Highly efficient and low toxic rice field herbicide bensulfuron-methyl

What is bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)?

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a selective systemic conduction paddy herbicide with low toxicity to humans and animals, and low toxicity to fish, birds and bees. It was used to control sedge and broad-leaved weeds in rice fields earlier, and has been used to control broad-leaved weeds in wheat fields. The agent can diffuse rapidly in water, be absorbed and transferred to various parts of weed roots and leaves, and hinder the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids.

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and Cyperaceae weeds in rice fields, but the effect on Gramineae weeds is poor. It is safe for crops such as wheat and rice.

When used in wheat fields, the soil must be moist. If the soil is dry, the drug effect will be low. It can effectively control broad-leaved pigs, chickweed, rice shepherds, wormwood, shepherd's purse, succulents, quinoa, rice chaste and other broad leaves. For weeds, usually spray 10% bensulfuron-methyl 30-40 grams per acre with water at the 2-3 leaf stage of the weeds and when the soil is wet. It diffuses rapidly in water, and the temperature and soil quality have little influence on the weeding effect, and it has little mobility in the soil.

The mixed use of bensulfuron-methyl and carfentrazone can quickly kill broad-leaved weeds in wheat fields, have a wide herbicidal spectrum, and have good effects, and can effectively prevent weeds from recurring. According to the age of the grass, 2-3 grams of bensulfuron-methyl pure drug and 0.8-1.6 grams of pure drug afenflurzone can be used for mixed spraying per mu.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) Properties

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is white powder, melting point 185-188°C, Cas 83055-99-6, vapor pressure 1.72mPa at 25°C, slightly soluble in dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile, acetone and methanol etc., hardly soluble in water. It is particularly stable in slightly alkaline (pH=8) aqueous solution and slowly degrades in acidic aqueous solution.

Mechanism of action of bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a broad-spectrum selective systemic herbicide used in sulfonylurea paddy fields. Bensulfuron-methyl is absorbed through the root system and quickly transfers in the weed plant, hindering valine and leucine , biosynthesis of isoleucine, preventing cell division and growth, hindering the growth of sensitive weeds, premature yellowing of young tissues, inhibiting leaf growth, hindering root growth and necrosis.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) toxicity

The acute oral LD50 is 5000mg/kg in rats and >10985mg/kg in mice. Rabbit acute percutaneous LD50>2000mg/kg. Non-irritating to eyes. The dosage for chronic oral ineffectiveness in rats is 750mg/kg. Animal tests have shown no teratogenic, carcinogenic, or mutagenic effects. Carp LC50>1000mg/L (48h), mallard acute oral LD50>2150mg/kg.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) Chemical Properties

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a white odorless solid, m.p.185188°C, vapor pressure 1.733×10-3Pa (20°C). The solubility is: dichloromethane 11720mg/L, acetonitrile 5380mg/L, xylene 280mg/L, ethyl acetate 1660mg/L, acetone 1 Chemicalbook 380mg/L, methanol 990mg/L, hexane 3.1mg/L, water 1200mg/L. The partition coefficient was 4.1. It is stable in slightly alkaline (pH=8) aqueous solution and decomposes slowly in acidic solution. The half-life is 11d at pH 5 and 143d at pH 7. The original drug is slightly light yellow.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) Features

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a selective systemic herbicide. The agent diffuses rapidly in the water, and after being absorbed by the roots and leaves of the weed, it is transferred to other parts, hindering the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. The growth function of sensitive weeds is hindered, the young tissues turn yellow prematurely, and the growth of leaves and roots is inhibited. It can effectively control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and sedges in paddy fields, and can be absorbed by weed roots and leaves and spread to other parts. It is safe for rice and flexible in use.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) uses

