Methoxy acrylate fungicide azoxystrobin

What is azoxystrobin (131860-33-8)?

Azoxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide, Cas 131860-33-8. This agent has a broad bactericidal spectrum, good systemic conductivity, and strong permeability. It has good control over almost all fungal diseases. The effect is particularly outstanding in the control of dozens of diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, blight, net spot, downy mildew, rice blast, etc. It can not only be used for stem and leaf spraying, seed treatment, root irrigation and root dipping, but also for soil treatment. It has the functions of preventing, treating and eradicating diseases, and has become one of the world's largest-selling fungicides.

Azoxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide. It is a broad-spectrum and highly efficient fungicide. It has the characteristics of good systemic conductivity, strong permeability, and long duration. It has protection and protection against almost all fungal diseases. It has treatment and eradication effects and can be used in various ways. It can be used not only for stem and leaf spraying, but also for seed treatment and soil treatment.

The fungicide azoxystrobin is effective against almost all fungal kingdoms (Ascomycota, Basidiomycotina, Flagellate, and Deuteromycotina) diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, blight, net spot, and downy mildew. It has good activity against diseases, rice blast, etc. It can be used for stem and leaf spraying, seed treatment, and soil treatment. It is mainly used for cereals, rice, peanuts, grapes, potatoes, fruit trees, vegetables, coffee, lawns, etc. The dosage is 25ml-50/mu. Azoxystrobin cannot be mixed with pesticide emulsifiable concentrates, especially organophosphorus emulsifiable concentrates, nor can it be mixed with organosilicon synergists. It may cause phytotoxicity due to excessive permeability and spreadability. Acute oral administration: >5000mg/ kg; acute transdermal: >2000mg/kg. Azoxystrobin has been found to be harmful to tomatoes in protected areas. It must be used with caution within 2 weeks of transplanting tomato seedlings. Research has found that vegetable powdery mildew has developed resistance to azoxystrobin, and the effect has been significantly reduced after more than two consecutive applications.

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) bactericidal mechanism

The fungicide azoxystrobin is a mitochondrial respiration inhibitor that blocks the ATP synthesis of cells by locking the electron transfer between cytochrome b and c1, thereby inhibiting its mitochondrial respiration and exerting an antibacterial effect. It is effective against the four major pathogenic fungi, ascomycetes (such as powdery mildew), basidiomycetes (such as rust), deuteromycetes (such as early blight) and oomycetes (such as downy mildew).

Main features of azoxystrobin (131860-33-8)

(1) Broad bactericidal spectrum: Azoxystrobin is a broad-spectrum fungicide that can be used to prevent and treat almost all fungal diseases. Once sprayed, it can prevent and treat dozens of diseases at the same time, greatly reducing the number of sprays.

(2) Strong permeability: Azoxystrobin has strong permeability. It can penetrate across layers without adding any penetrant when using it. It only needs to be sprayed on the back of the leaves, and it can quickly penetrate into the back of the leaves to achieve the desired effect. Anti-death prevention effect.

(3) Good systemic conductivity: Azoxystrobin has strong systemic conductivity. Generally, after application, it can be quickly absorbed by the leaves, stems and roots and quickly transmitted to all parts of the plant. Therefore, it can not only be used for Spray, can also be used for seed treatment and soil treatment.

(4) Long duration of effect: When azoxystrobin is sprayed on leaves, the duration of effect can reach 15 to 20 days, and the duration of effect of seed dressing and soil treatment can reach more than 50 days, which can greatly reduce the number of sprays.

(5) Good mixability: Azoxystrobin has good mixability and can be mixed with dozens of pharmaceutical agents such as chlorothalonil, difenoconazole, dimethomorph, etc. Through mixing, it not only delays the resistance of bacteria The medicinal properties also improve the prevention and treatment effect.

