Known as the beggar's version of pesticides and insecticides Molosultap

What is the  Molosultap (29547-00-0)?

Pesticide and insecticide Molosultap is an organic compound with a molecular formula of C5H12NNaO6S4, a molecular weight of 333.402, and a white crystalline solid of Cas 29547-00-0. It has stomach poisoning, contact and systemic conduction effects, and also has a certain fumigation effect. Used to control rice leafhoppers, planthoppers, rice bracts, vegetable yellow-striped flea beetles, cabbage caterpillars, pear tree aphids, etc.

Molosultap is a medium-toxic insecticide pesticide, which is extracted from Nereosin and is a biomimetic pesticide. Usually, its appearance is white to slightly yellow solid powder, which is easily soluble in water and organic solvents such as methanol. The insecticide list can be applied to rice, vegetable sugarcane and other crops, and is mainly used to control rice leaf rollers, rice borers, rice borers, fruit tree aphids, rice bracts, etc. The insecticide sheet has low toxicity to fish, but is highly toxic to mulberry silkworms, so be careful to avoid mulberry gardens when using it. Pesticide is a nerve agent. After insects come into contact with and feed on the agent, they will become dull, slow in movement, lose the ability to damage crops, stop development, soften the insect body, become paralyzed, and eventually die.

Insecticides Molosultap are analogs of synthetic nereitoxinare analogs of synthetic nereitoxin, which are quickly converted into nereitoxin or dihydronereitoxin when they enter the insect's body. This drug is a competitive inhibitor of acetylcholine, has strong contact killing, gastric poisoning and systemic conduction effects, and has a good control effect on the larvae of lepidopteran pests. It is a bionic pesticide that has little impact on natural enemies, has no resistance, no residual toxicity, and does not pollute the environment. It is an ideal agent for comprehensive pest management. This agent can effectively control a variety of pests on rice, vegetables, wheat, corn, tea, fruit trees and other crops, and is especially effective against rice leaf rollers, stem borers, and stem borers. It is lowly toxic to fish but highly toxic to silkworms. The registered crop in my country is rice, which is used to control borers.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) physical and chemical properties

Molosultap solubility: easily soluble in water, easily soluble in industrial ethanol; slightly soluble in methanol and other organic solvents. It can be hydrolyzed into Nereis toxin under strong acid and alkali conditions.

Moderately toxic pesticide, acute oral LD50 in mice: 83 mg/kg (male), 86 mg/kg (female), in rats 142 mg/kg (male), 137 mg/kg (female).

Molosultap (29547-00-0) Chemical Properties

The Molosultap is white crystal, m.p. 169~171℃ (decomposition), relative density 1.30~1.35 (20℃). Hygroscopic. Easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in methanol, dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide, insoluble in acetone, ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and benzene. Stable in acidic and neutral solutions, easily decomposed in alkaline solutions. The industrial product is an amorphous granular solid, m.p. 142~143℃.

Insecticide Molosultap (29547-00-0) function

Insecticides Molosultap are synthetic analogs of nereitoxin, which are quickly converted into nereitoxin or dihydronereitoxin when they enter the body of insects. The insecticide is a competitive inhibitor of acetylcholine and has strong contact killing, stomach poisoning and systemic conduction effects. It has good control effect on the larvae of lepidopteran pests, especially boring borers. The insecticide is a bionic animal-derived pesticide, which has little impact on natural enemies, has no resistance, no residual toxicity, and does not pollute the environment. It is currently an ideal pesticide for comprehensive pest control. It can effectively prevent and control a variety of pests on rice, vegetables, wheat, corn, tea, fruit trees and other crops, especially against rice borer and rice borer. It is lowly toxic to fish but highly toxic to silkworms. The registered crop in my country is rice, which is used to control borers.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) Purpose

The Molosultap insecticide list is Nereosin-type pesticides, which are bionic pesticides. It is effective against lepidopteran pests, has strong contact killing, gastric poisoning, systemic effects, and ovicide effect. By blocking the nerve conduction of the pest, the insect body gradually softens, paralyzes and dies. It is mainly used to control rice stem borer, stem borer, rice leafhopper, rice thrips, rice bract worms, mud borers, etc. Use 7.5 to 11.3g of active ingredients/100m2 to spray water. It can also be used to control citrus leafminers, various aphids, spider mites, corn borers, cabbage caterpillars, etc. It is best to use granules in sericulture areas, but not in dry paddy fields.

