Highly effective pre-emergent herbicide acetochlor

What is acetochlor (34256-82-1)?

The pesticide herbicide acetochlor is an organic compound with the chemical formula C14H20ClNO2. Cas 34256-82-1 is a pre-emergent herbicide that can control annual grass weeds and some annual broadleaf weeds. It is suitable for corn, Weeding cotton, peanut and soybean fields.

The pesticide acetochlor is a widely used and highly effective herbicide, suitable for corn, cotton, beans, peanuts, potatoes, rapeseed, garlic, tobacco, sunflowers, castor, green onions, etc. It is also one of the most widely used herbicides currently. The principle of killing weeds is to destroy the chlorophyll and soluble proteins in gramineous plants, causing the weeds to gradually lose their greenness and die in a short period of time, thus achieving the purpose of killing weeds. Although wheat, which is also a grass plant, is more resistant to acetochlor than weeds, excessive application of acetochlor can also cause harm to wheat. The seedlings will become flaky and yellow, with dry leaf tips. In severe cases, the seedlings will die, and the wheat cannot survive the winter safely.

The activity of the herbicide acetochlor is affected by soil type, moisture, organic matter content and soil temperature. In areas with low soil temperature, high organic matter content, low rainfall and clay soil, the dosage is generally 1-1.5 times higher. The amount of pesticides used in sandy soil should be reduced accordingly to prevent heavy rainfall from bringing some of the pesticides that are not completely adsorbed by the soil particles into the root layer and contacting the roots of young shoots, which may cause phytotoxicity. After wheat is harmed by acetochlor, the field will show spots. Symptoms of damage include wheat seedlings turning yellow, leaves showing yellow and green colors, leaves gradually drying up from the tips, and roots turning black. In case of low temperature weather, symptoms of cold damage or freezing damage will occur. In mild cases, the leaves will dry up, in severe cases, the seedlings will die. Wheat cannot survive. Safe wintering. This is because the chlorophyll and soluble protein in the wheat plant are destroyed, and its ability to adapt to the environment is reduced.

The herbicide acetochlor will naturally decompose in about 90 days under natural conditions. However, in peanut fields covered with mulch, the natural decomposition time of acetochlor is extended, increasing the chance of damage to wheat. In addition, if crops encounter continuous rainy days and low temperatures after applying acetochlor, the crops may show leaf chlorosis, slow growth or shrinkage, but will resume growth as the temperature rises, generally not affecting yield.

Acetochlor (34256-82-1) Physical and Chemical Properties

The pure herbicide acetochlor is a light yellow liquid, while the original drug appears dark red due to impurities. Stable in nature, not prone to volatilization and photolysis. Insoluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents. The melting point is greater than 0℃, the vapor pressure is greater than 133.3pa, the boiling point is greater than 200℃, and it is not easy to volatilize and photolyze. The relative density with water at 30°C is 1.11, and the solubility in water is slightly 223mg/l.

Acetochlor (34256-82-1) control targets

The herbicide acetochlor is an annual grass weed and some broadleaf weeds with small seeds. It has special effects on annual grassy weeds such as crabgrass, foxtail grass, goosegrass, barnyard grass, stephanotis, wheatgrass, wild oat, bluegrass, hard grass, teff, etc., and has special effects on Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Polygonaceae, Broad-leaf weeds such as commelina, chickweed, and asparagus also have certain control effects, but the effect is worse than that of grass weeds and is ineffective against perennial weeds.

Mechanism of action of acetochlor (34256-82-1)

The pesticide acetochlor is a selective pre-emergence treatment herbicide. It is mainly absorbed through the coleoptile of monocotyledonous plants or the hypocotyl of dicotyledonous plants. After absorption, it is conducted upward. It mainly inhibits cell growth by hindering protein synthesis and makes weeds young. Buds and young roots stop growing and then die. The ability of grassy weeds to absorb acetochlor is stronger than that of broadleaf weeds, so the control effect of grassy weeds is better than that of broadleaf weeds. The persistence period of acetochlor in the soil is about 45 days. It is mainly degraded by microorganisms. It has little mobility in the soil and is mainly maintained in the 0-3 cm soil layer.

Acetochlor (34256-82-1) uses

The pesticide acetochlor is a pre-emergent herbicide that can control annual grass weeds and certain annual broadleaf weeds. It is suitable for weeding in corn, cotton, peanut and soybean fields.

Weeding mechanism: It is mainly absorbed through the coleoptile of monocotyledonous plants or the hypocotyl of dicotyledonous plants. After absorption, it is conducted upward. It mainly inhibits cell growth by hindering protein synthesis, stopping the growth of weed buds and roots, and then death.

Which crops is Acetochlor (34256-82-1) suitable for?

