High efficiency plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid

What is Gibberellic acid?

Gibberellic acid is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator. Endogenous Gibberellic acid is ubiquitous in plants and is one of the important hormones that promote plant growth and development. It is also an antagonist of inhibitors such as paclobutrazol and chlormequat. Gibberellic acids can promote cell elongation, stem elongation, leaf enlargement, and promote parthenocarpy and fruit growth, break seed dormancy, change the ratio of female and male flowers, affect flowering time, and reduce flower and fruit shedding.

Gibberellic acid is a plant growth regulator with wide application and low toxicity. It is also one of the five major plant endogenous elements in crops. The Gibberellic acid in crops is called natural endogenous Gibberellic acid, and the Gibberellic acid commonly used in our agriculture Mycin is generally a synthetic exogenous Gibberellic acid.

Gibberellic acid has the effect of accelerating the growth and development of crops. It can break seed dormancy, promote seed germination, promote early flower bud differentiation, promote flowering and fruit setting, promote fruit development, and increase fruit grain production. It is a very efficient and broad-spectrum class It is a plant growth regulator that can be widely used in various crop species and different growth periods.

Gibberellic acid type

The most prominent role of Gibberellic acid is to promote the elongation of plant cells, because Gibberellic acid can increase the content of auxin in plants, and auxin directly regulates cell elongation. Through research, it is found that Gibberellic acid widely exists in various plants, fungi and bacteria. In plants, Gibberellic acids are generally distributed in the places where the plants grow most vigorously, such as root tips, young leaves, stem tips, fruits and seeds. Each organ or tissue contains more than two types of Gibberellic acids. The types of Gibberellic acids found so far range from GA1 to GA126, and GA3 (gibberellic acid or 920) is the most used in production. Often used to adjust plant height and organ size.

Mechanism of action of Gibberellic acid

The plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid can promote the synthesis of α-protease, promote the secretion of ribonuclease and glucanase, promote the synthesis of induced α-amylase, etc., so the role of Gibberellic acid is to promote vegetative growth , prevent organ abscission, break seed dormancy, etc., Gibberellic acid can significantly promote the growth of stems and leaves and make leaves bigger, but Gibberellic acid has no effect on root growth.

Functional characteristics of Gibberellic acids

The plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid is an improved agent of 920, and it is also a new plant source plant growth regulator, which can effectively promote the growth of crops, prevent the formation of abscission layers, and increase the fruit setting rate. It can be absorbed by rhizomes and flowers, and its biological activity lasts for a long time. Its function is to preserve flowers and fruits, and improve the rate of fruit setting and peach setting. It is better to start spraying at the seedling stage, which can make the root system develop and prevent diseases. It can significantly promote the growth of plant stems and leaves. If spraying during the growth period, it can also make the nutrition balanced, which is conducive to the growth of crops. Spraying at the flowering stage , can preserve flowers and fruits, and can also make fruits expand, which is more beautiful. Spraying at the full flowering stage of cotton can effectively reduce the shedding of buds and bells, increase the rate of bolls, and can effectively relieve crop diseases and accelerate the development of young fruits.

The role and application characteristics of Gibberellic acid

Gibberellic acids in crops can accelerate and promote the growth and development of crops, especially in stimulating cell elongation, elongating stems, expanding leaves, promoting seed germination, inducing flower buds to differentiate early, and accelerating fruit stem development Ripening and other aspects have very significant effects. At the same time, Gibberellic acid can also improve the rate of flowering and fruit setting, increase crop yield, promote early fruit maturity and delay the aging time of plants; For crops that can only differentiate flower buds or bloom under long-term light, Gibberellic acid can replace low temperature and long-day light, thereby achieving the effect of promoting seed germination, early flower bud differentiation, and early flower opening.

The plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid has a very wide range of applications. It can be used not only on field crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but also on economic crops such as cotton, soybeans, and tobacco. It can also be widely used in various On vegetable crops, solanaceous crops and various fruit trees, it has various functions such as promoting growth, accelerating germination, promoting flowers, and promoting fruits.

The plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid is mainly distributed in vigorous growth parts such as new shoots, young leaves, root tips and immature seeds and fruits of crops. It is mainly found in germinated seeds, growing buds and leaves, and open flowers. , enlarged fruit, and growing root system, and through the cortical tissue of the crop, it will be distributed to various vigorous growth and development parts of the crop plant through the cortical tissue of the crop from the root upward and from the top of the plant downward. It is used in different crop types and different There are certain differences in growth and development period, content in different parts and transmission speed, etc. The concentration and method of use are also slightly different in different crop species, different crop varieties, different growth stages, different soil types, and different climate environments. Only timely, appropriate and moderate use can promote the growth and development of crops. If the concentration is too large or the amount is too large, it will easily cause crops to grow leggy, deformed, albino, and inhibit flower bud differentiation and flowering. , if the concentration is too small or the dosage is insufficient, it will be difficult to play its due role, so we must pay attention to this point.

Effect of Gibberellic acid on fruit trees

Gibberellic acid is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator, a natural endogenous gibberellic acid that widely exists in plants, and is one of the very important hormones that promote plant growth and development. In fruit trees, gibberellic acid is synthesized in the germinated seeds, growing buds and leaves, blooming flowers, formed fruits, and the tree line of the fruit tree. Gibberellic acid is produced in the root and transported upwards, while that produced in the top of the fruit tree is transported downwards. The transmission channel is in the phloem of the fruit tree, and the speed is equivalent to the moving speed of photosynthesis products.

The plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid can not only promote the growth of stems and leaves of plants, but also break the dormancy of buds and seeds, and prevent flowers and fruits from falling off. It is suitable for various crops such as grain, cotton, fruit trees, vegetables, etc., and the effect is also very good. A good plant growth regulator. The effect of Gibberellic acid on crops is 100% effective. The effect is long-lasting, more efficient, more stable, and safer. It is best to spray at the seedling stage, which can make the root system develop and prevent diseases. , it can significantly promote the growth of plant stems and leaves. If sprayed during the growth period, it can also balance the nutrition and help the growth of crops. Spraying during the flowering period can preserve flowers and fruits, and can also make the fruits swell and have more beautiful fruits. , Spraying during the full flowering stage of cotton can effectively reduce the shedding of buds and bolls, increase the rate of boll formation, and can effectively relieve crop diseases.

The benefits of using Gibberellic acid on fruits

The effect of Gibberellic acid on melons and fruits is very good, and there are many effects. Gibberellic acid is a broad-spectrum and high-efficiency plant growth regulator, which can improve seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs and other organs to end dormancy and improve Germination rate, plays the role of low-temperature spring flowers and long-day sunshine, promotes and induces long-day vegetable crops to bloom in the same year, promotes the growth and development of their fruits, Gibberellic acid can promote germination, branch and leaf growth, and early flowering and fruiting effects on plants, and can induce flowering , increase the number of male flowers of melons, induce parthenocarpy, increase fruit setting rate, promote fruit growth, and delay plant senescence.

Use of Gibberellic acids in Different Crops

1. Break the dormant period

Potatoes Potatoes are cut into pieces and soaked in 0.5-2 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution for 10-15 minutes, or soaked in 5-15 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution for 30 minutes, which can relieve the dormant period of potato tubers and germinate earlier. Increase production by 15% to 30%. The species with short dormancy period use lower concentration, while the species with long dormancy period use higher concentration.

Lettuce Lettuce seeds are soaked in 200mgL Gibberellic acid liquid at a high temperature of 30~38°C for 24 hours, which can successfully break dormancy and germinate early.

Spraying 2000-4000 mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid on apple trees in early spring can break the dormancy of apple buds, and the effect is significant.

The seeds of nasturtium are soaked in 100mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid for 3-4 days at room temperature, which can promote germination.