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) uses

The fungicide azoxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicidal pesticide with high efficiency and broad spectrum. It can treat almost all fungal diseases (Ascomycota, Basidiomycotina, Flagellate and Deuteromycotina) such as It has good activity against powdery mildew, rust, blight, net spot, downy mildew, rice blast, etc. It can be used for stem and leaf spraying, seed treatment, and soil treatment. It is mainly used for cereals, rice, peanuts, grapes, potatoes, fruit trees, vegetables, coffee, lawns, etc. The dosage is 25mL-50/mu. Azoxystrobin cannot be mixed with pesticide emulsifiable concentrates, especially organophosphorus emulsifiable concentrates, nor can it be mixed with organosilicon synergists, as it may cause phytotoxicity due to excessive permeability and spreadability.

The fungicide azoxystrobin has been found to be harmful to tomatoes in protected areas. It must be used with caution within 2 weeks of transplanting tomato seedlings. Research has found that vegetable powdery mildew has developed resistance to azoxystrobin, and the effect has been significantly reduced after more than two consecutive applications.

The original drug and compound of the fungicide azoxystrobin have expired. Since March 2013, a large number of domestic manufacturers have produced and promoted single-dose and compound products, which has had a greater impact on other types of fungicides. impact.

Main dosage forms and content: 25% SC, 50% WG, 32.5% azoxystrobin propiconazole SC, 20-32% azoxystrobin propiconazole SC, 20-50% azoxystrobin tebuconazole SC; 10-50% Azoxystrobin, Dimethomorph SC/WG, etc. (excluding seed treatment).

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) efficacy

1. Broad sterilization spectrum

The fungicide azoxystrobin can prevent and treat a variety of diseases, especially when multiple diseases occur at the same time. Because of the characteristics of one drug that can cure all diseases, it can reduce the dosage of pesticides during use and reduce everyone's production costs. Diseases to be controlled include powdery mildew, rust, downy mildew, green blight, etc.

2. Improve disease resistance and stress resistance

The fungicide azoxystrobin can increase the disease resistance of crops, making them less sick, vigorous and faster. At the same time, compared with crops that have not been used before, after using azoxystrobin, crop yields will decrease when the weather conditions are not good. higher.

3. Delay aging

Crops using the fungicide azoxystrobin can extend the harvest period, increase the total yield of the crops, and increase everyone's total income.

4. Long lasting effect

The fungicide azoxystrobin can last up to 15 days. Because we can reduce the frequency of application, the residues on vegetables and other crops will also be reduced.

5. Efficient and safe

The fungicide azoxystrobin has strong systemic absorption and obvious penetration effect. It is a natural, low-toxic and safe fungicide.

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) control targets

The fungicide azoxystrobin has broad bactericidal activity and is effective against dozens of fungal diseases (Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Oomycetes and Deuteromycetes) such as powdery mildew, rust, scab, downy mildew, etc. The disease is very active.

(1) Wheat: Powdery mildew, leaf blight, leaf rust, stripe rust, stripe disease, black mold, and Alternaria leaf blight.

(2) Barley: powdery mildew, leaf rust, net spot, moire disease.

(3) Rice: sheath blight, panicle blast, flax leaf spot, and brown sclerotinia.

(4) Peanut: blight, white silkworm, leaf spot, and rust.

(5) Grapes: downy mildew, powdery mildew, branch blight, black rot, and brown spot.

(6) Banana: leaf spot disease.

(7) Pear: scab, black spot, ring spot.

(8) Walnut: scab.

(9) Watermelon: powdery mildew, downy mildew, vine blight, anthracnose, and leaf blight.

(10) Peach: Brown rot.

(11) Tomato: early blight, anthracnose, leaf blight, powdery mildew.

(12) Citrus: black spot disease.

How to use azoxystrobin (131860-33-8)

The fungicide azoxystrobin is used at the early stage of the disease. For downy mildew, early blight, and late blight on melons and tomatoes, it is generally used once every 7-10 days, with 250g/L suspension agent per mu and 60-90 ml. For anthrax, use the medicine once every 10-15 days, spray 3-4 times in a row, and use 40-70 ml of medicine per mu. For leaf spot and rust diseases, spray once every 10-15 days, twice in a row, and apply 60-100 ml per mu.

(1) To prevent and control cucumber downy mildew, blight, anthracnose, scab and other diseases, medication can be used at the early stage of the disease. Generally, 60 to 90 ml of 25% azoxystrobin suspension can be used per acre, mixed with 30 to 50 kilograms of water. Spray evenly and the spread of the above diseases can be better controlled in 1 to 2 days.

