New pesticide insecticide Flonicamid

What is Flonicamid (158062-67-0)?

The insecticide Flonicamid  is a new type of pyridinamide insecticide developed on the basis of fungicides and herbicides with a trifluoromethylpyridine structure. It works by hindering the sucking action of pests. It has contact and stomach poisoning effects as well as good neurotoxicity and rapid antifeedant effects, and has no cross-resistance with other insecticides. The pests soon stop sucking after ingesting the agent and eventually starve to death.

The insecticide Flonicamid is an organic compound with the molecular formula C9H6F3N3O, Cas 158062-67-0It is a new type of low-toxic pyridinamide insect growth regulator insecticide, and its preparation is 10% water-dispersible granules. This product appears as a white, odorless solid powder, with a melting point of 157.5°C, a vapor pressure (20°C) of 2.55x 10-6 pa, a solubility (g/L, 20°C): water 5.2, acetone 157.1, methanol 89.0, and is stable to heat.

In addition to its contact and gastric poisoning effects, the insecticide Flonicamid also has a good nerve agent and rapid antifeedant effect. When aphids and other pests with piercing-sucking mouthparts feed and inhale plant sap containing flonicamid, they will be quickly prevented from sucking the sap. Within 1 hour, no excrement will appear at all, and they will eventually die from starvation.

The insecticide flonicamid is mainly used in non-crop crops, cotton, fruits and vegetables. It is effective against various piercing-sucking mouthpart pests. It has good systemic and penetration effects and can penetrate from plant roots to stems and leaves. Technical innovation Ministry conduction.

The mechanism of action of Flonicamid (158062-67-0)

The insecticide Flonicamid is the only uncoupler of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and has no cross-resistance with existing agents. By acting on ATP synthase, it releases the connection between oxidation and phosphorylation at the end of the respiratory chain, maximally consuming the electrochemical potential energy accumulated by electron transfer, and its bactericidal speed and activity are ahead of similar compounds.

The insecticide Flonicamid has a novel mechanism of action and is a highly selective insecticide with rapid antifeedant activity and neurotoxicity.

Effects of the insecticideFlonicamid on the feeding behavior of adult Myzus aphid. Although the treated aphid stylets can still continue to contact the plant surface, Flonicamid strongly inhibits aphids from feeding and secreting products, preventing them from producing normal secretion and feeding signals. Research results indicate that Flonicamid inhibits feeding by inhibiting aphid stylets from penetrating plant tissue.

After piercing-sucking mouthparts pests feed on plant juices containing flonicamid, they quickly stop feeding within 30 minutes, and no excrement appears within 1 hour. Moreover, this antifeeding effect is irreversible, and the pests that are prevented from sucking the juice will eventually die. Death from hunger. This rapid anti-feeding effect can also effectively prevent the spread of viral diseases.

Flonicamidid has insecticidal activity against both adults and larvae. Most of the treated aphids showed uncontrolled movement, and some aphids had swollen leg joints and were unable to crawl normally. Flonicamid also acts on aphids through the nervous system. However, Flonicamid and its derivatives have no effect on typical nerve agent targets, such as acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) is the most active compound among broad-spectrum fungicides.

By acting on multiple specific sites of ATP synthase at the end of the respiratory chain in the mitochondria, the insecticide flubendiamide has an activity that exceeds the single-site inhibitory effect of similar compounds, and has outstanding contact killing effects. Taking gray mold as an example, the antibacterial activity of fluazinam against gray mold is 438-3866 times that of current mainstream ingredients.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) cures, eradicates and super protects

The pesticide Flonicamid is basically non-systemic and is positioned as a protective fungicide. However, field test results show that fluoxenid not only has outstanding protective effects, but also has certain therapeutic effects in the later stages of the disease. Through isotope tracking and other experimental methods, we observed the movement of the agent after spraying fluazinam on the leaves. It was found that fluazinam has strong permeability, and the active ingredients can pass through the epidermal cells of the leaves and enter the outer palisade tissue and sponge tissue to form the drug effect. Concentrated layer of protection.

Fluazinam is more efficiently available than more systemic compounds. For example, metalaxyl and dimethomorph, which are highly systemic, can be absorbed into the ducts and sieve tubes after spraying on the leaves, and are transported to other parts of the plant along with water and organic matter. Although they have good therapeutic effects, they The efficacy of the drug is quickly diluted and the duration of effect is short. Under the stimulation of low-concentration drugs, pathogenic bacteria are more likely to develop drug resistance. Therefore, fluazinam is concentrated in the outer layer of the leaves to form a super protective layer, which not only slows down the dilution and decomposition of the drug effect, but also lasts longer (10-14 days) and is resistant to rain erosion.