Insecticides Molosultap are used to control insect pests in vegetables, rice, wheat, fruit trees and other crops. They are used to control rice pests. They are very effective against rice borer, rice borer, rice leaf roller, rice thrips, etc. Good preventive and therapeutic effects include gastric poisoning, contact killing and systemic conduction effects, as well as a certain fumigation effect.

Insecticides are used to control rice leafhoppers, planthoppers, rice bracts, vegetable yellow-striped flea beetles, cabbage caterpillars, pear aphids, etc. The recommended dosage is 7.5 to 11.3g of active ingredients/100m2. Lasts for 1 week. The control effect against rice borer and rice borer is 80% to 97%, and the control effect against rice leaf roller is 70% to 95%.

The insecticide Molosultap list was successfully developed on the basis of cartap. The insecticidal compound can be made into insecticidal singles after being acidified. The insecticidal mono(or insecticidal double) is cyclized with sodium sulfide and salted with oxalic acid to obtain the insecticidal ring. Fenithicide, insecticidal single, insecticidal ring, and insecticidal double all have stomach poisoning, contact killing, and bone sucking effects. The insecticide has excellent control effects on major pests in rice, wheat, corn, beans, vegetables, citrus, fruit trees, tea, forests and other crops.

How to use the Molosultap (29547-00-0)

Insecticides Molosultap are used only to control stem borer and stem borer in rice. During the peak egg hatching period, 40 to 50 grams of 90% soluble powder per mu should be sprayed with 75 to 100 kilograms of water as a coarse mist or 200 to 300 kilograms of water. Pour, or use 1 to 1.4 kilograms of 3.6% granules per mu, mix with fine soil and then apply. Keep the field water at about 5 cm when applying pesticides, and apply again every 10 days.

Insecticides Molosultap can control rice stem borer, rice electric leafhopper, rice leaf roller, rice leaf roller, rice white-winged leafhopper, rice bract, rice thrips, etc., in 2 ~The peak period of 3rd instar larvae, 90% original powder 30-50 grams per mu, 80% soluble powder 70 grams per mu, spray 50-75 kg of water, add 0.05%-0.1% washing powder to the spray liquid, it can improve Prevention and control effect.

To control sugarcane borers, use 160 grams of 90% raw powder per acre and apply the pesticide in the root zone. Keep the sugarcane field moist to facilitate the absorption and development of the pesticide. The safety interval is at least 28 days.

For cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth and soybean hornworm, use 30-40 grams of 90% raw powder per mu; to control vegetable aphids, use 75-100 ml of 20% microemulsion per mu, add 40-60 liters of water, and add detergent or 885 additives 15 to 20 ml of dosage, spray.

Tea leaf cicada: Before the peak occurrence of tea leaf cicada nymphs, use 50 to 75 grams of 90% soluble powder per mu, 50 to 75 kilograms of water (1,000 times liquid), and spray the area.

Citrus leaf miner: After the shoots sprout in summer and autumn, spray with 2000 times of 80% soluble powder. To control grape heart borers, spray 80% soluble powder 2000 times before the grapes bloom.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) pesticide application technology

Sugarcane borer: Use 160 grams of 90% raw powder per acre, apply the pesticide in the root zone, keep the sugarcane field moist to facilitate the absorption of the pesticide, and the safety interval is at least 28 days.

Rice pests: To control rice stem borer, stem borer, rice leaf roller, rice thrips, planthoppers, and leafhoppers, use 50 to 60 grams of 90% raw powder per acre mixed with water and spray evenly. The effective period is 7 to 10 days.

