Nicotine based high efficiency and low toxic insecticide Thiamethoxam

What is thiamethoxam (153719-23-4)?

The pesticide thiamethoxam is a second-generation nicotine-based high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticide with the chemical formula C8H10ClN5O3S. Cas 153719-23-4 has stomach poisoning, contact killing and systemic activities against pests. It is used for foliar spraying and soil irrigation. Root treatment. It is quickly absorbed into the body after application and is transmitted to all parts of the plant. It has a good control effect against sucking pests such as aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, whiteflies, etc.

The pesticide thiamethoxam and neonicotinoid insecticides have a mechanism of action similar to imidacloprid, which can selectively inhibit the central nervous system of insects. Niacin is an acetylcholinesterase receptor, thereby blocking the normal transmission of the central nervous system of insects and causing the emergence of pests. Death when paralyzed. It not only has contact, gastric, and systemic activities, but also has higher activity, better safety, wider insecticidal spectrum, fast action, and long duration of effect. It is an ideal alternative to those with high toxicity to mammals. , better varieties of organophosphorus, carbamate, and organochlorine pesticides with residual and environmental problems. It is highly active against Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, especially Homoptera pests, and can effectively control various aphids, leafhoppers, planthoppers, whiteflies, chafer larvae, potato beetles, nematodes, ground beetles, Pests such as leafminers and pests that are resistant to various types of chemical pesticides. There is no cross-resistance with imidacloprid, acetamiprid, and nitenpyram. It can be used for stem and leaf treatment, seed treatment, and soil treatment. Suitable crops are rice crops, sugar beets, rapeseed, potatoes, cotton, beans, fruit trees, peanuts, sunflowers, soybeans, tobacco and citrus. It is safe and non-toxic to crops when used at the recommended dosage.

Solubility (25°C, g/L pure product) water 4.1, organic solvent ((25°C, g/L): acetone 48, ethyl acetate 7.0, methanol 13, dichloromethane 110, hexane > 1 mg/L, octane Alcohol 620mg/L, toluene 680mg/L.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) Physical and Chemical Properties

The insecticide thiamethoxam is a white crystalline powder. The appearance of the original drug is grayish-yellow to white crystalline powder. Melting point: 139.1℃, vapor pressure: 6.6×10-9Pa (25℃), solubility: (25℃, g/L pure product) water 4.1, melting point 139.1℃, vapor pressure 6,6Pa (25℃). Organic solvent (25°C, g/L): acetone 48, ethyl acetate 7.0, methanol 13, dichloromethane 110, hexane > 1 mg/L, octanol 620 mg/L, toluene 680 mg/L.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) mechanism of action

The insecticide thiamethoxam can selectively inhibit the niacin acetylcholinesterase receptor in the central nervous system of insects, thereby blocking the normal transmission of the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death of the pests.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) resistance

Thiamethoxam has high insecticidal activity. Do not blindly increase the dosage when using it. Moreover, pests can easily develop resistance if used alone for a long time. In order to delay the development of resistance, it is recommended to use it alternately with pesticides with other mechanisms of action.

Main features of thiamethoxam (153719-23-4)

The pesticide thiamethoxam is the second-generation neonicotinoid insecticide developed after imidacloprid. Compared with imidacloprid, it has a wider insecticidal spectrum, better water solubility, longer duration and lower toxicity. Thiamethoxam Due to its broad insecticidal spectrum, strong systemic absorption, good stability, long duration of effect, easy use, and low price, in production, in addition to being used for spraying, there are also these new uses, which are more convenient to use. Better insecticidal effect.

(1) The insecticide thiamethoxam has good gastric poisoning and contact killing effects, has strong systemic conductivity, and has certain permeability. It has a broader insecticidal spectrum, high insecticidal activity, and has secondary insecticidal activity, so the soil persistence period can reach more than 90 days.

(2) The insecticide thiamethoxam has high solubility in water. It is not only highly soluble in water, but also has higher insecticidal effect under high temperature and drought conditions in summer.

(3) Because thiamethoxam can activate plant stress resistance proteins, it can produce auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in the plant. The influence can make the crop stems strong, the root system developed, and enhance the ability to resist stress.

(4) Thiamethoxam does not produce cross-resistance with imidacloprid, acetamiprid, nitenpyram and other nicotinic agents. Especially in areas where resistance to imidacloprid occurs, the control effect is more prominent.

(5) Thiamethoxam has good miscibility with azoxystrobin, metalaxyl, fludioxonil, difenoconazole and other insecticides and fungicides, and has better insecticidal and disease treatment effects. protrude.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) insecticidal properties

The insecticide thiamethoxam is a second-generation nicotine-based highly effective and low-toxic insecticide with a new structure. It has gastric poisoning, contact killing and systemic activities on pests. It can inhibit and block the central nervous system of insects, and finally paralyze the pests. And died.