(2) To prevent and control rice blast, sheath blight and other diseases, medication can be started before the onset or at the early stage of the onset. Use 20 to 40 ml of Chemicalbook 25% suspension per acre, spray once every 10 days, and spray twice in a row. The spread of the above diseases can be quickly controlled.

(3) To prevent and control diseases such as watermelon fusarium wilt, anthracnose, and vine blight, medication can be used before the onset or in the early stages of onset. Use 30 to 50 grams of 50% water-dispersible granules per acre, and spray once every 10 days, continuously. Spraying 2 to 3 times can effectively prevent the occurrence and further harm of the above diseases.

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) compound

(1) Metalaxyl, fludioxonil and azoxystrobin: This formula is a classic seed dressing formula composed of metalaxyl, fludioxonil and azoxystrobin. It has good systemic properties. It has a long lasting effect and is a classic formula for controlling root rot, sheath blight, total rot, damping-off, damping off and other soil-borne and seed-borne diseases. Widely used in melons, solanaceous fruits, wheat, corn, potatoes and other crops.

(2) Benzoyl·Azoxystrobin: This formula is a fungicide compounded of difenoconazole and azoxystrobin, with the trade name "Amistrobin". It is a classic formula for preventing and treating fungal diseases. It has a wide range of control, good systemic properties, strong permeability, and long lasting effect. It is effective against downy mildew, vine blight, leaf mold, blight, and corn diseases caused by fungi. Diseases, anthracnose, powdery mildew, rust, sheath blight, white rot, scab, early blight, spotted leaf disease, scab and dozens of other diseases, all have good prevention, treatment and eradication effects.

(3) Pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin: This formula is a fungicide compounded by pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin. The trade name is "Green Fei". Pyraclostrobin is pyrazole carboxamide. A fungicide that belongs to the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) class. Azoxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide and is mainly used to control Basidiomycota fungi such as powdery mildew, target spot, leaf spot, etc. It is especially effective against powdery mildew.

(4) Dimethoyl·azoxystrobin: This formula is a systemic fungicide compounded of dimethomorph and azoxystrobin, which has three major functions of protection, treatment and eradication. It has high bactericidal activity, long lasting effect, is safe for crops, and is resistant to rain erosion. It can effectively prevent and control downy mildew, late blight, blight, damping-off, black shank and other diseases caused by Oomycete bacteria, especially Effective against downy mildew, blight and late blight.

(5) Propiconazole·Azoxystrobin: This formula is a systemic conductive fungicide compounded of propiconazole and azoxystrobin. After being absorbed by the plant, the agent can be quickly conducted upward and distributed to all parts of the plant. It has dual functions of protection and treatment. It is mainly used to prevent and control white rot, anthracnose, downy mildew, sheath blight, rice smut, large and small leaf spot and other diseases, and is especially effective against anthracnose, rice smut and other diseases.

These formulas can effectively prevent and treat almost all fungal diseases, and can prevent, treat and eradicate the diseases. Generally, they only need to be sprayed 2 to 3 times to cure the diseases.

The difference between Kresoxim-methyl, azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) and pyraclostrobin

1. What are the differences in the effects of both “mycosterols”?

Azoxystrobin, acestrostrobin, and pyraclostrobin are all methoxyacrylate fungicides, and they have different names because of the different groups contained in the molecules. The sources of these three fungicides are extracted from a kind of mushroom. That is to say, many "mycostrobins" have been launched, but azoxystrobin is a product that perfectly balances factors such as activity and cost.

Fungicides can be divided into three types according to their mechanism of action: protective, eradicative and systemic. These three compounds all have the functions of protection, treatment, and eradication. The biggest difference is that azoxystrobin is less mobile than the other two, pyraclostrobin is more active than the first two, and azoxystrobin is more permeable. . If these three fungicides were developed on the same day, everyone's understanding of them would definitely not be as high as today, because they are really similar. The reason why some people say that fenoxystrobin has not been very effective in the past two years is because fenoxystrobin was developed earlier and resistance has increased. Pyraclostrobin is the newer compound, less resistant and most active. In terms of early prevention effects, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin are about the same, and the later treatment effects are equally matched. Due to the good systemic mobility of azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin, they are more useful in practical applications. . However, if you increase the amount of water used in the spray of fenoxystrobin and spray it more evenly, the effect will not be much worse.