Vegetable pests: cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, etc., use 35 to 50 grams of 90% insecticide powder per acre mixed with water and spray evenly.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) Application Techniques in Rice Areas

In the early stages of rice, due to unfinished tillering, the leaves have limited carrying capacity for pesticides. If spray control is used, a large amount of pesticides will be wasted. At this time, using insecticides Molosultap with excellent water solubility and systemic properties is the best choice. , the insecticide Molosultap spreads evenly in the water and is absorbed by the rice stem again. In the south, the pest situation is more severe, and the dosage of broadcast control needs to be increased. 90% of Schiderox is used per mu, 400 to 500 grams, 5 to 7 days earlier than the spraying time. The control effect is excellent, and the duration of effect is more than 20 days. Precautions for broadcasting: First, the field must be able to retain water for 7 to 10 days, so that the rice plants can fully absorb and utilize the insecticide.

Second, it takes time for insecticides Molosultap to spread and conduct, and it also takes time for pests to feed. Therefore, it must be sprayed before the egg hatching period, that is, 5 to 7 days earlier than spray control. If it is used late, the effect cannot be guaranteed.

Third, the insecticide Molosultap is sodium salt. Large doses will slightly inhibit the growth of rice, but it will recover within 10 days without affecting the yield.

Early insecticides Molosultap can also be used in combination with abamectin spray. The insecticide Molosultap spray alone has a short duration of effect, only about 7 days. Due to the irregular occurrence of stem borer, with some areas being heavy and others being light, the number of stem borer base was not controlled in many areas at critical moments, which is one of the reasons for the expansion of stem borer damage in recent years.

In the middle stage of rice, insecticides can be combined with amide products. It is recommended to use them once before breaking and after earing. The main benefit of using it is that since the rice has been closed, it is basically difficult for amide pesticides to reach the base of the rice. The compound insecticide alone can kill eggs and can be transmitted downward. Amides are muscle paralytics, and insecticide alone is a nerve paralysis agent. It has a better synergistic effect on the control of stem borer.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) technology for use in sugarcane areas

Insecticides Molosultap are used only in soil treatment. When sowing sugar cane, use 500 to 1,000 grams of 90% Scherdel per mu, mix it with fertilizer, spread it, and cover it with soil. This can basically control the damage caused by stem borer during the soil cultivation period. During the soil cultivation period, 500 grams of fertilizer per acre is spread and covered with soil, which can basically control the damage caused by sugarcane borers in the later stage. The planting method of fruit cane is quite different from that of sugar cane. The fields are relatively humid and large doses of insecticides are used, which will cause certain phytotoxicity. The use of insecticides on fruit cane needs further exploration to provide the best application technology.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) Corn Area Situation and Application Techniques

The area of corn has increased Molosultap to 450 million acres, becoming the largest food crop in China. Corn borer is the most broad-spectrum and serious insect pest on corn, causing losses of about 10% every year, and more than 30% of serious fields. For the control of corn borer, insecticides Molosultap have been used as a core-dispelling agent in the north, and 60 to 80 grams of 90% insecticides Molosultap per mu are used. It is used in the same way as it is used in sugarcane areas. Large doses are used for soil treatment to effectively control the damage of corn borer in the middle and late stages. Currently, this trial has not been arranged. Of course, it can also be used as a regular spray, compounded with amides, abamectin or emamectin salts. The method and effect of using it on corn await further experimental research.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) production method

To kill the Molosultap insecticide, add dimethylamine and liquid caustic soda dropwise to propylene chloride at 0°C. After the dripping is completed, heat to 45°C and react for 2 hours to prepare N, N-dimethylpropyleneamine. Use hydrogen chloride to acidify to pH=2, control the temperature to 0-10°C, pass chlorine gas for chlorination, add alkali to adjust pH=3-4, and prepare 1-dimethylamino-2,3-dichloropropane. Add sodium thiosulfate at 40°C, raise the temperature to 60°C, add the chloride prepared above and three-fifths of the amount of liquid alkali, react at 70°C for 3 hours, then add the remaining amount of liquid alkali, 63-65°C Stir for half an hour to get a 30% insecticidal aqueous solution. Raw material consumption quota: propylene chloride 380kg/t, dimethylamine (40%) 650kg/t, sodium thiosulfate 1680kg/t, hydrochloric acid (31%) 110kg/t, liquid chlorine (99.5℃) 330kg/t, liquid caustic soda (40%) 850kg/t.