The insecticideFlonicamid has a strong contact effect and has been classified as a disaster relief agent. By blocking the production, germination, infection and mycelial growth of spores, it exerts its medicinal effect on various growth stages of pathogens. The disease prevention effect is significantly higher than that of conventional protective fungicides. It also inhibits the breakthrough of invaded hyphae and effectively prevents the expansion of disease spots.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) has a broad bactericidal spectrum and is capable of both above-ground spray and soil treatment.

The pesticide Flonicamid has a wide bactericidal spectrum and is effective against both higher and lower fungi. It can effectively prevent downy mildew, gray mold, sclerotinia, anthracnose, clubroot, Damping-off disease and diseases such as scab and scab on fruit trees. Among them, it has special effects on blight, clubroot and gray mold.

The order of activity of Colletotrichum in strawberry from high to low is: prochloraz > fluazinam > difenoconazole, while cyprodinil, pyrimethanil and thiefamide have very low activity against the two species of Colletotrichum. (Fluazidin + prochloraz will make the medicine turn red, but will have no obvious effect on the efficacy of the medicine, nor on the crops)

The insecticide Flonicamid has very good soil stability and can maintain high activity after contact with soil. It has a long half-life and is suitable for various forms of soil treatment. The promotion of sprinkler irrigation or root irrigation in clubroot areas has played an outstanding role in preventing and controlling other root diseases (such as sclerotinia, potato tuber rot, etc.). The insecticide Flonicamid is an ideal broad-spectrum fungicide for both above-ground spraying and soil treatment.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) has acaricidal effect

The control mechanism of the insecticide Flonicamid is to block the energy synthesis of mites, and it is effective against both adults and eggs of red spider mites. Used to control spider mites on citrus, apple and other fruit trees. The agent has strong penetrability, strong contact killing effect, no systemic conduction effect, and low resistance to red spider mites.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Biological Activity

The pesticide insecticide Flonicamid is effective against various piercing-sucking mouthparts pests and has good penetration. It can penetrate from the roots to the stems and leaves, but the penetration from the leaves to the stems and roots is relatively weak. The agent works by blocking the sucking action of pests. The pests soon stop sucking after ingesting the agent and eventually starve to death. According to the electronic insect sucking behavior (EMIF) analysis, this agent can prevent the stylet tissue of sucking pests such as aphids from inserting into plant tissue to achieve its effect.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Toxicity

The acute oral LD50 of the pesticideFlonicamid in rats (male) is 884 mg/kg, and the acute dermal LD50 is greater than 5 000 mg/kg. For rats and mice (female and male), the acute inhalation LD50 is greater than 4.90 mg/L. No irritation to rabbit skin, very slight irritation to eyes, non-allergenic. It is negative for variability, chromosomal abnormalities, and DNA repair.

The insecticide sulfenib has no effect on aquatic animals and plants. Its LC50 (96 h) is greater than 100 mg/L for carp; EC50 (48 h) for Daphnia magna is greater than 100 mg/L; and its EbC50 (0~72 h) for algae is greater than 100 mg/L. This agent has no effect on silkworms at a dose of 100 mg/L in mixed bait, and has no effect on earthworms at a dose of more than 1000 mg/kg. The half-life DT50 in soil is less than 3 days.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Features

The insecticide sulfenamid has the characteristics of high activity at low dose, strong systemic conductivity, resistance to rain erosion, long duration of effect (experimental data shows that it is still active 28 days after application), and is safe against natural enemies and beneficial organisms. High and very friendly to the environment.Flonicamid can be used on fruit trees, cereals, potatoes, rice, cotton, vegetables, tea trees, tomatoes and greenhouse ornamental plants to prevent and control sucking mouthpart pests such as cotton aphids, green peach aphids, thrips, whiteflies, etc.

Effects of Flonicamid (158062-67-0)

In addition to its contact and stomach poisoning effects, the pesticide insecticide Flonicamid also has a good nerve agent and rapid antifeedant effect. When aphids and other pests with piercing-sucking mouthparts feed and inhale plant sap containing flonicamid, they will be quickly prevented from sucking the sap. Within 1 hour, no excrement will appear at all, and they will eventually die from starvation.

