Introduction of plant growth regulator Atonik

What is Atonik?

The plant growth regulator Atonik is a powerful cell activator, which can quickly penetrate into the plant body after contacting with plants, promote the flow of protoplasm of cells, and improve cell vitality. It can accelerate rooting speed, break dormancy, promote growth and development, prevent flower and fruit drop, improve product quality, increase yield, and improve crop resistance to disease, insect, drought, waterlogging, cold, salt and alkali, and lodging. . It is widely used in food crops, economic crops, vegetables, fruits, fruit trees, oil crops and flowers. It can be used at any time between plant sowing and harvest, and can be used for seed dipping, seedbed filling, foliar spraying and bud spreading.

The plant growth regulator  Atonik has the advantages of high efficiency, low toxicity, no residue, a wide range of crops, no side effects, and a wide range of concentration. Atonik has been popularized and applied in many countries and regions in the world. Atonik is also used in animal husbandry and fishery. While improving the yield and quality of meat, eggs, wool, and skin, Atonik can also enhance the immunity of animals and prevent various diseases.

The plant growth regulator Atonik is used as a cell activator, fertilizer synergist, growth balance agent, disease resistance penetrating agent, gene activator, herbicide safener, feed additive, etc., and has been used in various fields of fertilizer, pesticide, and feed It is well known and has been promoted and applied in many countries and regions.

Physicochemical properties of Atonik

(1) Sodium p-nitrophenolate: yellow crystal, odorless, melting point 113-114°C, easily soluble in water, soluble in methanol, ethanol, acetone, and other organic solvents. Stable in storage under normal conditions.

(2) Sodium o-nitrophenolate: red crystal, with special aromatic hydrocarbon smell, melting point 44.9°C, easily soluble in water, soluble in methanol, ethanol, acetone and other organic solvents. Storage stability under normal conditions.

(3) Sodium 5-nitroguaiacol: orange-red flaky crystal, odorless, melting point 105-106°C, easily soluble in water, soluble in methanol, ethanol, acetone and other organic solvents. Storage stability under normal conditions.

Atonik toxicity

Atonik is a low toxicity plant growth regulator

Sodium p-nitrophenolate has a competitive oral LD50 of 482 and 1250 mg/kg for female and male rats respectively, has no stimulating effect on eyes and skin, and has no mutagenic effect on animals within the test dose.

Sodium o-nitrophenolate has an acute oral LD50 of 1460 and 2050ml/kg for female and male rats respectively, has no stimulating effect on eyes and skin, and has no mutagenic effect on animals within the test dose.

The acute oral LD50 of 5-nitroguaiacol sodium on female and male rats is 3100 and 1270 mg/kg respectively, and has no stimulating effect on eyes and skin.

Functional characteristics of sodium phenate

Low toxicity, no residue, no pollution

Atonik is the only artificially synthesized plant growth regulator in Green Food Engineering. Atonik and its preparations are designated by the International Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as recommended plant growth regulators for green food projects. Atonik has the effects of promoting blood circulation, beautifying hair and other effects on the human body, and has no side effects on the human body and animals, and there is no residual problem.

Atonik broad spectrum

The plant growth regulator Atonik can be widely used in food crops, vegetable crops, melons and fruits, tea trees, cotton, oil crops, animal husbandry, fishery and other living animals and plants.

Sodium phenate long-term use

The plant growth regulator Atonik can be used throughout the life of the plant. It can be used for seed soaking, seed dressing, seedbed perfusion, foliage spraying, root soaking, stem coating, artificial flower urging, fruit surface spraying, etc. It can be used from sowing to harvesting, and the use effect is very significant.

Atonik is low cost and high benefit

The dosage of many plant growth regulators usually costs a few cents or even more than 1 yuan per mu, while the dosage of Atonik is only a few cents per mu, which can bring considerable profits to manufacturers and benefits to farmers.

Atonik works miraculously

The plant growth regulator Atonik has a miraculous effect. All fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and feeds only need to be added a little.

Atonik can improve crop quality

After the vegetables are mixed with Atonik compound 2.85%, the melons and fruits are neat, the fruit shape is regular, the color is bright, the flesh is full, the commodity performance is good, the economic value is high, and the raw and cooked food tastes good.

