How to use glufosinate-ammonium better

What is glufosinate-ammonium?

Glufosinate-ammonium is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide. Glufosinate-ammonium is a phosphonic acid herbicide that can inhibit glutamine synthetase in the plant nitrogen metabolism pathway, thereby interfering with plant metabolism and causing plant death.

Glufosinate-ammonium is mainly contact-killed by stems and leaves. Glufosinate-ammonium is a white crystal with a slight odor. It has a melting point of 210°C and a boiling point of 519.1°C at 760 mmhg. It is easily soluble in water. The solubility in water at 22°C is 1370g/l, and its solubility in common organic solvents is relatively low. Glufosinate-ammonium has the characteristics of broad herbicidal spectrum, low toxicity, high activity and good environmental compatibility. Its activity speed is slower than that of paraquat but better than that of glyphosate. non-selective herbicides. Many weeds are sensitive to glufosinate and can be used as a substitute for glyphosate in areas where glyphosate is resistant.

Glufosinate-ammonium preparation

The main dosage form of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium is a solution (aqueous), and the glufosinate-ammonium preparation has four specifications of 60, 120, 150 and 200 g/L aqueous formulations, and the trade name is Basta. Among the existing processing preparations, according to the content of glufosinate-ammonium, it can be divided into five kinds of water preparations: 6%, 12%, 13.5%, 15% and 20%. Taking 13.5% glufosinate-ammonium water solution as an example, the best formula is 13.5% glufosinate-ammonium, 5% Silwet618, 10% ammonium sulfate, 0.5% polyvinyl alcohol, 0.2% defoamer SAG622, and finally add water to 100% .

Glufosinate-ammonium mechanism of action

When the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium is sprayed on the plant, it can be quickly absorbed into the body through the stems and leaves, and rely on plant transpiration to conduct in the xylem. However, it will be rapidly decomposed by the microorganisms in the soil after it contacts the soil, so the root absorbs little or no absorption of glufosinate-ammonium.

The action of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium is related to glutamine synthetase, which catalyzes the synthesis of glutamine from glutamic acid and ammonium ions in the process of nitrogen metabolism in plants. When glufosinate-ammonium enters the plant, it can combine with ATP and occupy the reaction site of glutamine synthetase, thereby irreversibly inhibiting the activity of glutamine synthetase and destroying the subsequent metabolic process.

After glutamine synthetase is inhibited, the synthesis of glutamine is blocked, and then the nitrogen metabolism in plants is disordered, the synthesis of proteins and nucleotides is reduced, photosynthesis is blocked, and the synthesis of chlorophyll is reduced. At the same time, the content of ammonium ions in the cells increases, causing the cell membranes to be damaged and the chloroplasts to disintegrate. Eventually the whole plant dies.

Glufosinate-ammonium kills weeds quickly, photosynthesis of weeds will be blocked within 2-6 hours, stop growing within 1 day, chlorosis, necrosis and other symptoms will appear within 2-3 days, and the whole plant will die within 1-2 weeks. At the same time, the effect of glufosinate-ammonium can last for 25-45 days, and the weed control time is longer than other herbicides.

Characteristics of glufosinate-ammonium herbicide

Glufosinate-ammonium is a contact-killing herbicide with low toxicity, and the plants that have been contact-killed will gradually show symptoms of poisoning after being sprayed.

Ammonium ion, a cytotoxic agent, destroys cell membranes in plants, and at the same time inhibits photosynthesis, causing damage to chloroplasts and causing plant death.

After weeds absorb glufosinate-ammonium, glufosinate-ammonium can conduct transpiration in plant xylem through plant transpiration. Generally, after 3-5 days at normal temperature, weeds will gradually turn yellow and necrosis, and the duration of effect is about 30 days.

Glufosinate application

The herbicide glufosinate-ammonium has a broad herbicidal spectrum, and it has a good control effect on most of the annual or even perennial weeds in farmland. It can be used in orchards, vineyards, potato fields, non-cultivated land, etc. to control annual and perennial dicotyledonous and gramineous weeds, such as sagegrass, crabgrass, barnyardgrass, wild barley, ryegrass multiflora, foxtail, golden foxtail, Wild wheat, wild corn, duck sprouts, awn grass, fescue, etc. It can also control broad-leaved weeds such as quinoa, amaranth, polygonum, shepherd's, solanum nigrum, chickweed, purslane, pig's weed, chicory, field thistle, field bindweed, dandelion, and sedges and ferns. It also has a certain effect.

