Mesotrione the number one herbicide in corn fields

What is mesotrione (104206-82-8)?

The herbicide mesotrione is an organic compound with the molecular formula C14H13NO7S. Cas 104206-82-8 is a benzoylcyclohexanedione herbicide and an effective competitive hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase. (HPPD) enzyme inhibitor, selective for corn crops, with fast metabolism and high tolerance in susceptible crops.

The herbicide mesotrione is a systemic, broad-spectrum corn field herbicide with contact and systemic effects. After sensitive weeds are exposed to the agent, it is transmitted in the xylem and phloem of the plant, causing whitening symptoms, which then slowly die.

The herbicide mesotrione is a broad-spectrum, systemic, selective, contact herbicide. Pre-emergence (100-225g/hm2) or post-emergence (70-150g/hm2) control annual broadleaf weeds in corn fields, and can control some grass weeds in corn fields, especially those resistant to sulfonylureas. Sex weed works. Mesotrione is a unique corn field herbicide. It provides excellent control effects on broadleaf weeds that are difficult to control in corn fields and ensures the healthy growth of crops. It has a long duration of effect, flexible application period, and can be compounded with a variety of products to better meet growers' needs for weed control]. Mesotrione is mainly used in corn, but can also be used in lawns, sugar cane, rice, onions, sorghum and other minor crops. Mesotrione is not only harmful to corn, but also to the environment and subsequent crops.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) Physical and Chemical Properties

The herbicide mesotrione is a triketone compound.

The herbicide mesotrione appears as a light yellow solid; melting point: 165.3°C (accompanied by decomposition); vapor pressure (20°C): <5.7x10-6Pa; solubility in water (20°C): 0.16mg/mL.

The mass fraction of the herbicide mesotrione technical material is ≥94%. Its appearance is a light brown to sandy opaque solid; melting point: 148.7~152.5℃, and begins to decompose at the same time; solubility (g/L): 1.4 in xylene, 1.4 in toluene 2.7 in methanol, 3.6 in acetone, 76.4 in acetone, 82.7 in methylene chloride, and 96.1 in acetonitrile; thermal storage stability: The original drug is stable when stored at 54°C for 14 days.

The appearance of 100 g/L mesotrione suspension is light brown to yellow-brown opaque liquid; the suspension rate is ≥70%; it is stable for 2 years when stored at room temperature.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) toxicity

The acute oral LD50 of the herbicide mesotrione in rats is >5000 mg/kg. Acute percutaneous LD50>2000mg/kg; no irritation to rabbit skin. It is mildly irritating to rabbit eyes; the guinea pig skin allergy (sensitization) test result is not sensitizing;

The maximum no-effect dose in the 90-day subchronic feeding test in rats: 5.0 mg/kg for males and 7.5 mg/kg for females (feed); 5 mutagenic tests including Ames test and mouse bone marrow cell micronucleus test were all negative. No mutagenic effects were seen. The acute oral and acute transdermal LD50 of 100 g/L mesotrione suspension in rats are both >2000 mg/kg; it is mildly irritating to rabbit skin. It is moderately irritating to rabbit eyes; the guinea pig skin allergy (sensitization) test results show that it is not sensitizing. Mesotrione technical material and 100 g/L mesotrione suspension are both low-toxic herbicides. 100 g/L mesotrione suspension has LC50 (96h) 75mg/L for rainbow trout; acute oral LD50 for quail > 2000mg/kg; contact toxicity to bees LD50 (48h) 363 ga.i./bee; poisonous to domestic silkworms Yefa LCx~10000mg/koe. The preparation is low-toxic to fish, birds, bees, silkworms and other environmental organisms.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) function

The herbicide mesotrione is a pre- and post-emergence broad-spectrum selective herbicide that inhibits hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD). It can effectively control major broadleaf grasses and some grass weeds. Mesotrione is easily conducted in the xylem and phloem of plants. It has contact killing effect and long-lasting effect. 100 g/L mesotrione suspension has good control effect on annual broadleaf weeds in corn fields and some grass weeds such as milfoil, amaranth, pigweed, polygonum, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, etc. The control effect on amaranth and some grass weeds is poor. The dosage is 105~150g (active ingredient)/hm (converted into 100g/L mesotrione suspension commercial volume is 70~100mL/667m. The general spray volume is 15~30L/667m).