2. The medicine is very effective but cannot be used alone for a long time.

In the eyes of many people, these three "mycoesters" have a wide bactericidal spectrum and are very effective in treating diseases. They are used frequently in places with high drug levels. Little do they know that this is simply a waste of the powerful effects of these fungicides.

To use a product well, you must have a thorough understanding of its mechanism of action. It is said that in order for germs to germinate, grow, and reproduce, they must have an energy supply. Without energy, they will either lie dormant or die. Methoxyacrylate fungicides mainly inhibit mitochondrial respiration, preventing mitochondria from producing and providing the energy required for normal cell metabolism, ultimately leading to cell death. The magic of methoxyacrylate is that it can strongly inhibit the germination of bacterial spores. Now that we understand this, let’s talk about how to best use it.

First of all, it is best to use this type of fungicide before the spores germinate. Although this is unrealistic, no one will spray the fungicides before the lesions are seen, and it is so expensive.

Secondly, if an illness occurs, the most important effect of using this type of fungicide is to prevent the growth of pathogen hyphae and prevent secondary contamination of spores free in the air, rather than directly and quickly killing the bacteria.

Third, please try to reduce the number of times you use this type of agent. Their site of action is very single, and resistance develops quickly. The maximum use is three times a season. Don’t expect to use it alone to sterilize. It is really active and other targeted sterilization. There is not much difference between the two medicines, but the prevention effect and duration of effect are much better. Therefore, a single agent cannot be used for long-term treatment. It is best to use it with other fungicides or to use a compound agent. Of course, these three types of products cannot be used together. It is wasteful and will not have much effect.

3. Success also penetrates and failure also penetrates

There is a magical law in nature called the principle of similar dissolution. Just like water easily dissolves with something that looks similar to alcohol, ester is easier to dissolve in another ester. The outermost epidermis of plant leaves is composed of various types of cutin, wax, sugar, and lignin. They all look very similar to esters (waxes and cutin are essentially esters), so the leaves are sterilized by these three types. The agent has strong affinity. This directly leads to the strong penetration of these three fungicides.

Especially when azoxystrobin was first promoted, it was clearly stated not to be mixed with silicone and emulsifiable concentrate. This is the reason. When azoxystrobin is sprayed onto the leaves and penetrates the epidermis, it will cause the rearrangement of the cuticle and wax layers of the epidermis, greatly increasing the permeability of the leaves. This process is not instantaneous, and the permeability of the epidermal tissue increases rapidly. Increased evaporation in local leaves can easily cause phytotoxicity. Furthermore, when epidermal cutin and wax are redistributed due to uneven distribution due to external factors, resulting in a vacuum in local leaf wax or cutin, phytotoxicity can also occur. Silicones and emulsifiable concentrates increase the risk of this type of injury, but it does not mean that it will definitely occur. Most plants in the seedling stage have a larger proportion of wax on the leaf epidermis and less cutin and lignin content, so they should be used with caution in the seedling stage.

Pyraclostrobin is relatively miraculous, and the chance of drug harm is low. Anyway, it is known that azoxystrobin will cause phytotoxicity on Gala apples, and azoxystrobin + EC will cause phytotoxicity on Shanghai green apples. In short, the strong permeability allows this type of fungicide to be well compatible with the surface of leaves, greatly improving the control effect and duration, but it also puts forward higher requirements for the safety and usage of individual products.


It has a wide bactericidal spectrum and is effective against most pathogenic bacteria in the classes Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes and Oomycetes. The main control targets include tomato early blight, late blight and leaf mold, cucumber downy mildew, powdery mildew, scab and vine blight, pepper anthracnose and blight, potato late blight, early blight and black mole disease, grape frost Mildew, white rot and black pox, citrus anthracnose and scab, watermelon anthracnose, luffa downy mildew, winter melon downy mildew and anthracnose, lychee downy blight, banana leaf spot, mango anthracnose, Soybean rust, rice blast and sheath blight, etc.

