Is chlorantraniliprole harmful to humans?

Chlorantraniliprole is very low in toxicity to people and other mammals. Chlorantraniliprole does not irritate skin. It may be slightly irritating to the eyes. It is not a skin sensitizer.

Chlorantraniliprole is very low in toxicity to people and other mammals. Chlorantraniliprole does not irritate skin. It may be slightly irritating to the eyes. It is not a skin sensitizer.

If chlorantraniliprole is eaten, it is very low in toxicity.4 A person who drank a product containing chlorantraniliprole had abnormal heart function. Chlorantraniliprole caused some minor eye irritation in rabbits, but all signs of irritation disappeared in 72 hours. No other symptoms from exposure were found at the time this fact sheet was written. For more information about how NPIC finds scientific studies, see our page on Writing NPIC Fact Sheets.

Rats fed very high doses of chlorantraniliprole had small changes to the adrenal glands. Scientists did not consider this harmful although it was treatment related.4