(1) Systemic conductivity is strong. After thiamethoxam is absorbed by the leaves or roots, it will be quickly transmitted to other parts of the plant, and has a comprehensive insecticidal effect.

(2) It acts quickly and has a long lasting effect. The peak of dead insects appears 2-3 days after the treatment, and the lasting effect can reach 30 days.

(3) Flexible application. Thiamethoxam is currently registered in many dosage forms, such as granules, suspensions, seed treatment suspensions, wettable powders, water-dispersible granules, tablets, etc.

Note: Thiamethoxam can be used in soil treatment (granules), seed treatment (seed coating agent) and foliar treatment (suspending agent, water-dispersible granule, etc.), etc., all of which will have different insect control effects.

Five major advantages of thiamethoxam (153719-23-4)

1. Thiamethoxam has high activity

The main metabolite of thiamethoxam in insects is clothianidin, which has higher affinity for insect acetylcholine receptors than thiamethoxam and therefore has higher insecticidal activity;

The activity of imidacloprid's hydroxylated metabolites was reduced.

2. Thiamethoxam has high solubility in water

The solubility of the insecticide thiamethoxam in water is eight times that of imidacloprid. Therefore, even in a drought environment, it does not affect the absorption and utilization of thiamethoxam by wheat.

Studies have shown that in normal moist soil, thiamethoxam shows similar control effects to imidacloprid; but in drought conditions, it is significantly better than imidacloprid.

3. Low resistance level to thiamethoxam

It has been nearly 30 years since imidacloprid was put on the market, and the development of insecticide resistance in pests has become increasingly serious.

It is reported that brown flying wind, cotton aphid, leek midge, etc. have all developed certain resistance to it.

The risk of cross-resistance between thiamethoxam and imidacloprid on pests such as brown planthoppers and cotton aphids is very low.

4. Thiamethoxam can enhance the stress resistance of crops and promote crop growth.

The insecticide thiamethoxam also has an advantage that other insecticides cannot match, that is, it has the effect of promoting roots and strengthening seedlings.

Studies have shown that thiamethoxam can activate plant anti-stress proteins and at the same time inhibit the production of auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in the plant. The effect of thiamethoxam makes the crop stems and root systems stronger and enhances stress resistance.

5. Thiamethoxam lasts longer

The insecticide thiamethoxam has strong leaf conduction activity and root systemic properties, and the agent can be quickly and fully absorbed.

When it is applied to soil or seeds, thiamethoxam is quickly absorbed by the roots or newly sprouted seedlings, and is transported upward to all parts of the plant through the xylem in the plant. It remains in the plant for a long time and degrades slowly. The degradation product clothianidin has higher insecticidal activity, so thiamethoxam lasts longer than imidacloprid.

How to use Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4)

1. Seed coating agent and seed dressing

Thiamethoxam has strong systemic conductivity. Therefore, it can be made into a seed coating agent or a seed treatment suspension agent for seed dressing. Before sowing, 50% thiamethoxam seed treatment suspension agent can be used for seed dressing according to the drug-to-seed ratio. Evenly coating the seed surface with the seed dressing agent can effectively control underground pests such as wireworms, grubs, and cutworms, as well as above-ground pests such as aphids, rice planthoppers, gray planthoppers, thrips, and whitefly. The duration of effect can reach more than 20 to 30 days.

2. Planting and root irrigation

For seedling transplanted vegetables, tobacco and other crops, you can also use 50% thiamethoxam seed treatment suspension agent combined with planting water to irrigate the roots during planting, and then cover with soil. This can also effectively prevent the harm of underground and above-ground pests, and maintain the The validity period can reach more than 60 days.

3. Mixing spray

In order to overcome the shortcomings of thiamethoxam and improve the control effect, it can be mixed with agents such as avermectin. This not only overcomes the shortcomings of thiamethoxam, but also improves the control effect, expands the insecticidal spectrum, and achieves better control effects.

To control rice planthoppers, use 1.6 to 3.2 grams of 25% thiamethoxam water-dispersible granules per acre (0.4 to 0.8 grams of active ingredient). Spray at the initial peak of nymphs. The spray volume per acre is 30 to 40 liters. Spray directly. On the leaf surface, it can be quickly transmitted to the whole rice plant.

To control apple aphids, use 25% thiamethoxam 5000-10000 times or add 25% thiamethoxam 10-20 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 25-50 mg/l), or use 5-10 grams per acre (active ingredient 1.25~2.5g) for foliar spraying.

To control whitefly on melons, use a concentration of 2,500 to 5,000 times, or spray with 10 to 20 grams (effective ingredient 2.5 to 5 grams) per acre.