Atonik has a special detoxification effect

The plant growth regulator Atonik can accelerate the flow of plant cell protoplasm, accelerate the metabolism of plants, and accelerate the detoxification of plants. It has a strong detoxification and healing effect on plants suffering from phytotoxicity, fertilizer damage, freezing damage or other natural disasters. Use, which is not available in other plant growth regulators. It can enhance the ability of crops to resist fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and viral diseases.

Application of Atonik

(1) Atonik can relieve the antagonism between multiple fertilizers and increase fertilizer efficiency. When applying various organic and inorganic fertilizers to plants, antagonism will occur (antagonism means that the presence of a certain ion can inhibit the absorption of another ion) , This antagonism is not conducive to the absorption of fertilizers by plants, resulting in waste of nutrients. At the same time, with the application of multivariate micro-fertilizers, not all plants can be harvested, and when the concentration is high, the plants will be damaged or even killed. The combined use of multivariate fertilizers and compound Atonik can relieve the antagonism between fertilizers, and make multivariate fertilizers assimilated by plants at the same time, increasing the utilization rate of fertilizers by more than 30%.

(2) The plant growth regulator Atonik can enhance the vitality of plants and increase the fertilizer demand of plants. The use of multi-component fertilizers compounded with Atonik can fully mobilize and exert the vitality of plants to actively absorb fertilizer and water, and promote the roots of plants to actively produce the following effect.

1. Atonik can improve the vitality of roots and increase the absorption of multi-nutrient elements by roots.

2. Atonik can enhance the activity of ATPase, produce a large amount of ATP energy quanta, supply the plant with the receivable energy of nutrient elements, and supplement the ATP energy that the plant needs to consume for active harvesting. Only with enough ATP can the plant guarantee continuous Various nutrients can be collected.

3. Compound Atonik can increase the permeability of the plasma membrane: The reason why plants using compound fertilizers compounded with compound Atonik grow vigorously, be robust and high-yielding, and not easy to age is because the plant plasma membrane has good permeability and good nutrient absorption , Improve the harvesting and utilization of nutrient elements by plants per unit time.

(3) Synergistic effect of Atonik on foliar fertilization

1. The plant growth regulator Atonik can increase the permeability of the cuticle of the leaf surface, improve the penetration rate of nutrients and the fertilizer utilization rate of foliar fertilization.

2. Atonik can increase the respiration of the leaves, expand the stomata, make the fertilizer enter the stomata more and faster, and improve the fertilizer efficiency.

3. The plant growth regulator Atonik can promote the expansion, enlargement and thickening of plant leaves, and increase the contact surface of nutrient elements on the leaf surface. The larger the contact surface, the higher the yield of nutrient elements from leaves.

In a word, after the crops use the multivariate micro-fertilizer compounded with Atonik, compared with the control, such as spring tomato, the leaves are dark green, plump, slightly larger, vigorous, the stems are thicker, the disease resistance is obviously enhanced, and the leaf function is maintained for a period of time. It can extend 10-20 days, increase the fruit setting rate by about 15%, promote early maturity for 3-5 days, and increase the early yield and final total yield of spring tomatoes, which are about 40% and 30% respectively. After 10 days of spraying the tobacco leaves with the compound preparation of Atonik, compared with the control, the leaves grow by 5-6cm and widen by 1cm, and the yield increases by more than 30% compared with the control, and the grade of tobacco leaves is good and the yield is high.

(4) The synergistic effect of Atonik on fungicides

1. Atonik can enhance the immunity of plants, reduce the infection of pathogenic bacteria, and significantly enhance the control effect of fungicides.

2. Atonik can increase the permeability of the plasma membrane, make it easier for the fungicide to kill pathogenic bacteria, and enhance the efficacy.

3. Atonik can enhance the affinity between fungicides and pathogenic bacteria, and enhance the efficacy of fungicides.

4. Atonik can block the energy metabolism of pathogenic bacteria and improve the control effect of fungicides.

5. Atonik can block the material metabolism of pathogenic bacteria and improve the control effect of fungicides.

(5) The application cost of the plant growth regulator Atonik is low and the benefit is high. For spraying application, the general reference dosage is 0.2-0.3g per mu. For flushing application, the general reference dosage is 6-10g per mu, depending on different crops.

