Microbial fungicide triadimefon instruction manual

What is triadimefon (43121-43-3)?

The pesticide triadimefon is a triazole fungicide with high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, long duration and strong systemic effect. After Cas 43121-43-3 is absorbed by various parts of the plant, it can be transmitted within the plant body. It has the functions of preventing, eradicating and treating rust and powdery mildew. It is effective against a variety of crop diseases such as corn round spot, wheat moire, wheat leaf blight, pineapple black rot, corn head smut, etc. Safer for fish and birds. Harmless to bees and natural enemies.

The chemical name of the fungicide triadimefon is 1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-butyrosine, which belongs to Triazole fungicides not only have high control effects on rust and powdery mildew in crops such as wheat, corn, fruits, vegetables, and flowers, but also regulate plant growth. They are currently the most widely used broad-spectrum fungicides. It is one of the active ingredients in triazole fungicides, and its total consumption of raw materials accounts for more than 30% of all triazole fungicides. The solubility of triadimefon in water at 20 ℃ is 64 mg·L -1, and its half-life in an anaerobic water environment is 217 d. Although triadimefon is a low-toxic fungicide according to my country's pesticide toxicity classification standards, due to its stability It is highly toxic and has good mobility and adsorption properties. It is easy to accumulate in the environment for a long time, causing pollution to surface and underground water bodies. It not only leads to the destruction of aquatic ecosystems, but also affects people's drinking water safety and endangers health.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) sterilization principle

The bactericidal mechanism of the fungicide triadimefon is extremely complex. It mainly inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the bacteria, thereby inhibiting or interfering with the development of bacterial attachment spores and haustoria, the growth of hyphae and the formation of spores. The fungicide triadimefon is highly active against certain pathogens in vivo, but has poor in vitro effects. More active against hyphae than against spores. Triadimefon can be mixed with many fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, etc.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) Chemical Properties

The fungicide triadimefon is colorless crystals. The solubility in water at 20℃ is 260mg/L. Easily soluble in cyclohexanone and methylene chloride, soluble in isopropyl alcohol and toluene. It is relatively stable under acidic and alkaline conditions.

Characteristics of triadimefon (43121-43-3)

The mechanism of action of triazole fungicides: hindering and inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol in pathogenic fungi at different points of action, thereby exerting bactericidal activity. It protects, heals and eradicates.

Efficient - high efficacy and reduced dosage

The duration of effect is long - 15-20 days for leaf surface, about 80 days for seed treatment, and 100 days for soil treatment, which are all longer than ordinary pesticides and fungicides, and extend with the increase in dosage.

It has good systemic conductivity and fast absorption speed. The amount of triadimefon absorbed 2 hours after application can already inhibit the growth of powdery mildew.

In terms of safety, these agents are all low-toxicity fungicides, but they are relatively poor in crop safety and can easily inhibit crop growth. For example, treating wheat seeds with fenxinin fungicide will affect their germination rate and emergence rate.

Therefore, when using it, it should be used according to the product label instructions, and the concentration should be strictly controlled. It can be combined with natural brassinoids to enhance the efficacy, avoid inhibiting growth, and promote crop growth and development.

Main features of triadimefon (43121-43-3)

The pesticide triadimefon is a triazole fungicide with high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, long duration and strong systemic effect. After being absorbed by various parts of the plant, it can be transmitted within the plant body. It has the functions of preventing, eradicating and treating rust and powdery mildew. It is effective against a variety of crop diseases such as corn round spot, wheat moire, wheat leaf blight, pineapple black rot, corn head smut, etc. Safer for fish and birds. Harmless to bees and natural enemies. The bactericidal mechanism of triadimefon is extremely complex. It mainly inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the bacteria, thereby inhibiting or interfering with the development of bacterial attachment spores and haustoria, the growth of hyphae and the formation of spores. Triadimefon is highly active against certain pathogens in vivo, but has poor in vitro effects. More active against hyphae than against spores. Triadimefon can be mixed with many fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, etc.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) uses

The fungicide triadimefon is a highly efficient systemic fungicide and is an excellent agent for preventing and treating various difficult-to-treat diseases such as wheat rust, powdery mildew, corn and sorghum head smut, and corn round spot. It is highly effective in treating wheat total rot, smut, and powdery mildew on melons, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, etc. The commonly used liquid concentration is 2.5-6.2g of active ingredients per 100g, which is approximately one-tenth of that of general fungicides.