To control cotton thrips, spray 13 to 26 grams of 25% thiamethoxam (active ingredient 3.25 to 6.5 grams) per acre.

To control pear psylla, spray 25% thiamethoxam 10,000 times or 10 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 25 mg/l), or 6 g per acre of orchard (1.5 g active ingredient).

To control citrus leafminer, spray 25% thiamethoxam 3000-4000 times or 25-33 ml per 100 liters of water (effective concentration 62.5-83.3 mg/L), or 15 g per acre (3.75 g active ingredient) .

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) recommended dosage for common crops

Crops Typical Pests Seed Treatment

Potato: Potato peach aphid, potato aphid, potato leaf beetle 4-7.58Al/kg

Soybean Stemechus Subsignatus, Ceretoma Arcuata, termites 17.5-150gAl/kg

Rice: Rice weevil, planthopper, South American corn borer 50-100gAl/kg

Cotton Aphids gossypii, thrips tobacco, whiteflies, Lygus bugs, Elephas spp. 70-350gAl/kg

Corn nematode, aphid, wheat straw fly, black beetle 40-315gAl/kg

Cereals: Cereal aphid, nematodes 35-70gAl/kg

Beet, peach aphid, euonymus, flea beetle, beet spring fly 60eAl/100 capsules

Sorghum, corn aphids, nematodes, wheat aphids 100-200gAl/ke

Rapeseed cabbage aphid 400-420gAl/ks

Beans Euonymus aphid 52gAl/kg

Sweet potato whitefly 70-1008Al/kg

Sunflower peach aphid, bean aphid, cotton aphid 350eAl/ke

Peanuts Arachis genus 150-200gAl/ke

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) usage techniques

The first is the problem of resistance; the effect of using thiamethoxam alone in resistant areas is okay, but in many vegetable growing areas in the south, the effect on controlling thrips, aphids, planthoppers, etc. is still relatively poor.

The second is the issue of dosage; if thiamethoxam is to be used to control insects, it currently appears that it must be applied in an increased amount. In actual applications, many growers follow the dosage instructions in the product instructions. Basically, they either fail to cure the pests or they do not cure them completely, and even the more pests are treated, the more pests are added.

The guided dosage on the pesticide registration certificate is a theoretical result in a resistant environment. Compared with the current resistance of pests, it has no practical guiding significance (such as the relevant registration of 25% thiamethoxam, rice planthopper Dosage of 2 to 4 grams, but in actual production applications, it cannot be cured at all). To effectively apply thiamethoxam, it should be mixed with other chemicals.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) compound

1. Thiamethoxam + Abamectin

The combination of thiamethoxam and abamectin mainly controls thrips and aphids, pear psyllids, tea greens, leafhoppers and other piercing-sucking mouthparts pests, and the effect is very good.

2. Thiamethoxam + Pymetrozine

When Thiamethoxam and Pymetrozine are mixed, it mainly controls aphids, rice planthoppers, etc. in field crops, and the effect is very effective.

3. Thiamethoxam + fludioxonil

The combination of thiamethoxam and fludioxonil is an excellent suspension agent for seed treatment, mainly used to prevent thrips, aphids, bakanae and other pests and diseases.

4. Thiamethoxam + spirotetramat

When mixed with spirotetramat, thiamethoxam is mainly used to control resistant aphids, pear psyllids, scale insects, etc. on pear trees, persimmon trees and other fruit trees, and it also has a certain inhibitory effect on harmful mites. 5. Thiamethoxam + Fludoxenamide

When thiamethoxam and sulfenamid are mixed, the formula has stomach poisoning and contact effects. It is mainly used to control resistant aphids, thrips, planthoppers and other pests. After application, it can quickly control aphids, whitefly, whitefly, and whitefly. It is harmful to pests such as thrips, has a long lasting effect and has good rain resistance.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) usage

1 Foliar spray

The pesticide thiamethoxam is a second-generation neonicotinoid insecticide that is commonly used to control aphids, rice planthoppers, whiteflies, thrips, flea beetles and other sucking and rasp-sucking pests. In the early stages of pest occurrence, use 5 to 6 grams of 70% Thiamethoxam·Pymetrozine water-dispersible granules, mixed with 30 kg of water, and spray evenly. Due to its good systemic properties and certain permeability, it can quickly prevent pests. feeding, effectively controlling the continued harm of pests.

2. Seed treatment

The pesticide thiamethoxam is a second-generation neonicotinoid insecticide with strong systemic properties, good water solubility, and long-lasting effect. It can also be used for seed treatment to control underground pests. Before sowing wheat, 35% thiamethoxam suspended seed coating agent can be used to dress the seeds according to the drug-to-seed ratio of 1:200. After drying, it can be sown. It can effectively prevent and control grubs, wireworms, mole crickets, cutworms, ground maggots, It can also control underground pests such as leeks and maggots, as well as above-ground pests such as aphids and thrips. The duration of effect can reach 6 to 7 months.

