Do you really know how to use Insecticide?

What are Insecticide?

Insecticide are chemical agents used to control pests. Including organic insecticides (organic chlorine, organic phosphorus, organic sulfur preparations, carbamates and pyrethroids, inorganic insecticides (inorganic arsenic, inorganic fluorine, inorganic sulfur preparations), botanical insecticides, mineral oil insecticides, and microbial insecticides. Insecticides are the most widely used and most diverse class of Insecticide. Generally, most of them can only kill insects and cannot prevent diseases.

Insecticides according to their mechanism of action

nervous system and muscles

Group 1 Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors inhibit acetylcholinesterase, causing nervous system overexcitation. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that terminates the excitatory effects of neurotransmitters on synapses. 1A carbamates (such as methomyl, thiodicarb) 1B organic phosphates (such as chlorpyrifos).

Group 2 γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channel antagonists block activated GABA-gated chloride channels, resulting in hyperexcitability and convulsions. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in insects. 2A cyclopentadiene organochlorines (such as endosulfan) 2B phenylpyrazoles (such as fipronil).

Group 3 Sodium channel modulators keep sodium channels open, causing hyperexcitability and, in some cases, blocking nerves. Sodium channels are involved in the transmission of action potentials along nerve axons. 3A pyrethrins, pyrethroids (such as cypermethrin, l-cyhalothrin).

Group 4 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) competitive modulators bind to the acetylcholine (Ach) site on nicotinic acetylcholine, causing a range of symptoms ranging from hyperexcitability and lethargy to paralysis. Acetylcholine is the major excitatory neurotransmitter of the insect central nervous system. 4A Neonicotinoids (eg, acetamiprid, thiacloprid, thiamethoxam).

Group 5 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) allosteric modulators allosterically activate nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (site 1), causing hyperexcitability of the nervous system. Acetylcholine is the major excitatory neurotransmitter of the insect central nervous system. Spinosyns (eg, spinosyn, spinosad).

Group 6 Glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) allosteric modulators allosterically activate the glutamate-gated chloride channel, causing paralysis. Glutamate is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter in insects. Abamectins, mibamectins (such as abamectin, emamectin benzoate, rapamectin).

Group 14 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) channel blockers block nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channels, resulting in blockage and paralysis of the nervous system. Acetylcholine is the major excitatory neurotransmitter of the insect central nervous system. Insecticide sulfonate, cartap.

Group 22 Voltage-dependent sodium channel blockers block sodium channels, causing the nervous system to shut down and paralyze. Sodium channels are involved in the transmission of action potentials along nerve axons. 22A Indoxacarb 22B Metaflumizone.

Group 28 Ryanodine receptor modulators activate muscle ryanodine receptors, leading to muscle atrophy and paralysis. The ryanodine receptor regulates the release of calcium ions from the intracellular to the cytoplasm. Bisamides (such as chlorantraniliprole, cyantraniliprole, cypropraniliprole, flubendiamide).

Group 30 Allosteric modulators of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels allosterically block activated GABA chloride channels, leading to hyperexcitability and convulsions. Between diamides (such as bromflubendiamide).

Group 32 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) allosteric modulators - Site II allosterically activates the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (site 2), leading to nervous system hyperexcitability. Acetylcholine is the major excitatory neurotransmitter polypeptide of the insect central nervous system, glutamine synthetase.

respiratory system

Mitochondrial respiration produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that provides energy for all important cellular processes. In mitochondria, the electron transport chain utilizes the energy released by oxidation to form an electrochemical gradient of protons, which drives ATP synthesis. Several insecticides are known to interfere with mitochondrial respiration through inhibition of electron transport and/or oxidative phosphorylation. Insecticides that act on a single target in this system typically have moderate to rapid velocities.

Group 13 Uncouplers that interfere with proton gradients affecting oxidative phosphorylation. Protonophores interfere with mitochondrial proton gradients and thus fail to synthesize ATP (chlorfenapyr).

Group 21 Mitochondrial electron transport chain complex (I) inhibitors inhibit electron transport chain complex I, preventing cells from using energy 21A (fenpyrad).

growth regulation

Insect development is controlled by the balance of two major hormones: juvenile hormone and ecdysone. Insect growth regulators work by mimicking one of these hormones or directly affecting cuticle formation/deposition or lipid biosynthesis. Insecticides that act on a single target in this system are usually slow acting.

Group 7 Biomimetic juvenile hormones are applied to insects before molting. These compounds can interfere with and prevent insect metamorphosis. 7B Juvenile hormone analogs (such as fenoxycarb).

Group 15 Chitin biosynthesis inhibitors The mechanism by which chitin biosynthesis is inhibited is not fully defined. Benzoylureas (such as hexamuron, lufenuron, fluorourea).

