Oxadiazine insecticide indoxacarb

What is indoxacarb (144171-61-9)?

The pesticide indoxacarb is an organic compound with the molecular formula C22H17ClF3N3O7. Cas 144171-61-9 is a broad-spectrum oxadiazine pesticide that blocks sodium ion channels in insect nerve cells. , which causes nerve cells to lose their function and has a stomach-toxic effect on contact. It can effectively prevent and control a variety of pests on grain, cotton, fruits, vegetables and other crops. Indoxacarb, a pesticide containing a novel heterocyclic structure, was actually originally derived from another sodium channel blocking pesticide based on a pyrazoline structure.

So-called sodium channel blockers refer to substances that can cause the sodium ion channels in nerve cells to close. After closing, the sodium ion channels block the inflow of sodium ions and inhibit the conduction of nerve impulses. When such pesticides act on insect nerve cells, they block nerve impulse transmission, making the insects unable to eat, eventually leading to paralysis and death. More in-depth research shows that it is not indoxacarb itself that actually exerts the sodium channel blocking effect, but It is its metabolite DCJW.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) mechanism of action

The insecticide indoxacarb has a unique mechanism of action. It exerts insecticidal activity through contact and gastric poisoning. After the insect comes into contact and feeds, it enters the body. The insect stops feeding within 3 to 4 hours, moves disorderly, and becomes paralyzed. Generally, the insecticide Death occurs within 24-60 hours. Chongcarb is not easily decomposed even when exposed to strong UV light and remains effective at high temperatures. It is resistant to rain erosion and can be strongly adsorbed to the leaf surface. Indoxacarb has no systemic effect but is highly penetrating (similar to abamectin). Since indoxacarb is insoluble in water, has high efficiency, low toxicity and no chronic toxicity, in addition to controlling lepidopteran pests, it can also be made into gels and baits to control sanitary pests such as cockroaches, fire ants and ants. In the United States, indoxacarb is positioned as the only lepidopteran insecticide for the control of Lygus bugs.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) mechanism of action

The insecticide indoxacarb has a unique mechanism of action. It is rapidly converted into DCJW (N.2 demethoxycarbonyl metabolite) in the insect body, and DCJW acts on the inactivated voltage-gated sodium ion channels of insect nerve cells. It irreversibly blocks nerve impulse transmission in insects, destroys nerve impulse transmission, and causes pests to suffer from movement disorder, inability to eat, paralysis and eventual death.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Physical and Chemical Properties and Toxicity

Physical and chemical properties: The insecticide indoxacarb is a white powdery solid with a melting point of 88.1°C.

Toxicity: Indoxacarb is a low-toxic pesticide. 95% of the original drug of indoxacarb has low acute oral, transdermal and inhalation toxicity in rats. It has no skin irritation or eye irritation, and no sensitization rate. It has no mutagenic effect. The ineffective dose for subchronic oral toxicity in male rats is 5.880mg/kg·bw·d and in female rats is 2.248mg/kg·bw·d.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) mode of action

The insecticide indoxacarb exerts its insecticidal activity (larvicidal and ovacidal) through contact and gastrotoxic effects. After treating insects with indoxacarb, the insects stop feeding in 3 to 4 hours, move uncontrollably, become paralyzed, and fall off the crop. They generally die 4 to 48 hours after treatment. This agent is effective on larvae of all instars. There will be a period of time from when the pest comes into contact with the pesticide or eats the leaves containing the pesticide until it dies, but the pest will stop feeding during this period and will not cause any damage to the crop.

The insecticide indoxacarb has good lipophilicity and has contact and stomach poisoning effects. Although it has no systemic effect, it can enter the leaves through osmosis. Indoxacarb is not easily decomposed even when exposed to strong UV light and remains effective at high temperatures. It has good resistance to rain erosion and can be strongly adsorbed on the leaf surface.