Strawberry can break the dormancy of strawberry plants. In the cultivation of strawberry greenhouses and the cultivation of semi-facilitated cultivation, after covering the greenhouse for 3 days, that is, when more than 30% of the flower buds appear, each plant is sprayed with 5mL of Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 5-10mg/L. Focusing on spraying the heart leaves can make the top inflorescences bloom in advance, promote growth and mature early.

The appropriate concentration of peony Gibberellic acid is 800-1000mg/L. The method is to wrap the flower buds with absorbent cotton first, then drip Gibberellic acid on the absorbent cotton with a brush, and treat it once a day at 5-6 pm, for 3-4 times in a row, but the number of times should not be too much, otherwise it will easily develop into deformities .

Soaking eggplant in 50-100mg/L Gibberellic acid solution at room temperature for 8 hours has the best effect. For eggplant varieties with moderate dormancy, such as Liaoqie No. 1, Liaoqie No. 5, Xi'an Green Eggplant, etc., regardless of germination test or seedling cultivation, hormones must be used to break seed dormancy. Better results can be achieved by treating with mycin solution for 24 hours.

Soybean seed soaking with 3.5mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid can effectively accelerate the initial germination speed of spring sown soybeans under the condition of 10-15°C, significantly accelerate the growth rate of young roots, and increase the fresh weight and dry weight of young roots.

For sweet potatoes, immerse the potato pieces in 10-15mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid medicinal liquid dilution for 10 minutes, take them out and dry them in the hotbed to raise seedlings, which can break the dormancy period, emerge early, save the amount of seeds used, and strive for the season.

Sorghum seed soaking with 5-10mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid can promote germination, stimulate hypocotyl elongation and increase dry weight, and obviously early emergence.

Camellia oleifera is soaked with 20mg/L Gibberellic acid solution for 4 hours, which can speed up the germination speed.

Cotton is soaked in 10-20 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution for 6-8 hours, which can reduce adversity such as low temperature, delay germination or cause rotten seeds, and promote cotton seed germination.

Rhododendron soaked in 100mg/L Gibberellic acid solution for 24 hours can break the dormancy of rhododendron (light-loving) seeds.

During the hibernation period, mulberry trees can be treated with Gibberellic acid solution at a concentration of 1-50 mg/L, which can relieve the dormancy of mulberry trees, but germinate and flower 2-6 days earlier, can obviously germinate and open leaves earlier, and increase the germination rate and flowering number.

2. Preserve flowers and fruits to promote growth

Tomatoes are sprayed with 30-35mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid solution once during the flowering period, which can increase the fruit setting rate and prevent empty fruit.

Spray peppers with Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 20-40 mg/L once during the flowering stage, which can promote fruit setting and increase production.

The citrus was sprayed with 50 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution once after the first early physiological fruit drop; The Gibberellic acid medicinal solution of the second 50mg/L concentration.

In case of high temperature and dry weather during the fruiting period, the use of Gibberellic acid should be combined with proper watering of the orchard to improve the effect of flower preservation and fruit preservation. It can be mixed with cytokinin to improve the fruit retention rate for the first physiological fruit drop.

The suitable period for using Gibberellic acid in mandarin oranges should be sprayed from the end of full bloom to the time of flower fading. When spraying, add 0.2% urea, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2% borax to the Gibberellic acid solution to improve flower retention. Fruit protection effect.

Dipping grape ears with 60mg/L Gibberellic acid from 5 days before flowering to the beginning of flowering can significantly increase the fruit setting rate of grapes, and 100~150mg/L Gibberellic acid, 100mg/L dipped fruit ears twice to prevent flower and fruit drop.

Gibberellic acid lanolin with a concentration of 2% in kiwi fruit can significantly reduce the number of seeds of kiwi fruit, induce the formation of seedless fruit, and reduce the rate of fruit shedding.

When jujube trees bloom 30%, spraying Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 10-15mg/L can increase the fruit setting rate by about 1 times. When spraying, it is required to spray evenly on the whole tree, and the amount of spraying should be based on the amount of water dripping from jujube leaves.

