Herbicide pendimethalin user manual

What is pendimethalin (40487-42-1)?

The herbicide  pendimethalin is a contact-killing soil sealing treatment agent, which mainly inhibits the division of meristem cells and does not affect the germination of weed seeds. effect. The absorption site of dicotyledonous plants is the hypocotyl, and that of monocotyledonous plants is the young buds. The symptoms of damage are inhibition of the growth of young buds and secondary roots. This medicine has a broad herbicidal spectrum and has good control effect on a variety of annual weeds.

The herbicide pendimethalin is an organic compound with the molecular formula C13H19N3O4, Cas 40487-42-1, and is a dinitroaniline herbicide. Applicable to corn, soybean, cotton, vegetable and orchards, to control crabgrass, foxtail, bluegrass, alopecia, goosegrass, gray lily, snakehead sausage, nightshade, quinoa, amaranth and other annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds . It also has a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of dodder seedlings. Pendimethalin can effectively inhibit the occurrence of axillary buds in tobacco, increase the yield and improve the quality of tobacco leaves.

The herbicide pendimethalin belongs to the aniline herbicide and is a selective soil sealing herbicide widely used in cotton, corn, rice, potato, soybean, peanut, tobacco and vegetable fields.

Dosage form: There are single dose and mixed dose. There are four types of formulations: emulsifiable concentrate, suspension concentrate, microcapsule suspension concentrate, and water emulsion. The total content is 330 g/L, 33%, 40%, 35%, 450 g/L, etc.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) physical and chemical properties

The  herbicide  pendimethalin is a dinitroaniline systemic selective pre-emergence herbicide, chemical name N-(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6-dinitrile Aniline, the trade names include Shitianbu, pendimethalin, pendimethalin, etc. Its molecular formula is C13H19N3O4, and its molecular weight is 281.3. The pure product is an orange-yellow crystal. Its solubility in water is 0.33 mg/L at 20°C. It is easily soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, is stable to acids and alkali, and is not easily photolyzed.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) Properties

The pure herbicide pendimethalin is an orange-yellow crystalline solid, m.p. 54~58℃ (56~58℃), vapor pressure 40Pa (3.99×10-5Pa) (25℃). Easily soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic Chemicalbook hydrocarbon solvents, acetone 700g/L, isopropyl alcohol 77g/L, xylene 628g/L, corn oil 148g/L, solubility in water at 20°C is 0.33mg/L. Stable to acid and alkali.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) Mechanism of Action

The herbicide pendimethalin is a dinitrotoluidine herbicide. It mainly inhibits meristem cell division and does not affect the germination of weed seeds. Instead, the buds, stems and roots absorb the agent during the germination process of weed seeds. Then it takes effect. The absorption part of dicotyledonous plants is the hypocotyl, and the absorption part of monocotyledonous plants is the young buds. The damage symptom is that the young buds and secondary roots are inhibited to achieve the purpose of weeding.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) Efficacy and Action

The herbicide pendimethalin is a herbicide used for preemergence sealing, which is mainly absorbed through the young shoots, young stems and roots of weeds, and inhibits the cell division of young shoots and secondary root meristems, thereby hindering weed seedlings growth, leading to the death of weeds. Its application method is mainly soil spraying treatment. After application, pendimethalin is easily absorbed by soil particles, and will not be leached into the deep soil with water to become invalid. The duration of effect is moderate, generally 45-60 days. The higher the soil moisture content after pesticide application, the better the weeding effect, but the weeding effect is poor under drought conditions.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) Features

(1) Broad herbicidal spectrum. Pendimethalin is effective against most annual gramineous monocotyledonous weeds in dry fields, such as daughters, crabgrass, barnyardgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, golden foxtail, and chrysanthemum, as well as purslane, bermudagrass, and moss It has good control effect on broad-leaf weeds such as sedge and pigweed, and is effective on special-shaped sedge, sedge, etc., but has poor effect on perennial weeds.

(2) The scope of application is wide. It is suitable for weeding in corn, soybeans, peanuts, cotton, potatoes, tobacco, vegetables and other crop fields. It can also be used for weeding in rice fields. It should be noted that when dry field herbicides are used in paddy fields, the amount used is much lower than that in dry fields, generally only equivalent to 1/100 to 1/10 of the amount used in dry fields, so the cost of herbicides can be greatly reduced. In addition, when upland herbicides are used in rice fields, the weeding effect is often improved and the herbicidal spectrum is expanded. However, not all upland herbicides can be used to control weeds in rice fields. The key is to see their safety for rice. In high-density propanil-resistant rice fields, pendimethalin is an effective agent to replace propanil.