The insecticide indoxacarb has a broad insecticidal spectrum and is effective against all instar larvae of Lepidoptera. It is suitable for controlling a variety of pests on crops such as corn, cotton, fruit trees, vegetables, soybeans and grapes, such as beetles, leafhoppers, blind The control effect is especially good against stink bugs, apple fruit flies and corn root pests. The dosage is 12.5-125 g/hm2, and it should be applied no more than 4 times per season. In addition, indoxacarb gel and bait can be used to control sanitary pests, especially cockroaches, fire ants, etc.; its sprays and baits can also be used to control lawn worms, weevils, and mole crickets.

The insecticide indoxacarb is effective against existing insecticide-resistant pests and has little impact on parasitic mites and beneficial organisms. Indoxacarb is not found to be associated with pyrethroids, organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides. There is cross-resistance. After more than 10 years of commercial use, indoxacarb has not been found to be harmful to any labeled crops; it is safe to fish, mammals, and natural enemy insects, and is an ideal agent for comprehensive pest control.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) action mechanism and application

The effective form of the insecticide indoxacarb is a voltage-gate sodium channel blocker in insect nerve cells. Its carboxymethyl group is cleaved in the insect body to form a more active compound - N-desmethoxycarbonyl metabolite (DCJW). . Like diketonitrile, DCJW is also an unsung hero.

The insecticide indoxacarb exerts insecticidal activity (larvicidal and egg-killing) through contact and gastric poisoning. The treated insects stop feeding within 3 to 4 hours, become disordered, become paralyzed, and eventually die. Although indoxacarb has no systemic effect, it can enter the mesophyll through penetration.

The insecticide indoxacarb does not break down easily even when exposed to strong UV light and remains effective at high temperatures. It is resistant to rain erosion and can be strongly adsorbed to the leaf surface. Indoxacarb has a broad insecticidal spectrum and can control lepidopteran pests, Curculionidae, leafhoppers, bugs, apple fruit flies and corn root pests on crops such as vegetables, fruit trees, corn, rice, soybeans, cotton and grapes. Very effective.

Insecticide indoxacarb gel and bait are used to control hygiene pests, especially cockroaches, fire ants and ants. Its sprays and baits can also be used to control lawn worms, weevils, and mole crickets. Unlike traditional carbamate pesticides, indoxacarb is not a cholinesterase inhibitor, and no other pesticide has the same mechanism of action. Therefore, indoxacarb has not been found to be associated with pyrethroids or organophosphorus. There is cross-resistance to carbamate insecticides. After more than 10 years of commercial use, indoxacarb has not been found to be harmful to any labeled crops.

The insecticide indoxacarb is positioned as the only lepidopteran insecticide for the control of Lygus bugs.

Because indoxacarb is insoluble in water, highly efficient, low-toxic, and has no chronic toxicity, it was developed as an ideal bait for red imported fire ants in the United States and is widely used in the prevention and control of red imported fire ants.

In terms of control targets, cabbage, tea tree, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, ornamental chrysanthemums, cotton, cruciferous vegetables, indoor, outdoor, rice, this ingredient has always been in the embarrassing position of "how to grow bright when it is green". Chlorine that was launched in 2007 Indoxacarb overshadowed indoxacarb in 2009, and cyantraniliprole entered the market in 2012. So indoxacarb was under the heavy pressure of DuPont's two bisamide insecticides, under their shadow. Due to the excellent performance of indoxacarb and the fact that indoxacarb has become a non-patented product, the market has been tepid due to the promotion of domestic manufacturers.

In terms of performance, indoxacarb is no less effective than chlorantraniliprole in controlling rice leaf rollers; indoxacarb is no less effective than spinosad in controlling red imported fire ants...

