Highly efficient and lowtoxic broad spectrum organic sulfur insecticide and acaricide Propargite

What is Propargite (2312-35-8)?

The pesticide insecticide Propargite is a broad-spectrum organic sulfur acaricide with special effects on adult and nymphal mites. It can be used to control various harmful mites in cotton, vegetables, apples, citrus, tea, flowers and other crops. It is effective against most natural enemies. Safety.

The pesticide Propargite mites are contact-killing, high-efficiency and low-toxic broad-spectrum organic sulfur acaricides. They have stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. They can kill adult mites, nymphs and young mites. They have poor ovicidal effect and no systemic, The osmotic conduction effect is mainly used in the prevention and control of herbivorous mites in crops such as apples, citrus, cotton, and mulberry trees. It has special effects on spider mites such as apple tree spider mites, citrus tree spider mites, cotton spider mites, and mulberry tree spider mites. It can also kill Kill yellow spiders, white spiders and other resistant harmful mites.

The pesticide Propargite acaricide is an organic sulfur acaricide with high efficiency, low toxicity, broad spectrum and long lasting effect. It can effectively prevent and control mite damage. It has the advantages of good control effect, low cost and low resistance to pesticides. Propargite can be used alone or in combination with pyridafen and dicofol. The synthesis route of cyclohexide is as follows: use p-tert-butylphenol and epoxycyclohexane to react under alkali catalysis, and then remove excess epoxycyclohexane to obtain 2-(4-tert-butylphenoxy base) cyclohexanol; then react with sulfoxide chloride, and then remove excess sulfoxide chloride to obtain 2-(4-tert-butylphenoxy)cyclohexyl chlorosulfite; finally add excess acid binding agent React with propargyl alcohol under the conditions, and then remove the solvent in the system to obtain Propargite glycol crude oil.

Physicochemical properties of Propargite (2312-35-8)

The insecticide Propargite is a dark amber viscous liquid, decomposed by Cas 2312-35-8160C, with a relative density of 1.14 and a refractive index of 1.5223. It is insoluble in water and soluble in most organic solvents. Acetylin 40% EC is dark brown. Slightly viscous fluid. The industrial original drug is a dark amber viscous fluid with a relative density (d20) of 1.085-1.115 and a flash point of 28°C. The solubility in water at 25°C is 632 mg/l. It is easily soluble in acetone, ethanol, benzene and other organic solvents.

Propargite(2312-35-8) Chemical Properties

The original drug of the insecticide Propargite is a yellow-brown viscous liquid. Relative density 1.14 (25℃), decomposition at 160℃, refractive index n20D1.5223. Easily soluble in most organic solvents such as acetone, methanol, ethanol, and benzene, and its solubility in water is only 0.5mg/L. It is stable in neutral solution and will not affect the quality if stored at room temperature for 2 years. It cannot be mixed with strong acid or alkali.

Toxicity: The insecticide Propargite mites have extremely low toxicity. The acute oral LD 50 in rats is 4029 mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LC 50 is 0.05 mg/L. The acute LD 50 of rabbits is 2940mg/kg. Strongly irritating to rabbits' eyes and skin.

Characteristics of Propargite (2312-35-8)

(1) The insecticide Propargite is a low-toxic broad-spectrum organic sulfur acaricide that has the triple effects of gastric poisoning, contact killing and fumigation, but has no systemic or osmotic conduction effects. It has a good effect on killing adult mites, nymphs, young mites and mite eggs, and has special effects on harmful mites that are resistant to organophosphorus, pyridaben, etc.

(2) Especially when used in high-temperature periods when mites are difficult to control, the contrasting effect is more significant.

(3) It has a unique mechanism of action and has the characteristics of high efficacy, good quick-acting effect, and a long-lasting effect of more than 25 days.

(4) It is safe for bees and natural enemies, has long-lasting residual effect, very low toxicity, and causes little harm to humans, animals and the natural environment. It is an ideal acaricide for comprehensive prevention and control.