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) performance

  HPPD is currently one of the most important herbicide targets. HPPD is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of plastoquinone and tocopherol that is necessary for normal plant growth. It can catalyze the biochemical process from tyrosine to plastoquinone in plants.

The herbicide mesotrione ultimately affects carotenoid biosynthesis by inhibiting HPPD. The selectivity of mesotrione is due to the difference in its metabolism in corn and weeds (metabolized to a 4-hydroxy derivative in the crop), and may also be due to its slower foliar uptake by crops than by weeds.

The herbicide mesotrione is mainly absorbed through the leaves and roots, and is transmitted to the top and base in the xylem and phloem, and is distributed throughout the plant. After weeds are treated with pesticides, their leaves turn white, followed by meristematic tissue necrosis.

The herbicide mesotrione is a broad-spectrum, systemic, selective, contact herbicide. Pre-emergence (100-225 g/hm2) or post-emergence (70-150 g/hm2) control annual broadleaf weeds in corn fields, and can control some grass weeds in corn fields. Especially effective against sulfonylurea-resistant weeds.

The herbicide mesotrione provides unprecedented control effects on broadleaf weeds that are the most difficult to control in corn fields, ensuring the healthy growth of growing crops; it has a long duration of effect; the application period is flexible; it can be compounded with a variety of products, To better meet growers’ needs for weed control.

The herbicide mesotrione is fast acting. After the weeds are treated with the pesticide, they usually turn white within 3 to 5 days, eventually leading to the death of the weeds.

In order to expand the herbicidal spectrum, the herbicide mesotrione can be mixed with acetochlor, metolachlor, atrazine, spinatrione, etc. for pre-emergence soil surface treatment, and post-emergence spray can be combined with methyl esterified vegetable oil, bromoxynil , sulfosulfuron-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl, nicosulfuron-methyl, atrazine, etc. are mixed.

The herbicide mesotrione is mainly used in corn, but can also be used in lawns, sugar cane, rice, onions, sorghum and other minor crops.

The herbicide mesotrione is not only safe for corn, but also safe for the environment and subsequent crops.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) Application

100 g/L mesotrione suspension has good control effect on annual broadleaf weeds in corn fields and some grass weeds such as milfoil, amaranth, pigweed, polygonum, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, etc. The control effect on amaranth and some grass weeds is poor. The dosage is 105-150g (active ingredient)/ha (converted into 100g/L mesotrione suspension commercial volume is 70-100mL/mu. The general spray volume is 15-30L/mu).

How to use: Spray on stems and leaves. It is used once per corn season and is safe for corn at the recommended dosage.

15% mesotrione suspending agent has a good control effect on weeds in summer corn fields. 30 days after treatment, the dosage of 15% mesotrione suspending agent is 135.0~270.0 g/hm2, and the total number of weeds in corn fields is reduced. The control effect is >83%, the total fresh weight control effect is >94%, and the weeding effect is significant; the effect period is long and it is safe for corn growth.

36% nicotine and mesotrione dispersible oil is suspended in the stems and leaves of spring corn fields and sprayed. It has good weeding effect on a variety of annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds in spring corn fields. It has a wide herbicidal spectrum and good quick effect. It has a long duration of effect; 30 days after treatment, the 36% Nicotine Mesotrione dispersible oil suspension dosage of 100 mL/667m2 has a 100% strain control effect on monocotyledonous weeds and a 100% strain control effect on dicotyledonous weeds. The control effect is 100%, the control effect of the comprehensive strain is 100%, and the control effect of fresh weight is 100%. It is better than the control agent 23% nicotine·atrazine dispersible oil suspension at 100 mL/667 m2. The control effect on monocotyledonous weeds, dicotyledonous weeds, comprehensive plant control and fresh weight control are 96.8% and 100 respectively. %, 98.5%, 99.4%. The test results show that the dosage of 36% Nicosine Mesotrione dispersible oil suspension is 80-200 mL/667m2, which is safe for corn. Considering the cost, the recommended dosage is 100-120 mL/667m2.