(3) Good crop safety. Pendimethalin does no harm to crop roots. When used in rice fields, it is safe for rice seedlings and does not damage the roots, which is beneficial to the cultivation of strong seedlings. It will not affect the use of other chemicals during the duration of the effect, and will not cause invisible harm to crops.

(4) Low toxicity. It is low-toxic to humans, animals, birds and bees. The acute oral LD50 value in rats is 1,050 to 1,250mg/kg. The acute percutaneous LD50 value in rabbits is > 5,000 mg/kg.

(5) Low volatility and leachability. Pendimethalin has a lower vapor pressure than trifluralin, which means it is less volatile. Its solubility in water is 0.3mg/L, which is lower than that of metolachlor (488mg/L) and alachlor (170mg/L). It is less affected by water, less leaching, and longer lasting.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) Advantages

The herbicide pendimethalin has the characteristics of high activity, broad herbicidal spectrum, low toxicity and low residue, and high safety for humans and animals. It has strong soil adsorption, is not easy to leach, and is environmentally friendly. It can be used before and after budding and before transplanting. It can be used and lasts for 45 to 60 days. One application can solve the weed damage of crops throughout the growth period.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) uses

The herbicide pendimethalin is a dinitroaniline herbicide. Inhibits meristematic cell division. During the germination process of weed seeds, the young shoots, stems and roots absorb the pesticide and act. The absorption site of dicotyledonous plants is the hypocotyl, and that of monocotyledonous plants is the young buds. The damage symptoms are that the young buds and secondary roots are inhibited. It can be used to control weeds such as barnyardgrass, crabgrass, setaria, bluegrass, pigweed, and amaranth in corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, vegetables and orchards. For soybean and peanut fields, 33% EC 3045mL/100m2 (active ingredient 1015g/1Chemicalbook00m2), for corn fields 33% EC 30mL/100m2 (active ingredient 10g/100m2), for vegetable fields 33% EC 1522mL/ 100m2 (active ingredient 5~7.5g/100m2).

The herbicide pendimethalin is a selective herbicide that controls annual grasses and certain annual broadleaf weeds. Apply pre-emergence after sowing of cereals, corn and rice, or lightly mix the soil before sprouting of broad beans, cotton, peanuts and soybeans. It can be applied in vegetable fields before emergence or transplanting, and it can also prevent tobacco root suckers.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) is suitable for crops

Cotton, corn, direct-seeded upland rice, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, garlic, cabbage, cabbage, leeks, onions, ginger and other upland fields and rice upland seedling fields. Pendimethalin is a selective herbicide that is used after Chinese medicinal materials are sown and before they emerge. It has wide applicability. There is no need to mix soil after spraying, which can prevent the growth of weed seedlings and has a significant effect on annual grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds. Please note that each crop can only be used once.

How to use pendimethalin (40487-42-1)

1. Soybean fields: Soil treatment before sowing. Since the drug has strong adsorption, low volatility and is not easy to photodegrade, mixing the soil after application will have little effect on the weeding effect. However, in case of long-term drought and low soil moisture content, it is appropriate to mix 3 to 5 cm to improve the weeding effect. Use 200-300 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per mu, and spray 25-40 kg of water on the soil before sowing soybeans. If the soil organic matter content is high and the soil viscosity is high, the dosage can be increased appropriately. The drug can also be used for pre-emergence treatment of soybeans after sowing, but it must be applied within 5 days before emergence of soybeans after sowing. In the field of mixed monocot and dicotyledonous weeds, it can be used in combination with bentazon.

2. Corn field: It can be used before and after emergence. If it is applied before emergence, it must be applied within 5 days after corn is sown and before emergence. Use 200 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per acre, and mix it evenly with 25 to 50 kg of water. spray. If the water content of the soil is low when applying the pesticide, the soil can be lightly mixed, but the pesticide should not touch the corn seeds. If the corn is applied after seedlings, it should be carried out before the broad-leaved weeds grow 2 true leaves and the grass weeds 1.5 leaf stage. The dosage and method of application are the same as above. Pendimethalin can be mixed with atrazine to improve the effect of controlling dicotyledonous weeds. The mixed dosage is 200 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC and 83 ml of 40% atrazine suspension per acre.

3. Peanut field: It can be used for soil treatment before sowing or after sowing. Use 200-300 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per acre (66-99 grams of active ingredient) and spray 25-40 kg of water.

