Highly effective herbicide trifluralin

What is trifluralin (1582-09-8)?

The chemical name of the herbicide trifluralin is 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline. It is an organic compound with the chemical formula C13H16F3N3O4 and Cas 1582-09-8 is orange. Yellow crystalline powder, insoluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents. It is mainly used as a pre-emergent herbicide in dryland. It can be used in cotton, soybeans, peas, rape, peanuts, potatoes, winter wheat, barley, etc. to control monocotyledonous weeds. Grasses and annual broad-leaf weeds, such as barnyard grass, giant thrush, crabgrass, foxtail grass, cricket grass, bluegrass, stephanotis, goosegrass, wheatgrass, wild oats, etc.

The original drug is orange-yellow crystal. It has an aromatic smell. Trifluralin EC is an orange-red liquid. Hardly soluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents. Rat oral LD50>10000mg/kg. It is a slightly toxic herbicide.

Trifluralin is a selective pre-emergence dinitroaniline herbicide. Trifluralin severely inhibits cell mitosis and differentiation in plants, disrupts nuclear division, and is considered a nuclear poison. The higher the concentration, the more severe the inhibitory effect on cell mitosis. In terms of biochemical reactions, it inhibits lipid metabolism and DNA synthesis. It also affects protein synthesis and amino acid composition, interferes with the production and conduction of plant hormones, and thus causes plant death.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) Physical and Chemical Properties

Density: 1.294g/cm3

Melting point: 48.5°C

Boiling point: 139°C

Flash point: 100°C

Refractive index: 1.527

Vapor pressure: 1.21E-05mmHg at 25°C

Appearance: Orange-yellow crystalline powder

Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) Chemical Properties

The herbicide trifluralin is an orange-yellow crystalline solid. m.p.48.549℃ (42℃ for industrial products), vapor pressure 2.65×10-2Pa (29.5℃); 1.373×10-2Pa (25℃), b.p.9697℃/23.99Pa. Soluble in most organic solvents, including 58% xylene, 40% acetone, and 7% ethanol; insoluble in water. It is easily volatile and photolytic, can be adsorbed and fixed by soil colloids, and has relatively stable chemical properties.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) herbicidal mechanism

The herbicide trifluralin is absorbed through the germination and growth of weed seeds and through the soil layer. It is mainly absorbed by the coleoptiles of grass plants and the hypocotyls of broad-leaf plants. It can also be absorbed by cotyledons and young roots. . But the stems and leaves after emergence cannot absorb it. Entering the plant affects the production or delivery of hormones and leads to death. After trifluralin is applied to the soil, it gradually decomposes and disappears due to volatilization, photolysis and the action of microorganisms. Among them, volatilization and photolysis are the main factors of decomposition. Agents applied to the soil surface will lose the fastest in the first few hours, and moisture and high temperatures will accelerate the decomposition of the agent. Therefore, after trifluralin is applied to the soil, the soil must be raked immediately to prevent it from decomposing and extend the efficacy period. Trifluralin is a selective pre-emergent soil treatment agent that is effective on grass weeds and some small-seeded broadleaf weeds. The drug is mainly absorbed when weed seeds germinate and grow through the soil layer. The weed stems and leaves after emergence cannot absorb it. Therefore, trifluralin is ineffective against weeds that have been unearthed.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) uses

The herbicide trifluralin is a broad spectrum dryland pre-emergent herbicide. It can be used on cotton, soybeans, peas, rapeseed, peanuts, potatoes, winter wheat, barley, castor, sunflower, sugar cane, vegetables, fruit trees, etc. It is mainly used to control monocotyledonous weeds and annual broad-leaf weeds, such as barnyard grass, barnyard grass, etc. Thrush, crabgrass, setaria, cricket grass, bluegrass, stephanotis, goosegrass, wheatgrass, wild oats, etc. It can also control small-seeded quinoa, amaranth, purslane, chickweed, polygonum and other dicotyledonous weeds. Grass. It is generally used before sowing or sprouting. The dosage is 5.6-11.3g of active ingredients/100m2. Add 0.6-4.5kg of water and spray it on the land. Rake it into the soil within 8 hours to prevent light decomposition and the weed killing effect reaches 95%. If it is used for transplanting cotton seedbeds, it should be used after sowing and covering with soil. Use 48% EC 11~15mL/100m2 to spray the soil surface with water, or spray first and then cover with soil after planting. For example, to control barnyard grass in dry rice fields, spray 48% EC 30-60mL/100m2 with water at the 2-3 leaf stage of rice seedling emergence. If used for soybeans, use 48% EC 19-23mL/100m2, spray the topsoil with water, and then mix the soil. Sow the seeds the next day in the south and 5-7 days later in the north.

