Neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin

What is clothianidin (210880-92-5)?

The pesticide insecticide clothianidin is an organic compound with the molecular formula C6H8ClN5O2S. Cas 210880-92-5 Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide. It is a new type of insecticide that is efficient, safe and highly selective. Its effect is similar to that of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, with contact killing, Gastrotoxic and systemic activity. It is mainly used as a pesticide to control aphids and certain lepidopteran pests on rice, vegetables, fruit trees and other crops. It has high efficiency, broad spectrum, low dosage, low toxicity, long-lasting effect, and good effect on crops. It has the advantages of no phytotoxicity, safe use, no cross-resistance with conventional pesticides, and excellent systemic absorption and penetration. It is another alternative to highly toxic organophosphorus pesticides. Its structure is novel and special, and its performance is better than traditional nicotine pesticides. It may become a large-scale pesticide variety worldwide.

Mechanism of action of clothianidin (210880-92-5)

The mechanism of action of the insecticide clothianidin is different from that of other traditional insecticides. It mainly acts on the post-conjunction membrane of insect nerves. By combining with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, it interferes with the normal conduction of the insect nervous system, causing blockage of nerve channels, causing a large accumulation of acetylcholine, causing the insect to be abnormally excited, causing convulsions, paralysis and death. . It has strong systemic, contact and stomach poisoning effects, and has no cross-resistance with conventional insecticides such as pyrethroids, organophosphorus and carbamates, so it can be used for resistance management.

The insecticide clothianidin can selectively inhibit the niacin acetylcholinesterase receptor in the central nervous system of insects, thereby blocking the normal transmission of the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death of the pests. It has high activity against Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, especially Homoptera pests, and can effectively control aphids, planthoppers, mealybugs and other sucking mouthparts pests.

Physicochemical properties of clothianidin (210880-92-5)

The appearance of the insecticide clothianidin is white crystal, odorless, melting point 176.8℃, vapor pressure: 3.8×10-11 Pa (20℃), relative density 1.63, solubility: water 0.327 g/L, methanol 6.26 g/ L, acetone 15.2 g/L, methylene chloride 1.32 g/L, ethyl acetate 2.03 g/L, xylene 0.0128 g/L, n-heptane <0.00104 g/L, n-octanol 0.938 g/L (measurement temperature : Water 25℃, organic solvent 20℃)

Main features of clothianidin (210880-92-5)

(1) The insecticide clothianidin has good stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. It also has strong systemic conductivity and has certain permeability. It has a broader insecticidal spectrum, high insecticidal activity, and has secondary insecticidal activity, so the soil persistence period can reach more than 90 days.

(2) The insecticide clothianidin has high solubility in water. It not only has high solubility in water, but also has higher insecticidal effect under high temperature and drought conditions in summer.

(3) Because thiamethoxam can activate plant stress resistance proteins, it can produce auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in the plant. The influence can make the crop stems strong, the root system developed, and enhance the ability to resist stress.

(4) Thiamethoxam does not produce cross-resistance with imidacloprid, acetamiprid, nitenpyram and other nicotinic agents. Especially in areas where resistance to imidacloprid occurs, the control effect is more prominent.

(5) Thiamethoxam has good miscibility with azoxystrobin, metalaxyl, fludioxonil, difenoconazole and other insecticides and fungicides, and has better insecticidal and disease treatment effects. protrude.

Clothianidin (210880-92-5) Application

Due to its flexible application, the insecticide clothianidin is widely used to control homoptera on rice, fruit trees, vegetables, tea, cotton and other crops. It mainly controls thrips, coleoptera and certain lepidopteran pests, and is compatible with Compared with other pesticides of the same type, it has better systemic properties and penetration. The knockdown virulences of clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam against adults of A. chinensis are all high, which are 5.75, 3.86 and 3.51 times that of abamectin respectively; Lower; the toxicity of clothianidin to 2nd and 4th instar larvae was respectively 27.00 times and 25.23 times that of abamectin. At present, the main use direction in the market is leek maggot and garlic maggot specific medicine.

Due to its flexible application, the insecticide clothianidin is widely used to control homoptera on rice, fruit trees, vegetables, tea, cotton and other crops. It mainly controls thrips, coleoptera and certain lepidopteran pests, and is compatible with Compared with other pesticides of the same type, it has better systemic properties and penetration.

The insecticide clothianidin is highly toxic to bees in contact and highly toxic through oral administration, which is a very high risk; it is highly toxic to silkworms, which is a very high risk. When using, please note that it is prohibited during the flowering period of nectar crops, and pay close attention to the impact on nearby bee colonies during application; it is prohibited to wash pesticide application equipment in rivers and other waters; it is prohibited near silkworm houses and mulberry gardens. Use up to 3 times per season, with a safe interval of 7 days.