The insecticide Flonicamid has strong penetration into plants and can prevent and control homopteran pests in various parts of crops, and its effect is long-lasting. Under normal technical conditions of use, it is safe against natural enemy insects and flower-visiting insects, and is safe for the environment and rain-resistant.

How to use Flonicamid (158062-67-0)

When controlling pests such as aphids on cucumbers and other vegetables, use 30-50g of 10% water-dispersible granules and spray them with water every 667 m2. When used to control aphids on apple and other fruit trees, use 10% water dispersible granules and add water 2500-5000 times and spray.

Due to its unique mechanism of action and extremely high biological activity, as well as its extremely high safety to humans, livestock and the environment, and its effectiveness against pests that are resistant to other insecticides, this agent has seen great development. room. At the same time, the development process of this agent is also worthy of our reference in the creation of new pesticides.

Flonicamid has good control effect on cucumber and apple aphids. The dosage for controlling cucumber aphids is 667 square meters. The commercial dosage of 10% Flonicamid water-dispersible granules is 30 to 50 grams. Spray evenly on the stems and leaves, and use it no more than 3 times per growing season. This agent is similar to other insect growth regulator insecticides, but has better long-lasting effect. It takes two or three days after the application to see the death of aphids, and one application can last for about 14 days. This agent is safe for crops, and no harm has been reported at the recommended dosage.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Application

The insecticide Flonicamid is a highly efficient and selective insecticide with good systemic properties and strong penetration. It can be transmitted from the roots of the plant to the stems and leaves, and has a long lasting effect. Mainly used for cotton, fruit trees, vegetables, grains, rice, corn, potatoes, beans, melons, tea trees, stone fruits, sunflowers, non-crops (such as ornamental plants), etc., to control sucking mouthpart pests such as aphids, mealy bugs, etc. Lice, planthoppers, psyllids, leafhoppers, thrips, etc. It has excellent control effect on aphids, such as cotton aphid, potato aphid, green peach aphid, plantain roundtail aphid, wheat aphid, cereal aphid, wheat aphid, radish aphid, etc. It is effective against nymphs and winged, Wingless adult aphids all show good activity and can effectively control aphids that are resistant to other pesticides. It is not active against mites, Diptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera pests; it is not toxic to chewing mouthparts pests. For foliar spraying, the dosage of active ingredient is 50-100 g/hm2.

Cotton aphids are resistant to imidacloprid and deltamethrin at a high level, with resistance multiples reaching thousands to tens of thousands in some areas; they are resistant to omethoate and carbofuran at a moderate level or above. Tests have shown that Flonicamid and the like have better control effects on cotton aphids and resistant cotton aphids.

Flonicamid shows good safety against various natural enemy insects, such as bees, parasitoid wasps, lacewings, hoverflies, ladybugs and bug bugs. Safe for people, livestock and the environment.

The insecticide fluniconamide is significantly safer for bees than neonicotinoid insecticides. Its oral LD50 is >60.5 μg/bee (thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and dinotefuran are 0.005, 0.00379, and 0.023 μg/bee respectively), and the exposure LD50 is >100 μg/bee (thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and dinotefuran). Pyramides were 0.024, 0.0439, and 0.047 μg/bee respectively).

When used at the recommended dose, Flonicamid has no adverse effects on beneficial arthropods such as silkworms, Italian honey bees, axyridis, Chilean phytoseiids and pear walking mites. It has no cross-resistance with organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid, and neonicotinoid insecticides and can be used to control pests that are resistant to these insecticides.

Flonicamid has now become an important tool in resistance management and integrated pest management (IPM) systems.

Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Precautions

1. The maximum number of uses on cucumbers and potatoes per season is 3 and 2 times respectively; the safe intervals on cucumbers and potatoes are 3 and 7 days respectively.

2. Since this drug is an insect antifeedant, the death of aphids can only be seen with the naked eye 2-3 days after application. Be careful not to reapply.

3. When applying pesticides, prevent the liquid from contaminating rivers, ponds and other water sources.

4. It is recommended to use pesticides in rotation with other pesticides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance.

5. Wear protective clothing and gloves when using to avoid inhaling the liquid; do not eat or drink during application, and wash your hands and face in time after application.

6. Used containers should be disposed of properly and cannot be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

7. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this medicine.

The price of Flonicamid (158062-67-0) insecticide

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide flubendiamide will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide flubendiamide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Flonicamid (158062-67-0) Insecticide Suppliers

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide flubendiamide, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.