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a selective, systemic herbicide of the herbicide bensulfuron-methyl. Branched-chain amino acid synthesis inhibitor. The active ingredients diffuse rapidly in water, are absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds, and are transferred to all parts of the weeds, hindering the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids (such as isoleucine, etc.), preventing cell division and growth, and causing weed growth to be blocked and necrotic. It is suitable for controlling annual or perennial broadleaf weeds in rice fields. Apply pesticide after crop bud, before and after weed bud. It has good effect on duckweed, sedge, sedge, etc. and sedge weeds (buggrass, special-shaped sedge, water sedge, etc.). The recommended dosage is 0.2~0.45g/100m2 for toxic soil treatment or spraying. For example, in rice direct-seeded fields or transplanted fields, the pesticide should be applied before and after sowing or within 3 weeks before and after transplanting, preferably 5 to 7 days after sowing or transplanting. Use 2 to 3g/100m2 of 10% wettable powder and mix with 3kg of fine soil. , the water layer in the field is 3~5cm, spread evenly. Bensulfuron-methyl has poor control over gramineous weeds and produces less fruit.

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is used as a paddy field herbicide to control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges in rice seedling fields, direct-seeded fields and transplanted fields.

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl as an intermediate of the herbicide can be used in the synthesis of the following herbicides such as: bensulfuron-methyl, nicosulfuron-methyl, cyprosulfuron-methyl, ethoxysulfuron-methyl, fensulfuron-methyl, acylsulfuron-methyl pyrazosulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-furon, chlorpyrazosulfuron-furon, tetrazopyrazosulfuron-methyl, pyrazosulfuron-methyl (NC-311), etc. This product is a broad-spectrum paddy field herbicide, used for pre-emergence and early post-emergence treatment. It can effectively control many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges. After being applied to paddy fields, it quickly releases the active ingredients and is absorbed by the plants. , quickly inhibits the growth of sensitive weeds.

Bensulfuron-methyl is a broad-spectrum rice field herbicide used for pre-emergence and early post-emergence treatment. It can effectively control many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges. It quickly releases its active ingredients after being applied to paddy fields and is known as Plants absorb it and quickly inhibit the growth of sensitive weeds.

How to use bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)

1. Rice seedling fields and direct-seeded fields: pesticides can be applied after sowing to within the 2-leaf stage of weeds. To control 1-year-old broadleaf weeds and sand grass, use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per acre, spray with 30 kilograms of water or mix with 20 kilograms of fine fluvo-soil and broadcast. Keep the water layer at 3-5cm during application and last for 3-4 days.

2. Rice transplanting field: It can be used 3 weeks before and after transplanting, but it is best to apply the pesticide 5-7 days after transplanting. Use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per acre to control perennial weeds and barnyardgrass. The dosage can be increased to 30-50 grams. Apply the pesticide in the water-retaining layer of 5cm. You can spray water or mix it with fine soil and spread it. Keep the water layer for 3-4 days and let it dry naturally.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) control targets

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is suitable for use in rice fields and can control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedge weeds, such as Alisma, water amaranth, duckweed, mossandra, knotweed, sedge, Dwarf arrowhead, giant arrowhead,special-shaped sedge, broken rice sedge, fluttering grass, water sedge, cow felt, etc.; also have a certain inhibitory effect on barnyardgrass.

Used in wheat fields, it can effectively control broad-leaf weeds such as pigweed, chickweed, shepherd's purse, wormwood, shepherd's purse, truncatula, pigweed, and

rice weeds, usually at the 2-3 leaf stage of the weeds and in the soil. When wet, spray 30-40 grams of 10% bensulfuron-methyl per acre with water.

In order to completely control broadleaf weeds, sedges and barnyardgrass, it can be mixed with barnyard-killing agents (butachlor, clofenac, quinclorac, etc.), which not only expands the herbicidal spectrum, but also improves the efficiency of japonica rice. Resistance, weeding effect can be improved when the temperature is above 25℃.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) compound