The insecticide clothianidin is applied in many ways, including spraying, root irrigation, broadcasting, fertilizer, seed dressing and seed coating.

Spraying is mainly used to control planthoppers, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, psyllids, etc. on rice, vegetables, and fruit trees. However, clothianidin is prone to decomposition in strong light environments, so it is often ineffective when sprayed in the field. The activity of clothianidin is slightly lower than that of thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, resulting in higher cost per mu. Spray applications are mainly concentrated in fruit trees and vegetable areas, crops with relatively high added value.

Granules are mainly used for root irrigation, broadcasting and medicinal fertilizers, and medicinal fertilizers are mainly used. Domestic medicinal fertilizers are mainly used on rice, peanuts, sugarcane, and wheat. Sugarcane is more commonly used. Rice and peanuts are currently the mainstream of sugarcane medicinal fertilizers. The registered forms are 0.5% granules, 0.12% granules, and 0.06% granules. They mainly control sugarcane borers, sugarcane turtles, grubs, etc., and can replace chlorpyrifos and phoxim.

As a seed dressing and seed coating agent, clothianidin is currently relatively less popular for seed treatment. It is mainly used in the underground parts of crops such as peanuts and wheat to control grubs and other underground pests. It is also effective against aphids and leafhoppers on the ground, and It also has the effect of promoting roots, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Clothianidin is not easily decomposed underground, has a longer duration of effect than thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, and is more effective. Many formulation companies believe that the application of clothianidin in seed treatment will also be a major increase in the future.

Clothianidin (210880-92-5) control targets

The insecticide clothianidin is highly active against aphids, mealybugs and other pteran pests, and can effectively control aphids, thrips, whitefly, whitefly, leafhoppers, grubs, wireworms, potato beetles, nematodes, leaf miners, Rice planthopper, green bug, rice bug, long bug, American grass bug, mealybug, apple blossom weevil, rice weevil, yellow-striped flea beetle, carabid beetle, sunflower leaf beetle, codling moth, leaf miner , spotted leafminers, nematodes and other pests. In addition, thiamethoxam can also be used in animal and public health fields to control flies, etc.

How to use clothianidin (210880-92-5)

1. Use the insecticide clothianidin to control rice planthoppers. Use 1.6 to 3.2 grams of 25% thiamethoxam water-dispersible granules per acre (0.4 to 0.8 grams of active ingredient). Spray at the initial stage of nymph emergence and spray liquid per acre. Amount of 30 to 40 liters, spray directly on the leaves, can quickly spread to the entire rice plant.

2. To control apple aphids with the insecticide clothianidin, use 25% thiamethoxam 5000-10000 times or add 25% thiamethoxam 10-20 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 25-50 mg/l), or per acre Use 5 to 10 grams (active ingredient 1.25 to 2.5 grams) for foliar spraying.

3. The pesticide clothianidin to control whitefly on melons should be used at a concentration of 2500 to 5000 times, or 10 to 20 grams (active ingredient 2.5 to 5 grams) per acre for spraying.

4. To control cotton thrips, use the insecticide clothianidin to spray 13 to 26 grams of 25% thiamethoxam (active ingredient 3.25 to 6.5 grams) per acre.

5. To control pear psyllids, use 25% thiamethoxam 10,000 times or add 10 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 25 mg/l), or use 6 g per acre of orchard (1.5 g active ingredient). spray.

6To control citrus leafminer, use the insecticide clothianidin to use 25% thiamethoxam 3000-4000 times or add 25-33 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 62.5-83.3 mg/l), or 15 grams per acre (effective Ingredients 3.75g) for spraying. Recommended doses for common crops Typical crop pests seed treatment Potato peach aphid, potato tube aphid, potato leaf beetle 4-7.58Al/kg soybean Stemechus Subsignatus, Ceretoma Arcuata, termites 17.5-150gAl/kg rice rice weevil, planthopper, South American corn Seedling borer 50-100gAl/kg cotton aphid, thrips, whitefly, Lygus bug, Elephantus 70-350gAl/kg corn nematode, constrictor aphid, wheat straw fly, black beetle 40-315gAl /kg cereals, cereal aphids, nematodes 35-70gAl/kg beet peach aphid, bean euonymus, flea beetle, beet spring fly 60eAl/100 grains sorghum corn aphid, nematodes, wheat aphid 100- 200gAl/ke Rapeseed cabbage aphid 400-420gAl/ks Bean Euonymus aphid 52gAl/kg Sweet potato whitefly 70-1008Al/kg Sunflower peach aphid, Euonymus aphid, cotton aphid 350eAl/ke Peanut Peanut aphid 150-200gAl /ke

Clothianidin (210880-92-5) usage technology

The insecticide clothianidin has a universal insecticidal effect in theory, but in actual application the effect is not very satisfactory. Two of these issues cannot be ignored.