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Product Features

(1) Broad insecticidal spectrum and good safety. The insecticide indoxacarb can effectively control various pests such as leaf roller moths, cabbage caterpillars, Spodoptera litura, cotton bollworms, and tobacco caterpillars on crops such as rice, peanuts, tobacco, fruit trees, cruciferous vegetables, tea trees, and ornamental plants. Indoxacarb is safe for crops and non-target organisms such as beneficial insects in the environment, with low residues. It is especially suitable for multiple-harvest crops such as vegetables. Indoxacarb is also used as a sanitary insecticide to control cockroaches, fire ants, and ants.

(2) No cross-resistance and good mixability. Due to the special insecticidal principle of indoxacarb, which is different from common insecticides such as pyrethroids, organophosphorus and carbamates, indoxacarb has not yet been found to be related to the above types of insecticides. The product is cross-resistant. At the same time, indoxacarb can be used in combination with most insecticide products without antagonism or adverse reactions, thus expanding the insecticidal spectrum and slowing down the occurrence of resistance. Common combination solutions include indoxacarb with emamectin salt, indoxa Insectiocarb and abamectin, indoxacarb and Indoxacarb, etc.

(3) Good quick effect and long lasting effect. The insecticide indoxacarb exerts insecticidal activity through contact killing and gastric poisoning. After the liquid comes into contact with or is eaten by pests, feeding will generally stop in about 3-4 hours, thus preventing pests from further harming crops. However, Due to its characteristics, the peak of dead insects will occur within 2-3 days. Some people also believe that because they did not see the insects die, they do not recognize the rapid effect of indoxacarb. If you want to speed up the killing of insects, you can also mix it with quick-killing products such as emamectin salt. Indoxacarb can be strongly adsorbed on the leaves, is not easily decomposed under strong ultraviolet light, is resistant to high temperatures and rain, and lasts for about 12-15 days.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Advantages

1. Wide range of use

The insecticide indoxacarb can be used on cabbage, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, eggplants, lettuce, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cotton, potatoes, grapes, peanuts, soybeans, and rice. It has been used on crops such as corn and corn, and no adverse phytotoxicity has occurred.

2. Broad insecticidal spectrum

Insecticide indilamin can control various pests such as cabbage caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, cabbage armyworm, cotton bollworm, tobacco caterpillar, leaf roller moth, codling moth, leafhopper, diamond, potato beetle and other pests.

3. Strong compoundability

The insecticide indoxacarb can be used in combination with most insecticides to expand the insecticide spectrum without antagonism or adverse reactions. At present, the common compound formulas in China include: emamectin + indoxacarb, abamectin + indoxacarb, fentanyl + indoxacarb, etc.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) is insufficient

1. Quick effect

The insecticide indoxacarb, due to its insecticidal mechanism, determines that its insecticidal speed is relatively slow compared to that of insects, mites, and dragonflies. Death usually occurs within 24-60 hours after taking the drug.

2. Resistance generation

The insecticide indoxacarb is used to control rice leaf rollers on rice. Resistance is suspected and the amount of indoxacarb used needs to be increased.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Application

The pesticide indoxacarb was the first commercial oxadiazine insecticide. Indoor bioassays and field efficacy tests show that indoxacarb is effective against almost all important agricultural scales such as cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, beet armyworm, Trichopodia exigua, blue armyworm, and codling moth. Pteran pests all have excellent insecticidal activity, and it also has certain effects on some Homoptera and Coleoptera pests such as small green leafhoppers, potato leafhoppers, peach aphids, and potato beetles. Using high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis techniques to study the in vivo metabolism of Hc-labeled indoxacarb in lepidopteran insects found that indoxacarb can be rapidly converted into N-desmethoxycarbonyl metabolite (DCJW) by lepidopteran insects. , this transformation mainly occurs in the midgut and fat body, and can be inhibited by the esterase inhibitors paraoxon and defoliated phosphate (DEF). It is speculated that the relevant catalytic enzyme may be an esterase. Further research found that there are differences in the generation of indoxacarb among different insects. Compared with non-lepidopteran insects, most lepidopteran larvae can quickly convert 90% of indoxacarb into 90% of the larvae in less than 4 hours after administration. Indoxacarb is converted into DCJW, and compared with indoxacarb, DCJW is more effective in blocking the combined action potential of the abdominal motor neurons of tobacco hornworm larvae. It is speculated that the activation metabolic rate of indoxacarb in different insects and its insecticidal activity It is related to selectivity, which is also the reason why indoxacarb has low toxicity to mammals and other non-target organisms.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Scope of application