The compound agent of butachlor and bensulfuron-methyl is used in rice fields, which can effectively control barnyard grass, stephanotis, oxgrass, crushed rice sedge, special-shaped sedge, snake intestine, water amaranth, knotweed, moshang It can control weeds such as cabbage, Alisma, Echinacea, and rainflower, but it has only inhibitory effect on dwarf Sagittarius, water sedge, Japanese sedge, three-ribbed sedge and flat-stemmed sedge. The preparations include 35% butylene-benzyl wettable powder, 20% butylene-benzyl wettable powder, 10% butylene-benzyl microgranules, etc., which are mainly suitable for rice transplanting fields and used before sowing in direct seeding fields. When the dosage is too large, It is easy to cause phytotoxicity to rice seedlings. In addition, relevant information reports that butachlor has a poor sealing effect on weeds such as Stephania chinensis and is not as good as the control effect of pretilachlor.

1. The combination of bensulfuron-methyl and pretilachlor is used for sealing treatment after germination and sowing in direct seeding fields.

2. The combination of pyrazosulfuron-methyl and bispyrfen is used to control various weeds in rice fields after the fourth leaf of rice except Stephanotis;

3. Combination of pyrazosulfuron-methyl, cyhalofop-methyl and bispfenfen, is used to control various weeds in rice fields after the fourth leaf of rice.

Is the use of bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) in wheat fields affected by temperature?

When bensulfuron and pyrazosulfuron are applied in wheat fields, the weeding effect is greatly affected by soil moisture and less affected by temperature.

Bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl are both sulfonylurea herbicides. After this type of herbicide is absorbed by weeds, it mainly affects their growth by hindering the biosynthesis of amino acids in the weeds, and ultimately kills them. The herbicidal effects of these two drugs are usually not affected by temperature, and their effects are long-lasting. However, when the temperature is too low and the growth of weeds is extremely slow, the physiological metabolic activities in the weeds are weak, and the speed at which the herbicides take effect is obviously slowed down. Some weeds with strong resistance and tolerance may degrade the herbicides so that they cannot reach The effect of killing weeds ultimately affects the effectiveness of weeding.

In the case of sufficient water, especially in paddy fields, both bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl can rapidly diffuse in water, evenly distribute on the soil surface of farmland, be absorbed by weed roots, and then transfer to various parts of weeds Play a role. In dry field environments such as wheat fields, when the soil is dry, the herbicide sprayed on the farmland cannot move with the water, and it is difficult to quickly form a tight, uniform, and thick soil-enclosed soil layer after application, and the herbicide cannot be well absorbed. Being absorbed by weeds will seriously affect the soil sealing treatment effect and affect the weeding effect. Therefore, when these two herbicides are applied in wheat fields, the soil should be kept as moist as possible. When the soil is dry, the amount of water should be increased appropriately to improve the weeding effect. Use a suitable nozzle to spray evenly and finely, which will help weed leaves and other above-ground parts absorb the drug, and also help improve the weeding effect.

Both bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl are selective systemic herbicides that have both soil sealing and stem and leaf treatment effects. Bensulfuron-methyl can be absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds, and transferred to various parts, hindering the biosynthesis of amino acids such as lysine and isoleucine, and preventing cell division and growth. After being damaged by pesticides, the growth function of sensitive weeds is blocked, young tissues turn yellow prematurely, and the growth of leaves and roots is blocked and necrotic. The method of use is flexible and can be applied with poisonous soil, poisonous sand, spraying, pouring and other methods. The drug can be tightly combined with the soil in a short period of time, so its mobility in the soil is small, and temperature and soil quality have little impact on its weeding effect. Pyrazosulfuron-methyl and bensulfuron-methyl have a similar mechanism of action and herbicidal characteristics, with a broad herbicidal spectrum, and have good control effects on broad-leaved weeds, Cyperaceae weeds, and barnyard grass.

