Excellent broadleaf weed herbicide fluroxypyr

What is fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)?

The herbicide fluroxypyr is a systemic post-emergence stem and leaf treatment herbicide. It is quickly absorbed by weeds after application, causing sensitive plants to react like typical hormonal herbicides and conduct it to all parts of the plant. The plants become deformed, twisted, and eventually die. It is suitable for controlling broad-leaf weeds in wheat, barley, corn, grapes, orchards, pastures, woodlands, lawns, etc.; such as pigweed, polygonum, purslane, nightshade, field bindweed, polygonum, amaranth, etc. Ineffective against grass weeds.

The herbicide fluroxypyr is an organic heterocyclic selective systemic post-emergence herbicide, suitable for controlling various broad-leaf weeds in wheat, barley, corn and other grass crop fields. The preparation is 20%, which makes it an emulsified oil. It looks like a light brown or brown liquid and has a storage stability period of more than 2a at room temperature. According to the pesticide toxicity classification standard, the herbicide is a low-toxic herbicide. The acute oral LD50 of 20% of the herbicide in rats is 5000 mg/kg, and the acute dermal LD50 is greater than 2000 mg/kg. This makes it a post-emergent herbicide that is systemic and conductive. It is quickly absorbed by the plants, causing sensitive plants to have typical hormonal herbicide reactions. The plants will be deformed, twisted, and finally die.

The herbicide fluroxypyr is an organic heterocyclic selective systemic post-emergence herbicide. It is quickly absorbed by the plant, causing sensitive plants to react like typical hormonal herbicides, resulting in deformed and distorted plants. It eventually dies and is suitable for controlling various broad-leaf weeds in wheat, barley, corn and other grass crop fields. It is safe for crops and has low toxicity. 20% of it makes it possible for the oil to have a very good control effect on Heliotrope. 15 days after treatment, the control effect of fluroxypyr on Hemorrhoids strains at different growth stages reached 100%.

Physicochemical Properties of Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

The pure herbicide fluroxypyr is a white crystal with a melting point of 232-233°C and a vapor pressure of 9.42×mmHg at 25°C. The solubility in water at 20°C is 91PPm, in acetone is 41.6 g/L, and the partition coefficient between octanol and water is 55:1. Used as a pesticide, pure 1-methylheptyl ester has a melting point of 56-57°C and a vapor pressure of 1.05×10-4mmHg at 25°C. The solubility in water is 0.9PPm at 27.7°C, it is greater than 4% in acetone, and it is greater than 50% in fluoroform and dichloromethane. The storage stability period at room temperature is two years. The partition coefficient between octanol and water is 6140:1. The original industrial drug is a white crystal with a soapy smell. The commonly seen preparation is 20% breast augmentation oil, which is composed of active ingredients, emulsifiers, solvents, etc. The appearance is light brown or brown liquid, and the storage stability period is more than 2 years at room temperature.

Toxicity: The acute oral LD50 of the original drug in rats is 2405mg/kg, the acute transdermal LD50 in rabbits is >5000mg/kg, and the acute 4 (hour) inhalation LD50 in rats is >296mg/m3. Application scope: wheat fields, corn fields, orchards and fruit trees.

Fluroxypyr(69377-81-7) Chemical Properties

The pure herbicide fluroxypyr is a white crystal with no odor. m.p.232233℃, vapor pressure 1.26×10-3Pa (25℃), pKa2.94. Easily soluble in acetone (1.6g/L), chloroform, and methylene chloride, but insoluble in water (91mg/L). Stable for 2 years when stored at room temperature. Its methyl ester is crystalline. m.p.56^~57℃, vapor pressure 0.014×10-3Pa (25℃). Solubility at 20:00: methylene chloride 896g/L, acetone 867g/L, ethyl acetate 792g/L, toluene 735g/L, xylene 642g/L, methanol 469g/L, hexane 45g/L. Distribution coefficient 6140. It is stable during normal storage and decomposes above the melting point. The half-life of hydrolysis reaction is 9.8d (pH=5), 17.5d (pH=7) and 10.2d (pH=9).