(5) Mefenacet is often mixed with abamectin, bifenthrin, fenpropathrin, pyridaben, thifenacet, tetrafenacet, fenpyrfen, engine oil, diesel and other ingredients to produce compound Acaricides.

Product Features of Propargite (2312-35-8)

The insecticide Propargite mites are particularly effective at high temperatures. Below 20℃, as the temperature decreases, the efficacy of the medicine continues to weaken. When the temperature is higher than 27℃, it has dual functions of contact killing and fumigation. At the same time, attention should be paid to controlling the dosage. In hot and humid weather, spraying high concentrations of acetylide on new citrus shoots and young fruits may cause damage (leaf wrinkles or spots), but this will have no effect on crop growth.

The insecticide Propargite mites have extremely low residues. In most fruits, acetylide mainly remains on the surface of the plant. As the leaves peel off, its content decreases, and only trace amounts of residues are found in the pulp.

The insecticide Propargite mites have no systemic or osmotic conduction effects. It is safe for crop growth. When using it, you need to spray both sides of the leaves and the surface of the fruit thoroughly.

The insecticide acetylcarboxylate has low toxicity. It has a long lasting effect (about 15-25 days). The safe interval for use on citrus trees is 30 days, with a maximum of 3 applications per season.

Insecticides such as Propargite mites cannot be mixed with strong acids and alkalis.

The insecticide acetate has a good control effect on adult mites and nymphal mites, but a poor egg-killing effect.

Application fields of Propargite (2312-35-8)

The insecticide acetylide is mainly used as a pesticide in agriculture.

After being exposed to an effective dose of the agent, the harmful mites immediately stop eating and reduce egg laying, and die within 48-96 hours. Crops can be protected in time.

The insecticide Propargite mites have a wide range of effects and can kill a variety of harmful mites. They can also kill harmful mites that have developed resistance to other pesticides. They are more effective in killing adult mites, nymphs, young mites and mite eggs. Well, it has been used around the world for more than 30 years, and there has been no problem of drug resistance so far.

The insecticide Propargite is selective, safe to bees and natural enemies, has a long-lasting residual effect, has very low toxicity, and has little harm to humans, animals and the natural environment. It is an ideal acaricide for comprehensive prevention and control.

Insecticide acetyl mites are particularly suitable for crops and control objects. Dilution times

25% 40% 57% 73%

Citrus mites 800-1000 1500-2000 2000-2500 2500-3000

Sweet orange mites 800-1000 1500-2000 2000-2500 2500-3000

Apple spider mite 800-1000 1500-2000 2000-2500 2500-3000

Cotton mites 800-1000 1500-2000 2000-2500 2500-3000

Propargite (2312-35-8) uses

The pesticide insecticide Propargite is a broad-spectrum, highly efficient, low-toxic acaricide with contact and stomach poisoning effects, without penetration or systemic effects. It has good effect on young nymphs and adult mites, but poor egg-killing effect. The effect is good when applied above 20℃, but the effect is poor when used at low temperatures. If used at high concentrations and high temperatures, it may cause phytotoxicity to some crops, but it is safe at commonly used doses. Used for mite control on cotton, fruit trees, tea trees and other crops. For the control of citrus spider mites, rust mites, apple and hawthorn spider mites, use 73% EC 2000-3000 times liquid spray; for the control of cotton spider mites, tea orange gall mites and gall mites, use 1500-2000 times liquid spray.

The insecticide Propargite is a broad-spectrum acaricide with stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. It has special effects on both nymphal mites and adult mites, but is harmless to natural enemies. It is suitable for mite control on cotton, fruit trees, tea trees and other crops. Acute oral toxicity to rats LD50 is 2200mg/kg.

Insecticide Propargite is a miticide that can effectively control spider mite pests on apple trees, cotton, cucumbers, grapes, corn, soybeans, tomatoes and vegetables.

What insects and crops can be killed by Propargite (2312-35-8)?