The fungicide triadimefon is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum azole fungicide with preventive, therapeutic and eradication effects and strong systemic effect (can be conducted up and down). It has special effects on powdery mildew, rust and smut, and its bactericidal effect is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol. Mainly used to prevent and control diseases of wheat, fruit trees, vegetables, melons, flowers and other crops. For example, to prevent and control wheat rust, use 25% wettable powder 6~9g/100m2 and spray 7.5kg of water to control barley moire disease; or use 25% wettable powder 75g and mix with 46.5~188kg wheat seeds to control barley rust. Smut, scattered smut and total smut. To prevent and control wheat powdery mildew, use 6-9g/100m2 of 25% wettable powder and apply 7.5kg of water in the early stages of the disease. For cucumber powdery mildew, use 25% wettable powder 3.8-7.5g/100m2, add 7.5kg of water, and apply at the early stage of the disease. To control corn head smut, use 320g of 25% wettable powder and 100kg of seed dressing. Triadimefon has a prominent effect on preventing premature aging of hybrid rice. When 20% EC 6mL/100m2 is applied, the yield increases by 11% to 16% compared to the control, the daily decline rate of green leaves decreases by 26.85% to 33.2%, the seed setting rate increases by 4.94% to 9.07%, and the thousand-grain weight Increased 3.73% ~ 4.77%. The use of triadimefon on wheat, corn, sorghum and other food crops should be stopped 35 days before harvest.

The fungicide triadimefon is a highly efficient, low-toxic, low-residue, broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that has special control effects on rust and powdery mildew in crops such as wheat, vegetables, and fruit trees.

The fungicide triadimefon is used to control wheat rust, powdery mildew, head smut, corn spot, etc. of corn and sorghum.

The fungicide triadimefon is a highly efficient systemic fungicide and is an excellent agent for preventing and treating various difficult-to-treat diseases such as wheat rust, powdery mildew, corn and sorghum head smut, and corn round spot. It is highly effective in treating wheat total rot, smut, and powdery mildew on melons, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, etc. The commonly used liquid concentration is 2.5-6.2g of active ingredients per 100g, which is approximately one-tenth of that of general fungicides.

How to use triadimefon (43121-43-3)

1. For wheat smut, rust, powdery mildew, moire and other wheat smut: 100 kilograms of seeds are mixed with 30 grams of active ingredient (200 grams of 15% wettable powder); When the disease first appears, 8.75 grams of the active ingredient (35 grams of 25% EC) can be used per acre. In severe cases, 15 grams of the active ingredient (60 grams if 25% EC is used) can be mixed with 75-100 kg of water and sprayed .

2. Prevention and treatment of corn and sorghum head smut: Use 533 grams of 15% wettable powder for every 100 kilograms of seeds. For sorghum head smut, 266-400 grams of 15% wettable powder should be used for seed dressing per 100 kilograms of seeds.

3. Powdery mildew on melons: Spray 25% wettable powder 5,000 times liquid 1-2 times in the field, and spray 1-2 times 25% wettable powder 1,000 times liquid in the greenhouse. Bean rust can be sprayed 1-2 times with 2000 times of 25% wettable powder in the early stages of onset or reinfection.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) usage technology

1. For vegetables, cowpeas, beans, rust, and powdery mildew, 15% triadimefon wettable powder can be used 1,200 to 1,500 times in the early stages of the disease, which can have a good control effect and can last for about 15 days. .

2. For solanaceous crops, peppers, eggplants and powdery mildew, you can use 15% triadimefon mixed with water 1200 times to effectively eradicate powdery mildew.

3. Use on melons. Since melons are sensitive to triazole fungicides, it is not recommended to spray them directly. So we can do this. 15% triadimefon wettable powder mixed with 200 times fine soil can effectively prevent and control melon white fungus disease.

