Excellent broad spectrum microbial fungicide tebuconazole

What is tebuconazole (107534-96-3)?

The pesticide and fungicide tebuconazole is an organic compound with the molecular formula C16H22ClN3O. Cas 107534-96-3 is a highly efficient, broad-spectrum, systemic triazole fungicidal pesticide. It has three major functions of protection, treatment and eradication. It sterilizes Broad spectrum and long lasting effect. Like all triazole fungicides, tebuconazole inhibits fungal ergosterol biosynthesis.

The pesticide tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide. It is a highly effective fungicide used for seed treatment or foliar spraying of important economic crops. Due to its strong systemic properties, it is used to treat seeds and can kill pathogens attached to the surface of the seeds. It can be transmitted upward in the body of the crop to kill the pathogens in the crop. It can be used as a foliar spray to kill the pathogens on the surface of stems and leaves. It can also be transmitted upward in the body of the crop to kill the pathogens in the crop. Its sterilization mechanism is mainly Inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis of pathogenic bacteria.

The period after sowing wheat in autumn and before overwintering is the critical period for infection by stem rot fungus. Seed coating or seed dressing treatment is the key to effectively prevent the disease. In the current lack of registered chemicals, in conjunction with the prevention of other wheat diseases, wheat seeds can be coated or seed-dressed with seed treatment suspension agents such as tebuconazole to prevent the occurrence of wheat stem rot.

Main preparations of tebuconazole (107534-96-3)

Seed treatment suspension agent, seed coating agent suspension agent, suspended seed dressing agent, seed treatment dispersible powder, wet seed dressing agent, microemulsion, water emulsion, emulsifiable concentrate, wettable powder.

Tebuconazole (107534-96-3) toxicity

The fungicide tebuconazole has low toxicity. The acute oral LD50 in rats is about 4 000 mg/kg. The acute oral LD50 in female and male mice are 3 933 mg/kg and 2 000 mg/kg respectively. The acute dermal LD50 in rats is >5 000mg/kg.

Usage: The fungicide tebuconazole is a triazole fungicidal pesticide and is a sterol demethylation inhibitor. It is an efficient fungicide used for seed treatment or foliar spraying of important economic crops. It can effectively prevent and control various diseases of cereal crops. Rust, powdery mildew, net spot, root rot, scab, smut, seed-transmitted wheel spot and early rice sheath blight, etc.

Specifications: 95%, 98% original drug. 125g/L water emulsion, 25% emulsifiable concentrate, 25% wettable powder, 43% suspension agent, 80% water dispersible granules, used for foliar spray; Raxil, FS (25g/L), DS (20g/kg), WS, LS, for seed treatment.

Main features of tebuconazole (107534-96-3)

(1) Broad bactericidal spectrum: The fungicide tebuconazole can be used to prevent and control diseases such as rust, powdery mildew, and scab caused by bacteria of the genus Powdery Mildew, Puccinia, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, and Septoria. , brown spot, sheath blight, root rot and other dozens of diseases, all have good protection, treatment and eradication effects.

(2) Thorough treatment: The pesticide tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide. Mainly by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol of pathogenic bacteria, it achieves the effect of killing pathogens, and has the functions of protecting, treating and eradicating diseases, and treating diseases more thoroughly.

(3) Good mixability: The fungicide tebuconazole can be compounded with most bactericidal and insecticides, all of which have good synergistic effects. Some formulas are also classic formulas for disease prevention and control.

(4) Flexible use: Tebuconazole has systemic conductivity characteristics and can be used in various methods such as spraying and seed dressing. The appropriate method can be selected according to the actual situation.

(5) Growth regulation: The pesticide tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide. Triazole fungicides all have a common feature. They can be used to regulate plant growth, especially for seed dressing. They can prevent seedlings from growing too long and make them stronger. , strong disease resistance, early flower bud differentiation.

(6) Long duration of effect: Because the fungicide tebuconazole has strong permeability and good systemic absorption, the agent quickly penetrates into the crop body and exists in the body for a long time, achieving the effect of continuously killing pathogens. Especially for soil treatment, the duration of effect can reach more than 90 days, which greatly reduces the number of pesticide applications.