Pharmacological effects of fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

The herbicide fluroxypyr is a systemic post-emergence herbicide. It is quickly absorbed by the plant, causing sensitive plants to react like typical hormone herbicides, resulting in deformed and distorted plants. Temperature has no effect on the final effect of the herbicide, but it does affect the speed at which its effect is exerted. Generally, the effect is slower when the temperature is lower, which can cause the plant to stop growing after being poisoned, but it does not die immediately. It will soon occur after the temperature rises. die.

Functional characteristics of fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

Fluroxypyr belongs to the pyridinyloxyacetic acid-type systemic herbicides, which can be quickly absorbed by plant leaves and roots and conducted in the body. Acts on nucleic acid metabolism, causing plants to produce excess nucleic acids, causing some tissues to transform into meristems, causing deformed growth of leaves, stems and roots, and the symptoms of typical hormonal herbicide damage. Eventually, storage materials are exhausted and vascular tissue is embolized. or burst, and the plant gradually dies.

The herbicide fluroxypyr is safe for crops. In resistant crops, it can combine with conjugates and lose its toxicity. It is easily degraded in the soil, has a short half-life, and will not cause phytotoxicity to subsequent crops.

Characteristics of fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

There is no doubt that the herbicide fluroxypyr is fast-acting. Its speed is close to that of paraquat, which has been banned. It is comparable to it, so it can kill weeds quickly.

The herbicide fluroxypyr is highly safe. For corns with 6 leaves and weeds with 2 to 3 leaves, use 20% emulsifiable concentrate to make it thicker. Use 50 to 60 ml per mu. Mix it with water and spray. It will react in the plant and combine with it. It forms a conjugate and eventually loses its toxicity. At the same time, it is easily degraded in the soil and finally loses its activity. It will not have any impact on the next crop.

The herbicide fluopyron has good miscibility, and the most famous one at present is 22% fluopyron. It is a new herbicide independently developed by Qingdao Qingyuan Compound Co., Ltd. in my country. Of course, it can also be mixed with various herbicides such as 2-methyl-4-chloride, 2,4 drops of butyl ester, cyhalofop-methyl, etc.

 (1) It is safe for crops. During the entire growth period of crops, it will not cause phytotoxicity even if it is used at more than 1 times the recommended dose.

(2) The pesticide application period is wide and efficient, and has a certain yield-increasing effect.

(3) It is recommended to apply pesticides when the temperature is higher than 10°C, so that fluopyrin has higher activity and kills weeds quickly.

(4) There is no residue in the soil and will not affect subsequent crops.

(5) Can control pigweed, Polygonum curly, purslane, nightshade, chickweed, nestweed, field bindweed, weasel petal, sorrel leaf Polygonum, willow leaf spiny, Amaranthus retroflexus, commelder weed , sweetgrass, cabbage, field pea, field wormwood and bindweed and other broad-leaf weeds, it is ineffective against grass and sedge weeds.

(6) It is safe for crops. In the body of drug-resistant crops, it can bind to the conjugate and lose its toxicity.

(7). It is easy to degrade in the soil, has a short half-life, and will not cause phytotoxicity to subsequent crops (but some data show that using siltalon + bensulfuron to control weeds in wheat fields after the new year will cause harm to subsequent crops of cotton and soybeans) , peanuts, peppers and other broad-leaf crops are not safe).

How to use fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

(1) Control weeds in wheat fields: Use 20% emulsified oil per acre to make it grow 50- 66.7 ml, spray on water.

(2) Control weeds in corn fields: before the 6-leaf stage of corn seedlings, and the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds, use 20% emulsifiable concentrate per acre to make it grow 50-66.7 ml, spray with water; control field bindweed, small For difficult-to-treat weeds such as bindweed and purslane, use 20% to make it grow 66.7-100 ml of emulsified oil per acre.

(3) Control weeds in grapes, orchards, non-arable land and rice field ridges: At the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds, use 20% emulsified oil per acre to make it 75-150 ml, and spray it with water. For control of rice field ridges, use 50 ml of 20% MnB oil per acre, or 20 ml of 20% MnB oil mixed with 200 ml of 41% manganese aqueous solution, or 20% 30 ml of Mnb oil and 41% Mix 150 ml of manganese balm liquid. To control difficult-to-control weeds such as gallbladder, fomora, coryza, commelina, calamus and other weeds, use 80-100 ml of 20% E. coli and 100-150 ml of 41% manganese aqueous solution per acre.

