Methoxyacrylate microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin

What is trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7)?

The pesticide fungicide trifloxystrobin is a type of strobilurin fungicide. With the discovery of such natural-methoxyacrylate derivatives, Cas 141517-21-7 is a new class of broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and low-efficiency fungicides. Poisonous fungicide. Trifloxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide with broad-spectrum bactericidal effect. It has obvious inhibitory effect on almost all fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, downy mildew, gray mold and rice blast. It has the advantages of resistance to rainwater erosion, long-lasting efficacy, and environmental friendliness. Its mechanism of action is unique and has no cross-resistance with existing fungicides. Bacteria resistant to 1,4-demethylase inhibitors, benzamides, dicarboxamides and benzimidazole pesticides are still efficient.

The fungicide trifloxystrobin is extremely toxic. If absorbed into the body, most of it will be excreted, leaving only a very small residue. It has no teratogenicity or mutagenicity to the fetus, so the fungicide is highly safe. Moreover, trifloxystrobin dissolves quickly, is easily hydrolyzed, and can be rapidly degraded in soil and water in plants. It has extremely low toxicity to animals and plants and is environmentally friendly. It can be called a green fungicide. It can be strongly adsorbed by the waxy layer of plants and provide excellent protective activity on plant surfaces. Mainly used for stem and leaf treatment and prevention of grapes, apples, wheat, peanuts, bananas, vegetables, etc.

The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a respiratory chain inhibitor that exerts its bactericidal effect by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration. It has multiple functions such as high efficiency, broad spectrum, protection, treatment, and eradication against germs. It also has the characteristics of strong permeability, good systemic absorption, resistance to rainwater erosion, and long lasting effect.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) Properties

The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a methoxyacrylic acid fungicide. The appearance of pure product is odorless white to gray crystalline powder; melting point is 72.9℃; boiling point is about 312℃; vapor pressure (25℃) 3.4*10-6Pa; solubility in water ( 25℃) 0.61 mg/L; solubility in organic solvents (g/L, 25℃): >500 in acetone, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, 500 in toluene, 11 in n-hexane, 18 in octanol, and methanol 76. The n-octanol/water ratio is LogPow=4.5 (20°C); trifloxystrobin is stable under neutral and weakly acidic conditions at 25°C and is not easily hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis rate will increase with the increase of pH under alkaline conditions. Non-corrosive to stainless steel, polyethylene, etc.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) mechanism of action

The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a mitochondrial respiration inhibitor that inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transfer at the Qo site of cytochrome bc1. Trifloxystrobin is systemic and permeable, can be quickly distributed in the plant, has good resistance to rainwater erosion, and has a long lasting effect.

The fungicide trifloxystrobin has good protective activity and certain therapeutic activity. It is mainly used to treat stems and leaves. The dosage varies depending on the type of crop, type of disease, and method of use. The usual dosage of active ingredients is 50 to 550 g/hm2. When applied in the early stages of disease, including spore germination, germ tube elongation, and spore formation, trifloxystrobin can effectively prevent and control powdery mildew, leaf spot, and fruit tree diseases. It is effective against all stages of the scab life cycle. The best application period of trifloxystrobin is during the early stages of spore germination and disease occurrence, and its activity is not affected by the application environment. Trifloxystrobin is effective against strains resistant to fungicides such as C14-demethylase inhibitors, benzamides, and benzimidazoles, and is compatible with morpholines, triazoles, anilinopyrimidines, and phenylpyrroles There is no cross-resistance to fungicides such as metalaxyl and phenylamide fungicides such as metalaxyl.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) Advantages

1. The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide that works by inhibiting the mitochondrial respiration of pathogens. It is highly safe, has no mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects, has no adverse effects on reproduction, and can be quickly digested in soil, surface water and other environments.

2. The fungicide trifloxystrobin has a broad bactericidal spectrum, is applicable to many crops, has high activity, and is resistant to rain erosion.

3. It has plant health effects and can increase crop yields.

4. Compared with similar products, trifloxystrobin is less toxic to aquatic organisms than pyraclostrobin. In terms of systemic properties, trifloxystrobin is superior to pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin has fumigation activity, while neither azoxystrobin nor pyraclostrobin has fumigation activity.

5. The fungicide trifloxystrobin has strong adaptability and has a large number of compound products. Triazole fungicides are its best compatibility type.

Main features of trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7)

(1) Broad bactericidal spectrum: The fungicide trifloxystrobin has a good control effect on almost all fungal diseases, especially on powdery mildew, anthracnose, leaf spot, rust, downy mildew, rice blast and other diseases.

(2) Complete disease treatment: The fungicide trifloxystrobin has strong permeability and good systemic absorption. It has a good killing effect on the pathogenic bacteria on the surface and inside the crops. It has multiple functions such as prevention, protection, treatment and eradication. Treatment is more thorough.

(3) Good compounding properties: The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a methoxyacrylate fungicide and also has a good compounding effect. It can be mixed with tebuconazole, propiconazole, aminooligosaccharides, and prochloraz. , copper quinoline, thiofuramide, difenoconazole, cymoxanil and other dozens of insecticides and fungicides are mixed together, and the synergistic effect is very obvious. Especially the combination with tebuconazole has become the best formula for compound fungicides. It has been registered and produced by hundreds of companies in many countries around the world and is widely used in production.