(1) Alkyne mites are widespread and can kill a variety of harmful mites. They can also kill harmful mites that have become resistant to other insecticides. They have good effects on adults, nymphs, and young mites. They are the best in the world. It has been used for more than 30 years and there has been no problem of drug resistance.

(2) Propargite mites are selective, safe to bees and natural enemies, have long-lasting residual effects, very low toxicity, and have little harm to humans, animals and the natural environment. They are ideal acaricides for comprehensive prevention and control.

(3) It can be used to prevent and control various harmful mites in crops such as cotton, vegetables, apples, citrus, tea, flowers, etc. It can also kill harmful mites that have become resistant to other pesticides.

How to use Propargite (2312-35-8)

(1) Vegetable pest mites control spider mites on eggplants, beans, melons, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables. In the early stages of occurrence, spray 73% EC 2000-3000 times, and spray thoroughly on both the front and back of the leaves.

To prevent and control polyphagous tarsal line mites (Oryza snails), spray with 1000 times of 73% EC. To control truncated octopus, two-spotted spider mites, etc., spray with 1000~2000 times of 73% EC. To control tyrotrophic mites on mushrooms, spray with 73% EC 8000 times.

(2) To control fruit tree mites and spider mites on citrus trees and apple trees, 73% EC 2000~3000 times can be used.

Propargite (2312-35-8) usage and dosage

1. Citrus: Spray 73% Propargite chloride emulsifiable concentrate 1,500-2,000 times before flowering, and spray 73% Propargite chloride emulsifiable concentrate 3,000-3,500 times after flowering to prevent and control citrus Panonychus mites, spider mites, and six-point spider mites. . In the early stages of rust mite outbreaks from June to September, use 2500-3000 times of 73% acetylenacetate emulsifiable concentrate.

2. Lychee: In December of the current year and January of the next year, spray 73% Propargite chloride emulsifiable concentrate 800 times once to prevent and control lychee gall mites.

3. Loquat: In March-April, when oribatid mites are in full bloom, use 800 times of 73% Propargite chloride emulsifiable concentrate to spray the crown of the loquat tree.

4. Apples: When Panonychus mites and young hawthorn mites are in full bloom, spray 1500-2000 times of 73% Propargite acid emulsifiable concentrate.

5. Tea garden: Before the arrival of the peak period of tea tarsus mite, tea orange gall mite and tea leaf gall mite, use 30-40ml of 73% acetylenol emulsifiable concentrate and 50-75kg of water diluted spray per acre.

6. Mulberry trees: During the blooming period of red spider mites, spray 73% Propargite acid emulsifiable concentrate 2500-4000 times.

7. Cotton: During the blooming stage of spider mites, use 30-45ml of 73% acetylenobacterium emulsifiable concentrate and 60-75kg of water per acre of diluted spray; if the cotton is in the seedling stage (seedling height is less than 25cm), the liquid should be sprayed Dilute more than 2500 times.

8. Corn: When spider mites occur, spray 1500-2000 times of 73% Propargite acid EC.

9. Solanaceous fruits, beans, and melons: In the early stages of the emergence of red spider nymphs and young mites, use 23-40ml of 73% Propargite emulsifiable concentrate and 75-100kg of water diluted spray per acre; In the seedling stage (seedling height less than 25cm), the medicinal solution should be diluted more than 2300 times.

10. Soybeans and peanuts: When spider mites occur, spray 1,500-2,000 times of 73% Propargite EC.

Preparation method of Propargite (2312-35-8)

Production method of insecticide Propargite 1

Mix tert-butyl alcohol and sodium hydroxide, heat to 150°C, add 1,2-epoxycyclohexane dropwise within 1 hour, and maintain the reaction at 150-160°C. After dropping, stir for half an hour, add xylene, cool to 100°C, neutralize with concentrated sulfuric acid, evaporate part of the xylene, take out the water generated by neutralization, to obtain 2-(p-tert-butylphenoxy) Cyclohexanol in xylene. Heat to 60℃, add thionyl chloride within half an hour, stir at 5-10℃ for 2.5h, and leave it outdoors for 15h. Then heat under reduced pressure to evaporate the volatile substances to obtain 2-(p-tert-butylphenoxy)cyclohexyl chlorosulfonate. Finally, add it to the mixture of propargyl alcohol, pyridine and xylene, stir at 5-15°C for half an hour, wash the reactant with water, extract the aqueous layer with ether, and obtain acepargite after post-treatment.