Tebuconazole (107534-96-3) function

Tebuconazole is a systemic triazole pesticide fungicide. It has three major functions: protection, prevention and eradication. It has a wide bactericidal spectrum and a long duration of effect. It can be quickly absorbed through the leaves and roots of plants and transmitted and carried out in the body. Evenly distributed, it exerts bactericidal activity mainly by inhibiting the demethylation of sterols in pathogenic fungi, causing the formation of biofilms to be hindered.

The fungicide tebuconazole is mostly used for foliar spraying of cereals and fruit trees. It can effectively prevent and control various rust diseases, powdery mildew, net spot, root rot and wheat mildew. It is also effective against common peanut brown spot, brown spot and brown spot. It also has good control effects on ring spot, grape gray mold, powdery mildew, banana leaf spot and tea cake disease. It is an effective pesticide and fungicide for seed treatment or foliar spraying of important economic crops.

Tebuconazole (107534-96-3) application fields

The fungicide tebuconazole is used as a seed treatment agent and foliar spray around the world. It has a wide bactericidal spectrum, is not only highly active, but also has a long-lasting effect. Tebuconazole is mainly used to prevent and treat various fungal diseases on crops such as wheat, rice, peanuts, vegetables, bananas, apples, pears and corn sorghum. This product is used to prevent and treat sclerotinia in rapeseed. It not only has good control effect, but also has anti- The mechanism of action on pathogens due to its characteristics such as lodging and obvious increase in yield is to inhibit the demethylation of ergosterol on its cell membrane, making it impossible for the bacteria to form a cell membrane, thereby killing the bacteria. There are many studies on the synthesis of tebuconazole, most of which use p-chloroformaldehyde as the starting material and prepare tebuconazole through steps such as aldehyde-ketone condensation, catalytic hydrogenation, epoxidation reaction, and addition reaction.

1. Use during corn filling period to promote fullness of grains and prevent and control diseases.

During the corn filling period, you can use 20 ml of 40% azoxyfen and tebuconazole suspension + 200 g of 99% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 100 g of urea + 20 ml of 14% chlorine and high chlorine fluorine suspension, mix with 30 kg of water and spray with water Give. We spray again after 10 days, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of various diseases and insect pests, supplement leaf nutrients, prevent premature plant aging, extend the filling time, increase the thousand-grain weight, and increase yield!

2. Application on wheat

The fungicide tebuconazole is used to prevent and treat wheat sheath blight by spraying difenoconazole, tebuconazole, and thifuramide in the early stages of the disease. To prevent other wheat diseases, you can also use 43% tebuconazole suspension and dilute it more than 1000 times. If we use it for treatment, the dosage must be larger, and the concentration must be at least twice as high as for prevention. When we treat wheat sheath blight, rust, etc., the dilution concentration should be 500 times or less!

3. Application on peanuts

During the peanut fruiting period, the fungicide tebuconazole should be used per mu of land with 30 kilograms of water + 30 ml of 40% tebuconazole suspension + 10 ml of 0.01 brassinolide aqueous solution + 200 g of 99% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 30 ml of amino acid water-soluble fertilizer, spray it on the leaves, and spray it again after 10 days. Spraying three times in a row can effectively prevent various diseases of peanuts. It can also supplement leaf nutrition, regulate peanut growth, and effectively prevent premature defoliation of peanuts. , promote pod growth.

The fungicide tebuconazole is diluted with 43% tebuconazole suspension into a 1000-1500 times solution in the seedling stage of peanuts to prevent peanut leaf spot. For mid-term prevention, we should increase the dilution concentration appropriately, approximately 750-1000 times. If leaf spot disease occurs in the middle and later stages and requires treatment, the concentration should be increased and the dilution concentration should be about 500 times.

4. Application on fruit trees

The dosage of pesticides sprayed on fruit trees is generally lower than that on fields. Spraying pesticides on fields is basically done in one pass, while on fruit trees it basically needs to be sprayed thoroughly. Therefore, when using tebuconazole, a small amount can prevent and control leaf spot, rust, powdery mildew and other diseases. It is recommended that for prevention, dilute 43% tebuconazole suspension into 4000-5000 times and spray it. If a disease has occurred and needs treatment, 43% tebuconazole can be diluted into a 2500-3000 times solution and sprayed to treat leaf spot on fruit trees.