The first is the problem of resistance; the effect of using clothianidin alone in resistant areas is okay, but in many vegetable growing areas in the south, the effect on controlling thrips, aphids, planthoppers, etc. is still relatively poor.

The second is the issue of dosage; if clothianidin is to be used to control insects, it currently appears that it must be applied in an increased amount. In actual applications, many growers follow the dosage instructions in the product instructions. Basically, they either fail to cure the pests or they do not cure them completely, and even the more pests are treated, the more pests are added.

The guided dosage on the pesticide registration certificate is a theoretical result in a resistant environment. Compared with the current resistance of pests, it has no practical guiding significance (such as the relevant registration of 25% clothianidin, rice planthopper Dosage of 2 to 4 grams, but in actual production applications, it cannot be cured at all). To effectively apply thiamethoxam, it should be mixed with other chemicals.

1. Clothianidin+Abamectin

The combination of clothianidin and abamectin mainly controls thrips, aphids, pear psyllids, tea greens, leafhoppers and other piercing-sucking mouthparts pests, and the effect is very good.

2. Clothianidin+pymetrozine

When clothianidin and pymetrozine are mixed, it mainly controls aphids, rice planthoppers, etc. in field crops, and the effect is very effective.

3. Clothianidin + fludioxonil

The combination of clothianidin and fludioxonil is an excellent seed treatment suspension agent, mainly used to prevent thrips, aphids, bakanae and other pests and diseases.

4. Clothianidin + spirotetramat

When mixed with spirotetramat, clothianidin is mainly used to control resistant aphids, pear psyllids, scale insects, etc. on pear trees, persimmon trees and other fruit trees, and it also has a certain inhibitory effect on harmful mites. 5. Thiamethoxam + Fludoxenamide

When clothianidin and sulfonicamid are mixed, the formula has gastrotoxic and contact effects. It is mainly used to control resistant aphids, thrips, planthoppers and other pests. After application, it can quickly control aphids, whitefly, whitefly, and whitefly. It is harmful to pests such as thrips, has a long lasting effect and has good rain resistance.

Current status of resistance to clothianidin (210880-92-5)

By continuing to screen the population of imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphids with mutations in the β1 subunit of the acetylcholine receptor, we will clarify the resistance development patterns of this population and their cross-resistance to other neonicotinoid insecticides acetamiprid and clothianidin. Relevant enzymatic mechanisms. The dipping method was used to conduct continuous indoor screening against imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphids, and the toxicity of clothianidin and acetamiprid against imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphid populations was determined.

The inhibitory effect of clothianidin on the mutant cotton aphid population is mainly reflected in two aspects: First, clothianidin has a relatively obvious inhibitory effect on the activity of detoxification enzymes in the resistant cotton aphid, interfering with the normal metabolic reactions in the cotton aphid, causing it to Metabolic disorders; on the other hand, clothianidin has a significant inhibitory effect on the biological characteristics of aphids, such as body weight and honeydew secretion. Clothianidin has great application value in the management of target mutant populations of imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphids.

The resistance level of brown planthoppers to three commonly used pesticides: clothianidin, isoprocarb and acetamiprid, and screening of tank-mix formulas for field resistance management. The resistance level of brown planthopper populations to clothianidin, isoprocarb, and acetamiprid in three areas of Guizhou (Tongzi, Huangping, and Kaiyang) was determined using the drip method, and the synergistic effects of mixing the three pesticides on brown planthoppers were studied. . Two optimal tank-mix formulas for field pesticide resistance management were screened out: clothianidin and isoprocarb 1:6 and clothianidin and acetamiprid 4:1 (mass ratio of active ingredients). They all had obvious effects on brown planthopper populations in the three locations. synergistic effect.

The differences and advantages between imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin (210880-92-5)


The insecticide imidacloprid was the first nicotine product introduced to the market in China. Due to the mixing of imidacloprid in spring peanuts, a large area of seedlings failed to emerge and the seeds were rotten. After subsequent investigations, it was found that the cause of rotten seeds in spring flowers is mainly caused by impurities produced during the production of imidacloprid. When using imidacloprid original drug, it can be avoided by selecting the original drug with a content of more than 98% and then compounding it with an anti-low temperature fungicide. Spring flowers rot and sow. This period directly caused the decline of imidacloprid in the peanut area, and the sales of imidacloprid in the Huanghuaihai peanut area fell to the bottom. At the same time, chlorpyrifos took advantage of the situation.

