Is the insecticide beta-cypermethrin really that effective?

What is beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2)?

The pesticide insecticide beta-cypermethrin is a highly efficient, broad-spectrum, and fast-acting insecticide and acaricide. Cas 65731-84-2 is mainly contact-killing, has no systemic effect, and has the ability to knock down and poison insects. It has rapid action and efficacy, high activity, and is resistant to rain erosion after spraying. It is suitable for pests of peanuts, soybeans, cotton, fruit trees, and vegetables.

beta-cypermethrin is an agricultural pesticide whose main ingredients are beta-cypermethrin, sodium cyanide, solvent, emulsifier, triethylamine, and isopropyl alcohol.

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin inhibits the conduction of insect nerve axons and has the effects of avoiding, knocking down and killing insects. It has a broad insecticidal spectrum, high activity, rapid efficacy, and is resistant to rain erosion after spraying, but it is easy to use for a long time. It is resistant to it and has a certain control effect against sucking pests and harmful mites. However, it cannot be used as a dedicated acaricide. It is only suitable for suppressing the increase in the number of mites.

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin is a mixture of two pairs of racemates, with a cis-trans ratio of approximately 2:3. The original drug appears as white to cream-colored crystals and is easily soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols. Commonly used preparations are 45% emulsifiable concentrate. Stable in air and sunlight and in neutral and slightly acidic media. Epimerization in the presence of alkali, hydrolysis in strong alkali.

Toxicity: Acute oral LD50 in rats: 649mg/kg, acute dermal LD50>5000mg/kg, slight skin and eye irritation in rabbits. Hypoallergenic to guinea pigs. Acute inhalation LC50 in rats >1.97mg/L (hour). This product is highly toxic to bees, fish, silkworms, and birds. When using it, care should be taken to avoid contaminating water sources, avoiding use during the flowering period of nectar crops, and avoiding contaminating mulberry orchards.

beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) mechanism of action

The pesticide insecticide beta-cypermethrin is a nerve poison. Its mechanism of action is to destroy the function of the nervous system of pests and cause them to die, thereby achieving the purpose of killing insects. Within 1-2 hours after the pesticide is applied, you can clearly see that the pests are poisoned, unable to feed, and then die one after another.

Product features of beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2)

Targets of control: beta-cypermethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide with high biological activity. It is a high-efficiency isomer of beta-cypermethrin and has contact and stomach poisoning effects. It has a broad insecticidal spectrum, fast knockdown speed, and higher insecticidal activity than beta-cypermethrin. It is suitable for preventing and controlling pests and sanitary pests on cotton, vegetables, fruit trees, tea trees, forests and other plants.

1. Cotton aphids and thrips: Control when the aphid plant rate reaches 30% or the leaf-rolling plant rate reaches 5%. Use 30-50mL of 4.5% EC per mu, add 40-50kg of water, and spray evenly.

2. Cotton flyworm and red flyfly: Apply pesticides during the peak hatching period of the second and third generation cotton eggs. Use 30-50mL of 4.5% EC per mu, add 40-50kg of water, and spray evenly.

3. Rapeseed caterpillar and diamondback earworm: To control the larvae in the 2-3 instar stage, use 20-40 ml of 4.5% EC per acre, add 40-50kg of water, and spray evenly.

4. Vegetable aphids: To control the aphids during the peak period, use 20-30 ml of 4.5% EC per acre, add 40-50kg of water, and spray evenly.

5. Citrus leaf miner: Control during the early stages of shoot emergence and peak egg hatching period. Dilute 2250-3000 times with 4.5% emulsifiable concentrate and water per acre, and spray evenly.

6. Citrus red wax scale: Control during the peak hatching period of eggs. Dilute 4.5% emulsifiable concentrate 900 times with water and spray evenly.

7. Tea geometrid: Apply the pesticide when the 2-3 instar larvae are in full bloom. Use 25-40 ml of 4.5% EC per acre, add 60-75kg of water, and spray evenly.

8. Tobacco caterpillar: Apply pesticide at the 2-3rd instar larval stage. Use 25-40 ml of 4.5% EC per mu, add 60-75kg of water, and spray evenly.

