Is Diquat's rise faster than the same period, and glyphosate is a flash in the pan or is it ushering in a new life?

What is Diquat?

Diquat pure product is white to yellow crystal, no special smell, solubility in water (20°C) is 700g/L, slightly soluble in ethanol and carbonyl solvents, insoluble in non-polar organic solvents. In acidic and neutral solutions Stable, but unstable under alkaline conditions. Decomposes above 300°C.

Diquat is a contact herbicide, which, like paraquat, belongs to the bipyridine herbicide group. It takes effect quickly, and it takes effect within 2 hours on a sunny day. Diquat has special effects on malignant broad-leaved weeds, and has the advantages of quick effect, strong conductivity, and low temperature resistance.

Diquat has certain systemic properties, but it will not damage the root system, and can be transmitted upward through the plant phloem, so it is faster than glyphosate and glufosinate for weed control. Because diquat is not easy to kill grass roots, it is easier for weeds to turn green.

Advantages and disadvantages of diquat

Advantages: The biggest advantage of diquat is "fast" - it is faster than paraquat, and it has better effect on broad-leaved weeds; it is resistant to low temperature, and can be applied even if it is lower than 15°C. Weeding in spring is still very fast. quick.

Disadvantages: The control effect on old grass and perennial grass weeds is not ideal. Because it does not kill grass roots, it is easier to turn green, and the duration of effect is relatively short (about 7-9 days). In addition, the production cost of diquat is relatively high, and the weed killing spectrum is limited (mostly used for the control of broad-leaved weeds).

Diquat weeding targets and characteristics

Diquat can be used in orchards, large fields, non-cultivated land and ground before planting, broken rice sedge, velvetleaf, purslane, spring grass, field bindweed, commelina, bitter herbs, gray vegetables, small flying caps, cattle For the control of weeds such as sinensis, it has the characteristics of excellent effect on a variety of broad-leaved weeds and long-lasting effect. It has better quick-acting effect on grass weeds, but poor persistent effect and easy to turn green.

Diquat can also be used as a new type of withering desiccant, which has been used in crop fields such as potato, rice, rapeseed and flax. Diquat treatment can significantly reduce the water content of crop grains, and has no effect on seed vigor.

Like paraquat, it belongs to the bipyridine herbicide class. It is a contact-killing herbicide that can be quickly absorbed by green plant tissues, but it will lose its activity immediately after contacting soil. However, paraquat is extremely toxic to humans and has no specific antidote.

Diquat is a moderately toxic herbicide. Diquat is low toxic to bees, earthworms and fish, moderately toxic to silkworms, birds and daphnia, and highly toxic to algae.

Uses of diquat

Non-selective contact herbicide, slightly conductive. After being absorbed by green plants, it inhibits the electron transfer of photosynthesis. Under the induction of light, the bipyridine compound in the reduced state is quickly oxidized in the presence of oxygen to form active hydrogen peroxide. The accumulation of this substance destroys the plant cell membrane, and the affected The part of the medicine is withered and yellow. It is suitable for weeding in plots dominated by broad-leaved weeds; it can also be used as a desiccant for seed plants; it can also be used as a withering agent for crops such as potatoes, cotton, soybeans, corn, sorghum, flax, and sunflower; when dealing with mature crops, the residual The green parts and weeds of the plant dry up quickly, which can be harvested earlier and with less seed loss; it can also be used as an inhibitor of sugarcane inflorescence formation. Since it cannot penetrate the mature bark, it has basically no destructive effect on the underground pole stem. For crop withering, the dosage is 3-6g active ingredient/100m2. For weeding in farmland, the amount of no-tillage weeding in summer corn is 4.5-6g active ingredient/100m2, and in orchard is 6-9 active ingredient/100m2. Do not spray directly on the saplings of the crops, because contact with the green parts of the crops will cause phytotoxicity.