4. For horseshoe powdery mildew and stem blight, in the early stages of the disease, you can use 50 ml of 20% triadimefon EC mixed with 60 to 75 kg of water, which can protect the newly grown hoof stems of the horses.

5. In the early stages of corn smut, 20% triadimefon EC 2000-2500 times can be sprayed, which can effectively prevent and cure corn smut.

6. For wheat leaf blight, you can use 15% triadimefon wettable powder, 1000-1500 times liquid, mixed with water and spray. It can effectively inhibit the damage of leaf blight.

7. For use during the peak flowering period of peanuts, you can mix 20% triadimefon EC 2000 times with water and spray 1 to 2 times, with an interval of 7 days between each time. It can inhibit the growth of the upper part of peanuts, transport photosynthetic products to the fruits, make the peanuts plump, and help increase the weight of the pods.

What diseases can triadimefon (43121-43-3) prevent and treat?

The pesticide triadimefon is a long-acting systemic fungicide that can eradicate plant diseases and treat fumigation. It is especially effective against plant powdery rust and powdery mildew, and has low toxicity to humans.

The fungicide triadimefon is a fungicide widely used in agricultural production and a plant growth regulator. When plants are under stress, triadimefon in a certain concentration range can delay the decline in chlorophyll content and relative water content. , inhibit the increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) content and relative membrane permeability, increase the content of certain antioxidants and related antioxidant enzyme activities, thereby improving the plant's ability to resist stress.

The role of triadimefon (43121-43-3) in rice

1. The control effect of fungicide triadimefon on rice blast disease

The mixture of carbendazim and triadimefon has a synergistic effect on the conidial germination of rice blast fungus and the growth of rice sheath blight fungus hyphae. The control effect of this mixture on other rice diseases is about 70%. It shows the advantages of high efficiency and broad spectrum of this compound. Fungicides mixed with carbendazim and triadimefon have not seen a decrease in efficacy so far, and their use areas have continued to expand in recent years.

2. The control effect of the fungicide triadimefon on rice leaf tip blight and sheath blight.

Triadimefon·Carbendazim is currently one of the pesticides used to prevent leaf tip blight and sheath blight in late rice. With 450 g spray per hectare, the control effect on leaf tip blight and sheath blight reaches more than 80%, which is significantly higher than the control effect of carbendazim on sheath blight and the control effect of triadimefon on leaf tip blight; The control of rice leaf tip blight is mainly due to the effect of triadimefon. In the treatment areas where triadimefon is added, the disease control effect is more than 80%; in the middle and late stages of rice, other diseases (such as sheath blight, cloud-shaped disease, etc.) ) also has a good concurrent treatment effect. In the later stage, the leaves will be beautiful and yellow, and it will prevent decay and increase yield.

3. The control effect of fungicide triadimefon on rice smut disease

Triadimefon has a good control effect on rice smut, and its control effect is equivalent to that of Jinggangmycin. The two can be used interchangeably to avoid the development of rice smut resistance and extend the service life of these two agents. The best period for rice smut pesticide control is from the mid-booting stage to the full heading stage. If applied too late, the control effect will be significantly reduced.

4. The control effect of fungicide triadimefon on rice cloud disease

Rice cloud disease is serious at altitudes above 400 m. On an area of 667 m2 at the end of rice booting, 60 g of 40% triadimefon carbendazim or 50 g of 25% triadimefon wettable powder was used for one control, and the disease prevention effect reached more than 90%.

5. The control effect of fungicide triadimefon on rice smut

Sheath blight is the main disease at the ear stage of rice, and in rice fields where rice smut and rice smut occur simultaneously, triadimefon is a new fungicide to prevent and control rice smut, and is economical, safe and effective. ; To prevent and control rice smut, pesticides should be applied during the peak flowering period of rice. If continuous cloudy or rainy weather occurs during the flowering period, it is conducive to the occurrence of the disease, and the frequency of prevention and treatment should be appropriately increased. In addition, for an area of 667m2, 50 g of 15% triadimefon powder was mixed with 50 g of 40% carbendazim colloidal suspension, mixed with 75 kg of water, and sprayed twice during the booting stage of rice. The effect of preventing and treating sheath blight was good, and it also had good effects on rice grains, Rice smut has a concurrent treatment effect, and it also has a certain delaying effect on premature aging of rice. It can also reduce the emptying rate, increase the thousand-grain weight, increase the yield of the season, and is beneficial to the growth of ratoon rice and reduce the number of pesticide applications [25]; rice control in seed production fields For grain smut, triadimefon has the best control effect. Spraying triadimefon at the ear stage can also control sheath blight, purple rod disease, rice smut and other diseases; triadimefon has a stronger antibacterial effect than Bacteria and carbendazim, this is generally consistent with the results of field pesticide control effect tests. Currently, triadimefon or its compound pesticides are often used in the field to control rice smut, and have achieved good control effects.