9. Various pine caterpillars, poplar Zhou'e, and American white earworms: During the 2-3 instar larvae stage, spray with 4.5% EC 4000-8000 times, and the amount of aircraft spray per liter is 60-150 ml.

10. Sanitary pests: To control adult mosquitoes and house flies, use 0.2-0.4 grams of 4.5% wettable powder per square meter, dilute it 250 times with water, and carry out residual spraying. To prevent and control cockroaches, use 0.9 grams of 4.5% wettable powder per square meter in cockroach habitats and activity areas, dilute 250-300 times with water, and carry out residual spraying. To control ants, use 1.1-2.2 grams of 4.5% wettable powder per square meter, dilute 250-300 times with water, and perform residual spraying.

beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) is suitable for crops

The pesticide beta-cypermethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide with high insecticidal activity against many types of pests. It can be applied to a variety of fruit trees, vegetables, grain, cotton, camellia and other crops, as well as a variety of forest trees, plants, tobacco caterpillars, cotton bollworms, diamondback moths, beet armyworms, Spodoptera litura, tea loopers, pink bollworms, and aphids. , spotted leaf miners, beetles, stink bugs, psyllids, thrips, heartworms, leaf rollers, caterpillars, thorn moths, citrus leaf miners, red wax scales and other pests have good Killing effect.

beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) targets and methods

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin has good effects on various pests such as Lepidoptera and Hemiptera, as well as spider mites, rust mites, tarsal line mites, etc. It can treat both insects and mites when they are concurrent, and can control pink bollworm and cotton boll. It can also be used to control a variety of insects, cabbage caterpillars, cabbage aphids, tea loopers, tea caterpillars, tea orange gall mites, citrus leaf moths, orange aphids, citrus spider mites, rust mites, peach heartworms and pear heartworms, etc. Surface and public health pests.

1. Boring pests

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin can be used to control rice borers, leaf roller borers, cotton bollworms, etc. during the egg incubation period and before the larvae penetrate into the crop. Use 2.5 to 1,500 to 2,000 times of EC to spray water with the liquid. Spray evenly onto the insect-damaged parts of the crop.

2. Fruit tree pests

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin is used to control peach heartworms. Use 2.5% EC 2 000 to 4 000 times, or add 25 to 500 mL of 2.5% EC per 1001-water for spraying. Control golden streak moth. To use the medicine during the peak period of adult worms or eggs hatching, use 1000-1500 times of 2.5% EC, or add 50-66.7mL of 2.5% EC for every 100L of water.

3. Vegetable pests

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin must be used to control cabbage caterpillars before the 3rd instar larvae. On average, each cabbage plant has 1 worm. Use 2. 5% EC 26.8-33.2mL/667m2 and spray 20-50kg of water. Aphids must be controlled before they occur in large numbers, and the pesticide solution should be sprayed evenly on the pest body and the affected parts.

beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) uses

The pesticide beta-cypermethrin is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum, and fast-acting pyrethroid insecticide and acaricide. It mainly has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects, and has no systemic effects. It has good effects on various pests of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera and other pests, as well as spider mites, rust mites, gall mites, tarsal line mites, etc. It can treat both insects and mites when they are concurrent, and can control cotton red. Bollworms and cotton bollworms, cabbage caterpillars, vegetable aphids, tea loopers, tea caterpillars, tea orange gall mites, leaf gall mites, citrus leaf moths, orange aphids, citrus spider mites, rust mites, peach heartworms and pear heartworms, etc. It can also be used to control a variety of surface and public health pests. For example, to control pink bollworm and cotton bollworm, spray 2.5% EC 1,000 to 2,000 times during the second and third generation egg stages to simultaneously control red spider mites, bridge-building bugs, and Lygus gossypii; to control cabbage caterpillars and aphids, respectively Spray at a concentration of 6~10mg/L, 6.25~12.5mg/L; spray at a concentration of 4.2~6.2mg/L to control citrus leafminer.

beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) usage technology

The insecticide beta-cypermethrin mainly controls various pests through spraying. Generally, 4.5% dosage form or 5% dosage form 1500-2000 times liquid is used, or 10% dosage form or 100 g/L EC 3000-4000 times liquid, spray evenly, Spraying is most effective in the early stages of pest infestation.