2. Mix.

Mixing Stalon with other herbicides can expand the herbicide spectrum and reduce costs. In the wheat field, use 30-40 ml of 20% E.C. plus 35 ml of 72% 2,4-D butyl emulsifiable concentrate or 150 ml of 20% dimethyl tetrachlorine aqueous agent per acre, which can effectively prevent and control the diseases such as varicella, varnish, and Shepherd's purse, shepherd's purse, mustard, pigweed, horsetail, endive, field bindweed, sedge, cocklebur, mulberry and other weeds; use 20% per acre to make it fattening oil 50-66.7 ml plus 6.9 % Puma Water Emulsion 50-67 ml can effectively control grass weeds such as wild oats, wheatgrass, hard grass, clotweed, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, stephanotis and other grass weeds.

Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) uses

The herbicide fluroxypyr is a systemic herbicide for post-emergence stem and leaf treatment. It is quickly absorbed by weeds after application and is transmitted to all parts of the plant, causing the plant to become deformed, twisted and eventually die. This product mainly controls annual broad-leaf weeds in winter wheat fields, such as pigweed, Polygonum curly, purslane, Amaranthus retroflexus, nightshade, chickweed, field bindweed, spinach, water peanut, Artemisia somnifera, etc. .

The herbicide flupyroxyacetate is a pyridinoxyacetic acid herbicide. It has systemic conduction effect and has typical hormonal herbicide response. When used post-emergence, sensitive crops will show reactions typical of hormonal herbicides. It has a wide application period on cereal crops and can be used to control broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, corn, grapes, orchards, pastures, forest farms, etc., such as pigweed, field bindweed, shepherd's purse, chickweed, and curly stems. Weeds such as amaranth and purslane are ineffective against grass weeds. If it is used for winter wheat, it should be applied during the regreening period after winter, and for spring wheat at the 2-4 leaf stage, after the weeds have basically emerged. Use 50% EC 7.5-10mL/100m2, add 4.5kg of water, and apply the pesticide at 2-4 weeds. Used in leaf stage. This product can also be mixed with a variety of other herbicides such as 2,4-D, 2-methyl-4-chloride, isoproturon, lumauron, gramin, and caojingjin.

Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) usage and dosage

(1) Control of broadleaf weeds in wheat fields: In the 2- to 4-leaf stage of wheat, after all weeds have emerged, use 200g/L fluroxypyr 50-62.5mL per mu in winter wheat fields, and 200g/L per mu in spring wheat fields. 62.5~75mL of fluroxypyr emulsifiable concentrate, mixed with water and sprayed on the stems and leaves once. The maximum residue limit is 0.2mg/kg.

(2) Control of broadleaf weeds in corn fields: At the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds in corn fields, use 50-70 mL of 200g/L fluroxypyr EC per acre, mixed with water and spray the stems and leaves once.

(3) Control of broad-leaf weeds on paddy fields. After the peak emergence period of broad-leaf weeds such as hollow lotus seeds, use 50 mL of 200 g/L fluroxypyr EC per acre, mixed with water, and spray the stems and leaves once. The maximum residue limit is 0.2mg/kg.

(4) It can be mixed with nicosulfuron, mesotrione and other chemicals.

Registration status of fluroxypyr (69377-81-7)

There are 300 certificates related to the herbicide fluroxypyr. Among them, there are 31 registration certificates for original drugs; 106 registration certificates for single doses; and 163 registration certificates for mixtures. Main single dose: 28.8% isooctyl fluopyron emulsifiable concentrate; 20% fluopyroxine emulsifiable concentrate. The main compound products are: 8% isooctyl fluroxypyr + 4% nicosulfuron + 10% mesotrione dispersible oil suspension; 5% fluroxypyr + 3% nicosulfuron +20% atrazine dispersible oil suspension; 8% fluroxypyr + 50% glyphosate wettable powder; 26% isooctyl fluroxypyr + 3% penoxsulam dispersible oil Suspension agent; 8.5% isooctyl fluopyron + 33.5% 2-methyl-4-chloride emulsifiable concentrate; 14.5% isooctyl fluopyroxoacetate + 0.5% flufenacet suspending agent; 29% fluopyroxoacetate Isooctyl ester + 5% mesozofen wettable powder; 12% isooctyl fluopyroxoacetate + 6% clodinafop-propyl suspension; 17.3% isooctyl fluopyroxoacetate + 2.7% bensulfuron WP powder.