6. The control effect of fungicide triadimefon on rice panicle blast

Apply 450 g of active ingredients per hectare and spray twice. The control effect on sheath blight can reach more than 80%, which is similar to the commonly used Jinggangmycin aqueous agent applied per hectare at 750 units. For ear neck blast, the dosage is slightly High, apply 450-675g of active ingredients per hectare, spray 2-3 times, and the control effect is more than 80%, which is similar to the commonly used Kewen powder. The use of triadimefon to control rice sheath blight and panicle blast can improve the rice setting rate, increase the number of solid grains and thousand-grain weight, and increase the yield by about 10%.

The pesticide triadimefon is the first widely used triazole fungicide with high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, long duration and strong systemic effect. After being absorbed by various parts of the plant, it can be transmitted within the plant body. The bactericidal mechanism of triadimefon is extremely complex. It mainly inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol in bacteria, thereby inhibiting or interfering with the development of bacterial attachment spores and haustoria, as well as the growth of hyphae and the formation of spores. Triadimefon is highly active against certain pathogens in vivo, but has poor in vitro effects. More active against hyphae than against spores. It has the functions of preventing, eradicating, treating and fumigating rust and powdery mildew. It is effective against a variety of crop diseases such as corn round spot, wheat moire, wheat leaf blight, pineapple black rot, corn head smut, etc. It can be sprayed on stems and leaves, treated with seeds, treated with soil, etc. method of application. Safer for fish and birds. Harmless to bees and natural enemies. Triadimefon can be mixed with many fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, etc.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) cannot be used as a preventive drug for long-term regular administration

Although trifilone is an effective fungicide, it is not suitable for regular spraying as a preventive drug. the reason is:

1. Triadimefon has strong activity on living bacteria, but its in vitro effect is very poor. In other words, if there are no fungal hyphae, the effect on spores will be very poor or even have no effect. This is mainly related to the bactericidal principle of trifilone. Therefore there is virtually no practical significance for unpropagated fungal spores.

2. Spraying is carried out regardless of whether there are fungal diseases, because plants are prone to develop drug resistance. In fact, the disease will develop a certain degree of resistance to a single fungicide. If a fungal disease occurs later, the drug may have little effect or even no effect.

3. Although it is a low-residue fungicide, there is still some residual, and the residue will accumulate after long-term use. Although it is a low-toxicity fungicide, it cannot be ruled out that it may have a certain impact on humans if exposed to it regularly for a long time. Although its medicinal property is to indirectly inhibit the formation of fungal cell membranes and inhibit the growth and reproduction of fungi, it will also affect plant growth to a certain extent, resulting in phytotoxicity.

Triadimefon (43121-43-3) Precautions

1. Stop applying triadimefon 20 days before harvesting vegetables.

2. The fungicide triadimefon cannot be mixed with strongly alkaline pesticides for application.

3. The application of chemicals should be rotated frequently, and triadimefon should not be used all the time or only.

4. Using triadimefon to treat seeds may delay the emergence of seeds by 1-2 days, but it will have no effect on the growth of seed emergence.

5. Crops in some areas have developed resistance to the application of triadimefon, and countermeasures must be taken in time.

6. The dosage of the fungicide triadimefon cannot be increased arbitrarily, otherwise phytotoxicity will easily occur.

Microbial fungicide triadimefon (43121-43-3) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide microbial fungicide triadimefon will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide triadimefon you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Microbial fungicide triadimefon (43121-43-3) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide microbial fungicide triadimefon, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.