Group 18 Ecdysone receptor agonists mimic ecdysone, which induces premature molting. Bishydrazides (such as methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide).


Lepidoptera-specific microbial toxins for spray application or expression in transgenic crops.

Group 11 Insect midgut microbial disruptor protein toxins bind to receptors on the midgut membrane to form pores, causing ion imbalance and sepsis. 11A Bacillus thuringiensis 11B Bacillus sphaericus

Group 31 Baculovirus Granuloviruses, Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viruses

Unknown or non-specific unknown group

Compounds with unknown or undetermined mechanism of action, azadirachtin

Unknown bacteria Bacterial preparation (non-Bacillus thuringiensis) Burkholderia species

Unknown fungi Fungal preparation Beauveria bassiana, Paecilomyces fumigatus

Common misconceptions about Insecticide

1 To kill insects, kill them

Every time we kill the insects, we insist on killing the insects and killing them all. In fact, there is no need at all. General insecticides only need to achieve the ability to make them lose their fertility and harm the plants. All Insecticide will more or less cause poisonous effects on plants when they are used. Too much pursuit of killing and killing will often cause phytotoxicity.

2 Kill bugs whenever you see them

After inspection, it is found that the number of insects reaches the hazard threshold and will cause harmful effects on plants, and then insecticide is required.

3 superstitious potion

In fact, the more specific the drug, the more harmful it is to the plant. The choice of insecticide only needs to be able to control the damage of insects to the plant.

4 Abuse of Insecticide

Not prescribing the right medicine, abusing insecticides, often when it is found to be ineffective, most of the losses have already been lost.

5. Only pay attention to adults, ignore eggs

Only pay attention to killing adults, ignore the eggs, and fail to take preventive measures when a large number of eggs hatch.

6 Long-term use of a single Insecticide

Long-term use of a single insecticide will cause the insects to develop resistance. It is best to use several insecticides alternately.

7 Increase the dosage at will

Failure to use the prescribed dosage will increase insect resistance and easily cause phytotoxicity.

8 Check immediately after disinfestation

It takes 2-3 days for many medicines for the worms to die and fall off gradually, and the definite effect is usually seen after 3 days.

9 Not paying attention to water consumption and application time

Different water consumption has a greater impact on the effect of Insecticide, especially in high temperature and dry seasons, water consumption should be increased. The time of spraying often determines the effect, especially for pests that only come out in the evening. It is recommended that the spraying time be arranged in the afternoon.

10 Ways to Kill Insects with Topical Insecticides

You can't just use external insecticides to kill insects, some deep parasites need to be combined with internal insecticides!

Precautions for the use of commonly used Insecticide

1. Chlorantraniliprole is highly toxic to silkworms, so prevent contamination of mulberry leaves.

Do not use more than twice a season of rice.

2. When applying abamectin, protective measures should be taken, such as wearing a mask. Highly toxic to fish, should avoid polluting water sources and ponds, etc. Toxic to bees, do not apply during flowering. The last spraying was 20 days from the harvest period. Do not apply under bright light

3. When applying emamectin benzoate (amamectin benzoate), protective measures should be taken, such as wearing a mask. Highly toxic to fish, should avoid polluting water sources and ponds, etc. Toxic to bees, do not apply during flowering.

4. Indoxacarb is highly toxic to silkworms and prevents contamination of mulberry leaves. It must be made into mother liquor before use.

5. Buprofezin medicinal solution should not directly contact cabbage and radish, otherwise brown spot and green leaf albinism will appear. When using, it should be diluted with water first and then sprayed evenly, and the poisonous soil method cannot be used. Buprofezin has poor control effect on SBPH, so it should not be used as a single dose to control SBPH.

6. Tebufenozide has poor effect on eggs, so it should be sprayed at the end of egg development or the early stage of larvae.

7. The diflubenzuron preparation has obvious precipitation phenomenon, and it should be shaken before use before diluting with water. Do not mix with alkaline Insecticide. Do not use in or near mulberry fields, etc. The agent is a late-acting agent and needs to be used in the early stage of pest infestation. The effect is seen 3-4 days after application.

8. Spinosad should be disabled 1 day before vegetable harvest. Avoid rain within 24 hours after spraying. When using this agent, attention should be paid to personal safety and protection to avoid polluting the environment. This agent should be stored in a cool, dry and safe place.

9. Bacillus thuringiensis cannot be used in combination with systemic organophosphate insecticides or fungicides, such as dimethoate, demeton-methyl, Daofengsan, thionon, insecticide, and Bordeaux mixture.

It is highly toxic to silkworms. Do not contact silkworms in the sericulture area, and keep a certain distance between the sericulture area and the application area.