3. Soil treatment

Because it metabolizes slowly in plants and soil, it has long-term biological activity. It has good water solubility in soil and long-lasting effect. It can also be used to treat soil. Before or during wheat sowing, 500 grams of 3% thiamethoxam granules can be used per acre, mixed with wheat seeds and sown together. It can also effectively control underground pests such as grubs, wireworms, and mole crickets, and can also treat seedlings. It lasts for more than 3 months when it comes to aphids.

4. Root irrigation treatment

The insecticide thiamethoxam has good water solubility and strong systemic absorption. After being absorbed by the roots, the agent can be transmitted from the roots to the above-ground parts, killing pests above and below the ground.

In the early stages of garlic maggot occurrence, 300 to 500 ml of 35% thiamethoxam suspension can be used, combined with watering, for root irrigation, which can effectively prevent the damage of garlic maggots.

What is the difference between clothianidin and thiamethoxam (153719-23-4)

Thiamethoxam is a neonicotinoid insecticide with strong contact, gastric, and systemic activity. It also has higher activity, better safety, wider insecticidal spectrum, and fast action speed. , long lasting and other characteristics, it is highly active against Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, especially Homoptera pests, and can effectively control various aphids, leafhoppers, planthoppers, whiteflies, scarab larvae, Potatoes, beetles, nematodes, ground beetles, leaf miners and other pests as well as pests that are resistant to various types of chemical pesticides.

Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide. It is a new type of insecticide that is efficient, safe, and highly selective. It is mainly used to control aphids, leafhoppers, and thistles on rice, vegetables, fruit trees, and other crops. An insecticide for hemiptera, coleoptera, diptera and certain lepidopteran pests such as horses and planthoppers. It has high efficiency, broad spectrum, low dosage, low toxicity, long-lasting effect, and good effect on crops. It has the advantages of no phytotoxicity, safe to use, and no cross-resistance with conventional pesticides.

The difference between clothianidin and thiamethoxam is mainly reflected in the fact that thiamethoxam has the advantage of strong systemic activity, while clothianidin does not have this feature.

Control objects: wheat aphids, underground pests

Mechanism of action: One-time broadcasting does not require seed dressing. It fertilizes and kills insects. The duration of effect is as long as 210 days. Ensure that the wheat seedlings are all strong, with deep roots and luxuriant leaves; ensure that the crops do not grow vigorously in the early stage and do not lack nutrients in the later stage, increasing the yield by 10% year-on-year

Main nutritional components: The carrier of this product contains sufficient amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic acid, amino acids, medium and trace elements, and the content is as high as 51%

Main insecticidal ingredients: thiamethoxam, etc.

Product features: This product uses biosynthetic technology on the basis of complete crop nutrition, and integrates high-end highly active sulfonicotimides, insecticides, nutrients, rooting agents, humic acid, amino acids, and medium and trace elements. Then through double-layer coating, the active ingredients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are gradually released from the inside to the outside in the capsule. The release of nutrients is synchronized with the cycle of nutrients required during the growth period of crops, and the release of active ingredients is synchronized with the occurrence of crop pests. The same period coincides with the one-time broadcasting of pesticide and fertilizer, which can kill wheat underground pests at one time. It has the miraculous speed of "spreading today and killing the insects tomorrow". The control period of pests is controlled within 21 days, and the occurrence index of wheat aphids can also be strictly controlled within the national prevention and control standards. Using this product can prevent the crops from growing too fast in the early stage and not lacking nutrients in the later stage, increasing the yield by 10% to 20% year-on-year. %.

Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) Precautions

① It is recommended not to use the insecticide thiamethoxam alone. The quick-acting effect is slow when applied alone. It is recommended to use it in combination, at least with high-efficiency hydropermethrin, which can increase its quick-acting effect.

② The insecticide thiamethoxam controls grubs and other underground pests. The spray method is less effective. Two application methods are recommended: one is seed dressing, and the other is flushing. When flushing, pyrethroid insecticides should be used. agent.

③When using the insecticide thiamethoxam, there is no need to mix it with imidacloprid, clothianidin, etc. Because they are all chronic nicotine pesticides, they belong to the same class of agents.

④ When controlling ground maggots, the insecticide thiamethoxam must be used in an increased amount to ensure its effectiveness, especially for black-headed maggots. Taking 25% thiamethoxam as an example, the dosage should not be less than 500 grams/acre.

Insecticide thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide thiamethoxam will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide thiamethoxam you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide Thiamethoxam (153719-23-4) Supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Insecticide Thiamethoxam, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.