(4) No cross-resistance: The fungicide trifloxystrobin has no cross-resistance with existing fungicides. For diseases that have developed resistance to other agents, the use of trifloxystrobin has outstanding control effects.

(5) Long duration of effect: The fungicide trifloxystrobin not only has strong permeability, but also has good systemic conductivity. The agent can penetrate into the cells through the leaves and be transmitted to various parts of the plant. It exists in plants for a long time and has a continuous prevention and control effect on diseases. The validity period can reach more than 15 days.

(6) High efficiency and low toxicity: The fungicide trifloxystrobin is a high-efficiency and low-toxicity fungicide. In addition to being highly toxic to aquatic organisms, it is also low-toxic to birds, bees, silkworms, and earthworms, and causes little environmental pollution.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) uses

The pesticide trifloxystrobin is a methoxyacrylic acid fungicide with a broad bactericidal spectrum and high activity. It has protective and therapeutic effects and has good activity against fungi such as Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Basidiomycetes and Oomycetes. It is a respiratory chain inhibitor that blocks the synthesis of cellular adenosine triphosphate ATPase by locking the electron transfer between cytochrome b and c1, thereby inhibiting its mitochondrial respiration and exerting antibacterial effects. Since methoxyacrylic acid fungicides have a single action site on target pathogenic bacteria and are prone to develop drug resistance, they are not used alone, but are mixed with the triazole fungicide tebuconazole, which has a different chemical structure and a completely different mechanism of action. Registration and use of mixed preparations. Mixing the two can expand the bactericidal spectrum, reduce the dosage and frequency of use, and delay the development of drug resistance. The results of indoor activity measurement and field efficacy test of Tricloconazole 75% water-dispersible granules show that it has high activity and control effect on cucumber powdery mildew, anthracnose and tomato early blight.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) usage and dosage

The active ingredient of the fungicide trifloxystrobin is 112.5~168.75ga.i./hm2 (the commercial volume of 75% water-dispersible granules is 150~225g/hm2 or 10~15g/667m2, and the dosage of 667m2 is generally diluted with 45~75L of water) , carry out foliar spraying at the early stage of disease occurrence. Generally, the pesticide is applied three times during the growing season, once every 7 days. At the recommended dosage, it is safe for the crop and no damage has been reported. Safe and reasonable use recommendations: on cucumbers and tomatoes. The maximum dosage is 15g/667m2, and it can be applied up to 3 times, once every 7 days, and the safety interval is 5 days.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) prevents and treats diseases

The fungicide trifloxystrobin has good activity against almost all fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, blight, net spot, downy mildew, leaf spot, damping off, etc. In addition to being highly effective, broad-spectrum, protective, therapeutic, eradicating, penetrating, and systemic, it is also resistant to erosion and has a long duration of effect, and is active against scab at all stages.

The fungicide trifloxystrobin is mainly used in cereals, soybeans, corn, rice, rape, cotton, sugar beets and many other crops to prevent and control Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Basidiomycetes and Oomycetes diseases. It has excellent control effect on soybean Asian rust. . Due to its single site of action, its compound dosage forms are widely used.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) control targets

The fungicide trifloxystrobin can be used to control downy mildew, powdery mildew, leaf spot, anthracnose, brown spot, black pox, blight, early blight, late blight, rice blast, rust, vine blight, and vine blight. , net spot, scab and almost all fungal diseases.

Trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) usage technology

(1) The fungicide trifloxystrobin can be used to control cucumber powdery mildew. In the early stage of the disease, 30% trifloxystrobin·tebuconazole suspension 25-37.5 ml/mu can be mixed with 30-40 kg of water and sprayed evenly to quickly control the disease. spread and have an eradication effect.

(2) The fungicide trifloxystrobin can be used to prevent and control watermelon anthracnose. In the early stage of the disease, 50% benzyl·trifloxystrobin water-dispersible granules 15-25 g/mu, mixed with 30 kg of water and sprayed evenly can effectively control the disease. continued harm.

(3) The fungicide trifloxystrobin controls leaf mold, anthracnose, vine blight and other diseases in vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, and peppers. 43% fluorobacteria·trifloxystrobin suspension 15-25 ml/mu can be used, mixed with Spraying 30 to 40 kilograms of water evenly can quickly control the development of the above diseases, increase vegetable yields, and improve vegetable quality.

(4) The fungicide trifloxystrobin can be used to control onion and garlic diseases. In the early stage of the disease, 15-20 g/mu of 75% trifloxystrobin hydroxanil water-dispersible granules can be mixed with 30-40 kg of water and sprayed evenly. It can be quickly Control the continued spread and harm of the disease.

Problems faced by trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7)

1. Development of resistance.

It has a single site of action. Similar to other methoxyacrylate fungicides, trifloxystrobin is prone to resistance. The biggest challenge it faces is the resistance of soybean rust to its products. In the face of the development of resistance, the most important method is to mix it with triazole fungicides and rotate the use of fungicides.2. Competition among similar products.

The use of azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin, due to their similar mechanisms of action, lower price and cross-resistance, has limited the development of trifloxystrobin to a certain extent.

Microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin (141517-21-7) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide microbial fungicide trifloxystrobin, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.