Application technology of Atonik

1. Separately made into water or powder

Plant growth regulator Atonik is a high-efficiency plant growth regulator integrating nutrition, regulation and disease prevention. It can be made into water or powder separately (1.8% sodium sodium soluble powder)

2. Compound Atonik and fertilizer

After the plant growth regulator compound Atonik is compounded with fertilizers, plants can absorb nutrients well, and the effect is quick, and at the same time, the antagonistic effect can be relieved. The problem of putting fat, annoyance of inorganic fertilizer, and adjusting the nutritional balance will double your fertilizer efficiency.

3. Compound Atonik and flushing fertilizer

It can make the root system of the crops developed, the leaves thick and green and shiny, the stems thick and strong, the fruits swollen, fast, bright in color and early in the market, etc. (the compounding amount is 1-2‰).

4. Compound Atonik and fungicide

The plant growth regulator Atonik can enhance plant immunity, reduce pathogenic bacteria infection, and enhance plant disease resistance. Last for about 20 days, increase the efficacy of the medicine by 30-60%, and reduce the dosage of the medicine by more than 10% (the reference dosage is 2-5‰).

5. Compound Atonik and insecticide

The plant growth regulator Atonik can be used in combination with most insecticides, which can not only broaden the drug spectrum, increase the efficacy, and prevent pesticides from causing phytotoxicity during use, but also promote the rapid growth of damaged plants through the regulation of Atonik. Quickly resume growth. (Reference dosage is 2-5‰)

6. Compound Atonik and seed coating agent

It still plays a regulating role at low temperature, can shorten the seed dormancy period, promote cell division, induce rooting, germination, resist the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, and make the seedlings strong. (Composite amount is 1‰)

The application of 5 cents of Atonik can be equal to the fertilizer effect of 2 cents of foliar fertilizer containing micronutrients, and the application of micronutrients is only effective when the element is lacking in the soil, and compound Atonik is effective regardless of whether it lacks nutrients. All have good effect.

How to use Atonik

1. It can be directly mixed with water to dilute the foliar spray, adjust the opening and closing of leaf stomata, and increase the stress resistance of crops!

2. It can be added to the liquid fertilizer in proportion. At this time, it mainly regulates the growth of the root system and fibrous root system, that is, the increase of the organs for crops to absorb fertilizers. It can also increase the crop's ability to absorb nitrogen fertilizers, and increase the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizers in disguise! If too much is added, the crops will grow wildly, which will break the nutritional balance of the crops, affect the normal growth of the crops, be easily infected by diseases, or cause physiological diseases!

3. Atonik can also be used as an inhibitor. When the concentration is too high, the crops will grow slowly and then stop growing. In severe cases, the leaves will die! Pay attention to the usage and dosage when using it again, because the concentration of use will be different for different crops.

Atonik seed dressing can be used according to different seeds

1. Seed dressing is mainly to break the dormant period of the seeds and let the seeds germinate in advance!

2. Another effect of seed dressing is to promote the rooting of seeds, which is more conducive to the adaptation of seeds to the external environment and the growth of crops in the future!

Application technology of compound Atonik

(1) Break the dormant period

Barley and wheat: Seeds soaked in Atonik solution can break seed dormancy, promote germination and rooting, and make buds thick and seedlings strong. Before sowing wheat seeds, prepare 6000 times liquid with 1.8% Atonik, soak the seeds for 12 hours, and let them dry until they are half dry.

Rice: Soak 1kg of rice seeds with 1L 1.8% Atonik 6000 times solution for 12-24 hours before sowing, then remove and drain, and then germinate and sow.

Soybean: Soak the seeds with 3mg/L liquid medicine for 3 hours, which has a good root promoting effect.

Cucumber: Soak the seeds with 3mg/L liquid medicine for 12 hours, so that the seeds germinate quickly, the root system develops, the seedlings are strong, and the disease resistance is improved.

(2) Adjust the ratio of male and female flowers, preserve flowers and fruits, and increase fruit weight

Citrus: The fruit setting rate is 28.67% higher than that of the control, which is higher than that of plant health supplements and fruit-setting spirit. Spray 1.4% Atonik 5000 times the liquid medicine when the citrus flowers wither for 14 days, and spray again every 7-10 days. Spray once every 30 days thereafter.