4. Cotton field: The application period, method and dosage are the same as those for peanut fields. Pendimethalin can be mixed or used in combination with futuron to control difficult-to-control weeds. Pendimethalin can be used before sowing, and volturon can be used for treatment in the seedling stage, or a mixture of pendimethalin and volturon can be used before emergence, and the dosage of each is half of that of the single application (the active ingredient of volturon alone is 66.7~ 133.3 grams/mu), use 33% pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrate and 100-150 milliliters of fururon per mu, and spray 25-50 kilograms of water evenly.

5. Vegetable plots: For direct-seeded vegetable plots such as leeks, shallots, cabbage, cauliflower, and soybean sprouts, they can be watered after sowing and applying pesticides. Use 100 to 150 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per acre and 25 to 40 ml of water. Kilogram spray, the duration of the medicine is as long as about 45 days. For direct-seeded vegetables with a long growth period, such as seedling leeks, the pesticide can be applied again 40 to 45 days after the first application, which can basically control the weed damage of the vegetables throughout the growth period. Transplanted vegetable fields: Cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, eggplant, tomato, green pepper and other vegetables can be sprayed before transplanting or after transplanting to slow down the seedlings. Use 100~200 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per acre. Spray 30~50kg of water.

6. Tobacco field: Apply pesticides after tobacco transplanting, use 33% pendimethalin EC 100-200 ml per mu, and spray 30-50 kg of water evenly. In addition, it can be used as a tobacco sprout inhibitor, which is beneficial to improving the yield and quality of tobacco.

7. Sugarcane field: Apply pesticides after sugarcane planting, use 200~300ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per mu, and spray 30~50kg of water evenly

8. Orchard: During the growing season of fruit trees, before weeds emerge, use 200-300 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC per mu, and 50-75 kg of water for soil treatment. To expand the herbicidal spectrum, it can be mixed with atrazine.

9. In the southern rice area, spraying is often used to seal the soil before germination of direct-seeded rice seeds. Generally, 150 to 200 ml of pendimethalin EC at 330 g/L per mu is used.

Pendimethalin (40487-42-1) application method

Post-sowing and pre-emergence: immediately after sowing or within 5 days. Such as beans, potatoes

Apply pesticides before sowing or transplanting: such as sunflower, carrot, pea, tomato, cabbage, etc.

Early postemergence: such as wheat and leeks have good drug resistance.

Solanum fruit usage techniques:

Tomatoes, eggplants and peppers

Cultivation method: first raise seedlings and then transplant.

After soil preparation, 150-200 ml before transplanting, water 40-50, soil spray. Use 100-150 ml for low organic matter.

Note: It can be used for transplanting, but not for seedlings.

Cruciferous vegetables used:

Seedlings of Chinese cabbage, pakchoi, radish, and shepherd's purse in direct seeding fields or seedbeds, 100-150 ml/mu, 40-50 to water, spray the soil before seedling after sowing. Pay attention to increasing the thickness of the covering soil, and do not increase it arbitrarily.

For cabbage, cauliflower, and Chinese cabbage, 1-7 days before transplanting, 150-200 ml/mu, 40-50 to water, try not to stir the soil layer, and apply medicine early after site preparation.

Onion vegetable usage techniques

After the garlic field is sown, 150-200 ml/acre, 40-50 to the water, and spray the soil. The same dose can also be used in the early post-emergence period. The technology is mature and can be mixed with oxyfluorfen

Onions are safe to sow and transplant. For direct seeding, apply pesticides before seedlings after sowing or after 3 leaves emerge, 150-200 ml/mu per acre, 40-50 to water. Transplanting field before transplanting.

Leek cultivation methods include seedling leeks and old-root leeks. Pay special attention to this distinction.

To cultivate leek seedlings, use 100-200 grams per acre and spray 40-45 kilograms of water on the soil after sowing and before seedlings.

For old-root leeks, soil spray should be carried out after the leeks are harvested and before they are unearthed. If you harvest without sticking to the ground, you must wait until the wound heals before applying pesticides, otherwise phytotoxicity will occur.

Chives include live green onions and transplanted green onions. Use 100-150 ml per mu and 40-50 kg of water. Spray evenly before seedlings after direct seeding and before transplanting onions.

Legume and vegetable usage technology

There are kidney beans (green beans), cowpeas (long beans), peas (dutch beans), broad beans, sword beans, etc.

Beans are large seeds and highly resistant to antibiotics. After sowing and before transplanting, use 150-200 ml per acre and 40-50 kg of water, spray evenly.

Coated legumes and vegetables should be used with caution

Umbelliferous vegetables usage technology

Celery and carrots are highly resistant. There are two types of celery cultivation: direct seeding and transplanting. For direct seeding fields, the planting time should be 1-3 days after sowing and before seedling emergence, and for transplanting fields, 1-3 days after soil preparation and before transplanting. Use 100-150 ml per acre, spray 40-50 kg of water evenly.