Spray 0.7-1.2 kg/hectare on the weed population when the broad-leaved grass is growing vigorously and at the beginning of tillering for gramineous weeds. Extended validity period. Potato fields should be applied before budding, or sprayed before harvesting to kill stubble on the ground and facilitate harvesting. To control ferns, the dosage is 1.5-2 kg per hectare. It is generally used alone, and sometimes it can be used in combination with simazine, diuron or 2-methyl-4-chlorine.

How to use glufosinate ammonium

1. Glufosinate-ammonium controls wasteland weeds. Some glyphosate can be added appropriately, so that the rebound of weeds in the later stage will be reduced. The specific dosage must be determined according to the local weed situation. If the exact dosage is not known, it can be tested in a small area first.

2. When glufosinate-ammonium is used to control broad-leaved weeds, such as purslane and other weeds, 20% acifluorfen can be added to further expand the breadth of the herbicidal spectrum.

3. When the broad-leaved grasses are at the beginning of vigorous growth and the beginning of tillering of gramineous weeds, spray 0.7-12kg per hectare on the weed population. The weed control period is 4-6 weeks, and can be sprayed again if necessary , can significantly extend the validity period.

Glufosinate resistant crops

Because glufosinate-ammonium has the characteristics of wide herbicidal spectrum, rapid inactivation and degradation in soil, and low toxicity to non-target organisms, crops can be made resistant to glufosinate-ammonium through transgenic technology, so that glufosinate-ammonium can selectively Kills weeds without harming crops. The researchers of Aigefu Company isolated the bar gene from the strain of Streptomyces hygroscopicus and the pat gene from the strain of Streptomyces viridans. These two genes have 80% homology, and both can encode glufosinate-ammonium acetylase, which can acetylate glufosinate-ammonium and inactivate it. The transfer of these two resistance genes in crops can make the crops express glufosinate-ammonium acetylase, inactivate the glufosinate-ammonium entering the crops, and reduce the harm of glufosinate-ammonium to crops.

The resistance gene of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium has been introduced into more than 20 crops such as rice, wheat, corn, sugar beet, tobacco, soybean, cotton, potato, tomato, rape, sugarcane, etc., and the glufosinate-resistant gene has been successfully commercialized The phosphine crop series includes almost all major crops, and glufosinate-resistant transgenic crops have been continuously developed, bringing a large market increase to glufosinate.

Glufosinate ammonium compound

1. 90% acetochlor (45-90 g/mu) + 41% glyphosate (45-90 g/mu). When using it, it can be sprayed directly. The mixed use of these two agents can not only achieve a very good weeding effect, but also prevent and eliminate a variety of weeds that have been unearthed, which can effectively control the occurrence of weeds after crops are planted. At the same time, it is more effective for crops Safe, one application can control the harm of weeds in the whole growth period.

2. 90% acetochlor (40-75 g/mu) + 50% atrazine (40-75 g/mu) + 41% glyphosate (30-60 g/mu). It can be sprayed before the crops are established. This formula is very effective against perennial weeds, killing their root system and achieving the purpose of eradication. It is especially suitable for corn fields. This formula can be used when there are a lot of weeds in the field after corn sowing and before seedlings. This can not only kill the large grass in the field, but also achieve the effect of soil sealing.

3. 90% acetochlor (45g-50g) + bensulfuron-methyl (2-4g/mu) + glyphosate (40-80g/mu). When using it, it must be sprayed before the weeds have grown. This formula is mainly used for no-tillage direct seeding rice fields, and it has dual functions. This formula has the characteristics of low toxicity, broad herbicidal spectrum, and long residual effect period. It can not only achieve the effect of killing weeds and clearing stubble, but also has the effect of soil sealing.

4. 56% sodium 2-methyl-4-chloride (10-20 g/mu) + 41% glyphosate (80-110 g/mu). The poisonous soil method can be used in use. The formula has a better control effect on broad-leaved weeds and broad-leaved miscellaneous shrubs, and does not affect the control effect on gramineous weeds.

