How effective is the classic insecticide phoxim in killing insects?

What is phoxim?

Phoxim, an organophosphorus insecticide, is also called oximphos; Phoxim has a wide insecticidal spectrum and strong knockdown power. It mainly has contact killing and stomach toxicity. Short, the residual risk is small, but the drug is applied to the soil, the residual period is very long, suitable for the control of underground pests.

Common dosage forms: 50% EC, 45% EC, 3% granules, 5% granules.

Mechanism of action of phoxim

The insecticide phoxim acts in a similar manner to other organophosphates, and phoxim is also an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase, destroy the normal nerve impulse conduction, and cause a series of poisoning symptoms: abnormal excitement, paralysis, convulsions, and death.

Its advantage is that it has a wide insecticidal spectrum, is not easy to produce resistance, and has strong knockdown power. It mainly has contact and stomach poisoning effects, has no systemic effect, and is very effective against Lepidoptera larvae. In the field, it is unstable to light and decomposes quickly, so the residual period is short and the residual risk is small. However, when the drug is applied to the soil, the residual period is very long, which is suitable for controlling underground pests.

Its long-lasting effect is also its characteristic: the field spray maintains the effect for 2-4 days, and the effect in the soil lasts for 1-2 months.

Characteristics of phoxim

Phoxim Advantages

1 Broad insecticidal spectrum Phoxim controls wheat aphids, wheat leaf bees, cotton aphids, cabbage caterpillars, thrips, armyworms, aphids on fruit trees, small apple leaf rollers, pear star caterpillars, grape leafhoppers, inchworms, whiteflies , Tobacco budworm, rice budworm, rice leaf roller, leafhopper, planthopper, rice thrips, cotton flyworm, red flyworm, cutworm, small gray cicada, pine caterpillar and other pests.

2 Applicable to a wide range of crops Phithion can be used in field crops such as wheat, peanuts, soybeans, and rice fields, as well as economic crops, orchards, and tea gardens.

3 Diversity of application methods Phoxim can be used for field spraying, drip irrigation, seed dressing, granary insect control, sanitation insecticide, etc.

Phoxim Disadvantages

1 Resistance Phoxim was first used in my country in the 1980s, and it has been almost half a century now. Pest resistance has already emerged, and it has no advantage in spray insecticides.

2. Short duration Phoxim has a short duration, which is mainly reflected in the spraying of leaves to control leaf pests. In the control of underground pests, phoxim is a long-lasting player.

3 See photodecomposition The biggest disadvantage of phoxim is its sensitivity to light. So spray phoxim as far as possible in the evening.

Actions and uses of phoxim

1. Phoxim is a non-systemic organophosphorus insecticide with a wide insecticidal spectrum. It is mainly suitable for peanuts, wheat, rice, cotton, corn, fruit trees, vegetables, mulberry, tea and other crops. It can effectively kill Larvae and eggs of various Lepidoptera pests. The common methods of use are divided into spraying, root irrigation, poisonous soil and poison bait.

2. In addition, it can also be made into a disinfectant to treat gill mold, rotten gills, rotten tail, enteritis and other diseases of aquatic animals.

How to use phoxim

1. Stem and leaf spray generally use 50% EC 1000-2000 times per mu, and spray 50 liters of water to control wheat aphids, wheat leaf bees, cotton aphids, cabbage caterpillars, thrips, armyworms, aphids on fruit trees, small apple leaf tortrix, Pear star caterpillar, grape leafhopper, inchworm, whitefly, tobacco budworm, etc. Dilute 1000 times with 50 ml of 50% EC per mu and spray it to control rice budworm, rice leaf roller, leafhopper, planthopper, rice thrips, cotton bollworm, red flyworm, cutworm, small gray cicada, Pine caterpillars etc.

2. Seed dressing Use 100-165 ml of 50% EC, 5-7.5 kg of water, and 50 kg of wheat seeds to prevent and control underground pests. Seed dressing can be used for corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts and other crop seeds.

3. Prevention and control of underground pests can use 100 grams of 50% EC, 5 kg of water, 50 kg of mixed wheat seeds, and sow seeds after stacking to prevent underground pests.