5. Tebuconazole can be used for seed dressing

When dressing seeds, pay attention to the concentration because tebuconazole has the effect of inhibiting rooting. It is recommended that when dressing seeds, families can use 6% tebuconazole seed coating suspension agent 10ml to dress 25-30 kilograms of seeds. It is mainly used to dress peanuts and wheat seeds to prevent and control leaf spot and sheath blight. wait!

How to use tebuconazole (107534-96-3)

1. The first is the method of using the fungicide tebuconazole seed dressing. There are different methods of use for different diseases:

Wheat smut: Before sowing wheat, use 100-150 grams of 2% Lixide dry mix or wet mix per 100 kilograms of seeds (2-3 grams of active ingredient), or use 6% Lixide suspension. 30 to 45 ml (active ingredient 1.8 to 2.7 grams) for seed dressing. Tebuconazole seed dressing has an inhibitory effect on wheat germination. Generally, it germinates 2 to 3 days later, up to 3 to 5 days later than normal seed dressing without dressing, and has no effect on the later yield. Mix thoroughly before sowing.

Corn head smut: Before sowing corn, use 400 to 600 grams of 2% Lixide dry mix or wet mix (effective ingredient 8 to 12 grams) per 100 kilograms of seeds. Mix thoroughly and sow.

Sorghum head smut: Before sowing sorghum, use 400 to 600 grams of 2% Rickxid dry mix or wet mix per 100 kilograms of seeds (8 to 12 grams of active ingredient), or use a commercial amount of 6% Rickxid suspension. Dress the seeds with 100 to 150 grams (6 to 9 grams of active ingredients) and mix thoroughly before sowing.

2. Next is the use of 25% tebuconazole aqueous emulsion: it is mainly used to prevent and control banana leaf spot disease. In the use of 25% tebuconazole aqueous emulsion (43% tebuconazole can be used in the same proportion as 2%) : To prevent and control banana leaf spot, spray pesticides on banana leaves at the early stage of disease. Use 1000-1500 times of 25% tebuconazole aqueous emulsion to spray, and spray once every 10 days. A total of 4 sprays are required. .

3. Finally, how to use 43% tebuconazole suspension

To prevent and control rice sheath blight, during the seedling stage of rice, use 10-15 ml of 43% tebuconazole suspension per acre, mix with 30-45 liters of water, and spray manually. To prevent and control apple spotted leaf disease, in the early stage of the disease, use 43% tebuconazole suspension 5000-8000 times for spraying, and spray once every 10 days. Spray a total of 3 times during the spring shoot period and autumn shoot period. Spray twice during the period. To prevent and control pear scab, use 43% tebuconazole suspension 3000-5000 times to spray in the early stage of the disease, spray once every 15 days, and spray 4-7 times in total.

Tebuconazole (107534-96-3) compound

(1) Difenoconazole + Tebuconazole

It can effectively prevent and control powdery mildew, rust, scab, brown spot, black pox, anthracnose, scab, brown spot, rings, vine blight, smut, head blight, scattered smut, Early blight, late blight, leaf mold, leaf spot, black spot, black mold and other diseases.


Seed dressing: For direct-seeded crops such as wheat, corn, peanuts, soybeans, garlic, and potatoes, 5% benzyl·tebuconazole suspended seed coating agent can be used before sowing according to the drug-to-seed ratio of 55-70 ml/100 kg of seeds. Seed dressing can achieve the purpose of long-term prevention and treatment of more than 10 diseases such as sheath blight, damping off, root rot, total rot, and loose smut. The duration of effect can reach 50-80 days.

Soil treatment: Before planting tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, watermelons, melons and other crops, use 2% benzyl·tebuconazole slow-release granules 1500-2000 g/acre, mix with 10-15 kg organic fertilizer, and apply in holes , and then covered with soil, it can prevent the occurrence of diseases such as blight, anthracnose, early blight, leaf mold, and vine blight for a long time. The duration of effect can reach about 80 days.

Root dipping (root irrigation): When planting watermelon, pepper, tomato, and eggplant seedlings, you can also use 5% benzyl·tebuconazole suspended seed coating agent 2500 + Jiamei Dividend 1000 times to dip or irrigate the roots, and then cover with soil. It can prevent the occurrence of more than 10 diseases such as blight, root rot, late blight, anthracnose, and scab for a long time, and the duration of effect can reach 80-90 days.

