Herbicide Haloxyfop-P

What is Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)?

Haloxyfop-P is a selective herbicide with the molecular formula C16H13ClF3NO4. Cas 95977-29-0 has excellent control effect on perennial stubborn grassy weeds such as reed, cogongrass, and bermudagrass. Highly safe for broadleaf crops. The effect is stable under low temperature conditions.

Haloxyfop-P is a selective herbicide with good systemic conductivity. After application, the Haloxyfop-P can be quickly absorbed by the leaves of grass weeds and transmitted to the entire plant, inhibiting the growth of plant meristems, thereby killing the weeds. It has a long lasting effect and has good control effect on annual and perennial grass weeds from the time of emergence to the early stage of tillering and heading. Highly safe for various broadleaf crops under normal use. It can still show excellent weeding effect under low temperature and drought conditions.

The mechanism of action of Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

The herbicide flufenacet is quickly absorbed by the leaves of grass weeds after application, and is transmitted to the entire plant, inhibiting the growth of plant meristems, thereby killing the weeds. The application period is long, and it has a good control effect on annual and perennial grass weeds from the time of emergence to the early stages of tillering and heading. Highly safe for various broadleaf crops under normal use. It can still show excellent weeding effect under low temperature and drought conditions.

The mode of action of Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

The herbicide Haloxyfop-P is an inhibitor of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase). After the stems and leaves are treated, the pesticide can be quickly absorbed by the leaves of gramineous weeds, transmitted to the entire plant, accumulated in the plant meristem, and inhibits acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the plant, causing the synthesis of fatty acids to be blocked and killing the weeds. The pesticides sprayed into the soil are easily absorbed by the roots and can also kill weeds. At the same dose, it is more flexible than pyrifluorochlorin, has stable efficacy, and is less affected by adverse environmental conditions such as low temperature and rain. Weeds stop growing quickly after absorbing the pesticide, and young tissues and vigorously growing tissues are inhibited first. Symptoms of weed damage can be observed 48 hours after the pesticide is applied. First, the meristematic tissue parts such as buds and nodes begin to turn brown, and then the heart leaves gradually turn purple and yellow until the whole plant dies. Older leaves show symptoms later, turning purple, orange or red before wilting. It usually takes 6 to 10 days from application to weed death. Under low doses, large weeds or drought conditions, the weeds sometimes do not die completely, but the growth of the medicinal plants is severely inhibited, manifested by black root tips, short aboveground parts, and extremely low seed setting rate.

The herbicide Haloxyfop-P is a selective herbicide that can be used to control various grassy weeds in various broad-leaf crop fields, especially against stubborn perennial grassy weeds such as reeds, cogongrass, and bermudagrass. Excellent control effect, highly safe for broadleaf crops. When using flufenacet, you can add silicone additives to improve the efficacy. When spraying, try to avoid spraying on crops that are sensitive to flufenacet to avoid phytotoxicity.

Features of Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

① High efficiency and low toxicity: The dosage of flufenopinopop-alp per mu is only 2 to 4 grams, which can effectively control annual and perennial grass weeds in soybeans, cotton, peanuts and other crops. The dosage is only a few dozen times that of traditional herbicides. one. At the same time, the LD50 of flufenacet is >623 mg/Kg, which is a low-toxic pesticide according to my country’s pesticide toxicity classification standards.

②Broad herbicidal spectrum: Flufenopyfen has good control effect on most grassy weeds, especially many grassy weed herbicides on older annual and perennial grassy weeds When the control effect is not good, you can still get good control effects by using flumefenacet.

③Long application period: Graminous weeds can be treated from 3 leaves to the peak growth stage, and the application period is from 3 to 5 leaves.

④ Highly safe for crops: Flumefenopop is safe for almost all dicotyledonous plants, and will not cause phytotoxicity even if the dosage exceeds several times the normal dosage; the drug degrades quickly in the soil and has no adverse effects on groundwater and the environment. Subsequent crops are also safe. In addition, grass cover can be used as a low-toxic pesticide, which greatly reduces the harm to humans, animals and nature.