4. Watering and pouring the heart: Irrigate with 1000 times of 50% EC to control cutworms, and poisonous grass larvae will crawl out of the ground after 15 minutes.

5. Prevention and control of stored grain pests: Formulate phoxim into 1.25-2.5 mg/kg liquid medicine and evenly mix the grains before stacking, which can prevent and control stored grain pests such as rice weevils and pseudograin thieves.

6. Prevention and control of hygienic pests Spraying livestock stables with 500-1000 times of 50% emulsifiable concentrate has a good effect of preventing hygienic pests and is safe for livestock.

Pest control of phoxim

Phoxim has various names such as oximathion, and is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide commonly used in production. Utilizing the properties of phoxim such as stomach toxicity, contact killing, and long residual effect under dark conditions, it is in line with the principles of environmental protection, economy, safety and high efficiency to prevent and control dry-boring pests such as longhorn beetles.

According to the number of pests, take one part of 50% (E.C) phoxim, pour it into a wide-mouth container, add three parts of water, stir well, and mix it into a phoxim solution; add water to the clay and make a wet mud; According to the size and number of holes, knead cotton (or other soft materials that can absorb water) into a suitable cotton ball.

The larvae of most dry-boring pests have the characteristics of ventilation and defecation. After eating for a certain period of time, the larvae will bore out a new hole for ventilation and defecation, and push the feces and wood chips out of the hole. Fresh sawdust and dung remain at the opening of the newly bored hole, and larvae are sometimes seen pushing the dung outward.

Start to check the seedlings in April. When you find the hole of the moth, hold a cotton ball with tweezers, soak the cotton ball in the phoxim liquid, and stuff the cotton ball with the medicine into the worm hole after the cotton ball absorbs enough liquid. Fill the wormhole with wet mud, and finally smooth out the wet mud outside the hole.

When the larvae of the borer pest feel that the hole is closed, it will wriggle to the vicinity of the hole and use its head or tail to push the foreign objects. When the pests come into contact with the cotton balls with phoxim, they will be poisoned and die.

Closing the moth's hole with wet mud can effectively prevent sunlight and slow down the degradation rate of phoxim. Close the hole and artificially create obstacles to force the larvae to approach and process the cotton ball with medicine quickly. There is soil at the entrance of the hole, which is a mark that has been controlled. Check the integrity of the soil at the hole to investigate the control effect. If the soil at the hole is pushed away and there are fresh sawdust, the insecticidal rate is equal to zero. There may be no pests in the old boreholes, so they should also be stuffed with medicated cotton balls and sealed with wet mud. The soil in the hole can reduce the wound flow, which is beneficial to the wound healing of flowers and trees, and can prevent germs and other dry-boring pests from invading here.

When there is no direct sunlight, phoxim degrades slowly, with a residual period of up to three months. Phoxim has no systemic properties, and when the liquid is applied to the surface of the plant, it will degrade and fail after two to four days. Therefore, the insecticidal effect of the newly hatched larvae that have entered the cortex and not penetrated into the xylem by methods such as coating rings or coating stems is not as effective as omethoate and monocrotophos. In a borehole, only one medicated cotton ball and a piece of clay are used, which will not pollute the environment, and at the same time, the price is low and more economical. In the middle and late June, 50% (E.C) phoxim 1500 times solution can be sprayed during the egg incubation period. The use of phoxim can maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. It is relatively safe on green peaches, cherry blossoms, red-leaf plums and other flowers and trees, and will not cause phytotoxicity. The liquid medicine can be prepared and used at any time, and under humid conditions, it will not produce highly toxic gas and will not cause human and animal poisoning. On a tree, when the amount of medicated cotton balls used exceeds a certain amount, that is, when the amount of the medicated cotton balls reaches a certain level, no new borers will occur that year.

Why is phoxim applied to the soil for a long time?

When phoxim is applied to the soil, it cannot be exposed to sunlight and is very stable, so the effective period is very long, which can reach more than 1 month, or even close to 2 months. Utilize the characteristic of phoxim, use seed dressing or formulate poisonous water and poisonous soil and apply it to the soil to control the pests that move in the soil.