5. 41% glyphosate (40-80 grams) plus carboxyfluorfen. When used, it can be sprayed after the crops are planted. This formula is more suitable for no-tillage in farmland, and it has a great control effect on general broad-leaved weeds.

Environmental impact of glufosinate-ammonium

Degradation and residue

Glufosinate-ammonium can be rapidly ineffective through microbial degradation in soil, producing 3-(methylphosphonide)propionic acid (MPP) and 2-(methylphosphonide)acetic acid (MPA) and releasing carbon dioxide. In most soils, the leaching does not exceed 15 cm, and the available soil water content and soil oxygen content have a certain influence on the adsorption and degradation of glufosinate-ammonium. The degradation half-life (DT50) of glufosinate-ammonium is 4-10 days.

effect on soil

Glufosinate-ammonium can have certain effects on some microorganisms in the soil. Effects of different concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 L/hm2) of glufosinate-ammonium on the number of soil microorganisms (bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi) and soil enzymes (catalase, phosphatase, urease, dehydrogenase) in wheat fields ) activity showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. When the application rate of glufosinate-ammonium was 6L/hm2, the total amount of microorganisms reached the highest. Among them, the number of bacteria and actinomycetes increased compared with the control, but the number of fungi did not change significantly. Under low concentration (2, 4 and 6L/hm2) glufosinate-ammonium treatment, the measured soil enzyme activities all increased with the increase of glufosinate-ammonium application rate, while in high concentration (8L/hm2) glufosinate-ammonium treatment , the enzyme activity was inhibited.

Impact on the water environment

Since glufosinate-ammonium has excellent solubility in water, but the hydrolysis and photolysis processes in water environment are relatively slow, and it is also easy to flow and transfer in environmental media, the US Environmental Protection Agency has classified it as a mobile persistent pollutant. The results of the acute toxicity test on aquatic organisms show that the half effective concentration (EC50) or half lethal concentration (LC50) of glufosinate to chlorella, daphnia magna and zebrafish are all greater than 100mg/L, which is a low toxicity compound. Therefore, glufosinate-ammonium will not have a significant impact on the balance of the aquatic ecosystem in the short term, but the impact on the reproduction of aquatic organisms and the growth of offspring when it exists in the water for a long time needs further research.

animal toxicity

The herbicide glufosinate-ammonium is less toxic to other organisms other than plants and has high safety. Glufosinate-ammonium is rarely absorbed in animals and can be quickly cleared. 80% to 90% of glufosinate cannot be absorbed after oral administration, and the absorbed part is mainly concentrated in the liver and kidney. Acute toxicity test proves: the acute oral median lethal dose (LD50) of glufosinate-ammonium in male rats is 2000mg/kg, and that in female rats is 1620mg/kg; the acute oral LD50 in male mice is 431mg/kg, and that in female mice is 416mg/kg ; Dog acute oral LD50200 ~ 400mg/kg. The acute percutaneous LD50 of male rats is >2000mg/kg, and that of female rats is 4000mg/kg. Therefore, according to the classification standard of acute toxicity, glufosinate-ammonium belongs to low toxicity or moderate toxicity. The chronic toxicity test proves that glufosinate-ammonium has no carcinogenic effect, nor reproductive toxicity and teratogenic effect, and neither genotoxicity nor immunotoxicity exists.

The herbicide glufosinate-ammonium can also inhibit glutamine synthetase after entering the animal body, but it does not show strong symptoms at low doses. However, if a large dose of glufosinate-ammonium is ingested, the glutamine synthetase in the brain will be more inhibited, resulting in poisoning symptoms mainly manifested in the nervous system: lethargy, abnormal posture, erect body hair, irritability , Tremor, convulsions, epilepsy, salivation, ataxia, etc.

Why is glufosinate sometimes not effective in weed control

The herbicidal effect of glufosinate-ammonium is mainly affected by three factors, namely: humidity, temperature, and light.

Influence of humidity: In dry climate, plants close stomata, curl leaves, and thicken leaf skins in order to reduce transpiration, which is not conducive to the absorption of glufosinate-ammonium and affects the efficacy of the drug; the air is humid, the wax layer on the surface of plant leaves remains moist, and the stomata open , improve the plant's absorption of glufosinate-ammonium, which is beneficial to the efficacy of the drug.