What are the differences between pyrazosulfuron-methyl and bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)

Pyrazosulfuron-methyl is a sulfonylurea herbicide. It is a selective systemic herbicide. It is mainly absorbed through the root system and is rapidly transferred within the weed plant, inhibiting its growth and causing the weeds to gradually die. It can control annual and perennial broad-leaf weeds and sedge weeds, such as heterosexual sedge, water sedge, firefly, duckweed, water cress, knotweed, sagittaria, sedge, green duckweed, and snakehead. intestinal. It has certain control effect on barnyard grass, but has no effect on Stephania japonica. Rice can decompose this agent and has almost no impact on rice growth. It has stable efficacy and high safety. It lasts for 25 to 35 days. It is generally used in the 1 to 3 leaf stage of rice. Use 10% wettable powder for 15 to 30 days per acre. Mix the poisonous soil and spread it, or mix it with water and spray it. Keep the water layer for 3 to 5 days after applying the medicine. In the transplanted field, apply the medicine 3 to 20 days after transplanting, and retain water for 5 to 7 days after treatment. However, late rice varieties (japonica and glutinous rice) are relatively sensitive, so application during the bud stage of late rice should be avoided as much as possible, otherwise phytotoxicity is likely to occur.

1. Pyrosulfuron-methyl

Features: It is a selective systemic herbicide that is mainly absorbed through the root system and rapidly moves within the weed plant, inhibiting growth and causing the weeds to gradually die. Rice can decompose this agent and has little impact on rice growth. The drug has stable efficacy, high potency, and a lasting effect of 25 to 35 days.

Applicable crops: rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields, and transplanting fields.

Control objects: Annual and perennial broad-leaf weeds and sedge weeds can be controlled, such as heterosexual sedge, water sedge, firefly, duck tongue, cress, knotweed, arrowhead, arrowhead, and green sedge. Pingmi and snakehead intestines. It has certain control effect on barnyard grass, but has no effect on Stephania japonica.

Usage: Generally used in the 1 to 3 leaf stage of rice. Use 15 to 30 grams of 10% wettable powder per acre mixed with poisonous soil and spread it. It can also be mixed with water and sprayed. Keep the water layer for 3 to 5 days after applying the medicine. In the transplanted field, apply the medicine 3 to 20 days after transplanting, and retain water for 5 to 7 days after treatment.

Note: It is good for rice, but late rice varieties (japonica and glutinous rice) are relatively sensitive. Application during the bud stage of late rice should be avoided as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause phytotoxicity.

2. Bensulfuron-methyl

Features: It is a selective systemic herbicide for rice fields. It can effectively control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges, and can be absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds and spread to other parts. For rice, the method of use is flexible.

Scope of application: Suitable for controlling annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges in rice fields.


1. Rice seedling fields and direct seeding fields

The pesticide can be applied after sowing to within the 2-leaf stage of weeds. To control 1-year-old broadleaf weeds and sand grass, use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per acre, spray with 30 kilograms of water or mix with 20 kilograms of fine fluvo-soil and broadcast. Keep the water layer at 3-5cm during application and last for 3-4 days.

2. Rice transplanting field

It can be used 3 weeks before and after transplanting, but it is best to apply the pesticide 5-7 days after transplanting. Use 20-30 grams of 10% wettable powder per acre to control perennial weeds and barnyardgrass. The dosage can be increased to 30-50 grams. Apply the pesticide in the water-retaining layer of 5cm. You can spray water or mix it with fine soil and spread it. Keep the water layer for 3-4 days and let it dry naturally.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) production method