The herbicide trifluralin is an excellent upland field herbicide. It is mainly used in cotton, soybeans, peanuts, sunflowers, cabbage, peppers, beans, orchards, etc. It can also be used in wheat fields and upland rice fields to control annual grasses and seed-propagated weeds and some broad-leaf weeds. , such as barnyard grass, foxtail grass, crabgrass, wheatgrass, cricket grass, stephanotis, bluegrass, brome, wild oats, broccoli, pigweed, amaranth, corngrass, chickweed, kochia, purslane, etc. . It has poor or basically ineffective control over perennial weeds such as nightshade, cocklebur, and milfoil. Ineffective against adult weeds. Sensitive crops such as sorghum and millet cannot be used; beets, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, etc. are not resistant and can be used as transplant fields. The combined world annual consumption reaches 10,000 tons and levels.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) usage technology

The herbicide trifluralin is absorbed when weed seeds germinate and grow through the soil layer, but cannot be absorbed by the stems and leaves after emergence. Typical symptoms of plant phytotoxicity are inhibition of growth and significant expansion of root tip and hypocotyl tissue cell volumes.

After the herbicide trifluralin is applied to the soil, it gradually decomposes and disappears due to volatilization, photolysis and the chemical action of microorganisms, of which volatilization and photolysis are the main factors. The pesticide applied to the soil surface loses the fastest in the first few hours. Humidity and high temperature will accelerate the decomposition of the pesticide. Therefore, after trifluralin is applied to the soil, the soil needs to be rake lightly to prevent it from decomposing. The duration of weed control is 3 to 6 months.

Trifluralin is a pre-emergent herbicide. It is generally sprayed 5-6 days before sowing to avoid damaging the germs of the plants. This must be noted. Trifluralin cannot remove unearthed weeds and is ineffective on the roots of perennial plants. It should not be used in wheat, corn, sorghum, millet, spinach, and sugar beet fields. It is strictly prohibited to spray around fish ponds.

(1) Use in soybean fields

Pre-sowing soil treatment, after rough leveling of the bean fields, for fields with a soil organic matter content of less than 3%, use 80-110 ml of 48% EC per mu; for fields with an organic matter content of 3%-8%, use 130-160 ml per mu; with an organic matter content of 8 Fields with more than % should not be used. The maximum dosage per mu should not exceed 200 ml to avoid causing phytotoxicity to the roots of soybeans and phytotoxicity to subsequent crops.

(2) Cotton use

a. After the seedbed is sown and covered with soil, apply 75 to 100 ml of 48% EC per mu and spray water on the soil surface, or spray the medicine on the seed covering soil after sowing and spread it evenly;

b. After rough preparation of the field for direct seeding, use 150-200 ml of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, and immediately mix 2-3 cm of soil. After mixing, you can sow;

c. Cover the cotton field with mulch film. Use 100~125 ml of 48% EC per mu. Spray water on the soil surface before sowing (application-seeding-mulch) or spray after sowing (seeding-application-mulch).

(3) Use in vegetable fields

a. For cruciferous vegetable fields, 3 to 7 days before sowing, use 100 to 150 ml of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, and immediately mix 2 to 3 cm of soil;

b. For leguminous vegetables, after sowing and before emergence, use 150-200 ml of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, and mix the soil immediately;

c. When transplanting eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. to vegetable fields, use 100~150 ml of 48% EC per mu, spray with water, and mix with soil immediately after transplanting and before weeds emerge.

(4) After rough land preparation in peanut and sesame fields, use 100-150 ml of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, then mix 3-5 cm of soil, and sow seeds every 5-7 days. For mulched peanut fields, 5 to 7 days before mulching, use 75 to 100 ml of water per mu, spray the seedbed with water, mix about 5 cm of soil, and flatten the film.

(5) If winter rapeseed fields are used in vegetable fields, pesticides can be applied in the evening to increase the soil's absorption of pesticides, and soil mixing is not required. For direct-seeded fields, use 100 ml of 48% EC per mu after sowing, and for transplanted fields, use 75 ml in the evening after transplanting, and spray the soil surface with water.

How to use trifluralin (1582-09-8)

1. Use in soybean fields: soil treatment before sowing and rough leveling of the soybean fields. For fields with a soil organic matter content of less than 3%, use 80-110 ml of 48% EC per mu; for fields with an organic matter content of 3%-8%, use 130-160 ml per mu. ; It should not be used in fields with an organic matter content of more than 8%. The maximum dosage per mu should not exceed 200mL to avoid causing phytotoxicity to soybean roots and phytotoxicity to subsequent crops. Spray 35kg (south) and 50~70kg (north) of water on the soil surface, harrow the ground to mix the soil, the depth of mixing is 1~3cm (south), 5~10cm (north), suppress to retain moisture, the next day (south), 5 ~7 days (North) to sow.

2. Use of cotton: (1) After sowing and covering the seedbed with soil, use 75~100mL of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, or spray the medicine on the seed covering soil after sowing, and spread it evenly; (2) Live broadcast After the field is roughly prepared, use 150~200mL of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, mix 2~3cm of soil immediately, and sow after mixing; (3) Cover the cotton field with mulch film, use 100~125mL of 48% EC per mu , spray water on the soil surface before sowing (application-sowing-mulching film) or spray after sowing (seeding-application-mulching film).