When mesotrione 105 g/hm2 and 210 g/hm2 are mixed with atrazine 560 g/hm2, the control effect is stable, and the control effect is 61% higher than that of mesotrione 105 g/hm2 alone. Mesotrione has a control effect of 61%. When mixed with bentazone at a dose of 280 or 560 g/hm2, the control effect on oil sedge is stable and greater than 91%, which is equivalent to the control effect of the test standard clopisulfuron-methyl, and the effect is faster than clopisulfuron Sulfuron. Mesotrione, atrazine and bentazone alone cannot effectively control Cyperus rotundus, but the mixture of mesotrione and bentazone has a higher control effect on Cyperus rotundus than the two single agents. It can be seen that mesotrione and bentazone are more effective in controlling Cyperus rotundus. When mixed with atrazine or bentazone, triacetin can effectively control sedge in corn fields.

46% nitrate·isopropyl·turbinate SC 100 ml/acre, the control effect on monocotyledonous weeds 10 days after treatment is 80.0%; while other doses (120, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 and 350 ml/ acres), the control effect on monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds and sedges reaches 100%. The total control effect of the control agent 15% mesotrione SC (100 ml/acre) on grass weeds, broadleaf weeds and sedges is 53.7%; the control agent 40% isopropylchlor SC (200 ml) /acre) the total control effect on grass weeds, broadleaf weeds and sedges is 25.8%. The total control effect of the control agent 23% nicosulfuron-pyramid OD (120 ml/acre) on grass weeds, broadleaf weeds and sedges was 82.9%.

30 days after treatment, the control effect of 46% nitrate, isopropyl and sedge SC 100 ml/acre on grass weeds was 85.7%, and the control effect on broadleaf weeds and sedges was 88.7% and 83.8% respectively. The total control effect on weeds is 87.0%; the control effect on weeds at other doses is 100%, which is better than the control effect of each control agent, and has no adverse effect on the growth of corn.

1. Rice

The herbicide mesotrione can effectively control young barnyard grass and broadleaf weeds and sedges that are resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides in rice fields. In view of the new trend of broadleaf weeds and sedges in paddy fields, mesotrione has been applied for field trials in paddy fields to control barnyard grass, stephanotis, rainflower/resistant rainflower, and duckweed/resistant Common duckweed, mossicae, wolfberry, clove polygonum, sweet potato, duckweed, special-shaped sedge, firefly/resistant firefly and cow felt, etc. 5% mesotrione·pretilachlor granules (0.6% mesotrione + 4.4% pretilachlor) are used for transplanting rice fields to control barnyardgrass, some annual broadleaf weeds and sedges. When used at the recommended dosage, the preventive effect is over 90%.

2. Sugarcane

38% Nitrogen·Mesozolin·Mesotriazine wettable powder (14% Cymazolin + 20% Atrafen + 4% Mesotrione) is used to control annual weeds in sugarcane fields. Currently the only mesotrione product registered for use in sugarcane fields. The unique mechanism of action of 38% Nitrile·Methyl·Cyanacetate wettable powder ensures that it can quickly and broadly control a variety of broad-leaf weeds and major grass weeds in sugarcane fields with high safety. At the recommended dosage, it can effectively control grass weeds such as crabgrass, foxtail grass, goosegrass, and barnyardgrass, and broadleaf weeds such as milfoil, cocklebur, amaranth retroflexus, and red wood sorrel, and inhibit perennial malignant weeds. Cyperus rotundus etc.

3. Lawn

40% mesotrione suspension has been used in lawns such as ryegrass, bluegrass, bermudagrass, and tall fescue to control weeds. Based on herbicidal activity, safety on lawns, ornamental quality, etc., domestic tests have shown that 40% mesotrione suspension 480g/hm2 (dosage of active ingredient) is safe on bluegrass and bermudagrass lawns, and is effective on test weeds (reverse The control effect of amaranth, pigweed and crabgrass) in the 7-leaf stage is more than 90%; its 240g/hm2 (active ingredient dosage) treatment is safe for tall fescue lawns, and the control effect of amaranthus retrograde and pigweed during the 7-leaf stage was tested Up to 90%. Within the test dosage range, this agent has no effect on the biomass and ornamental quality of Poa annua, but it will have a certain impact on other test lawns.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) uses

(1) Mechanism of action: Mesotrione can convert the amino acid tyrosine into plastoquinone (plastoquinone is cofactor of phytoene desaturase) to exert herbicidal effect