Carrots are generally sown by broadcasting. Use 100-150 ml per acre and 40-50 kg of water. Spray the soil evenly after sowing and before seedlings.

Techniques for using cucurbit vegetables

Cucurbitaceae: cucumber, winter melon, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.

Cucumbers can be cultivated in two ways: direct seeding and transplanting.

Live cucumbers are relatively sensitive to this product. Currently, only this product can be used on live cucumbers and the dosage is also strictly controlled.

limit. Use 75-100 ml per acre, 40-50 kg of water, spray after sowing and before emergence. It is required that the seeds cannot be exposed after sowing, and the dosage cannot be increased. Use with caution in sandy soil.

The sensitivity of transplanted cucumbers to herbicides will decrease after they have 5 true leaves. Before transplanting, spray the soil with 100 ml and 40-50 kg of water per acre. After transplanting and slowing down the seedlings, directional spraying can also be used, but the liquid must not come into contact with the cucumber seedlings.

Pumpkins are more resistant than cucumbers. Use 100-150 ml of water per acre and 40-50 kg of water. Spray the soil evenly after sowing and before planting.

Tobacco 160-340 ml/acre, 40-50 kg water, pesticide can be applied before and after transplanting. Wear protective cover after transplanting to avoid spraying on tobacco leaves. Recommendations should be based on local medication habits.

Pumpkin fields (white melon seeds) have a large planting area in eastern Heilongjiang, and currently metolachlor is mainly used. 170-250 ml/acre, to 40-50 kg of water, apply after sowing and before emergence. The safety is good, and the soil should be covered with more than 3 cm after sowing.

There are currently no good herbicides for strawberries. For transplanting strawberries in protected areas, 150-200 ml/acre, 40-50 kg of water, spray before transplanting.

Issues that should be paid attention to during use

The dosage is not strict for crops with good drug resistance, but the dosage for sensitive crops must be as prescribed.

Seasonal and climatic conditions: Use higher amounts in spring when temperatures are low, and lower amounts in summer when temperatures are high.

Soil conditions: If the organic matter content is high, use a high amount; if the organic matter content is low, use a low amount.

Mixing: Celery, carrots, garlic, onions, leeks, fennel, and potatoes can be mixed with paracetamol.

In actual recommendations, local promotion crops and dosage should be consulted.

Lettuce (lettuce), spinach, and amaranth from the Asteraceae family cannot be used. Beets are prohibited.

Analysis of the harmful effects of pendimethalin (40487-42-1)

Crop sown too shallow

The seeds are in the drug layer, and the amount of drug absorbed after germination is relatively large, so they are vulnerable to phytotoxicity. Therefore, the seed sowing depth is generally required to be 3 to 5 cm. In this way, the amount of medicine absorbed by the crop seeds in the early stage of germination is small, and although the bud body also absorbs the medicine when it passes through the medicine soil layer, because the absorbed medicine is relatively low, it generally does not cause phytotoxicity.

Good soil moisture is required when applying pesticides

Once the herbicide is bound to the soil, it is very difficult to move it. If the moisture content is good during pesticide application, the applied pendimethalin can spread downward and to the surroundings, forming a 2-3 cm thick and tight medicinal soil layer to ensure the soil sealing effect. When the soil is dry after spraying, it is difficult to form a good medicinal soil layer, which will affect the control effect.

In order to increase soil adsorption and reduce phytotoxicity to crops, the soil should be watered before application of pesticides to increase soil adsorption and reduce phytotoxicity to crops. If the soil humidity is too high after spraying, or if there is rain in a short period of time, the medicine may enter the crop sowing layer, and it is easy to cause phytotoxicity to crops, especially sensitive crops.


Wherever phytotoxicity occurs, it is often caused by the dosage exceeding the usage requirements. For example, when used for weeding in vegetable fields, it is generally required to not exceed 120 ml per acre; or due to uneven spraying, excessive local dosage may cause phytotoxicity.

Apply 33% pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrate in dry fields, and the dosage per mu should be more than 150 ml to ensure the control effect. If the dosage is 120 ml per mu, the weeding effect will not be very good when the soil is dry. When using it, the reasonable usage amount of pendimethalin can be roughly calculated based on the weed control effect in the damaged crop fields, but the dosage cannot be increased arbitrarily.

