizalofop-P will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide herbicide Quizalofop-P you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Quizalofop-P (94051-08-8) herbicide supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide herbicide Quizalofop-P, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.