(2) Distrostrobin + Tebuconazole

Can effectively prevent and control ascomycetes: scab, black rot, powdery mildew, peach leaf shrinkage, etc.;

Deuteromycetes: early blight, anthracnose, leaf spot, brown spot, ring spot, fruit tree rot, sheath blight, scab, etc.;

Basidiomycetes: rust, wheat smut, loose smut, smut, etc.

(3) Pyraclostrobin + Tebuconazole

It can effectively prevent and control downy mildew, blight, early blight, powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose, scab, smut, etc. caused by fungal pathogens such as Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes and Oomycetes. There are more than 100 diseases such as leaf spot, spotted leaf drop, sheath blight, total rot, root rot, and black rot.

(4) Trifloxystrobin + Tebuconazole

To prevent and control rice sheath blight, rice smut, rice smut and other diseases, use 13-15 g/mu of 75% Trichosporon·tebuconazole water-dispersible granules, mixed with 30-50 kg of water, and can be used in rice cracks Spraying once each in the first 5-7 days and during the earing period can better prevent and treat the above diseases.

To prevent and control wheat sheath blight, powdery mildew, rust, scab and other diseases, 30% Trichosporon·tebuconazole suspension 36-45 ml/mu, mixed with 30-50 kg of water, can be sprayed at the seedling and flowering stages of wheat. Once, the damage and spread of the above diseases can be quickly controlled.

To prevent and control diseases such as corn leaf spot, gray leaf spot, and gray leaf spot, you can use 30% oxime and tebuconazole suspension 36-45 ml/mu, mixed with 30-50 kg of water, and spray during the corn trumpet stage and filling stage. Once, the occurrence and spread of the above diseases can be prevented.

To prevent and control apple leaf spot disease, anthracnose, brown spot disease, ring spot disease, etc., in the early stages of disease occurrence, spray with 4000-5000 times of 75% water dispersible granules.

To prevent and control pepper anthracnose, powdery mildew, black mold, and blight, in the early stages of the disease, spray 75% trifloxystrobin·tebuconazole water-dispersible granules 3000 times, once every 7-10 days, and continuously spray for 2- 3 times.

Diseases caused by tebuconazole (107534-96-3)

The fungicide tebuconazole belongs to the triazole class and its performance is very similar to triadimefon. Because it has strong systemic properties, it can be used to treat seeds, which can eliminate pathogenic bacteria attached to the surface of seeds. It can also be transmitted to the top of the crop to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the crop; it can be applied to your leaves. . It can eliminate pathogenic bacteria on the surface of crop stems and leaves, and can also be transmitted upward in the crop body. In this way, the pathogenic bacteria in the crop body are killed. Its mechanism is usually to control the biosynthesis of ergosterol of the pathogenic bacteria, which can effectively kill the pathogenic bacteria. Diseases caused by fungi such as Powdery mildew, Powdery mildew and Puccinia. Its biological activity will be higher than triadimefon and triadimefonol, mainly due to the low dosage. However, it must be noted that if the dosage is above the regulatory limit, it will seriously hinder the normal emergence of wheat, so we need to strictly abide by the dosage recommended on the product label and instructions.

For wheat smut, which is a disease of cereal crops, on average, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, 200g to 150g of wet mix or 100g to 150g of dry powder seed coating should be applied. The suspension seed coating agent of 2 grams or 2 is about 100 to 150 grams or the suspension seed coating agent of 6 grams is about 30 to 45 grams, and the seeds are stirred or coated.

For wheat sheath blight, for an average of 100 kilograms of seeds, apply a dry dressing agent or a wet seed dressing agent of about 170 to 200 grams or a suspended seed dressing agent of about 60 to 80 grams or a suspended seed coating agent of about 50 grams. grams to 67 grams or 0.2 suspended seed coating agent between 1500 grams and 2000 grams, stir the seeds or coat them.

For corn head smut, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, apply about 400g to 600g of dry powder seed coating agent or suspension seed coating agent of about 100g to 200g. Grams or so, for seed dressing or coating.