The agent should be stored in a dry and cool warehouse below 25°C to prevent exposure to sunlight and humidity. The effect is better when the temperature is higher (above 20 degrees), and it is usually suitable to use it from June to September.

10. Imidacloprid has low toxicity to natural enemies. It is safe to use at the recommended dose and can be mixed with most Insecticide or fertilizers. It cannot be mixed with strong alkaline substances, it is poisonous to silkworms, and it is strictly prohibited to pollute mulberry leaves during the sericulture season. Rice brown planthopper has developed a high level of resistance to it, so it is not suitable to use imidacloprid to treat brown planthopper.

11. Acetamiprid is poisonous to silkworms and bees, so do not spray it on mulberry trees. Do not mix with alkaline substances (such as Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur). No harm to crops.

12. Chlorfenapyr should be used in rotation with other Insecticide with different modes of action. Use the drug no more than 2 times per crop. Do not mix with other insecticides, and disable it 14 days before crop harvest. Keep it safe, away from heat, fire, and avoid freezing.

13. Tetrafenazine is mainly used to kill mite eggs, and it also has certain effects on young mites, but is ineffective against adult mites, so the drug effect is best when mite eggs are first hatched.

When the density of mites is high or the temperature is high, it is best to mix it with other adult-killing agents. When the temperature is low (about 15°C) and the population density is low, the application effect is good and the duration of effect is long. Cross-resistance with Nisolan and cannot be used interchangeably.

14. Pyridaben knocks down quickly and has a long residual effect, but because it has no systemic effect, it should be sprayed evenly when applying. Highly toxic to fish Do not pollute wells, ponds and water sources. Flowering use has adverse effects on bees. It can be mixed with most insecticides, but it cannot be mixed with strong alkaline agents such as lime sulfur and Bordeaux mixture. Use up to 2 times a year.

15. Pay attention to the spraying period of lambda-cyhalothrin. This agent is highly toxic to fish and silkworms, so it cannot be used in sericulture areas and water sources.

16. Beta-cypermethrin should not be mixed with alkaline substances.

It is poisonous to aquatic animals, bees, and silkworms. When using it, be careful not to pollute the waters and the places where bees and silkworms are raised.

17. Do not increase the dosage and application frequency of cypermethrin at will, and pay attention to alternate use with non-permethrin Insecticide.

Do not mix with alkaline substances such as Bordeaux mixture. Very poisonous to aquatic animals, bees and silkworms. Pay attention to safety protection when spraying.

18. Deltamethrin avoids poisoning beneficial organisms such as silkworms, bees, and aquatic organisms. Do not mix with alkaline substances, but can be mixed with non-alkaline substances such as amitraz and dimethoate. The effect on mites and mites is not good. When using this medicine on crops where insects and mites coexist, it should be used with a special acaricide. It is best not to be used to control insects that develop resistance rapidly such as cotton bollworm and cotton aphid.

19. Do not mix bifenthrin with alkaline substances to avoid decomposition. It is highly toxic to bees, silkworms, natural enemies, and aquatic organisms. When using it, care should be taken not to pollute water sources, mulberry fields, etc. Prohibited for use in paddy fields.

20. The application of fenvalerate should be even and thoughtful. On crops where pests and mites are concurrent, acaricides should be used in conjunction. Pests such as aphids and cotton bollworms are prone to develop resistance to this drug, so try to mix and rotate them when using them. It can be mixed with non-alkaline Insecticide, but not with alkaline Insecticide. It is highly toxic to bees, fish, shrimp and poultry.

21. Cyfluthrin cannot be mixed with alkaline substances to avoid decomposition and failure. It cannot be used in mulberry gardens, fish ponds, rivers, and bee farms to avoid pollution and poisoning. The safe interval is 21 days.

22. Isoprocarb is harmful to potatoes and taro, so it should not be used. It cannot be used or mixed with the enemy at the same time, and the use of this medicine should be separated by 10 days or more, otherwise it is easy to cause injury. The safe interval on rice is 14 days.

23. For brown planthoppers of rice with pymetrozine, a 3-4CM water layer should be maintained in the field when spraying, and water should be kept for 3-5 days after spraying. Pymetrozine has a slow effect on rice planthoppers, and it should be mixed with quick-acting Insecticide when the number of insects in the field is large. The safety interval on rice is 7 days. Do not mix with alkaline Insecticide.

24. Chlorantraniliprole-thiamethoxam should not be used alone to control rice planthopper. There should be a water layer in the field when preventing and controlling the leaf roller, and the spraying of the leaf roller should be uniform. Avoid storage at -10°C and above 35°C.

price of Insecticide

Usually, the price of Insecticide and insecticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the Insecticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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suppliers of Insecticide

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Bulk Insecticides, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.