Take the prevention and control of tomato late blight, leaf mold and cucumber powdery mildew, scab and vine blight as examples:

Start spraying at the early stage of the disease. Use 60 to 90 g of azoxystrobin 250 g/L suspension preparation per acre (active ingredient 15 to 22.5 g) and spray it with water every 7 to 10 days, with a safe interval. 5 days, maximum 3 uses per season.


The bactericidal spectrum is not as broad as azoxystrobin, but it has specific effects on powdery mildew and other diseases. The main control targets include cucumber and strawberry powdery mildew, wheat powdery mildew and rust, apple powdery mildew, spotted leaf disease and scab, pear tree scab, tomato early blight, grape downy mildew and banana leaf spot.

Take the prevention and control of strawberry powdery mildew as an example:

Start spraying before the onset of the disease or in the early stages of the disease. Spray with 3,000 to 5,000 times of 50% water-dispersible granules of mesostrobin (effective concentration 100 to 166.7 mg/kg). Spray once every 7 to 14 days, with a safe interval of 5 days, and can be used up to 3 times per season. Or spray the water with 30% 30% wettable powder preparation of mesostrobin (9-12 g of active ingredient) and spray it with water. Use once every 7-14 days, with a safe interval of 5 days, and a maximum of 4 applications per season. Second-rate.


It has the strongest relative antibacterial activity, has a strong ability to inhibit the germination of pathogen spores, has significant antibacterial activity against plant pathogenic bacteria such as ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, deuteromycetes and oomycetes, and has potential therapeutic activity. It can be used to control fungal diseases of various crops. Pyraclostrobin has strong conductive activity in plants, which can improve crop physiological functions and enhance crop stress resistance.

The main control targets include cucumber powdery mildew and downy mildew, cabbage, watermelon, tea tree, mango and banana anthracnose, banana scab, leaf spot and shaft rot, lawn brown spot, corn large spot and plant health effects wait.

Take the prevention and control of cabbage anthracnose as an example:

Start spraying before the onset of the disease or in the early stages of the disease. Use 30 to 50 mL of 25% pyraclostrobin emulsifiable concentrate (7.5 to 12.5 g of active ingredient) per acre to spray the water, and apply once every 7 to 10 days. The safety interval is 14 days, with a maximum of 3 uses per season.

4. Risks of Three Types of Fungicides

Methoxyacrylate fungicides are all at high risk of resistance and are cross-resistant to each other (even if any one of azoxystrobin, acetostrobin or pyraclostrobin is used, it will kill all three fungicides at the same time (all agents develop resistance), long-term continuous use, the resistance of pathogenic bacteria will rise rapidly, which is the main reason why the effectiveness of azoxystrobin and acetrostrobin in disease prevention and control has been generally reflected in recent years.

From the perspective of resistance management, the total number of applications of methoxyacrylate fungicides such as azoxystrobin, acetostrobin or pyraclostrobin should not exceed 3 to 4 times during each crop growing season. Use alternately with other fungicides with different mechanisms of action (such as triazoles, etc.).

Azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) Precautions

(1) Azoxystrobin should not be used too many times or continuously. In order to prevent bacteria from developing drug resistance, it is strictly prohibited to use it more than 4 times in one growing season, and it should be used alternately with other drugs according to the type of disease. If the climate is particularly conducive to the occurrence of the disease, vegetables that have been treated with azoxystrobin will also suffer from mild disease, and other fungicides can be used for targeted prevention and treatment.

(2) Medication can be used before crop diseases occur, or during critical periods of crop growth, such as the leaf unfolding stage, flowering stage, and fruit growth stage. It is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of liquid for spraying, and the liquid must be fully mixed and then sprayed evenly. spray.

(3) It is strictly prohibited to use it on apples and pears. When using it on tomatoes, it is forbidden to use it on cloudy days. It should be used in the morning on a sunny day.

(4) Pay attention to the safety interval, which is 3 days for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc., 2-6 days for cucumbers, 3-7 days for watermelons, and 7 days for grapes.

Fungicide azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and fungicide azoxystrobin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and fungicide azoxystrobin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Fungicide azoxystrobin (131860-33-8) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide fungicide azoxystrobin, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.