Flonicamid is a new pyridamide insecticide

What is Flonicamid?

Flonicamid is a new low-toxic pyridamide insecticide and insect growth regulator.Cas 158062-67-0 In addition to contact and stomach toxicity, this product also has a good nerve agent and fast antifeedant effect. Pests with piercing-sucking mouth parts such as aphids eat or inhale sap with flonicamid, they will be quickly prevented from eating and sucking the sap and eventually die from starvation.

Flonicamid is a pyridine organic compound used as an insecticide on aphids, whiteflies, and thrips.It disrupts insect chordotonal organs that can affect hearing, balance, movement to cause cessation of feeding, but the specific target site of the chemical is unknown.It is typically sold as wettable granules mixed with water before spraying.

Flonicamid is a pyridinecarboxamide insecticide. It inhibits the brown planthopper (N. lugens) inward-rectifying potassium channel Kir1 (IC50 = 0.64 μM). Flonicamid (100 μg/ml) inhibits aphid (M. persicae) salivation and sap ingestion during feeding on Japanese radish leaves. It induces toxicity in the aphid species A. gossypii, R. padi, S. graminum, and L. erysimi (LC50s = 0.64, 0.74, 0.78, and 2.01 μg/ml, respectively) and rats (LD50 = ≥844 mg/kg). Formulations containing flonicamid have been used for the control of pest insects in agriculture.

Flonicamid Mode of Action 

Flonicamid rapidly inhibits the feeding behavior of aphids, and has better action through ingestion than by contact. Its mode of action is different from other insecticides such as neonicotinoids, pymetrozine and pyriuquinazon.

Insecticide Flonicamid price 

Normally, the price of the pesticide and Insecticide Flonicamid is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide and Insecticide Flonicamid you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide Flonicamid supplier 

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Insecticide Flonicamid please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing Flonicamid which are registered , visit the website https://www.agripesticide.com/select your  then click on the link for Products.

What class of insecticide is flonicamid?

Flonicamid is a new insecticide for control of aphids and other sucking insects. It belongs to a new class of chemistry known as pyridinecarboxamide. Flonicamid has been registered in Canada since 2009.

Is flonicamid a systemic insecticide?

Systemic Insecticides

A recent study showed that the systemic insecticides flonicamid and pymetrozine can contaminate honeydew (a sugar-rich sticky liquid, secreted by some insects as they feed on plant sap), killing beneficial insects that feed on honeydew.

Flonicamid Advantage

 1. This product is an antifeedant for pests in homoptera. With a different mechanism of action from other insecticides, it has a wide insecticidal spectrum, high efficiency and low toxicity. It has good effects in controlling aphids on cucumber, potato and apple, and other pests with piercing-sucking mouth parts such as thrips, tea green leafhopper, planthoppers, and whiteflies.

2.Flonicamid Strong permeability in plants.

3.Flonicamid Good rain resistance and long lasting effects.

Flonicamid Characterisitics

Novel mode of action No cross-resistance with other conventional insecticide has been reported.Offers good residual control: 2-3 weeks

No adverse-effects on benecials Low application dose rate : 50-100 g a.i./ha

Fits in Integrated Pest Management System Excellent activity to major aphid species

Effective against whiteies, thrips, plant bugs, leafhoppers and planthoppers Excellent translaminar and systemic activity through xylem vessels and control the aphid on untreated young leaves and

in rolled leaves

What pests does flonicamid target?

Targets: It is mainly used to control various aphids, greenhouse whiteflies, tobacco whitefly, tea green leafhopper, brown planthopper, and various thrips, etc. For the prevention and control of various aphids, it can be sprayed evenly at the initial stage of the pest.

Flonicamid Crops

Apple, pear, peach, plum, strawberry, cucumber, melon, watermelon, gourd, cabbage, tomato, eggplant, pepper, potato, brown mustard, spinach, lettuce, beans, celery, wheat, corn, cotton, citrus, sunflower, tea, ornamental plants, etc.

Uses and Recommendations Flonicamid

Crop Target Dosage Application  method

Cucumber Aphid 225-375g/ha Spray

Tea tree Green leafhopper 300-375g/ha Spray

Pear tree Pear psyllium Diluted to 5000-8000 times Spray

Rice Rice planthopper 300-375g/ha Spray

Apple Aphid Diluted to 5000-9000 times Spray

1. For the prevention and control of various aphids, it can be sprayed evenly at the initial stage of the pest. To achieve the desired control effect, it can be sprayed again after 7 days to effectively control the continued harm and spread of aphids.

2. In the prevention and control of rice planthoppers and brown planthoppers, the product can be applied at the peak of the young instar nymphs of rice planthoppers, focusing on spraying evenly and thoroughly to the middle and lower parts of rice and the front and back of the leaves.

Flonicamid Application

Flonicamid is an novel insecticide with rapid inhibitory effect against aphid feeding.

With foliar spray application at the rates of 50-100 g a.i./ha, onicamid exhibits excellent aphicidal activity and also shows good insecticidal activity against other sucking insect pests such as thrips, whiteies, planthoppers, leafhoppers, plant bugs, and mealybugs in fruit trees, cereals, rice, potatoes, cotton, vegetables and ornamentals. Flonicamid soil applications also provide control of the foliar pests mentioned above

Flonicamid Cautions

1. Prepare the solution according to the amount required. The prepared solution should be used up once.

2. For cucumber, this product is used no more than 3 times per season; for apple, up to 2 times per season; for potato, 2 times at most per season.

Safe interval: 3 days for cucumbers, 21 days for apples and 7 for potatoes day.

3. Since this agent is an insect antifeedant, the death of aphids can only be seen with the naked eye 2-3 days after application. Be careful not to repeat the application.  

4. It is recommended that pesticides with different action mechanisms be used in rotation to delay the development of resistance.

Flonicamid Abiotic Degradation

Flonicamid is not expected to undergo chemical hydrolysis in the environment as amides do not hydrolyze under environmental conditions(pH 5 to pH9). Flonicamid contains chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm, and therefore may be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight.

Flonicamid Bioconcentration

An estimated BCF of 3 was calculated in fish for flonicamid, using log Kow of 0.30 and a regression-derived equation. According to a classification scheme, this BCF suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low.

Flonicamid Mobility

The Koc of flonicamid is estimated as 25, using a log Kow of 0.30 and a regression-derived equation. According to a classification scheme, this estimated Koc value suggests that flonicamid is expected to have very high mobility in soil.

Flonicamid Volatilization

The Henry's Law constant for flonicamid is estimated as 4.1X10-13 atm-cu m/mole derived from its vapor pressure, 7.07X10-9 mm Hg, and water solubility, 5200 mg/L. This Henry's Law constant indicates that flonicamid is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water and moist soil surfaces. Flonicamid is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces based upon its vapor pressure.

Flonicamid Human Exposure

Occupational exposure to flonicamid may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where flonicamid is produced or used.