⑤Good conductivity: Flufenopyfen has systemic conductivity and is quickly absorbed by the weed leaf tissue and transported to the entire plant after treatment on the stems and leaves. It inhibits the meristem tissue of the stems and leaves and causes the death of the weeds. Its medicinal effect takes effect quickly, and the pesticide sprayed into the soil is easily absorbed by the roots and can also kill weeds.

⑥Long duration of effect: Flufenopyfen is absorbed quickly, and rainfall will occur 1 hour after application, which will not affect the efficacy; the duration of effect is long, and one application can basically control the damage of grass weeds during the entire growth period. Greatly reduce the labor intensity of farmers.

How to use Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

The high-efficiency herbicide flumefenacet is an organic heterocyclic, selective, systemic herbicide, stem and leaf herbicide. The appearance of the emulsifiable concentrate is an orange liquid. After stem and leaf treatment, it can be quickly absorbed by the leaves of grass weeds and transmitted to the entire plant, inhibiting the meristem tissue of stems and roots and causing the death of weeds.

Weeds using the herbicide flufenacet will soon stop growing after absorbing the herbicide, and young tissues and vigorously growing tissues will be inhibited first. Symptoms of weed damage can be observed 48 hours after application. First, the meristematic tissue parts such as buds and nodes begin to turn brown, and then the heart leaves gradually turn purple and yellow until the whole plant dies. Older leaves show symptoms later, turning purple, orange or red before wilting. It usually takes 6 to 10 days from application to weed death. Under low doses, large weeds or drought conditions, the weeds sometimes do not die completely, but the growth of the plants treated with pesticides is severely inhibited, manifested by black root tips, short aboveground parts, and extremely low seed setting rate. The rate of weed death varies slightly depending on the type of weed and leaf age. The pesticides sprayed on the soil are easily absorbed by the roots and can also kill weeds. The application has a post-emergent selective systemic conduction herbicidal effect on weeds, and is effective against annual grass weeds from emergence to early heading stage (such as wheatgrass, goosegrass, crabgrass, barnyardgrass, setaria, stephanotis, etc.) and Perennial grass weeds (such as bermudagrass, Imperata cognac, reed, sedge, etc.) have good control effect and long lasting effect, but are ineffective against broadleaf weeds and sedges and are safe for broadleaf crops.

(1) Dilute 12.5% flumefenopop-ethyl EC with water and spray it. Treat the stems and leaves of grassy weeds when they have 2 to 5 leaves. The dosage per acre varies depending on the type of vegetables.

When the Chinese cabbage has 3 to 4 leaves, spray 30 ml of 12.5% flufenopyrop-ethyl EC per acre mixed with 50 kg of water.

In cruciferous vegetable fields, spray 30 to 50 ml of 12.5%Haloxyfop-P EC per acre mixed with 30 kg of water.

After seedlings such as carrots and celery are unearthed, spray 50 to 75 ml of 12.5% Haloxyfop-P EC per acre mixed with 30 to 50 kg of water.

When the bean seedlings have 2 to 4 compound leaves, and if the field is dominated by annual grass weeds, and the soil is moist, use 40 to 60 ml of 12.5% Haloxyfop-P EC per acre, mixed with 30 to 50 kg of water. Spray; when the soil is dry, use 60 to 80 ml of 12.5% flufenopalopop EC, mixed with 30 to 50 kilograms of water and spray; if the field is dominated by perennial grass weeds, use 12.5% EC per acre. 100~160ml, mix with 50kg of water and spray.

(2) Use 10.8% fluopyfenopyfen high-efficiency emulsifiable concentrate to control weeds on eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, kidney beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, sugar beets, rape, soybeans, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupe, carrots, etc.

For annual grass weeds at the 3 to 4 leaf stage, use 25 to 30 ml of 10.8%Haloxyfop-P high-efficiency EC per acre, 30 to 35 ml for the 4 to 5 leaf stage, mixed with 20 to 30 kg of water and spray; above the 5 leaf stage Increase the dosage appropriately. To control perennial grass weeds, use 40 to 60 ml of 10.8%Haloxyfop-P high-efficiency EC per acre at the 3- to 5-leaf stage, mixed with 20 to 30 kg of water and spray.