Temperature: Under low temperature conditions, the ability of glufosinate-ammonium to pass through the cuticle and cell membrane is reduced, thereby affecting the herbicidal effect. As the temperature rises, the herbicidal effect of glufosinate-ammonium increases. It is recommended to use the temperature above 15 degrees Celsius, and the low temperature effect is not good.

Precautions for use of glufosinate-ammonium

1. Glufosinate-ammonium is mainly for contact killing, so it must be sprayed thoroughly and evenly when spraying, and penetrating agents such as organic silicon can also be added to make the surface of weed leaves fully contact and absorb weeds.

Ammonium phosphine, in order to achieve better herbicidal effect.

2. When diluting glufosinate-ammonium, do not use turbid river water to avoid reducing the efficacy of the drug.

3. For some weeds that are mainly broad-leaved, such as purslane, etc., 20% acifluorfen can be added to further expand the herbicidal spectrum.

4. Do not apply pesticides in low temperature, low humidity, cloudy, rainy and other bad weather, otherwise the weed killing speed of glufosinate-ammonium will be reduced.

5. Glufosinate-ammonium is generally used before sowing and in the later stage of crop seedlings, and cannot be used when they are just emerging.

The difference between glyphosate and glufosinate

1. Different modes of action

Glyphosate is a kind of glycine, and its mechanism of action is to inhibit enolpyruvyl shikimelin phosphate synthase, and protein synthesis is blocked; glyphosate is a systemic broad-spectrum herbicide, which is transmitted to the underground through stems and leaves. It has strong destructive power to the underground tissue of deep-rooted weeds, and can reach a depth that ordinary agricultural machinery cannot reach.

Glufosinate is a phosphonic acid, and its mechanism of action is contact killing by ammonium accumulation, which inhibits the synthesis of glutamine. Glufosinate-ammonium is a non-selective conductive herbicide of phosphonic acid. By inhibiting glutamic acid synthase, an important detoxification enzyme in plants, it leads to nitrogen metabolism disorder in plants, excessive accumulation of ammonium, and disintegration of chloroplasts, thereby making plants photosynthetic. Suppressed, eventually leading to weed death.

Second, the transmission method is different

Glyphosate is a systemic conduction kill;

Glufosinate is a semi-systemic or weakly systemic non-conductive contact kill.

Three, the weeding effect is not the same

Glyphosate generally takes 7-10 days to take effect;

Glufosinate is generally 3 days (normal temperature).

From the aspects of weeding speed, weeding effect, weed control period, etc., glufosinate-ammonium has excellent field performance. As glyphosate- and paraquat-resistant weeds become more and more serious, farmers will be affected by glufosinate-ammonium. Excellent anti-efficiency and good environmental protection performance are easy to accept. The demand for glufosinate-ammonium is also increasing for tea gardens, farms, and green food bases that require safer ecology.

Fourth, the range of weeding is different

Glyphosate has control effects on more than 160 kinds of weeds, including monocots and dicotyledons, annuals and perennials, herbs and shrubs, etc., but its control effect on some perennial vicious weeds is not ideal. For resistant vicious weeds such as goosegrass and small fly canopy, the effect of glyphosate is not obvious, and resistant weeds are increasing year by year; glyphosate generally cannot be used for crops with shallow roots or exposed roots, such as coriander, pepper, grapes, Papaya, etc.;

Glufosinate-ammonium is a broad-spectrum, contact-killing, life-killing, non-residual herbicide with a wide range of applications. Glufosinate can be used on all crops (as long as it is not sprayed on crops, and inter-row application must be covered) or cover). Directed spraying of weed stems and leaves can be used for weed control of almost wide-planted fruit trees, row crops, vegetables and non-cultivated land; it can quickly kill more than 100 kinds of grasses and broad-leaved weeds, especially It has a very good effect on some malignant weeds that are tolerant to glyphosate, such as goosegrass, purslane, and small weeds, and has become the nemesis of grasses and broad-leaved weeds.

5. Different safety performance

Glyphosate is usually planted and transplanted 15-25 days after the efficacy of the drug, otherwise it is easy to cause phytotoxicity; glyphosate is a herbicide, improper use will bring safety hazards to crops, especially when used to control weeds in field ridges or orchards Drift injury is most likely to occur when . It should be emphasized that glyphosate can easily lead to the lack of trace elements in the soil, forming a deficiency disease, and damage to the root system. Long-term use will lead to yellowing of fruit trees and other phenomena.