Usage status of fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) by crop

Weed control categories: It can control most broad-leaf weeds, and has good control effects on pigweed, chickweed, purslane, field bindweed, polygonum, amaranth, water peanut, etc.

Use in wheat fields: It is safe for wheat and can be used from wheat seedlings to heading. The control of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat mainly focuses on control in spring. The best application period is from the post-winter greening stage or the tillering stage to the early jointing stage, the 3 to 5 leaf stage of wheat, and the 2 to 4 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds. The general time From late February to early March, the prevention and control period should be sooner rather than later.

Use in corn fields: The herbicide fluroxypyr is relatively safe for corn, and there will be no phytotoxicity in the 3 to 5 leaf stage of corn. However, since fluroxypyr is a hormonal product, if it encounters adverse weather conditions such as high temperature, high humidity, strong winds, etc., it will be harmful to corn, and the corn will lodging and break easily. Some sweet corn varieties are sensitive to this drug, so it is best not to use it in sweet corn fields to prevent drug damage. Domestic post-emergence herbicides in corn fields generally revolve around the three products of Nicotiana tabacum. Fluroxypyr is generally compounded with Nicotiana tabacum, or in the form of single agent + single agent or single agent + mixture. Sold in combination with other products.

Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) efficacy

The herbicide fluroxypyr was used at different concentrations of 200g/L to make the emulsion oil conduct field efficacy tests on common wheat field weeds such as pigtail, shepherd's purse, Dachshund, and Artemisia annua. Field trials have shown that 200g/L E.M. oil is sprayed at the 3- to 5-leaf stage of spring wheat and the 2- to 4-leaf stage of broad-leaf weeds. It has no adverse effects on the heading and fruiting of wheat and can prevent and control common broad-leaf weeds in wheat fields. Grasses such as pigweed, shepherd's purse, Dachshund, Artemisia vulgaris, etc. have different control effects on different weeds. Among them, the concentration of 1800mL/hm has the best control effect, but considering the comprehensive effect and benefit, the dosage is 900mL/hm2. The best time to apply pesticides is after most of the broadleaf weeds have emerged. Applying pesticides at this time will have a better yield-increasing effect compared with areas without pesticides.

If the herbicide fluroxypyr EC is used to control weeds in corn fields, you can use 20% per 667m2 to make the weeds 2 to 5 leaf stage before the 6 leaf stage of corn seedlings to make it 50 to 66.7 mL of EC, and spray it with water. . To control difficult-to-treat weeds such as field bindweed, small bindweed, purslane, etc., use 20% to make it thicker with 66.7 to 100 mL of emulsifiable concentrate per 667 m2; to control weeds in grapes, orchards, non-cultivated land, and rice field ridges, use 2 to 2 weeds per 667 m2 At the 5-leaf stage, use 20% emulsion oil per 667m2 to make 75-150mL of emulsified oil, and spray it with water. For control of rice field ridges, use 50 mL of 20% PU oil for every 667 m2, or 20 mL of 20 mL of CW oil and 200 mL of 41% manganese aqueous solution, or 20% 30 mL of CM oil and 41% manganese. Mix 150 mL of aqueous solution. To control difficult-to-control weeds such as sugarcane grass, charweed, coryza, commelina, calamus and other weeds, use 80-100 mL of 20% emulsion oil and 100-150 mL of 41% manganese aqueous solution per 667m2.

Precautions for fluopyrin (69377-81-7)

1. When applying the medicine, add 0.2% of the spray amount of non-ionic surfactant to the drug solution to improve the efficacy.

2. Spray the pesticide when the temperature is low and the wind speed is low. Stop spraying when the relative air humidity is lower than 65%, the temperature is higher than 28°C, and the wind speed exceeds 4 meters/second.

3. When applying pesticides in orchards, avoid direct spraying of the drug to make it grow on the fruit trees; avoid using it in tea gardens, banana orchards and nearby plots to make it grow.

4. The sprayer used to make it swell should be thoroughly cleaned before it can be used to spray other pesticides on broadleaf crop fields.

Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) herbicide price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide fluroxypyr will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide fluroxypyr that you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Fluroxypyr (69377-81-7) herbicide supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide and herbicide fluopir, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.