How much do you know about Insecticide selection and use?

Insecticide Mechanism of Action

Insecticides are used to destroy insects. It is an insecticide used to kill insects that are harmful or dangerous to farms and plants. Insecticides enter the insect body through various ways such as stomach, contact, and fumigation.

When insects eat plants that have been sprayed with Insecticide, the Insecticide get into the insect's stomach. That's why it's called gastric entry mode. When an insect comes into contact with a plant or crop that has been sprayed with the insecticide, the insecticide enters the insect's body. This is called touch input mode. Fumigation is another method of entry. In this mode, the insecticide enters the insect through vapor or air.

According to its composition and source

Inorganic Insecticide, such as lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, arsenite, sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, sulfur, zinc phosphide, etc.

Organic Insecticide. Natural organic insecticides can be divided into botanical insecticides (such as deer vine, pyrethrum, tobacco, turpentine, anisein, neemin, etc.) and mineral insecticides (such as diesel emulsion, petroleum emulsion, etc.). Synthetic organic insecticides include organochlorine insecticides, organophosphorus insecticides, organic nitrogen insecticides, and pyrethroid insecticides.

Microbial insecticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, yellow cutworm granular virus, cotton bollworm granular virus, cabbage caterpillar granular virus, diamondback moth granular virus, beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, erythropodium, etc.

According to its function or effect

Stomach poison is a drug that is eaten by the pest's mouthparts into the plant tissue or poison bait with the drug, absorbed by the digestive system of the pest, and poisoned to death by the pest. Such as acephate, trichlorfon and so on.

Contact killers, after the pests are exposed to the Insecticide, the Insecticide enters the insect body from the epidermis, feet, antennae, valves and other parts, poisoning and killing the pest. Such as organophosphorus insecticides such as malathion, pyrethroid insecticides, etc.

Fumigant, the medicament can volatilize into toxic gas at normal temperature, or produce toxic gas through a certain chemical action, enter the body of the pest through the respiratory system such as the spiracle, and poison the pest to death. Such as methyl bromide, phosphine, etc.

Systemic agent, which can be absorbed by the root, stem, leaf and other tissues of the plant, and then transmitted to other parts of the shoot, or absorbed by the seed, and then transmitted to the seedlings and even various parts of the plant. Such as phorate, methyl isothion, methyl thiocycline and so on.

Repellant, the agent itself is non-toxic and has the effect of killing insects, but its special smell makes pests avoid, thus achieving the purpose of protecting crops from harm. Such as camphor balls.

Antifeedants and Insecticide applied on crops and being contacted or eaten by pests can destroy the normal physiological functions of the pests and the secretion of digestive enzymes in the digestive tract, and interfere with the nervous system of the pests, making the pests refuse to take food, and finally make the insects gradually starve to death and shrink. Immortal insects will also undergo physiological atrophy. Such as dimeform, a variety of terpenoids (such as azadirachtin) and so on.

Attractants are a class of agents that can attract various pests and then kill them. The most widely used sex attractant is a sex attractant released by female insects that can attract males of the same species to mate. When this sex attractant reaches a certain level in the air, it will fascinate the pests, reduce mating, oviposition and reproduction, thereby reducing the harm of pests. Such as cotton bollworm sex lure, red bollworm sex lure, large borer sex lure, diamondback moth sex lure and so on.

Sterility agent, when insects contact or inhale this agent, destroys the function of their reproductive organs and makes them lose their reproductive ability, causing female insects to mate but not lay eggs, or the eggs laid cannot be hatched normally, even if the offspring are hatched, they cannot reproduce normally, reduce the population number, and even become extinct within a certain range. Such as for Pai, thiotepa and so on.

Specific insect growth regulators, this type of agent mainly interferes with and destroys the normal metabolism of pests, inhibits chitin synthesis, and causes deformity or death of larvae.

At present, many organic synthetic Insecticide have several insecticidal effects at the same time. For example, most organophosphorus Insecticide have both stomach toxicity and contact effects; most pyrethroid insecticides have both stomach toxicity and contact effects, and have certain avoidance effects. These insecticides with multiple insecticidal effects can be called comprehensive insecticides.

Score according to its toxicity

Highly toxic and highly toxic agents: such as parathion, methyl parathion, phosphamide, methamidophos, isocarbophos, etc.

Medium and low toxicity agents: such as acephate, triazophos, profenofos, bifenfos, fenitrothion, quinthion, pyridazinfos, chlorazofos, fenvalerate, esfenvalerate, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, cis-cypermethrin, lambda-cyfluthrin, trihalothrin, lambda-cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, fenpermethrin, flufenuron, buprofezin, Bacillus thuringiensis, beauveria bassiana, tobacco, Fennel, etc.

Types of Insecticide

1. Organochlorine Insecticide:

This Insecticide is made by mixing chlorine with some other molecules. For example, the Insecticide HCH is made by adding hydrogen and carbon to chlorine. So in this class of Insecticide, chlorine is a fixed molecule in every Insecticide. Such as DDT, HCH, aldrin, etc.

2. Organophosphorus Insecticide:

This insecticide is made by mixing phosphate with some other molecules. For example, tetraethyl pyrophosphate, parathion, etc.

3. Carbonate Insecticide:

This insecticide is made with carbonic acid. For example, aldicarb, carbofuran, etc.

4. Plant Insecticide:

This Insecticide is made from plants. For example, by using neem leaves, using neem twigs, other herbs, these insecticides are produced. It is also known as an herbal insecticide. Matters needing attention in purchasing

Like other products, insecticide products also have many problems, and consumers should pay attention to them when purchasing. In addition, Insecticide are special commodities that involve a lot of knowledge and technology, and consumers should be more careful when purchasing them.