Apple: Spray 6 mg/L Atonik solution once 20 days before flowering, before flowering, young fruit stage, and fruit swelling stage, which can increase production and improve apple quality. Specifically, the nitrogen content in apple leaves increased by 1.6%, phosphorus increased by 0.3% to 19.5%, and amino acids increased by 0.9% to 3.9%. Various nutrients in the fruit were increased, potassium by 6.0% to 66.5%, and calcium by 5.0%. 83.0%, phosphorus 2.2 times, protein 1.6 times, amino acid 41.4%-130.4% (including aspartic acid increased by 1.6-4.7 times, proline 1.5-3.2 times), vitamin C 5.8%-11.8%, and also makes The firmness of the fruit is greatly increased, which prolongs the storage period and the supply and marketing period.

Pear: After applying 1.8% Atonik 5000 times solution, the fruit setting rate increased by 6% to 25.53%, the yield increased by 18% to 21.5%, the single fruit weight increased by 15.69%, and the soluble solids increased by 0.85% to 1.1%.

Grape: Applying Atonik can increase the fruit setting rate, and the effect is very prominent. For example, spray 1.8% Atonik 1 time 5000 times 7 days before flowering and after flowering, the fruit setting rate can be increased by 78.97%. If 0.2% borax is added to the 6000 times solution, the fruit setting rate can be increased by 80.9%, and 0.3% borax is added to the 4000 times solution of 1.8% Atonik, and the fruit setting rate can be increased by 84.69%.

Litchi: Spraying 1.8% Atonik 3000 times solution before and after flowering can increase soluble solids, increase yield and improve quality of litchi.

Tomato: Use 1.8% Atonik 4000 times solution once each at the seedling stage, flowering stage and young fruit formation stage, which can increase the plant height, significantly increase the fruit setting rate, and effectively increase the yield.

Cucumber: Spray once with 18% Atonik 6000 times solution at the young fruit stage, the early flowering stage and the full early fruit stage. Cucumbers are harvested early, straight, bright green in color, sweet and refreshing, improving product quality.

Watermelon: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 6000 times solution at the seedling stage, vine extension stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage respectively, which can enhance the growth vitality of melon seedlings, reduce the wilted diseased plants, and increase the melon sitting rate. Increase weight of single melon, increase yield and sugar content.

Winter jujube: Spray once each with 1.8% Atonik 6000 times solution at the flowering stage, young fruit stage, swelling stage and white ripe stage, which can increase the fruit setting rate and high yield.

(3) Promote the vegetative growth of crops, increase the growth rate, increase the volume and improve the quality of agricultural products

Rice: Use Atonik before transplanting seedlings and in the field stage. It can promote rapid recovery of rice growth ability, improve uniformity and seed setting rate, and generally increase yield by 12% -22%. Spray 4 to 5 days before transplanting rice seedlings Apply once, spray once at the booting stage and once at the full earing stage, use 1.8% Atonik water solution at a concentration of 500 to 600 times, and spray 50 times per mu each time.

Barley and wheat: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 3000 times solution at the seedling stage, jointing stage and filling stage respectively, which can significantly increase the thousand-grain weight. Increase production and improve quality.

Sorghum: Spray 1.8% Atonik 4000-6000 times on the leaves before heading and flowering stage, 50 kg per mu each time, which can improve quality and increase yield.

Soybean: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 4000 times solution at flower bud formation stage, early pod setting stage and pod young stage, which can increase the 100-grain weight of soybean, increase the yield, and improve the quality of soybean at the same time, crude protein and Crude fat content increased significantly.

Kidney beans: Spraying 5000 times and 6000 times of 1.8% Atonik solution increased the yield by 27.36% and 25.9% respectively, and the harvest period was advanced by 8-10 days. In the seedling stage and initial flowering stage of green beans, use 1.4% Atonik 5000~6000 times solution, spray 40-50kg per mu, spray once every 7~19 days, and spray 3~4 times in total. The optimum concentration of 1.8% Atonik is 5000-6000 times liquid; if the concentration exceeds 3000 times liquid, it will have an inhibitory effect on the plants; if the concentration is lower than 9000 times, the effect will not be significant. The most suitable application period for kidney beans is the initial flowering period. At this time, the medication is beneficial to preserve flowers and increase pods. If it is applied too early or too late, the effect is not as significant as that at the initial flowering period.