1. The insecticide indoxacarb is suitable for controlling cabbage, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, eggplants, lettuce, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cotton, potatoes, grapes, tea and other crops. Beet armyworm, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, Spodoptera exigua, cabbage armyworm, cotton bollworm, tobacco caterpillar, leaf roller moth, codling moth, leafhopper, inchworm, diamond and potato beetle.

2. The insecticide indoxacarb has contact and stomach poisoning effects and is effective against larvae of all ages. The pesticide enters the body of the insect through contact and feeding. The insect stops feeding within 0-4 hours and is immediately paralyzed. The insect's coordination ability will decrease (which may cause the larvae to fall from the crop), usually within 24-60 hours after the drug is administered. die.

3. Its insecticidal mechanism is unique and there is no cross-resistance with other insecticides.

4. The insecticide indoxacarb has low toxicity to mammals and livestock, and is very safe to non-target organisms and other beneficial insects in the environment. It has low residue in crops and can be harvested on the second day after application. It is especially suitable for crops that are harvested multiple times such as vegetables. Can be used for integrated pest control and resistance management.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) control targets

The insecticide indoxacarb is suitable for controlling beets on cabbage, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, eggplants, lettuce, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cotton, potatoes, grapes and other crops. Noctuid moths are among many pests such as diamondback moths, cabbage caterpillars, Spodoptera litura, cabbage armyworms, cotton bollworms, tobacco caterpillars, leaf rollers, codling moths, leafhoppers, diamond beetles, and potato beetles.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) usage technology

1. The insecticide indoxacarb controls diamondback moth and exigua exigua, etc., and is applied during the 2-3rd instar larvae stage. Use 4.4~8.8g of 30% indoxacarb per acre, mixed with 15kg of water, and apply in the early morning or evening for better control effects.

2. Indoxacarb is used in combination with abamectin, emamectin, spinosad, pyrethroids and other chemicals to control pests more quickly and with a wider range of control. It can also delay the development of insecticide resistance in pests.

How to use indoxacarb (144171-61-9)

When using this pesticide in the field, avoid applying it during the flowering period of nectar crops or areas where bees are active to protect bees; stay away from mulberry gardens. For example, when using it in farmland near mulberry gardens, you must pay special attention to factors such as wind direction and spacing distance when applying the pesticide to prevent The chemical drifts or settles onto the mulberry leaves, causing harm to silkworms; it is strictly forbidden to flow the chemical liquid into the water to prevent harm to aquatic organisms. Indoxacarb has low toxicity to quail and Trichogramma wasps, and is safe to birds and parasitic natural enemies when used in farmland at prescribed doses. For safety reasons when using indoxacarb in the field, the safety interval is 3 days for vegetable crops, 14 days for cotton, and 28 days for fruit trees; fruit trees can be used up to 3 times per season, and other crops can be used up to 4 times. Indoxacarb has low toxicity and it is safe for people to enter the pesticide application field 12 hours after application.

1. The insecticide indoxacarb controls diamondback moth and cabbage caterpillar fungus: in the 2-3rd instar larval stage. Use 4.4-8.8 grams of 30% water-dispersible granules per acre or 8.8-13.3 ml of 15% water-dispersed granules mixed with water and spray.

2. Use the insecticide indoxacarb to control Spodoptera exigua: Use 4.4-8.8 grams of 30% acetate water-dispersible granules or 8.8-17.6 ml of 15% acetaminophen suspension per acre in the early larval stage. Depending on the severity of the pest damage, pesticides can be applied 2-3 times continuously, with an interval of 5-7 days between each time. Application in the early morning and evening will provide better results.