The pesticide acetochlor is a selective pre-emergent herbicide, suitable for soybeans, peanuts, corn, rapeseed, sugar cane, cotton, potatoes, cabbage, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, celery, carrots, lettuce, chrysanthemum, Pre-emergent control of annual gramineous weeds and certain dicotyledonous weeds, soybean dodder, and other upland crops such as leguminous vegetables, citrus, grapes, orchards. Preparations include 90% Henais EC, 50% acetochlor EC, 88% acetochlor EC and 20% acetochlor wettable powder.

The pesticide acetochlor is a low-toxic herbicide that is safe for humans, livestock, and crops. At the same time, it is effective for controlling weeds for a long time (60-70) days. One application can control the entire growth period without weed damage. Acetochlor is a selective herbicide that is mainly absorbed through the young shoots and roots of weeds. Monocotyl grass weeds are absorbed through the shoot sheaths. When the pesticide enters the weed body, it inhibits the growth of young shoots and roots, and eventually wilt and dies. Acetochlor can be used on a variety of crops such as soybeans, potatoes, cruciferous, and leguminous crops. It mainly controls crabgrass, barnyardgrass, setaria, purslane, etc., but is ineffective against perennial weeds.

Usage method: Generally, the dosage per mu is 50-70 grams, mixed with 40-60 kilograms of water. After thorough mixing, spray evenly on the soil surface after sowing the crops and before weeds emerge. The pesticide should be applied before the mulching film is applied.

There are many people growing soybeans and peanuts. Acetochlor is generally used as a pre-seeding herbicide. When the seedlings of corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc. emerge, the seedlings should be thinned and hoeed quickly and shallowly. Then, apply 150ml of acetochlor per mu and spray 90kg of water. It takes about 30 days from sowing to tilling of seedlings. At this time, the weather is dry and there is little rain, and weeds are rare. Broad-leaf weeds such as pigweed and amaranth are concentrated in germination, which is easy to remove and save labor. Since the spraying was delayed for more than 30 days, the effect of the drug was delayed accordingly. By the time of the effect of the drug, the crops have been sealed and the ridges have grown tightly. Even if there are a few weeds, there is nothing we can do. As long as a few broad-leaf weeds are pulled out, it can be done. This clever timing of spraying saves labor, is efficient, and increases production.

How to use acetochlor (34256-82-1)

When the seedlings of corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc. emerge, the seedlings should be thinned and hoeed quickly and shallowly. Then, apply 150ml of acetochlor per mu and spray 90kg of water. It takes about 30 days from sowing to tilling of seedlings. At this time, the weather is dry and there is little rain, and weeds are rare. Broad-leaf weeds such as pigweed and amaranth are concentrated in germination, which is easy to remove and save labor. Since the spraying was delayed for more than 30 days, the effect of the drug was delayed accordingly. By the time of the effect of the drug, the crops have been sealed and the ridges have grown tightly. Even if there are a few weeds, there is nothing we can do. As long as a few broad-leaf weeds are pulled out, it can be done. This clever timing of spraying can save labor, be efficient, and increase production. It achieves multiple goals with one stone.

1. When all seedlings of corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc. emerge, combine with thinning and quick shallow hoeing of the remaining seedlings, and then spray with 150ml of acetochlor per acre mixed with 90 pounds of water.

2 It takes about 30 days from sowing to tilling of seedlings. At this time, the weather is dry and rainless, and weeds are rare. Broad-leaf weeds such as pigweed and amaranth are concentrated in germination. They can be prevented and controlled in time and have good weeding effects.

3. In soybean fields, before sowing or after sowing and before emergence, use 160~200ml (Northeast) and 100~140ml (other areas) of 50% EC per mu, and spray the soil surface with water. In case of drought, 2 to 3 cm of soil can be mixed after applying pesticide before sowing.

4. In the peanut field, on the day after peanuts are sown, use 100-160 ml of 50% EC per mu and spray the soil surface with water. The amount of medicine used in the film-coated area should be reduced, usually 75 to 100 ml.

5. In winter rapeseed fields, before transplanting or 3 days after transplanting, use 70-100 ml of 50% EC per mu and spray the soil surface with water.

6. In corn fields, after sowing and before emergence, use 120~200ml of 50% EC per mu and 100~140ml (in other areas), and spray with water. Use 75~100ml for coating.

7. In cotton fields, before sowing, use 180~240ml of 50% EC per mu (open field) and 100~160ml (film-covered field), and spray the soil surface with water. The mulched land should be covered with film after pesticide application, and holes should be drilled for sowing.

The dosage of acetochlor is related to soil moisture and organic matter content. The dosage should be determined according to different regions, seasons, crops and grass conditions. For sandy soils with low organic matter content, low doses should be used. When pesticides are used at high temperatures or rain occurs after spraying, seeds are prone to phytotoxicity due to contact with pesticides. After emergence, the leaves shrink and turn yellow.

Cucumbers, spinach, leeks, wheat, millet, millet, sorghum, watermelon, and melon are sensitive to acetochlor and cannot be used.