If it is mixed with naphthalene acetic acid and urea, the effect will be better. In order to make the fruit set neatly during the flowering period, the Gibberellic acid solution can be sprayed once again 7 to 10 days after the first spraying.

After spraying the Gibberellic acid solution, in case of low temperature and dry weather, if the jujube swelling is not obvious 1 week after application, it can be sprayed again.

Spraying 20-50mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid in pear tree budding stage or full flowering stage can improve the fruit setting rate of pear trees, and can increase the yield of pear tree varieties such as Jingbai pear, Yang pear, and Dangshansu pear. It should be noted that the concentration of Gibberellic acid sprayed on pear trees should be adjusted according to the variety.

Spraying 1000mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid solution on peaches 15-20 days after flowering can improve the fruit setting rate.

Spraying 20-40 mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid solution on cherries at the full flowering stage, or spraying 10 mg/L solution of Gibberellic acid 10 days after flowering can improve the fruit setting rate. Spraying 5-10 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution once 20 days before harvest can significantly reduce sweet cherry fruit rot and peel rupture, and improve the commercial quality of the fruit.

Mangoes are sprayed with 50-100mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid once each after flowering fades and when the young fruit is olive-sized, which can significantly increase the fruit setting rate.

Spraying the leaves and fruits with Gibberellic acid at a concentration of 10mg/L during the young fruit stage of loquat can increase the fruit setting rate by 40%, and after spraying Gibberellic acid, some seedless fruits can also be formed to improve fruit quality.

Spraying 50-60 mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid medicinal solution during the flowering stage of hawthorn can greatly increase the fruit setting rate, increase the vitamin C of the fruit, reduce the fruit hardness, and advance the coloring period and maturity period by 5-10 days. Spraying 20-50 mg/L Gibberellic acid solution at full flowering stage and young fruit stage can increase the average single fruit weight by 20%-25%.

Spraying 500mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid on the crown of persimmons from flowering to young fruit stage can not only increase the fruit setting rate, but also promote fruit expansion.

It is good to grasp the effect of spraying when the buds and leaves are first unfolded. It can be sprayed all day in the low temperature season, and it should be carried out in the evening in the high temperature season, so as to facilitate the absorption of the tea tree and give full play to its medicinal effect. Evenly spraying with 100 mg/L Gibberellic acid liquid can make spring tea and summer tea harvested 2-4 days in advance.

3. Relieve aging and keep fresh

Before the cucumbers are harvested, spray the cucumbers once with Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 25-35mg/L, which can prolong the storage period and delay the appearance of big heads at room temperature of 20°C.

Before the watermelon is harvested, spray the melon once with Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 25-35 mg/L to prolong the storage period.

Immerse the base of garlic sprouts with Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 40-50mg/L for 10-30 minutes, which can inhibit the upward transport of organic substances and play a role in keeping fresh.

The Gibberellic acid medicinal solution with a concentration of 20-35 mg/L can promote the flowering of carnation and gladiolus cut flowers after storage. Gibberellic acid liquid treatment at a concentration of 1 mg/L can prolong the postharvest lifespan of cut violets. Gibberellic acid liquid treatment with a concentration of 100-400mg/L can significantly prolong the vase life of Hippeastrum cut flowers.

4. Promote vegetative growth

Gibberellic acids can stimulate the growth of stems and leaves, and significantly increase the plant height without affecting the number of internodes. Within a certain concentration range, as the concentration increases, the growth-stimulating effect increases.

15-30 days before harvesting, celery was sprayed with 40-60mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid for 3-4 days once, 2 times in total, and the yield increased by more than 25%.

20 days before spinach harvesting, spray once with 10-20mg/L Gibberellic acid liquid for 3-5 days, twice in total, which can promote leaf hypertrophy and increase yield.

Mushrooms dipped in 350-400 mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid liquid when the primordium is formed, the fruit body can increase, and the yield is obviously increased.