Do not buy insecticides that do not have an active ingredient that kills insects.

Among the chemical insecticides, it is recognized that pyrethroid insecticides are relatively safe, while organochlorine, organophosphorus and carbamate are less safe than the former. Among the many pyrethroid insecticides, the safety is also different. Generally, permethrin, tetramethrin, allethrin and deltamethrin are safer.

Do not buy insecticides processed and produced from Insecticide that have been banned.

When products such as aerosol Insecticide leave the factory, the "three certificates" system indicating the production permit number, Insecticide registration certificate number and product quality standard number must be strictly implemented, otherwise they are illegal products and cannot be purchased.

Foreign insecticide products entering the Chinese market should also be carefully identified, and should not be trusted blindly.

Precautions for use

The use of Insecticide should be used sparingly as much as possible, and should not be used as much as possible when not in use. Minimize contact with insecticides as much as possible. If you do not stay in the room where the Insecticide is applied, you should leave immediately after spraying the Insecticide. After one and a half hours, open the doors and windows to fully ventilate and exhaust before entering.

Keep infants and children whose brains are not yet fully developed from being exposed to Insecticide, as this can adversely affect the child's brain development.

Be extra careful when using insecticides in the kitchen so that they do not contaminate food, kitchen utensils, etc.

Shower and change clothes after applying insecticides and insecticidal creams.

To use Insecticide to control crop pests, in order to achieve the best insecticidal effect, in addition to selecting the right Insecticide and applying them at the right time, special attention should be paid to the time and location of the application.

1. According to the climate characteristics and the diurnal activity of pests, choose a favorable time to apply Insecticide.

The best time to apply Insecticide is from 9 to 10 am and after 4 pm. Because after 9:00 in the morning, the dew on the crop leaves has dried up, and it is the time when the sunrise pests are most active.

Applying Insecticide at this time will not affect the control effect because the dew will dilute the medicinal solution, but also make the pests directly contact with the Insecticide, increasing the chance of pest poisoning.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is westward, the light is weakened, the temperature is lowered, and it is the time when flying activities at dusk and nocturnal pests are about to come out. Applying Insecticide at this time can be applied to crops in advance.

When the pests come out to move or feed at dusk and night, they will be exposed to venom or poisoned to death, and at the same time, the evaporation loss and photolysis failure of the medicinal solution can also be avoided.

2. According to the harmful parts of the pests, different agents should be selected and different application methods should be adopted to deliver the drugs in place.

For pests that harm the roots, the Insecticide is applied to the roots or in the sowing ditch; for pests that feed on the back of the leaves, the liquid is sprayed on the opposite side of the leaves.

To prevent pink bollworm and cotton bollworm, spray the medicine on flower buds, green bells and cluster tips; to prevent borer insects from causing dead heart seedlings, sprinkle poisonous soil; to control white ears, spray or pour water.

To control rice planthoppers and rice leafhoppers, the liquid medicine is sprayed on the base of rice plants; to control Spodoptera litura, the liquid medicine is sprayed on flower buds and young pods.

In addition, for hidden pests such as cotton aphids, red spiders, rice planthoppers, rice leafhoppers, etc., according to their piercing-sucking mouthparts feeding mode, strong systemic insecticides can be used to spread to other parts of the plant after absorption, so as to achieve the purpose of drug delivery.

Only when the insecticide is applied and the medicine is delivered in place, can it hit the vital point, realize the effect of medicine to insect control, make the medicine play the best role, and obtain the ideal insecticidal effect.

Why do Insecticide become less effective the more they are used?

When a Insecticide is first used, its insecticidal effect is often very good, but with the continuous increase of the dosage and the continuous expansion of the scope of use, the cases of increasing resistance continue to appear.

The most prominent one is esfenvalerate, which is often referred to as the "just leiferin" in advertisements in the 1980s. Justice will soon be lost, because even if the dosage or concentration of the drug is increased by dozens or even hundreds of times, the pests cannot be killed.

This is actually because pests develop resistance, which is the ability to tolerate and develop in their populations a dose that would kill most individuals in a normal population.

In fact, there are individuals with different sensitivity to Insecticide in the natural pest population. The process of using Insecticide is actually a process in which Insecticide have a selective effect on insect populations.

Every time an insecticide is used, relatively resistant individuals will be left and relatively sensitive individuals will be killed, which will increase the resistance level of the pest population more or less.

It has been found that:

(1) The emergence of drug resistance is related to pests and their living habits. Pests with a short life history, a large number of reproductive generations per year, and more exposure to Insecticide, such as mites, scales, aphids, and mosquitoes, are most likely to produce resistant populations;

(2) When a pest develops resistance to one Insecticide, it is often resistant to other Insecticide of the same type; such interactions between drugs with different insecticidal mechanisms are not likely to occur;

(3) If the same Insecticide is used more times in a row or the treatment concentration is higher, the resistance will form quickly, and vice versa.

Knowing this, we can prevent or delay the rise of pest resistance through rational use of Insecticide.

Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a comprehensive control policy including breeding, popularizing resistant varieties, improving cultivation techniques, and developing biological and physical technologies to minimize the frequency and dosage of chemical control.

The second is to choose insecticides with different mechanisms of action for mixed use, rotation and mosaic application.

price of Insecticide

Usually, the price of Insecticide and insecticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the Insecticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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suppliers of Insecticide

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Bulk Insecticides, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.