(3) To control annual grass weeds, apply pesticides at the 3-5 leaf stage of weeds. Use 20-30 ml of 10.8% Haloxyfop-P EC per mu, mix with 20-25 kg of water, and evenly spray the stems and leaves of weeds. . When the weather is dry or the weeds are large, the dosage of pesticide must be appropriately increased to 30-40 ml, and the amount of water added should also be increased to 25-30 kg.

(4) When used to control perennial grassy weeds such as reeds, Imperata cognac, and bermudagrass, the dosage per mu is 60-80 ml of 10.8%Haloxyfop-P EC, mixed with 25-30 kg of water. The ideal control effect can be achieved by applying the pesticide again one month after the first application.

Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) is suitable for crops

Various broadleaf crops. Such as: cotton, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, rapeseed, sunflower, watermelon, hemp, vegetables, etc.

Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) control targets

Annual and perennial grass weeds. Such as: crabgrass, barnyard grass, stephanotis, wheatgrass, foxtail grass, goosegrass, bluegrass, wild oats, reeds, Imperata, bermudagrass, etc. It has excellent control effect on perennial stubborn grassy weeds such as reed, cogongrass, and bermudagrass.

Scope of use of Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

1. Haloxyfop-P is a selective herbicide that can be used to control various gramineous weeds in various broad-leaf crop fields. It has a very good control effect on perennial and stubborn grassy weeds such as reed, cogongrass, and bermudagrass.

2. Most broad-leaf crops such as soybeans, cotton, peanuts, rape, sugar beets, flax, tobacco, sunflowers, peas, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, carrots, radish, cabbage, potatoes, celery, pepper, pumpkin, watermelon and other melons categories, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, leeks, garlic, onions, and other vegetables, orchards, tea gardens, mulberry gardens, etc. Safe for broadleaf crops. It is highly safe for broad-leaf crops such as cotton, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, rape, oil sunflower, watermelon, hemp, vegetables, etc., and the effect is stable under low temperature conditions.

3. When using, you can add permeability-improving conductivity additives, which can significantly improve the efficacy. When spraying, try to avoid spraying on crops that are sensitive to Haloxyfop-P to avoid phytotoxicity.

Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) for mixed use

The high-efficiency herbicide flufenacet and broadleaf herbicide can be tank-mixed in separate dosages and applied once to control grass weeds and broadleaf weeds at the same time. The application time after mixing is determined according to broadleaf herbicides. However, the Haloxyfop-Pate cannot be mixed with chlorsulfuron-methyl for stem and leaf treatment. If mixed, it will not only produce an antagonistic effect, but also cause phytotoxicity.

Efficacy conditions of Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0)

High temperature, drought, and relative air humidity as low as 65% will slow the growth of weeds and have poor removal effects; humid soil and high air humidity will cause plants to grow quickly, open stomata, and have high removal effects. If the weeds are young and easy to control, the dosage of pesticides can be reduced. On the contrary, if the weeds are older, the dosage of pesticides should be increased appropriately.

The difference between Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) and jingweifopofop

Both Haloxyfop-P and jingfengfenfop are selective herbicides for controlling monocotyledonous weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. As long as the usage and dosage are reasonable, the control effects are good. So what is the difference between Haloxyfop-P and jingfengfop? 1. If the temperature is high, finefop-fop is better. Both high-efficiency Haloxyfop-P and jingfengfop are both effective in preventing and controlling broad-spectrum diseases. Selective herbicides for monocotyledonous weeds in leaf crop fields have good control effects as long as the usage and dosage are reasonable. So what is the difference between the high-efficiency Fluoride and Jingfengheling?

1. If the temperature is high, Jinglong Heling is better. If the temperature is low, the Haloxyfop-P is better.

2. Weeds are in season. When monocotyledonous weeds have 2-4 leaves, the fine growth effect is good. However, if the weeds are a little older, the effect of fine growth cannot keep up, and increasing the amount will not work. It is not easy for farmers to control the time of medication. It has been promoted for so many years and farmers all know it. When treated with high-efficiency flupimethine, the effect is no problem.