Wheat: Spraying 10-50mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid medicinal solution in the wheat turning green stage can reduce the ineffective tillering in the late stage and increase the rate of ear formation; in the jointing stage of wheat, spray 40mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid medicinal solution can increase Increase the number of grains per ear and increase the thousand-grain weight.

After the strawberries are harvested, the stems and leaves grow vigorously. Spray the annual plants with Gibberellic acid liquid at a concentration of 50mg/L in June, or spray twice in June and July, which can promote the occurrence and growth of stolons.

Mulberry trees use 30-100mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid, and spray 50kg of liquid medicine per mu of leaves. Spray once every 7-10 days after the mulberry leaves are harvested, which can promote the growth of stems and leaves, expand the photosynthetic area, and improve the assimilative ability.

The fresh weight and dry weight of mulberry leaves treated with Gibberellic acid increased, the sugar content decreased slightly, but the protein content increased. Therefore, it is very suitable for silkworm feed. When applying, the quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer can be applied one more time at the same time.

Before rose planting, dip the roots with 100-300mg/L Gibberellic acid liquid for 5 seconds, which can reduce the germination rate and increase the growth of single branch and plant. After germination, the growth point can be significantly promoted by spraying the growth point once with a Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 10-100mg/L.

Watermelons, winter melons, pumpkins, and cucumbers can be sprayed once with Gibberellic acid at a concentration of 20-50mg/L during the flowering stage, or sprayed once on young melons during the young melon stage, which can promote the growth and increase production of young melons.

Rapeseed Before transplanting rapeseed, dip the seedling root with 20mg/L concentration of Gibberellic acid to promote early plant growth and increase yield. Spraying 25mg/L Gibberellic acid on the leaves at the full flowering stage can increase the seed setting rate of rapeseed.

5. Increase the yield of seed production

When producing cucumber seeds, spray Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of 50-100 mg/L when the seedlings have 2-6 true leaves, which can reduce female flowers and increase male flowers, making female cucumbers monoecious. Meet the needs of seed production and increase production.

The physiological characteristics of the female parent (sterile line) in the rice production field are severely necked. After spraying Gibberellic acid, the exposed rate of the stigma can reach about 95%, and the angle of the flag leaf is obviously increased, so that the ear is obviously exposed to the leaf layer, thereby increasing The probability of pollination can solve the problem of neck wrapping, adjust the height ratio of parents and the probability of flowering meeting, and improve the seed setting rate and yield of seed production. Generally, it is sprayed in 3 consecutive times. Spray when 5% to 10% of the earing of the female parent is mastered for the first time, and 1-2g of Gibberellic acid crystals are used per mu; 5g for the second time; To what extent. Generally, the total amount of 3 times is 10-20g.

When cauliflower has 6-8 leaves and the diameter of the stem reaches 0.5-1cm, spray the plants with 100mg/L Gibberellic acid liquid, which can form flower bulbs earlier and harvest 10-25d in advance, especially for late-maturing varieties. more significant.

6. Promote bolting and flowering

Vegetables For vegetables that require low-temperature vernalization for bolting and flowering, Gibberellic acid can be used to induce vernalization.

Spraying plants or dripping growth points with 50-500mg/L Gibberellic acid solution can make celery, carrot, radish, Chinese cabbage, cabbage and other 2-year-old sunshine crops bolt and flower early under short-day conditions before wintering.

7. Antagonists as Inhibitors

It is mainly used to relieve the phytotoxicity caused by excessive use of inhibitors such as paclobutrazol and chlormequat. For example, if tomato is caused by excessive use of anti-falling factor, it can be relieved by Gibberellic acid liquid with a concentration of about 20mg/L.

How to compound Gibberellic acid

1. Gibberellic acid + cytokinin, Gibberellic acid + auxin + 6-BA, Gibberellic acid + naphthyloxyacetic acid + diphenylurea, Gibberellic acid + kanamycin, Gibberellic acid + brassinolide , Gibberellic acid + naphthyloxyacetic acid + micro-fertilizer elements, etc.