1. Citrus leafminer: Dilute 4.5% EC with water 2250-3000 times per acre and spray evenly.

2. Wheat aphids: Use 20 ml of 2.5% EC per acre, add 15 kg of water, and spray evenly.

3. Apply pesticide to tobacco caterpillars at the 2-3rd instar larval stage, add 25-40 ml of 4.5% EC per mu, add 60-75 kg of water, and spray evenly.

4. Corn borer: Use 15 ml of 2.5% EC per acre, add 15 kg of water, and spray the core of corn;

5. Underground pests: 20 ml of 2.5% EC per acre, add 15 kg of water, and spray evenly (not suitable for use in dry soil);

6. To control vegetable aphids during the peak period of wingless aphids, use 20-30 ml of 4.5% EC per acre, add 40-50 kg of water, and spray evenly.

7. Rice borer: Use 30-40 ml of 2.5% EC per acre, add 15 kg of water, and apply the pesticide at the early or young stage of pest damage.

How to use beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2)?

1) beta-cypermethrin + emamectin. This formula is effective against lepidopteran pests such as cabbage caterpillars and corn borers. It mainly targets caterpillars and carnivores with general resistance. It is not recommended to use this formula for those with high resistance.

2) beta-cypermethrin + thiamethoxam (nicotine), this formula has special effects on small insects, such as aphids and thrips. 22% high-chloride and thiamethoxam suspension spraying 1000-1500 times will have a good effect. . Or use beta-cypermethrin combined with clothianidin, which is effective against whiteflies, thrips, and aphids!

3) beta-cypermethrin + indoxacarb. This formula mainly targets highly resistant lepidopteran flesh insects, such as pepper borers and resistant diamondback moths. It is characterized by fast insecticide speed and long-lasting effect. It is relatively long, but the cost is high.

4) beta-cypermethrin + pyriproxyfen. This formula is mainly used to prevent pests. Pyriproxyfen is an efficient ovicide, which can effectively kill the eggs of aphids, thrips, planthoppers and caterpillars. It is used together with beta-cypermethrin. , kills eggs faster, and can also have a good effect on early stage bugs!

5) beta-cypermethrin + spinosad ethyl. This formula is a special formula for thrips. For thrips on fruit trees, beans, eggplants and other crops, using this formula, the 24-hour death rate can reach more than 90%, but the cost is also very high. A bucket of water can reach 10%. Yuan!

Although resistance to high-potency beta-cypermethrin has begun to occur in large numbers in recent years, its dosage has not been reduced, because using it together with other types of pesticides can indeed have a good synergistic effect and can also reduce pests. The rate at which resistance to each other develops. Therefore, it is recommended that when farmers use pyrethroid insecticides, they must use it together with other chemicals!

The difference between beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) and cypermethrin

1. Different definitions

beta-cypermethrin: beta-cypermethrin, also known as cyanoether valerate, is an agricultural pesticide that mainly controls lepidopteran pests on crops and is highly toxic. The original drug appears as white to cream-colored crystals and is easily soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols.

beta-cypermethrin: beta-cypermethrin, the chemical formula is C22H19CL2NO3, the industrial product is a yellow to brown viscous solid, and it is a viscous liquid at 60°C. It is a pesticide. It is moderately toxic and has irritating effects on skin and mucous membranes. When heated above 220°C, beta-cypermethrin will decompose to produce cyanide gas.

2. Different applications

beta-cypermethrin: The insecticide beta-cypermethrin is a non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach poisoning effects. Disrupts nervous system function by interacting with pest sodium channels. Used in public health and animal husbandry to control a variety of pests such as flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas, lice, bed bugs, and animal external parasites such as ticks, mites, etc.

beta-cypermethrin: Pyrethroid insecticide. It has the characteristics of broad spectrum, high efficiency and rapid action. It is mainly contact-killing and stomach poisoning against pests. It is suitable for Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and other pests, but it is not effective against mites.