3. Use in vegetable fields: (1) For cruciferous vegetable fields, 3 to 7 days before sowing, use 100 to 150 mL of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, and immediately mix 2 to 3 cm of soil; (2) Legumes For vegetables, after sowing and before emergence, use 150~200mL of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, and mix the soil immediately; (3) When transplanting eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. into vegetable fields, after transplanting Before weeds are unearthed, use 100~150mL of 48% EC per mu, spray with water, and mix with soil immediately.

4. Use in peanut and sesame fields: After rough land preparation, use 100~150mL of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, then mix 3~5cm of soil, and sow seeds every 5~7 days. For peanut fields covered with film, 5 to 7 days before covering, use 75 to 100mL per mu, spray the seedbed with water, mix with soil about 5cm, and flatten the film.

5. Use in vegetable fields: In winter rape fields, pesticides can be applied in the evening to increase the soil's absorption of pesticides, and soil mixing is not required. For direct-seeded fields, use 100mL of 48% EC per mu after sowing, and for transplanted fields, use 75mL in the evening after transplanting, and spray the soil surface with water.

6. Use in rice fields: For rice dry water pipe fields and dry direct seeding fields, 15 to 20 days before sowing, use 100 mL of 48% EC per mu, spray water on the soil surface, and mix 2 to 3 cm of soil. Transplant the rice field, and after the seedlings turn green, apply 150~200mL of 48% EC per mu, mix with fine soil and spread.

7. Use in winter wheat fields: Before pouring ice water, use 150~200mL of 48% EC per mu, spray or sprinkle poisonous soil.

8. Use in watermelon fields: Use 120~150mL of 48% EC per mu before transplanting, spray the soil surface with water, and mix 3cm of soil. After applying the medicine to the mulched watermelon field, 75~100mL should be used per mu. Watermelon beds cannot be used.

9. Use in sweet potato fields: After raising the ridge, use 100~120mL of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, cover with loose soil, insert the potato seedlings, and water. If the temperature exceeds 30°C during application, the dosage should be less than 100 ml.

10. Use in orchards, mulberry orchards and other places: Before weeds are unearthed, use 150~200mL of 48% EC per mu, and spray the soil surface with water to seal it.

11. Use of alfalfa habitat: mainly used for planting alfalfa habitat. When locusts are dormant or have just been injured, use 130~150mL of 48% EC per mu, spray with water, and mix the soil with a spring-tooth rake or rotary hoe to minimize mechanical damage to the rhizome of the alfalfa. For alfalfa fields used for reseeding, use 100~120mL of 48% EC per mu, spray the soil surface with water, mix the soil in time, and sow after 5~7 days.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) Symptoms of Injury

The herbicide trifluralin mainly inhibits growth. The cell volume of the root tip and hypocotyl tissue is significantly enlarged, and the formation of young shoots and secondary roots is significantly inhibited. After being damaged, the plant cells enlarge, causing the cells to lose their activity and produce deformities.

For example, when cotton fields are used excessively, the growth and development of cotton roots are affected. The main symptoms are that the main roots of cotton become thick and form tumors, the xylem becomes brittle and easy to break, and secondary roots are scarce. When the damage is severe, dead seedlings will appear in the seedling stage. After the application of trifluralin, it will have a certain impact on the subsequent crops of sorghum and millet. In particular, sorghum crops are more sensitive to trifluralin. When using it, you should pay more attention to operational safety and try to use other herbicides.

Applying trifluralin for weeding from the needle-standing stage to the one-leaf-one-heart stage of garlic can easily cause the heart leaves of garlic to break. At the same time, the medicinal liquid will flow along the leaf surface and accumulate in the heart leaves, causing burn spots on the leaves. Application at this time should be avoided. When the weather is dry in spring, the soil should be mixed immediately after the application of trifluralin to suppress the soil moisture to fully exert the application effect.

Trifluralin (1582-09-8) Precautions

The herbicide trifluralin is easy to volatilize and photolyze, so it must be raked into the soil immediately after application; it is strictly prohibited to be used on wheat and highland barley fields; trifluralin is effective in the soil for up to 6 months. Therefore, only rapeseed and peas can be sown in the land after pesticide application during the autumn plowing period in the second year; poor land preparation and large soil clods will reduce the effectiveness of the pesticide; the soil is too dry and the pesticide is unevenly mixed, which will increase the pesticide field in the rape field. The soil is moist, which is beneficial to improving the seedling preservation rate; when using it, try to avoid spraying it on the grape plants.

1. Trifluralin has a high vapor pressure and should be used when covering with cotton mulch. It is 48% emulsifiable concentrate and the dosage should not exceed 100 ml. When used in leafy vegetable fields, the dosage should not exceed 150 ml to avoid phytotoxicity.

2. Trifluralin is easy to volatilize and photolyze, so it must be mixed with soil immediately after application.

Can be mixed with most pesticides. Low toxicity to higher animals, irritating to rabbits' eyes and skin.

Fungicide trifluralin (1582-09-8) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and fungicide trifluralin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and fungicide trifluralin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Fungicide trifluralin (1582-09-8) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Fungicide Trifluralin, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.