Molosultap (29547-00-0) compound

Abamectin+Molosultap microemulsion, cyromazine+Molosultap wettable powder are used to control Bean leafminer.

Imidacloprid + Molosultap, buprofen + Molosultap wettable powder, used to control rice leaf rollers and rice planthoppers.

Emamectin salt + Molosultap wettable powder is used to control rice leaf rollers and other lepidopteran pests.

Chlorantraniliprole +Molosultap water-dispersible granules are used to control rice leaf rollers and other lepidopteran pests.

The difference between insecticide double and insecticide Molosultap (29547-00-0)

Insecticides Molosultap have a strong systemic effect and can be absorbed and transmitted by the leaves and roots of crops. The insecticide Molosultap pair has strong contact killing and gastric poisoning effects on pests, and also has a certain fumigation effect. It has a strong systemic effect and can be absorbed and transmitted by leaves, corns, roots, etc. of crops. Suitable for crops such as rice, vegetables, fruit trees, cotton and wheat. It can be prepared from 3-chloropropene, dimethylamine, hydrochloric acid, chlorine and sodium soda. This agent has strong contact and gastric poisoning effects on pests such as leaf miners and wind butterflies, and has a certain fumigation and egg-killing effects. It is moderately toxic to humans and animals and has very little toxicity to aquatic organisms. The residual toxicity period is about 2 months. When using, mix 25% aqueous agent with water 600~800 times.

Insecticides Molosultap are analogs of synthetic nereitoxin, which are quickly converted into nereitoxin or dihydronereitoxin when they enter the insect's body. This drug is a competitive inhibitor of acetylcholine, has strong contact killing, gastric poisoning and systemic conduction effects, and has a good control effect on the larvae of lepidopteran pests. It is a bionic pesticide that has little impact on natural enemies, has no resistance, no residual toxicity, and does not pollute the environment. It is currently an ideal pesticide Molosultap for comprehensive pest management. Single pesticides can effectively control a variety of pests on rice, vegetables, wheat, corn, tea, fruit trees and other crops, and are particularly effective against rice leaf rollers, stem borers, and stem borers. It is lowly toxic to fish but highly toxic to silkworms. The registered crop in my country is rice, which is used to control borers. It is a highly efficient, low-toxic, and low-residue organic nitrogen-containing insecticide. It is a nerve poison. After insects come into contact with and feed on the pesticide, they become dull, move slowly, and lose the ability to damage crops. Development stops, the insect body softens, becomes paralyzed, and dies.

What are the differences between these four organic nitrogen pesticides: Insecticide Molosultap (29547-00-0), Insecticide Double, Insecticide Ring, and Fenithide?


Insecticides Bisultap belong to the Nereisin class of insecticides Molosultap and are a type of nerve poison. After insects come into contact with and feed on the agent, they will become dull, slow in movement, lose the ability to damage crops, stop development, soften the insect body, become paralyzed, and eventually die. Insecticide has a strong systemic effect and can be absorbed and transmitted by the leaves and roots of crops.

②Main preparations. 18% aqueous agent, 45% soluble powder, 3.6% large granules, etc.

③Objectives of prevention and control. Rice borer, leaf roller, rice bract, thrips, leafhopper, planthopper, vegetable cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, rapeseed stem borer; corn armyworm, apple aphid, pear star caterpillar, citrus leafminer, Dharma Swallowtail etc.