3. Reed removal: The high-efficiency fluoride and methamphetamine are much more effective. Within a height of 1000px, 60ml is enough. Above 1000px, 80ml is enough. The minimum for Jinglong is no less than 90ml, and most require 120ml. It is best within 1000px. No matter how high it is, the effect will be difficult to guarantee.

4. For those who understand technology, Jingfeng is more cost-effective. For those who do not understand technology, it is safer to use the high-efficiency fluoride. It basically controls the entire growth period and grass damage. The drug is dissolved in the soil and has no effect on crops.

5. This is the difference between Jingfeng Heling and Flumethofop. Flumethofop has a very good control effect on annual and perennial ambrosia from post-emergence to vegetable cutting and early heading stages. Not effective on broadleaf grasses and sedges. It is safe for broad-leaf crops and has a long-lasting effect. One application can basically control the entire growth period and grass damage. The drug dissolves in the soil and has no impact on crops.

Precautions for Haloxyfop-Pate (95977-29-0)

1. Application period: The pesticide can be applied from the emergence of weeds to the peak growth period. It works best when applied at the 3 to 5 leaf stage of weeds.

2. Dosage: Haloxyfop-P is a post-emergence selective herbicide, used to control annual grass weeds at the 3 to 4 leaf stage, 25 to 30 ml per mu. 4~5 leaf stage, 30~35ml per mu. Above the 5-leaf stage, the dose may be increased appropriately. To control perennial grass weeds at 3 to 5 leaf stage, 40 to 60ml per acre. In times of drought, dosage can be adjusted accordingly. Water consumption per mu is 15~30kg.

3. Before corn planting, many farmers are accustomed to carrying out stubble control first. In order to improve the stubble control effect and improve the killing of grass weeds, some people add Haloxyfop-P to the sprayed chemicals. Before corn sowing, It’s okay. The usage amount is 30 ml per barrel of water. It is very dangerous if it is added after the corn is sown and before the seedlings emerge. In this case, it is easy for the corn seedlings to not grow well after they are unearthed, or even die, so when adding corn seedlings, After sowing and before emergence, Haloxyfop-P can no longer be used to improve the effectiveness.

4. Pay attention to wind speed and direction when applying pesticides, and do not allow the liquid to drift into wheat, corn, rice and other grass crop fields to avoid pesticide damage.

(1) This drug is a special herbicide for grass weeds and is only suitable for use in broad-leaf vegetable crop fields.

(2) Generally speaking, pesticides can be applied from the emergence of grass weeds to heading. It is best to apply pesticides when the weeds have 3 to 5 leaves and are growing vigorously. At this time, the weeds are most sensitive to the Haloxyfop-P. , and the above-ground part of the weeds is larger and easier to receive more fog droplets. When the leaves of weeds are older, appropriately increasing the dosage can also achieve good control effects. The pesticide should be applied as soon as possible after the grass weeds have emerged. If Haloxyfop-P is used in summer, it should be done when the field humidity is high and the temperature is relatively low.

(3) It is sensitive to grass crops. Pay attention to the wind direction and speed when spraying. Do not spray in windy weather to avoid the liquid from drifting to wheat, corn, rice and other crop fields.

(4) The spray is even and thorough. Rain will not affect the weeding effect within 1 to 2 hours after application. In plots where monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds are mixed, this agent can control broadleaf weeds and sedges. It can be mixed with the agent, but cannot be mixed with bensulfuron. Stop using it 60 days before harvest.

(5) The pesticide application tools must be cleaned after use, and the remaining pesticide solution must not be poured into the fish pond to prevent fish poisoning.

(6) During storage and transportation, keep away from fire sources and high temperatures.

(7) It can be used up to once per crop season.

Fungicide Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and fungicide Haloxyfop-P will be affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you would like to know the latest price of the pesticide and fungicide Haloxyfop-P you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Fungicide Haloxyfop-P (95977-29-0) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide and fungicide Haloxyfop-P, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.