Apply the fungicide tebuconazole to treat the seeds. When planting, the land is required to be raked and leveled. The sowing depth is usually 3 cm to 5 cm. The emergence of seedlings may be delayed, but future growth will not be hindered.

Tebuconazole (107534-96-3) can prevent and treat diseases

(1) To prevent and control wheat smut and loose smut in cereal crops, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, use 100-150 grams of 2% dry mix or wet mix or 100-150 grams of 2% dry powder seed coating or 100-150 grams of 2% suspended seed coating agent or 30-45 grams of 6% suspended seed coating agent for seed dressing or coating. To control wheat sheath blight, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, use 170-200 grams of 2% dry or wet seed dressing agent or 60-80 grams of 5% suspended seed dressing agent or 50-67 grams of 6% suspended seed coating agent or 0.2 % suspended seed coating agent 1500-2000 grams, seed dressing or coating. To prevent and control wheat powdery mildew and rust, 12.5 grams of active ingredients per mu should be sprayed with water.

To prevent and control corn head smut, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, use 2% dry or wet seed dressing or 400-600 grams of 2% dry powder seed coating or 100-200 grams of 6% suspended seed coating, dressing or wrapping Clothes.

To prevent and control sorghum head smut, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, use 400-600 grams of 2% dry seed dressing agent or wet seed dressing agent or 100-150 grams of 6% suspended seed coating agent for seed dressing or coating.

Seeds treated with the fungicide tebuconazole require the soil to be leveled when sowing, and the sowing depth is generally 3-5 cm. The emergence of seedlings may be slightly delayed, but this does not affect future growth.

(2) To prevent and control apple spot leaf disease, start spraying 43% suspension agent 5000-7000 times in the early stage of the disease. Spray once every 10 days. Spray a total of 3 times in the spring shoot stage and 2 times in the autumn shoot stage.

To prevent and treat pear scab, start spraying 3000-4000 times of 43% suspension at the early stage of the disease, spray once every 15 days, and spray 4-7 times in total.

To prevent and control banana leaf spot, start spraying the pesticide fungicide tebuconazole 12.5% water emulsion 800-1000 times on the leaves or 25% water emulsion 1000-1500 times or 25% EC 840-1250 times every 10 days. Spray once for a total of 4 sprays.

Things to note when using tebuconazole (107534-96-3) in cereal crops

The fungicide tebuconazole has a wide bactericidal spectrum, good systemic conductivity, and a long duration of effect. It has good control effects on various diseases of corn, wheat, rice and other crops.

Used in corn seed treatment, it can prevent and control seed-borne diseases such as head smut, and also has a certain effect on seedling sheath blight and other diseases; used in wheat seed treatment, it can prevent and control loose smut, fishy smut and many other diseases. Various seed-borne diseases and seedling sheath blight; used in rice seed treatment to prevent and control damping off and bakanae disease. During the growth period of wheat, corn and rice, it can be used to prevent and control sheath blight, rust, powdery mildew, corn leaf spot and other diseases. Pay attention to spraying at the early stage of the disease; spraying during the heading stage of wheat can prevent and control scab; Spraying about a week before rice breaks can prevent and control rice smut and other diseases.

The fungicide tebuconazole is one of the azole fungicides that has a strong inhibitory effect on crop growth. When used for seed treatment, the dosage should be strictly followed and the dosage should not be increased blindly. Otherwise, the emergence period may be prolonged and the emergence rate may be reduced. And other issues. When applied before or at the early stage of jointing of rice and wheat, it not only has a good control effect on sheath blight, but also helps shorten the height of the basal internodes and improves lodging resistance. When applying before rice heading, attention should be paid to strictly controlling the dosage. It should not be used continuously in a short period of time, or used continuously with other azole fungicides in a short period of time, especially when the plant height is short, the growth is poor, or there is a slight necking phenomenon. For japonica rice varieties, pesticide use should be strictly controlled to prevent heading and poor grain filling. This drug should not be used when the rice is exposed to continuous low temperature and rainy weather before heading.

Microbial fungicide tebuconazole (107534-96-3) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide microbial fungicide tebuconazole will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide tebuconazole you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Microbial fungicide tebuconazole (107534-96-3) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide microbial fungicide tebuconazole, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.