(2) Main applied crops: corn, rice, cereals, sugar cane

(3) Main target: broadleaf weeds

(4) Dosage: 70-225g/ha

(5) Period of use: pre-emergence and post-emergence use

(6) Main compounding objects: atrazine, metolachlor, terbutyzine, dicamba, sulfosulfuron-methyl, bistriol, chlorpyrimethonil, chlorpyrachlor, glyphosate, Nicosulfuron.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) use

1. Grasp the time of pesticide application

It is best to apply the medicine at the 3-5 leaf stage of corn and the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds. Since the herbicide mesotrione is safe for most corns and can be sprayed throughout the field at the 3-8 leaf stage of corn, dealers are accustomed to promoting it after the 5th leaf stage of corn. However, the resistance of weeds to herbicides increases exponentially with the age of the grass, resulting in increased control costs and mediocre control effects.

2. Grasp the grass direction of the pesticide application plot

Although the herbicide mesotrione has a wide herbicidal spectrum, its control effect on gramineous weeds is worse than that of broadleaf weeds. At the same time, foxtail grass has natural tolerance to the herbicide mesotrione (tolerance: Giant Setaria > Green Setaria > Giant Setaria > Golden Setaria). Under drought conditions, the effect on barnyard grass is poor, and it is difficult to achieve good control effects on crabgrass and cowgrass in the 4-leaf stage or above. Therefore, when promoting, it is necessary to pay attention to the main grass phases in the local fields and use targeted pesticides. For fields with a lot of crabgrass, goosegrass, and foxtail grass, try to use them before the 3-leaf stage, and choose other herbicides after the 3-leaf stage. Or increase the amount of mesotrione and spray it thoroughly after the grass weeds have jointed.

3. Grasp the objective environment

Try not to promote it in mountainous areas, areas with poor soil moisture, low rainfall, and low temperatures. Rain and continuous temperature below 20°C within 3 days after treatment will affect the efficacy of mesotrione and make it easy to turn green.

4. Understand farmers’ pesticide usage habits

For example, farmers in some areas generally use pesticides after the 5-leaf stage of corn, and weeds are generally older. At the same time, corn varieties are relatively single and are not sensitive to nicotine. In addition, there are many malignant weeds and grass weeds in mountainous areas, and the climate conditions and soil moisture are poor. Therefore, it is more appropriate to promote nicosulfuron in the local area. If you insist on promoting nitric acid, Sonotriones may be counterproductive.

5. Grasp the impact of subsequent crops

Many retailers often ask whether corn field herbicides using mesotrione + atrazine will have any effect on the next crop of vegetables. Because the dose limit of mesotrione is not strict, the effective dose of mesotrione for post-emergence weed control is 7 to 12 grams per mu, and some manufacturers even have higher dosage. In addition, the residual effect of atrazine is long, up to half a year, so during use, it is still necessary to strictly follow the dosage required by each manufacturer. After all, the ratio and effective dose of each manufacturer are different.

Causes of phytotoxicity caused by mesotrione (104206-82-8)

Excessive use causes harm

Excessive use of mesotrione after corn seedlings can cause damage to corn. When applying pesticides, adding vegetable oil spray additives to the medicine box or adding vegetable oil spray additives to the herbicide can reduce the dosage. The key technique is to spray evenly.

Natural disasters aggravate drug damage

Factors such as long-term drought, low temperature, excessive heavy rain, stagnant water in the field, saline-alkali, pests and diseases, etc., cause the growth of corn to be stunted, inhibit growth, lack nutrients, affect the metabolism and balance of enzymes, reduce the immune function of corn, and easily cause drug-related diseases. Harmful. After application, if the temperature is low (≤10°C), the ability of corn to metabolize mesotrione will be weakened, resulting in phytotoxicity. Corn insect pests sometimes aggravate pesticide damage and are often confused with pesticide damage and diseases. Insect bites can cause wounds and disease infestations can cause seedlings to die.

Variety differences in drug resistance

Corn varieties have different resistance to mesotrione, and the degree of leaf bleaching also varies, with sweet corn and popcorn being the most sensitive. Sweet corn varieties have high sugar content, low seed germination rate, and weak seedling growth potential, so they are more sensitive to mesotrione than ordinary corn; in addition, their use is not recommended in inbred breeding grounds and seed production fields.

Pesticides aggravate harm

Phytotoxicity may occur if mesotrione is mixed with organophosphorus (such as phoxim or chlorpyrifos) and carbamate pesticides or is used at too short intervals.