The herbicide bensulfuron-methyl is a preparation of 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine. Guanidine nitrate and diethyl malonate are refluxed in ethanol and sodium ethoxide for 4 hours to obtain 2-amino-4,6 -Dihydroxypyrimidine, the yield is 97%; then 2-amino-4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine is chlorinated with POCl3 and refluxed for 1.5 hours. After reaching the end point, the remaining POCl3 is evaporated, and ammonia is added to adjust the pH value to 7~ 8. Use the metaphosphoric acid and hydrogen chloride generated by the neutralization reaction to generate ammonium salt and wash them away. After filtering and drying, 2-amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine is obtained with a yield of 80%; the above product is reacted with sodium methoxide and refluxed. After cooling and filtering for 6 hours, methanol was distilled off, and an appropriate amount of water was added to precipitate a solid. After filtering and drying, 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine was obtained with a yield of 91%. 2-Amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine can also be prepared using the following synthetic route: react with urea and diethyl malonate in the presence of sodium ethoxide to form 2,4,6-trihydroxypyrimidine, and then Chlorination with phosphorus trichloride, amination in the presence of sodium amide, and finally react with sodium methylate in the system. Or use malononitrile to react with methanol and hydrogen chloride to form 1,3-dimethoxymalonimide dihydrochloride, then react with quantitative sodium methoxide to control the reaction and tend to rearrange to form monohydrochloride, and then react with cyanamide , prepared by Chemicalbook cyclization rearrangement. The preparation of methyl o-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate first prepares methyl o-formate benzyl chloride. Use o-toluic acid to be chlorinated with phosphorus trichloride (or phosgene) to generate o-toluoyl chloride, and then chlorine it with chlorine in the presence of the initiator BPO to obtain o-chlorotoluoyl chloride, and then Produced by esterification of methanol. Then produce o-methyl benzyl sulfonate amine. Use methyl orthoformate benzyl chloride and thiourea to react with reflux in ethanol for 1 hour to generate methyl orthoformate benzylthiocarboxamidine hydrochloride; then pass chlorine at 0-5°C for 1 hour to obtain methyl orthoformate benzylsulfonyl chloride; In the presence of an organic solvent, the reaction temperature is less than 20 ° C through ammonia amination to obtain benzyl sulfonamide o-methyl formate. Finally, methyl o-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate is prepared. Use methyl orthoformate benzylsulfonamide, in the presence of n-butyl isocyanate and organic base (1,4-diazabicyclo-2,2,2-octane, or DABCO), with xylene As a solvent, pass through phosgene at 120°C for 3 hours, distill off xylene and n-butyl isocyanate to obtain methyl o-formate benzyl sulfonyl isocyanate. For the synthesis of bensulfuron-methyl, the xylene solution of methyl o-formate benzylsulfonyl isocyanate and 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine are reacted at room temperature to 8 to 10 hours with stirring, the xylene is evaporated, and the xylene solution is heated with chlorine Butane washed and dried to obtain bensulfuron-methyl.

Bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6) Precautions

① Bensulfuron-methyl has a good effect on weeds within the 2-leaf stage, but the effect is poor if it exceeds 3 leaves

②The effect on barnyardgrass is poor, and it is not suitable for seedling fields dominated by barnyardgrass

③ Rinse the spray equipment after use

④ When spraying, there must be a water layer of 3-5cm in the paddy field, so that the medicine can be evenly distributed. 7 days after spraying, do not drain and string water, so as not to reduce the efficacy of the medicine

⑤The dosage of this medicine is small and must be weighed accurately

⑥ Depending on the grass conditions in the field, it is suitable for plots dominated by broad-leaved weeds and grasses and plots with few barnyard grasses

Bensulfuron-methyl was first used to control sedges and broad-leaved weeds in rice fields, and is currently used in wheat fields to control broad-leaved weeds. Bensulfuron-methyl is a selective systemic herbicide that is absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds and transferred to various parts to act. It is safe for crops such as wheat and rice. Used in wheat fields, it can effectively control broad-leaf weeds such as pigweed, chickweed, shepherd's purse, wormwood, shepherd's purse, truncatula, pigweed, and rice weeds, usually at the 2-3 leaf stage of the weeds and in the soil. When wet, spray 30-40 grams of 10% bensulfuron-methyl per acre with water. The active ingredient of the drug diffuses rapidly in water, and the temperature and soil quality have little influence on the weeding effect, and the mobility in the soil is small. It works well in paddy fields. When used in wheat fields, the soil must be moist. If the soil is dry, the control effect is low.

The price of herbicide bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide bensulfuron-methyl will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide bensulfuron-methyl you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Suppliers of herbicide bensulfuron-methyl (83055-99-6)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide and herbicide bensulfuron-methyl, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.