3. Use the insecticide indoxacarb to control cotton bollworm: spray 6.6-8.8 grams of 30% water-dispersible granules per acre or 8.8-17.6 ml of 15% water-dispersed water spray into the water. Depending on the severity of the bollworm damage, the pesticides should be applied 2-3 times at intervals of 5-7 days.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) uses

The insecticide indoxacarb can be used to control most lepidopteran pests on vegetables, fruit trees, melons, cotton, rice and other crops, such as diamondback moth, rice borer, cabbage caterpillar, core borer, and Spodoptera litura. , beet armyworm, cotton bollworm, leaf roller, silverworm, heartworm, etc., as well as leafhoppers, beetles, fire ants, etc. It can also control mosquitoes and other hygienic pests.

The insecticide indoxacarb has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. It has no systemic properties, but has good permeability. After the liquid contacts the plant leaves, it will be absorbed on the leaves and penetrate into the mesophyll. It is resistant to rain erosion, but Use with caution in high temperature environments. No mutual resistance to most insecticides.

The pesticide indoxacarb is a low-toxic pesticide, slightly toxic to mammals and birds, safe to natural enemies and crops, highly toxic to fish and bees, and highly toxic to silkworms.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Precautions

1. It will take a while for the pests to die from the time they come into contact with the medicinal solution or eat the leaves containing the medicinal solution, but the pests have stopped feeding on the crops at this time and will no longer cause harm.

2. Indoxacarb should be used alternately with pesticides with different mechanisms of action such as abamectin. It is recommended to use it no more than 3 times on crops per season to avoid the development of resistance.

3. After application, there will be a period of time from when the pests come into contact with the liquid or eat the leaves containing the liquid until they die, but the pests have stopped feeding and harming the crops at this time.

4. The insecticide indoxacarb needs to be used alternately with insecticides with different mechanisms of action. It is recommended to use it no more than 3 times on crops per season to avoid the development of resistance.

5. When preparing the liquid medicine, first prepare it into a mother liquor, then add it to the medicine barrel, and stir it thoroughly. The prepared medicinal solution should be sprayed in time to avoid leaving it for a long time.

6. Sufficient spray volume should be used to ensure that the front and back sides of the crop leaves can be sprayed evenly.

Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) compound pharmaceutical

When indoxacarb is used alone, its long-lasting and rapid effects may not be very good. However, when used in combination with other pesticides, the duration and rapidity of insecticide can be improved.

1. Methylaminoabamectin benzoate and indoxacarb: When combined, the two have good quick-acting effect and long-lasting effect. The insects will die in 4-6 hours, and the peak period of insect death will be reached in 18 hours. It can prevent scales. Pteran pests: Rice leaf roller, beet armyworm, Spodoptera litura, cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, cotton bollworm, corn borer, leaf roller and heartworm, etc.

2. Abamectin·Indoxacarb: After the two are combined, both large and small insect eggs will be killed, and the peak period of dead insects will be reached 2-3 days after the treatment. It can prevent and control diamondback moth (hangworm), heartworm, and rice leaf curlers. Borer et al.

3. Hydrazine·Indoxacarb: When combined, the two have contact and gastric poisoning effects, and have better control effects against highly resistant armyworm pests.

4. Bifenthrin·Indoxacarb: After the two are combined, they have stomach poisoning and contact killing effects, are resistant to rain erosion, and are specially designed to prevent tea leafhoppers. There are many other chemicals that are compounded with indoxacarb, such as fenpyron, bifenthrin, thiamethoxam, pyridaben, etc.

 Insecticide indoxacarb (144171-61-9) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide indoxacarb will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide indoxacarb you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide Indoxacarb (144171-61-9) Supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide insecticide Indoxacarb, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.