Experimental performance of diquat

1. Using 120-200mL of 20% diquat water agent per mu has a good control effect on early-growing broad-leaved weeds such as quinoa, amaranthus and artemisia annua in corn protected cultivated land, and is relatively safe for corn, so pay attention to use concentration and mode of operation.

2. The use of 200g/L Diquat water agent with an active ingredient dosage of 800-1000 per hectare has excellent effects on weeds such as weeds such as bitter gourd, broad-leaved linden, cocklebur, and quinoa on non-cultivated land.

3. The dosage of 200g/L diquat dibromide soluble agent is 1200~1500g per hectare, which has a fast and efficient effect on potato withering. After treatment with diquat, the potato yield increased significantly. Diquat has zero residue in potatoes after withering, so diquat has high safety. It is recommended to use it 7-10 days before the potato is harvested, and use it under the instructions or the guidance of a technician.

Relationship between Diquat and Paraquat, Glyphosate, Glufosinate

Diquat can be said to be the same "brother" of paraquat, both of which are pyridine derivatives. Paraquat is the largest pyridine pesticide, and diquat is the earliest pyridine herbicide on the market. Diquat was launched in 1958, and paraquat was launched in 1962. The former was 4 years earlier than the latter. Relatively speaking, the cost of diquat is higher than that of paraquat, coupled with the limited spectrum of weed control, the market for paraquat, which was launched 4 years later, is much larger than that of diquat.

Since the use and sale of paraquat aqueous solution was banned in 2016, diquat, the low-toxicity paraquat, has maintained its market and registration enthusiasm for a period of time, but glyphosate, the king of herbicides, and the new Under the front and rear attack of the entering comprehensive player glufosinate, Diquat Kuaidi still had difficulty breaking through the siege and ushering in its own spring.

The weeding speed of glufosinate-ammonium is between that of glyphosate and diquat, and it has the dual effects of "fast" of diquat and "long-lasting" of glyphosate. It can not only control the roots of weeds. Moreover, it has no harm to the fibrous roots of crops. In addition, compared with diquat, glufosinate-ammonium has a wider herbicidal spectrum, and can control a variety of gramineous weeds and resistant weeds such as small fly canopy.....These outstanding advantages make The latecomers of glufosinate-ammonium took the lead and counterattacked Diquat, becoming an ideal choice for paraquat water-based substitute products.

At present, paraquat is banned in many countries, the prices of glyphosate and glufosinate are soaring, and the supply is in short supply. The growth opportunity of diquat has arrived?

The difference between diquat and glufosinate

1 Weeding speed is different

Diquat: Generally, weeds will die on the day of application

Glufosinate: Usually dead grass 3-5 days after application

2 different crops that can be applied

Diquat: It can be used in orchards, tea gardens, etc., but it is not ideal for the control of old grasses and perennial grass weeds

Glufosinate-ammonium: Generally, it can be used in all crops, but it cannot be sprayed on crops

3 different modes of action

Diquat: belongs to conductive contact herbicide.

Glufosinate-ammonium: It is a broad-spectrum contact-killing herbicide.

4 different toxicity

Diquat: moderately toxic.

Glufosinate-ammonium: low toxicity.

Reasons for the rapid price increase of Diquat

1. The price of bipyridyl has risen to 62,000-63,000 and the supply shortage has led to abnormal start of work. This factor will also drive up the price of paraquat.

2. The price of bromine has risen and the supply has been tight for a while. It is relatively stable at present, but it is expected to be possible in the second half of the year.

There is also an upside risk.

3. The prices of glyphosate and glufosinate have skyrocketed, and paraquat has been banned in some countries, especially Brazil.

The demand for diquat is growing rapidly.

If you want to know the latest price of herbicide diquat products, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of Diquat

Agripestcide is a professional pesticide chemical manufacturer provides high quality and effective Diquat with high quality and good service. If you are looking for Diquat in bulk, feel free to contact us to get the latest price.