Medication too late

When it is used for weeding of vegetable crops, if the vegetable seeds have germinated or even started to emerge, the drug will be absorbed by the young shoots of the crops after application of pendimethalin, which is easy to cause phytotoxicity. Almost all crops are prone to serious phytotoxicity when exposed to pendimethalin during the sprouting stage.

There are strict requirements on the time of application, and it cannot be too late. For example, if the compound agent 40% pentamethamine·acetochlor EC is used to control annual grass weeds and broadleaf weeds in ginger, cotton, and corn fields, it must be Apply pesticides after sowing the crops and before emergence. It is strictly forbidden to use pesticides during the seed soil stage. Use 100 to 150 ml of preparation per mu for ginger, 125 to 175 ml for garlic, and 40 to 60 kilograms of water for soil spray treatment to ensure safety and harmlessness.

Do not use on sensitive crops and during sensitive periods of crops

Solanaceous crops such as tomatoes and peppers are relatively sensitive to this drug. The pesticide is usually applied before transplanting the crops, and the soil should be moved as little as possible during transplanting to reduce damage to the soil sealing layer.

If pesticides are applied after transplanting, directional spraying must be carried out in the field. The liquid cannot be sprayed on solanaceous vegetable crops, especially the young heart leaves. Pendimethalin is misused at the 5-6 leaf stage after the emergence of direct-seeded rice, especially when the dosage is large. When the temperature is high, symptoms of phytotoxicity will generally appear 2 to 3 days after application.

How to remedy pendimethalin (40487-42-1) injury

1. Crop sowing should not be too shallow. Generally, the seed sowing depth is required to be 3 to 5 cm. In this way, the amount of medicine absorbed by the crop seeds in the early stage of germination is small. Although the buds also absorb the medicine when passing through the medicine soil layer, because the amount of medicine absorbed is relatively low, it generally does not cause phytotoxicity.

2. Better soil moisture is required when spraying pesticides. In order to increase soil adsorption and reduce phytotoxicity to crops, the soil should be watered before application of pesticides to increase soil adsorption and reduce phytotoxicity to crops. If the soil moisture is too high after pesticide application, or if it rains in a short period of time, it may enter the crop seeding layer and easily cause phytotoxicity to crops, especially sensitive crops.

3. Take the medicine according to the instructions for use. When using it, the reasonable usage amount of pendimethalin can be roughly calculated based on the weed control effect in the damaged crop fields, but the dosage cannot be increased arbitrarily.

4. The medication time should not be too late. There are strict requirements on the time of medication, and it cannot be too late.

5. Do not use it on sensitive crops and sensitive periods of crops. Solanaceous crops such as tomatoes and peppers are relatively sensitive to this drug. The pesticide is usually applied before transplanting the crops, and the soil should be moved as little as possible during transplanting to reduce damage to the soil sealing layer. If pesticides are applied after transplanting, directional spraying must be carried out in the field. The liquid cannot be sprayed on solanaceous vegetable crops, especially the young heart leaves. Pendimethalin is misused at the 5-6 leaf stage after the emergence of direct-seeded rice, especially when the dosage is large. When the temperature is high, symptoms of phytotoxicity will generally appear 2 to 3 days after application.

Precautions for pendimethalin (40487-42-1)

1. Low doses are used for soils with low organic matter content, sandy soils, and low-lying areas. High doses are used for soils with high soil organic matter content, clay soils, dry climates, and low soil moisture content.

2. In situations where soil moisture is insufficient or in arid climate conditions, 3-5 cm of soil needs to be mixed after application.

3. Crops such as beet, radish (except carrot), spinach, melon, watermelon, rapeseed, tobacco, etc. are sensitive to this product and are prone to phytotoxicity. This product must not be used on these crops.

4. It has strong adsorption in the soil and will not be leached into the deep soil. Rain after application will not only not affect the weeding effect, but also improve the weeding effect without re-spraying.

5. The duration of this product in the soil is 45-60 days.

6. Pendimethalin is highly toxic to fish, so use it with caution and do not pollute water sources and fish ponds.

7. When applying pesticides to corn and soybean fields, the sowing depth should be 3 to 6 centimeters and covered with soil to prevent the seeds from contacting the pesticides.

8. When treating soil, apply pesticides first and then irrigate, which can increase soil adsorption of pesticides and reduce pesticide damage. In fields with many dicotyledonous weeds, mixing with other herbicides should be considered.

9. On sandy soil with low organic matter content, it is not suitable to apply before emergence.

The price of herbicide pendimethalin (40487-42-1)

Under normal circumstances, the price of pesticide and herbicide pendimethalin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide pendimethalin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of herbicide pendimethalin (40487-42-1)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Herbicide Pendimethalin, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.