Insecticides are related to the insecticide Molosultap, which are the disodium salts and the monosodium salts. Molosultap is also a synthetic analog of Nereisin, which is quickly converted into Nereisin or dihydroNereisin when it enters the insect's body. This drug is a competitive inhibitor of acetylcholine. It has strong contact killing, gastric poisoning and systemic conduction effects. It has a good control effect on the larvae of lepidopteran pests. This drug is mainly used to control larvae on sugar cane, rice and other crops. pests.

According to the characteristics of insecticide orders, insecticide Molosultap orders should not be used alone. Since insecticide orders have different action mechanisms with pesticides such as avermectin, chlorantraniliprole, Bacillus thuringiensis, and organophosphorus, it is difficult to mix them with these agents. When combined, it can exert its strong systemic and powerful ovicidal effects, and has a good synergistic effect on the control of stem borer. Therefore, the insecticide can be compounded with abamectin, chlorantraniliprole, etc. Use, or choose compound preparations such as Avi·Insecticide, Insecticide·Chlorantraniliprole.

Control objects: Rice borer, rice borer, leaf roller, cabbage caterpillar, sugarcane borer, corn borer, etc.


A derivative of Nereis toxin with broad spectrum, it can be used to control various pests and nematodes such as Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and so on. Little impact on predatory mites. Its toxicological mechanism is to block the transmission of impulses at nerve cell junctions in the central nervous system, paralyzing insects.

②Main preparations. 50% soluble powder, 4% granules.

③Objectives of prevention and control. Fernicide can be used to control a variety of pests and nematodes such as Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Diptera, and has little impact on predatory mites.

insecticide ring

The insecticidal ring is a Nerei toxin insecticide Molosultap, which has contact and gastric poisoning effects, as well as certain systemic and fumigation effects, and can kill eggs. The poisonous effect on pests is relatively slow, and those with mild poisoning can sometimes be revived. It disappears quickly in plants, has a short residual period, and leaves very little residue in crops at harvest. The insecticidal ring is effective against Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Homoptera pests, and can be used to control a variety of pests on rice, corn, sugar beets, fruit trees, and vegetables. The insecticidal ring has excellent insecticidal effect on thrips, whitefly nymphs and adults, but has poor egg-killing effect and short-lasting effect.

The Molosultap market mainly includes single-dose and Molosultap·acetamiprid, thiamethoxam·Molosultap, spinosad·Molosultap, etc., and the number of registrations is not large.

Control objects: It has a good control effect on Lepidoptera and Coleoptera pests, mainly controlling rice borers (large borers, borer borers, and borer borers), rice bracts, leaf rollers, rice planthoppers, and rice leafhoppers. , tea green leafhopper, tea looper, fruit tree pests such as peach aphid, apple aphid, apple red spider mite, and pear star caterpillar.

Precautions for Molosultap (29547-00-0)

Insecticide Molosultap sheets are toxic to silkworms and cannot be used to control insects in mulberry gardens. When using it in rice fields near mulberry gardens, special attention should be paid to the wind direction. It must not contaminate mulberry leaves and cause silkworm poisoning. Use should be stopped 14 days before rice harvest. Crops such as cotton, soybeans, green beans, and potatoes are sensitive to insecticides and are prone to phytotoxicity. Therefore, when using insecticides in rice fields, be sure not to allow the pesticide solution to drift onto these crops to avoid the occurrence of phytotoxicity. Do not mix insecticides with strong acid or alkaline substances.

Insecticides Molosultap are highly toxic to silkworms, so special care should be taken when using them to prevent contamination of mulberry leaves and silkworm gear.

Insecticides Molosultap are sensitive to cotton and certain beans and cannot be used on such crops.

Insecticides Molosultap cannot be mixed with strong acids or alkaline substances.

Insecticide Molosultap (29547-00-0) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of pesticides and insecticides Molosultap will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you would like to know the latest prices for the pesticides and insecticides Molosultap you require, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide Molosultap (29547-00-0) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide InsecticideMolosultap, please feel free to contact us for the latest prices.