Glufosinate can be sown and transplanted in 2 to 4 days. Glufosinate-ammonium is low-toxic, safe, fast, environmentally friendly, topdressing fertilizer to increase production, has no effect on soil, crop roots and subsequent crops, has a long duration, is suitable for weeding almost all crops, is easy to degrade in soil, is safe for crops, and is not easy to Drift is more suitable for weeding of corn, rice, soybeans, tea gardens, orchards, etc. in sensitive periods or where droplet drift cannot be completely avoided.

6. What is the prospect?

The core problem facing glyphosate is drug resistance. Because of glyphosate's high efficiency, 5-10 yuan/mu (low cost), and fast human metabolism, it will take a long time for glyphosate to be eliminated by the market. For the problem of resistance to glyphosate, the current mixed use is a good countermeasure.

The glufosinate-ammonium market has a good prospect and is growing rapidly, but the production technology of the product is also relatively difficult, and the process route is also complicated. Only a few domestic companies can produce on a large scale. Glufosinate-ammonium cannot defeat glyphosate. Considering the cost, 10-15 yuan/mu (high cost), the price of a ton of glyphosate is about 20,000 yuan, and the price of a ton of glufosinate-ammonium is about 150,000 yuan——glufosinate ammonium The promotion of phosphine, the price gap is an insurmountable gap.

7. Factors Affecting Herbicide Efficacy

Many farmer friends complain about the poor efficacy of the herbicides they bought, repeated weeds, etc., and suspect that they have bought fake medicines or there are problems with the medicines. In fact, the method is also very important in the process of spraying pesticides. The wrong spraying method will affect the Efficacy of herbicides.

Temperature: High temperature is conducive to the better absorption of herbicides by weeds. But not the higher the temperature the better. The correct application time should be: before 11:00 am and after 4:00 pm when it is sunny and windless in high temperature season; between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm in low temperature season.

Humidity: Generally speaking, high humidity is conducive to the absorption of herbicides by weeds, and the effect is good. The best time is when there is no dew on the leaves, no rain but the air is humid. If it's too dry then don't spray.

Soil moisture: When the soil is dry, crops and weeds grow slowly, which affects the absorption of medicinal effects. Therefore, a high limit is recommended in dry weather, and the amount of spray should be increased when spraying.

Precipitation: During precipitation, the medicinal liquid is easily washed away and affects the efficacy of the medicinal product. So do not apply pesticides before or after rainfall.

Illumination: Some herbicides only play a herbicidal role under the action of light, while some herbicides are easy to decompose under light. It will not have the effect of weeding, so it is recommended that you read the instructions carefully before using it.

Soil pH value: When the pH value is 5.5-7.5, which is neutral soil, most herbicides can work better, and the soil with too much acid and alkali will decompose some herbicides and affect the herbicides. effect.

Drugs have different modes of action: contact herbicides can only kill the above-ground parts of weeds, but are less effective and prone to recurrence for underground parts of weeds or perennial deep-rooted weeds with underground stems.

8. Matters needing attention

Precautions for using glyphosate: Long-term use of glyphosate will cause weeds to develop resistance, which will reduce the efficacy of the drug.

Precautions for using glufosinate

①Do not use turbid river water when diluting glufosinate-ammonium to avoid reducing the efficacy of the drug.

②For weeds that are mainly broad-leaved, such as purslane, etc., 20% acifluorfen can be added to further expand the herbicidal spectrum.

③ Since glufosinate-ammonium is mainly for contact killing, it must be sprayed thoroughly and evenly when spraying glufosinate-ammonium. Penetrating agents such as organic silicon can also be added to fully contact and absorb glufosinate-ammonium on the surface of weed leaves to achieve better Herbicidal effect. The choice of herbicide is very important. Choose the right herbicide and use the correct method of application, so that weeds have nowhere to hide and crops thrive.

The price of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium

Usually, the price of the pesticide herbicide glufosinate-ammonium will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide herbicide glufosinate-ammonium you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Herbicide Glufosinate-Ammonium, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.