It has a good control effect on aphids, cotton bollworms, Spodoptera litura, inchworms, leaf rollers, flea beetles, weevils and other pests on crops such as cotton, soybeans, corn, fruit trees, grapes, vegetables, tobacco, flowers and other crops. The usual dosage is 0.3~0.9g/100m2. For example, to control cotton bollworm and red bollworm, during the egg hatching period,

Before the larvae penetrate the buds and bells, spray with 1000-1500 times of 10% EC; spray with a concentration of 30-100mg/L for citrus pests; spray with a concentration of 25-50mg/kg for tea pests. Be careful not to use it near mulberry gardens, fish ponds, water sources, or apiaries.

3. Different physical and chemical properties

beta-cypermethrin: The insecticide beta-cypermethrin is a mixture of two pairs of racemates, with a cis-trans ratio of approximately 2:3. The original drug appears as white to cream-colored crystals and is easily soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols. Commonly used preparations are 45% emulsifiable concentrate.

Melting point 64~71℃ (peak value 67℃).

Vapor pressure 180mPa (20℃)

Specific gravity 1.32g/ml (theoretical value), 0.66g/ml (crystalline, 20℃)

Solubility in water with pH=7, 51.5 (5℃), 93.4 (25℃), 276.0 (35℃) μg/l (theoretical value), isopropyl alcohol 11.5, xylene 749.8, methylene chloride 3878, acetone 2102, Ethyl acetate 1427, petroleum ether 13.1 (both mg/ml, 20℃)

Stability 150℃, stable in air and sunlight, and in neutral and slightly acidic media. Epimerization in the presence of alkali, hydrolysis in strong alkali.

beta-cypermethrin: Chemical formula: C22H19CL2NO3

Molecular weight: 416.32

Properties: The industrial product is a yellow to brown viscous solid, and becomes a viscous liquid at 60°C.

Melting point: 60-80℃

Relative density (water=1): 1.1

Vapor pressure: 2.3×107Pa at 20℃

Volatility: stable to light, slow weight loss at temperatures >220°C, stable under weak acidic neutral conditions, decomposes when exposed to alkali, hydrolysis half-life is 1 day.

Solubility: Hardly soluble in water, soluble in alcohols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, cyclohexane, benzene and xylene >450g/L.

Flash point: 80℃

Oil-water partition coefficient: Log value of octanol/water partition coefficient: 6.3


When heated above 220°C, the material decomposes to form cyanide gas.

Precautions for beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2)

1. Although the insecticide beta-cypermethrin can inhibit the increase in the number of mite pests, it is not a specialized acaricide, so it can only be used in the early stages of mite damage and cannot be used in later stages when the damage is serious.

2. The insecticide beta-cypermethrin has no systemic effect. When controlling some boring pests, such as borers, heart-eating insects, etc., if they have bored into the stems or fruits, then use beta-cypermethrin alone to achieve the best effect. If it is greatly reduced, it is recommended to use other chemicals or use it in combination with other pesticides.

3. The pesticide beta-cypermethrin has been used for many years. Any pesticide will develop resistance after long-term use. When using beta-cypermethrin, it is recommended to mix it with other pesticides such as thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and abamectin. etc., or use their compound agents, such as thiazoin·perchlorofluoride, Avitamin·perchlorofluoride, Avicin·perchlorofluoride, etc., which can not only delay the occurrence of resistance, but also improve the insecticidal effect.

4. The pesticide beta-cypermethrin cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides and other substances, such as lime sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture and other alkaline substances, otherwise phytotoxicity will easily occur. In addition, when spraying, it must be sprayed evenly and never concentrated on a certain part, especially the young parts of the plant. Excessive concentration may easily cause phytotoxicity.

5. The insecticide beta-cypermethrin is highly toxic to fish, shrimps, bees, and silkworms. When using it, be sure to stay away from waters, apiaries, and other places.

Insecticide beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide insecticide beta-cypermethrin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide insecticide beta-cypermethrin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide beta-cypermethrin (65731-84-2) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide insecticide beta-cypermethrin, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.