Tea tree: After spraying Atonik, it showed various physiological effects: first, the distance between buds and leaves was elongated, and the bud weight increased. According to the measurement, the bud weight increased by 9.4% compared with the control; the second was to stimulate the germination of adventitious buds, and the germination density increased The third is to increase the chlorophyll content, improve the photosynthetic ability, and make the leaves greener. According to the 2-year test average, the spring tea production increased by 25.8%, the summer tea production increased by 34.5%, the autumn tea production increased by 26.6%, and the annual average production increase was 29.7%. The commonly used dilution factor in tea gardens is 5000 times, spraying with 12.5 mL of medicinal solution and 50 kg of water for every 667 mu. Ridging the tea buds of each season before they germinate can promote the early emergence of axillary buds. However, it is more economical to use it in the early stage of spring tea, that is, spraying at the early stage of one bud and one leaf, the tea has a strong absorption capacity and the effect of increasing production is obvious. Spring tea is usually sprayed about twice. Summer and autumn tea can be mixed with pest control and pesticides, evenly sprayed on the front and back of leaves, wet but not dripping is appropriate, to achieve two effects of pest control and growth promotion.

Cotton: Spraying Atonik once in the early stage, flowering stage and peach swelling stage can significantly increase the fruit setting rate and increase the yield. The test shows that the yield of seed cotton can be increased by 29.3%, and the yield of lint cotton can be increased by 20.2%.

Rapeseed: Spray 1.4% Atonik 5000 times solution once at the greening stage, early flowering stage and final flowering stage, which can significantly increase the effective angle, increase the thousand-grain weight, and increase the yield.

Tobacco: spray 1.8% Atonik 12,000 times solution on the leaf surface of the whole plant at the group tree stage twice at intervals of 10 days, and the yield is significantly increased, the proportion of high-quality tobacco can be increased, and the output value can be greatly increased.

Sugarcane: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 3500 times solution at seedling stage, tillering stage and elongation stage to increase tillering, which can promote early maturity, increase yield and increase sugar content.

Peanut: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 3000 times solution on the 4th, 8th, and 12th leaf stages of the main stem of the peanut respectively. The leaves are dark green, which can reduce the leaf spot disease and increase the number of fruits. Heavy, especially the number of full fruit increases, the rate of full fruit is increased, and the effect of increasing production is remarkable.

Beet: Spray twice with 1.8% Atonik 6000 times during the growth period, which can increase the plant weight, root weight and sugar content of beet.

Lentinus edodes: Spray once with 1.8% Atonik 6000 times solution in the tide transition period and the fruit body formation period, the effect of increasing production is remarkable, and it can prolong the harvest period of lentinus edodes and improve the quality.

Similar products of the plant growth regulator Atonik include potassium compound nitrophenolate and ammonium compound nitrophenolate. The difference between them and sodium compound nitrophenolate is that the ions connected to the hydroxyl group on the benzene ring are different, and the physical properties are slightly different. The chemical properties and biological properties are different. Activity is about the same. The application in agricultural production is roughly the same. Because the physical properties of sodium binitrophenolate are more stable, most of the sodium binitrophenolate is used in agricultural production.

Precautions when using Atonik

During the actual use of the plant growth regulator Atonik, there are certain restrictions on the temperature. Atonik can only work quickly when the temperature is above 15°C. Therefore, try not to spray Atonik when the temperature is lower than 15°C, otherwise it will be difficult to exert its due effect.

At higher temperature, Atonik can well maintain its activity. When the temperature is above 25 degrees, it will take 48 hours to take effect, and if the temperature is above 30 degrees, it will take 24 hours to take effect. Therefore, when the temperature is high, spraying Atonik is beneficial to the efficacy of the drug.

Strictly control the concentration used. If the concentration is too high, there may be phytotoxicity, which is mainly manifested as inhibition of crop growth.

When treating stems and leaves, the spraying should be even. For crops with a thick waxy layer on the surface and difficult to adhere to the drops, the spreading agent should be added before spraying.

It can be mixed with general pesticides, but not with strong acid pesticides. When mixing, take a small part of the pesticide and dissolve it in water, and then slowly pour it into the Atonik solution. If no precipitate is found in the Atonik solution and the solution remains brownish red, then this pesticide can be mixed with Combined with Atonik.

The price of plant growth regulator Atonik

Usually, the price of the pesticide plant growth regulator Atonik will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Sodium Nitrate, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of plant growth regulator Atonik

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Atonik, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.