Production Method 2 of Insecticide Propargite

Preparation of 2-(p-tert-butylphenoxy)cyclohexanol: Mix p-butylphenol and sodium hydroxide, heat to 150℃ (or 105~110℃ with special catalyst), add 1, 2-Epoxycyclohexane, keep the reaction at 150~160℃, complete the dropping, stir the reaction for 30 minutes, add xylene, cool to 100℃, neutralize with concentrated sulfuric acid, steam off part of the xylene, take out the neutralized product of water.

Preparation of 2-(p-tert-butylphenoxy)cyclohexyl chlorosulfonate: Heat the xylene solution of 2-(p-tert-butylphenoxy)cyclohexanol prepared in the previous reaction to 60℃, add thionyl chloride within 0.5h, stir at 5~10℃ for 2.5h, leave it at room temperature for 15h, and then distill out the volatile substances under reduced pressure.

Synthesis of propargite: Add the 2-(p-butylphenoxy) cyclohexyl chlorosulfonate prepared by the reaction in the previous step to the mixture of propargyl alcohol, pyridine and xylene, and mix at 5 to 15 ℃, stir for 30 minutes, wash with water, extract the aqueous layer with ether, and obtainPropargite after post-treatment.

Precautions for Propargite (2312-35-8)

The duration of effectiveness of the insecticide acetylidene is extended as the dosage per unit area increases.

In hot and humid weather, spraying high concentrations of acetifenate on young crops may cause slight damage, causing the leaves to become bent or spotted, but it will have no effect on the growth of the crops. For tangerines, sweet oranges and apples in the tender shoot stage below 25 cm, the concentration should not be less than 2000 times.

The insecticide Propargite can be mixed with general pesticides except that it cannot be mixed with Bordeaux mixture and strong alkali pesticides.

The insecticide Propargite is a contact pesticide and has no tissue penetration, so it needs to be sprayed evenly on both sides of the crop leaves and the surface of the fruit.

The insecticide acetylcarboxylate should be protected from moisture, exposure to sunlight and heat, and should not be mixed with food, feed, or seeds.

Insecticide Propargite mites special first aid:

Wear a mask and gloves when spraying to avoid contact with large amounts of chemicals, and wash exposed skin after spraying.

If there is accidental contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

If swallowed accidentally, drink plenty of milk, egg white or water immediately. Avoid using alcohol and seek medical attention.

① Under high temperature and high humidity, this drug is harmful to the seedlings and young leaves of some crops.

② When the height of melon seedlings, cotton seedlings or bean seedlings is less than 25 cm, the dilution ratio of 73% EC should not be less than 3000 times; for citrus shoots, young leaves, etc., the dilution ratio should not be less than 2000 times; used on tender crops The concentration must be strictly controlled, otherwise phytotoxicity may occur if it is too high.

③Except that it cannot be mixed with Bordeaux mixture and strong alkali pesticides, it can be mixed with general pesticides.

Propargite is a contact pesticide and has no tissue penetration, so it needs to be sprayed evenly on both sides of the crop leaves and the surface of the fruit.

⑤When used when the temperature is higher than 20°C, the efficacy of the medicine can be improved, but below 20°C, the efficacy of the medicine decreases as the temperature decreases.

⑥ Disable use 7 days before vegetable harvest, 21 days before cotton harvest, and 20-30 days before citrus harvest.

Insecticide Propargite (2312-35-8) price

Normally, the price of pesticides and insecticides such as Propargite is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide insecticide Propargite you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide Propargite (2312-35-8) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide insecticide Propargite, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.