Improve the rate of parthenocarpy, increase the single weight of fruit, promote fruit setting, accelerate the expansion speed of fruit, and increase the size of fruit.

2. Gibberellic acid + chlormequat, Gibberellic acid + abscisic acid

Control prosperous growth and increase fruit setting rate.

3. Gibberellic acid + Thiourea, Gibberellic acid + Fospinol

Breaking dormancy promotes germination.

4. Gibberellic acid + benzylaminopurine, Gibberellic acid + silver thioband sulfate

Transform fruit crops from vegetative growth to reproductive growth and promote flowering.

5. Gibberellic acid + indole acetic acid + naphthalene acetic acid

Improve the plant's absorption of N, P, and K, and increase the yield.

6. Gibberellic acid + Cytokinin + Auxin, Gibberellic acid + Ethylene

Increase the absorption of nutrient elements, promote the growth of seedlings, increase the total dry matter, improve cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance, and insect resistance.

Precautions for the use of Gibberellic acid on crops

1. There are many ways to use Gibberellic acid, and the dosage and concentration are relatively flexible. It can be soaked, dressed, dipped in roots, smeared or sprayed, but it should be used in combination with the type of crop used and the growth stage of the crop. Choose the most suitable method and dosage flexibly.

2. Although Gibberellic acid has the effect of promoting germination, growth, budding, flowering and fruiting of crops, it should be used in strict accordance with the dosage and concentration specified in the drug instructions. If the dosage or concentration is too high, it will cause Inhibit the growth of crops or cause crops to bloom but not bear fruit or produce no fruits and seeds. Because Gibberellic acid is easy to cause infertility and fruit grains of crops, Gibberellic acid is not suitable for use on field crops that need to be reserved.

3. The water solubility of Gibberellic acid is weak, but it is easily soluble in alcohol. If Gibberellic acid in powder or crystal or emulsifiable oil is used, it should be dissolved with a small amount of alcohol or liquor of 60 degrees or above before use. Then dilute it to an appropriate concentration and use it. If Gibberellic acid water is used, it can be directly diluted and used without dissolving. For example, if we use 80% Gibberellic acid powder, if we want to dilute it into a 10PPM solution, we can first dissolve the Gibberellic acid powder with 3-5 ml of alcohol, and then add 80 kg of water to dilute it. In this way, we can obtain a Gibberellic acid solution with a concentration of 10PPM.

4. The aqueous solution of Gibberellic acid is acidic, so Gibberellic acid cannot be mixed with alkaline substances. It can be used with acidic or neutral medicines and fertilizers. In addition, Gibberellic acid cannot be used with alkaline substances. Otherwise, the Gibberellic acid will be ineffective due to acid-base neutralization; at the same time, it is best to prepare and use the Gibberellic acid immediately. For the Gibberellic acid that cannot be used up at one time, we should store it in a low-temperature and dry environment to store in.

5. Gibberellic acid has a relatively short duration of efficacy in a high-temperature environment, so it is not suitable for use in a high-temperature environment, nor can it be dissolved and diluted with hot water above 50 degrees. Generally speaking, Gibberellic acid is more suitable for use at 9-11 am or 3-5 pm on sunny days. When using it, ensure that the average temperature is stable above 23 degrees. Using it at low temperature may cause the drug to fail or cause infertility in flowers and fruits sterile.

6. When using Gibberellic acid, in order to achieve the best use effect, it should be used when the crops have sufficient water and fertilizer.

7. Gibberellic acids have the effect of mitigating phytotoxicity on crops. If crops suffer from drug poisoning or growth inhibition due to excessive use of chlormequat, paclobutrazol and other drugs, they can be sprayed with 20 mg/kg Gibberellic acid solution in time to relieve or eliminate adverse effects.

price of plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid

Usually, the price of Gibberellic acid, a pesticide plant growth regulator, will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of plant growth regulator Gibberellic acid

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Gibberellic acid, please feel free to contact us for latest price.