Plant protection machinery is not standardized

Without standardized adjustments before application and without standardized field spraying techniques, the pesticides were sprayed unevenly, resulting in uneven phytotoxicity.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) phytotoxicity prevention and rescue measures

Prevent phytotoxicity

(1) Use standard spraying machinery and standard sprays for operation. First of all, a fan-shaped nozzle with good quality must be selected. The spraying machine must drive at a constant speed. Before spraying, it must be adjusted according to the technical specifications for the use of boom sprayers and field spraying operations must be carried out according to the specifications.

(2) Choose the correct dosage. Do not increase the dosage at will when mixing the medicine. Pay special attention to adding vegetable oil spray additives or new formulations of herbicides with vegetable oil additives during operation. The dosage must be reduced by 20 to 30% according to the conventional dosage.

(3) Choose safe types of chemicals to mix. After corn seedlings, do not mix it with 2,4-D butyl ester, 2-methyl-4-chloride, mesotrione, bromoxynil, organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides, etc., and pay attention to the use of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides for insect control. Pesticides must be applied at least 7 days apart.

Solutions to drug hazards

After spraying post-emergent herbicides and causing phytotoxicity, functional plant growth regulators such as Bihu, Tianfengsu and microbial inoculants should be used. After foliar spraying, on the one hand, it can alleviate the inhibitory effect of phytotoxicity on corn; on the other hand, it can enhance the resistance of corn to external stresses such as low temperature and drought.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) Mixing

Soil treatment before corn emergence: ① Mesotrione + acetochlor (150~200+1,200~1,500), effectively control annual broadleaf weeds and grass weeds

② Mesotrione + pendimethalin (150 ~ 200 + 1,200 ~ 1,500), with good control effect and long efficacy period

③ Mesotrione + atrazine (150~200+800~1,000), long-lasting effect

④ A mixed combination of mesotrione + atrazine + acetochlor (150 to 200 + 600 to 800 + 800 to 1,000) can achieve very good weeding effects.

Use stem and leaf spray after corn emergence: ① mesotrione + atrazine (100~120+300~500)

② Mesotrione + bromoxynil (100~120+150~300) has a synergistic effect on controlling broadleaf weeds

③ The combination of mesotrione + nicosulfuron (100 ~ 120 + 30) has a broad herbicidal spectrum, and sometimes reduces the absorption and transduction of the agent by a few grass weeds such as green setaria and golden setaria, causing the control effect to decrease.

④ The combination of mesotrione + nicosulfuron + atrazine (100 ~ 120 + 30 ~ 40 + 350 ~ 400) has a wide herbicidal spectrum and high control effect. Attention should be paid to the differences between nicosulfuron and broadleaf weed herbicides. Antagonism can be solved by appropriately increasing the dosage of nicosulfuron. It should be pointed out here that any mixed combination used after emergence needs to add methyl esterified vegetable oil with a spray volume of 0.5% to 1%/hm2, which can improve the efficacy.

Mesotrione (104206-82-8) Precautions

1. At the 3-5 leaf stage after corn seedlings and the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, spray the stems and leaves with 15-30 liters of water per mu. Can be used only once per crop season.

2. Please apply pesticides as early as possible for better weeding effect. When applying pesticides, please avoid mist droplets from drifting to adjacent crops.

3. This medicine is resistant to rain erosion, and its efficacy will not be affected if it rains 3 hours after taking the medicine.

4. Do not use this medicine on white popping corn and ornamental corn.

5. If the seeds are destroyed (replanted or replanted), only corn can be replanted, and the drug cannot be applied after replanting.

6. When planting sugar beets, alfalfa, tobacco, vegetables, rapeseed, and beans in subsequent crops, experiments must be done first before planting. In areas with two crops a year, rapeseed is not allowed to be grown as the next crop.

7. It shall not be used for intercropping or mixed planting of corn and other crops.

8. Used containers should be disposed of properly and cannot be used for other purposes or discarded at will. It is prohibited to wash pesticide application equipment in rivers, ponds and other water bodies.

9. Stay away from aquaculture areas, and it is prohibited to release natural enemy insects in areas.

10. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from contacting this medicine.

Herbicide mesotrione (104206-82-8) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide mesotrione will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide mesotrione you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide Mesotrione (104206-82-8) Supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide herbicide mesotrione, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price