(1) Use 1.5-3.0 kg of 3% granules per mu for subterranean pests during the sowing period, and apply in furrows before sowing; or coat with 3% water-emulsion seed coating agent, corn is 1: (30-40) (drug species ratio), Wheat is 1: (40–50); or use 100 ml of 40% EC and 4–5 liters of water, mix 50–60 kg of wheat seeds, 30 kg of corn seeds, and 20 kg of cotton seeds, and then sow to prevent grubs, mole crickets, and needleworms , Wheat Ditch Fangjia, etc., the efficacy period is more than 1 month.

(2) For underground pests in the growth period, use 2-3 kg of 3% granules per mu, ditch the plant side or between the rows, and then cover with soil. Or mu with 250 ml of 40% emulsifiable concentrate and 25 kg of fine soil, mix it, remove it and put it into the soil. For crops such as peanuts or crops with large plant shapes, you can use 250 ml of 40% emulsifiable oil per mu, add 150-200 liters of water, and pour them around the plants

(3) Before the peak period of overwintering generation larvae unearthed by the overwintering peach borer, draw a tree disk on the ground according to the size of the tree crown. The diameter of the tree disk is about 1 meter larger than the tree crown, and remove the weeds in the tree disk. Use 500-750 ml of 40% phoxim EC for mu, mix with 50 kg of fine soil, sprinkle the poisonous soil in the tree tray, and put the cake into the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Or use 70 times of 40% emulsifiable oil, spray 15-20 liters of liquid medicine in each tree tray, and put the medicine into the soil. When the insect population density is high, apply the pesticide once every half month.

(4) Use 75 milliliters of 40% oil slick and 75 liters of water to cover the green and green manure field, spray wine on the green manure, and then plow the green manure into the soil.

(5) Use 500-750 grams of 1.5% granules for corn borers, and sprinkle them into the horn of corn.

Toxicity of phoxim

Phoxim has low toxicity to humans and animals. Contact and fumigation toxicity to bees. Tolerance limit for aquatic organisms: 0.1-1.0ppm for carp and trout; 1-10ppm for goldfish. Aquatic crustaceans are more sensitive, 0.01ppm can cause the death of aquatic cladocerans.

Although it is low-toxic to humans, ingestion and accidental contact may still lead to a series of poisoning symptoms: symptoms of poisoning include headache, dizziness, nausea, sweating, salivation, miosis, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

In particular, attention should be paid to the decomposition of phoxim by high heat and the release of highly toxic fumes.

Precautions for phoxim

1. Do not mix with alkaline substances.

2. Cucumbers and kidney beans are sensitive to phoxim and are prone to phytotoxicity.

3. Phoxim is easy to decompose when exposed to light, so it is best to use it in the field at night or in the evening.

4. Sorghum is sensitive to phoxim and should not be sprayed. In corn fields, only granules can be used to prevent and control corn borer, and do not spray to control aphids and armyworms.

5. Symptoms of poisoning, first aid measures are the same as other organophosphates.

Export situation of phoxim

According to customs data, the cumulative export of phoxim-related preparations and technical materials totaled US$2.214 million. Among them, Saudi Arabia is the largest market, with a total import of 746,000 US dollars, followed by Costa Rica, with an import of 255,000 US dollars, and the third place is Egypt, with a total import of 180,000 US dollars. The 4th to 10th places are Côte d'Ivoire, Myanmar, Indonesia, Turkey, South Korea, Iraq and Malaysia.

The most exported formulation, 40% emulsifiable concentrate, was 560,000 U.S. dollars, followed by 90% technical medicine, with a total export value of 463,000 U.S. dollars. 5% phoxim, 10% chlorpyrifos granules and 14% phoxim, 10% profenofos emulsifiable concentrate are popular compound products for export.

phoxim price

Usually, the price of the pesticide phoxim will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the insecticide phoxim you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of phoxim

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Insecticide Phoxim, feel free to contact us for latest price.