Compared with the pesticide damage caused by imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin have not been found to cause large-scale pesticide damage due to this compound. In particular, thiamethoxam and clothianidin have shown extremely high safety when used on some sensitive crops. Therefore, the overall safety comparison is: thiamethoxam > clothianidin > imidacloprid.

Insecticide spectrum

After coating, the insecticides are mainly used to control underground pests and foliage-sucking pests. After coating, these three compounds can be internally transmitted to the above-ground parts through the seed coat or root system. There is no obvious difference in systemic transmission under suitable moisture conditions. However, thiamethoxam has higher water solubility, so the systemic conductivity of thiamethoxam is better than imidacloprid under conditions of less moisture and drought. On the insecticidal spectrum, these three compounds are active against pests of the order Homoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera. Thiamethoxam has high activity against homoptera pests, but has a mediocre control effect against lepidopteran pests. Therefore, it is used as a seed coating agent and is ranked according to the insecticide spectrum: clothianidin > imidacloprid > thiamethoxam

Validity period

The persistence period of pesticides in soil varies with different soil types, moisture conditions, etc. The persistence period of the same compound in different types of soil: clay > loam > sandy soil. Thiamethoxam has a short persistence period in the soil due to its high leachability. Clothianidin and imidacloprid are not easily leached in the soil, so the duration of effect is longer than that of thiamethoxam. However, there is currently no clear experimental data on the comparison between the two. However, according to the current market application situation, it is not considered Under the premise of resistance, the duration of imidacloprid should be longer than clothianidin. Therefore, the overall duration comparison: imidacloprid > clothianidin > thiamethoxam

Strengthening seedlings and promoting root effects

Imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin all have very good effects on strengthening seedlings and promoting roots. According to the experimental comparison, the ranking of these three compounds is: thiamethoxam > clothianidin > imidacloprid


Neonicotinoid pesticides have shown resistance to varying degrees in the control of certain pests. The first-generation neonicotinoid agent imidacloprid shows high levels of resistance (resistance multiple >1000), and nitenpyram shows low to moderate resistance. horizontal resistance (resistance multiple 5.1 to 12); high-level resistance to the second-generation neonicotinoid agent thiamethoxam (resistance multiple > 200); and as a later marketed clothianidin, its resistance The resistance level is much lower than thiamethoxam, so the overall resistance level is: imidacloprid > thiamethoxam > clothianidin

Overall prevention effect

In normal moist soil, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid have similar control effects. However, under dry soil conditions, thiamethoxam is more water-soluble than imidacloprid, so its control effect is better than imidacloprid under dry conditions. . Thiamethoxam and clothianidin have low resistance and their overall control effect is better than imidacloprid. In addition, thiamethoxam and clothianidin have higher activity. At the same content and dose, the control effect of thiamethoxam and clothianidin is better than that of imidacloprid. Thiamethoxam has high leachability in the soil, so its duration of effect is relatively short. It is not recommended to choose thiamethoxam when mainly controlling underground pests in the middle and late stages of peanuts and other crops.

Overall comparison of these three compounds still has their own advantages and disadvantages. In practical applications, it is still necessary to choose suitable products according to different crops, different control objects and different needs. However, due to its relatively low activity and large dosage of imidacloprid, and the current high cost of imidacloprid technical material, the overall cost-effectiveness is relatively low.

Precautions for clothianidin (210880-92-5)

① Clothianidin is not recommended to be used alone. The quick-acting effect is slow when applied alone. It is recommended to use it in combination, at least with high-efficiency hydropermethrin, which can increase its quick-acting effect.

② When using clothianidin to control underground pests such as grubs, the spray method is less effective. Two application methods are recommended: one is seed dressing, and the other is flushing. When flushing, pyrethroid insecticides should be used.

③When using clothianidin, there is no need to mix it with imidacloprid, clothianidin, etc. Because they are all chronic nicotine pesticides, they belong to the same class of agents.

④ When controlling ground maggots, clothianidin must be used in increasing amounts to ensure its effectiveness, especially for black-headed maggots. Taking 25% thiamethoxam as an example, the dosage should not be less than 500 grams/acre.

Insecticide clothianidin (210880-92-5) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide clothianidin will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide clothianidin you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide clothianidin (210880-92-5) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide insecticide clothianidin, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.