Acetochlor (34256-82-1) usage technology

Herbicide acetochlor in soybean fields: 120-150 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre for spring soybeans in Northeast China, 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre for spring soybeans in North China, and 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre for summer soybeans in North China. 90% acetochlor emulsifiable concentrate 80-100 ml, spray on top soil before sowing or after sowing and before emergence.

Herbicide acetochlor in corn fields: 120-150 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per mu for spring corn in Northeast China, 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC for spring corn in North China, and 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per mu for summer corn in North China. Use 80-100 ml of 90% acetochlor EC. Use 60-80 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre in corn fields in the Yangtze River Basin and South China. Spray the topsoil before sowing or after sowing and before emergence.

Herbicide acetochlor for peanut fields: 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per mu for spring peanuts in North China, 80-100 ml of 90% acetochlor EC for summer sown peanuts in North China, Yangtze River Basin and South China Use 60-80 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre and spray the topsoil before sowing or after sowing and before emergence.

Herbicide acetochlor in cotton fields: Use 80-100 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre in mulched cotton fields in North China, and 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre in mulched cotton fields in Xinjiang before or after sowing. Spray the topsoil before covering. The amount of pesticide used in open-field direct-seeded cotton fields is 30% higher than that in mulch-covered cotton fields. When cotton fields encounter low temperature and high humidity after applying acetochlor, the growth of cotton seedlings may be slightly affected. Generally, growth can resume after sunny days.

Herbicide acetochlor in potato fields: Use 100-140 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre and spray the topsoil before sowing or after sowing and before emergence.

Herbicide acetochlor in rapeseed fields: For transplanting rapeseed fields in the Yangtze River Basin and South China, use 60-80 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per mu and spray the topsoil before or after transplanting. In northern direct seeding rape fields, use 100-120 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre and spray the topsoil before sowing or after sowing and before emergence.

Herbicide acetochlor in sugarcane and garlic fields: Use 80-100 ml of 90% acetochlor EC per acre and spray the topsoil before or after planting.

The spray volume of acetochlor should generally be controlled at 20-25 kilograms. When the soil is dry, water should be irrigated first and then sprayed, or 4-6 centimeters of soil should be mixed after spraying to ensure the efficacy.

Acetochlor (34256-82-1) cannot be used after emergence

The herbicide acetochlor cannot be used after emergence because acetochlor is mainly absorbed through the coleoptile of monocotyledonous plants or the hypocotyl of dicotyledonous plants, and then conducts upward, hindering weed protein synthesis, thereby achieving the purpose of killing weeds. Purpose: If used after emergence, the efficiency of weeds absorbing acetochlor will be greatly reduced, and good control effects cannot be achieved.

How to deal with the phytotoxicity of acetochlor (34256-82-1)

If the damage caused by the herbicide acetochlor is relatively mild and only about 10% of the plots are damaged, there is no need to deal with this situation. If 20-40% of the plots are affected by phytotoxicity, replanting must be carried out in a timely manner. If it is very serious and more than 50% of the plots are damaged by phytotoxicity, it is recommended to destroy the seeds in time. In addition, precautions should be taken when reusing medication. Apply pesticides according to the location, and avoid sunken areas and water accumulation when sowing. Spray immediately after sowing, do not wait until seedlings emerge.

Precautions for use of acetochlor (34256-82-1)

1. Soil moisture

The effect of the herbicide acetochlor on weeds is mainly through the absorption of weed buds and roots, inhibiting the growth of buds and roots, stimulating the roots to produce nodular deformities, and causing the death of weeds. A certain soil moisture is conducive to improving the weed killing effect. If you encounter sustained dry weather during the application stage, the weeding effect will be greatly reduced. Therefore, watering first to increase soil moisture and then applying medication is one of the key measures to improve the efficacy of acetochlor.

2. Medication time

Acetochlor is a selective pre-emergent herbicide. It can only exert its efficacy when used after crop sowing and before weeds emerge. The earlier the application time, the better. It has basically no control effect on weeds that have already emerged.3. Quality of soil preparation

The quality of soil preparation is directly related to the efficacy of acetochlor. The quality of soil preparation is not good and the old grass is not eradicated, which directly affects the weeding effect. Because acetochlor can only be absorbed by weed sprouts and roots, it has no control effect on established weeds. On the other hand, the quality of land preparation is poor and the soil is uneven, making it impossible to spray the chemical liquid evenly, which affects the improvement of the weeding effect.

4. Problems with drug hazards

Acetochlor herbicide is prohibited from being used on sensitive crops such as cucumbers, rice, spinach, wheat, leeks, millet, sorghum, etc., and the dosage per acre is limited to 50-75 ml on crops such as Ru, corn, soybeans, vegetables, and rapeseed. Otherwise, it is easy to be harmed by medicine.

Herbicide acetochlor (34256-82-1) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide acetochlor will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide acetochlor you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Herbicide acetochlor (34256-82-1) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide herbicide acetochlor, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.