Penoxsulam the mainstream herbicide in rice fields

What is penoxsulam (219714-96-2)?

Penoxsulam is a new generation of herbicides used in rice fields. It works by inhibiting acetyl lactate synthase (ALS). It is mainly used to control weeds in rice fields. It has the broadest herbicidal spectrum among current herbicides used in rice fields. Variety, can effectively control barnyard grass (including barnyard grass resistant to propanil, quinclorac and acetyl-CoA carboxylase resistance), annual sedge weeds, and is effective against many broadleaf weeds. The effective period is 30 to 60 days, and one application can basically control weed damage throughout the season. At the same time, it can also control bensulfuron-resistant weeds in rice fields, and has residual activity against many broad-leaf and sedge weeds and barnyardgrass, but it is ineffective against stephanotis weeds. If control is needed, it can be combined with cyanide Fluroxypyr is mixed.

Penoxsulam is a sulfonamide herbicide, similar to sulfonylurea herbicides. Sulfonamide herbicides are also typical acetolactate synthase inhibitors. They target ALS and are mixed inhibitors involving pyruvate and thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), competing for the binding site of the enzyme without competing for substrates or cofactors. Sulfonamide herbicides are a new class of acetolactate synthase inhibitors developed by Dow AgroSciences in the United States. Its main structural form is triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide, and there are currently 6 varieties, all of which are dry field herbicides, including saflufenacil, saflufenacetate, closulfentrazone, diclosufentrazone, and bisulfentrazone. Fomesafen and penoxsulam. Saflufenacil is safe for soybeans, corn, wheat, barley, peas, alfalfa, clover, etc., and has no adverse effects on subsequent crops. Suflufenacetate is used to control most major broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and rye fields post-emergence. Pre-emergence and post-emergence use can control most major broadleaf weeds in corn fields. Closulfentrazone is mainly used to control broadleaf weeds before and after emergence in soybean fields. It has special effects on cocklebur, ragweed, trilobite ragweed, sweet potato and ragweed. Diclosulam is a soybean field herbicide. Fomesafen is mainly used for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat fields. Penoxsulam is a recently reported herbicide mainly used to control weeds in rice fields.

Penoxsulam (219714-96-2) Physical and Chemical Properties

The herbicide penoxsulam is a light brown solid with a relative density of 1.61g/mL (20°C). The melting point is 212℃, the vapor pressure is 2.49×10-14Pa (20℃), and 9.55×10Chemicalbook-14Pa (25℃). Solubility (mg/L, 19°C): water 5.7 (pH5), 410 (pH7), 1460 (pH9). Stable in water with pH 5-9.

Penoxsulam (219714-96-2) mechanism of action

The herbicide penoxsulam is a sulfonamide herbicide. It exerts its herbicidal effect by inhibiting acetolactate synthase (ALS). It is mainly absorbed through the leaves, and secondly through the roots. It can also be transmitted to the meristem through the phloem and xylem to be inhibited. and die. After the application of penoxsulam, plant growth is almost immediately inhibited, the growth points become chlorotic, and the bud tops become necrotic, resulting in plant death within 2 to 4 weeks.

Sulfonamide herbicides are a new class of acetolactate synthase inhibitors. Its main structural form is triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide. There are currently 6 varieties, all of which are used to control gramineous weeds, including saflufenacil, sulfentrachlor, closufentrazone, and diclosufen. , difluorosulfen and penoxsulam. Its mechanism of action is the same as that of sulfonylureas, both of which inhibit acetolactate synthase (ALS). Acetolactate synthase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine and isoleucine) and is inhibited. This ultimately leads to blockage of protein synthesis and ultimately inhibition of cell division.

Penoxsulam (219714-96-2) Features

Weeds quickly stop growing after being treated with the herbicide penoxsulam and completely die slowly. The rate of weed death is related to the reserves of branched-chain amino acids in the body. Therefore, young grasses with small reserves of branched-chain amino acids often die quickly; on the contrary, plants and older weeds die slowly, and adverse environmental conditions will slow down the efficacy of the drug.

(1) Effective against most major weeds in rice fields, including barnyardgrass (many different subspecies, such as rice barnyardgrass, etc.), annual Cyperaceae and many broadleaf weeds

(2) Low dosage: Globally, the dosage of the active ingredient of penoxsulam is 10-50 grams/hectare, which varies due to different cultivation methods, pesticide application methods, weed age and regions.

(3) Excellent rice safety - safe for rice from the one-leaf stage to before harvest; suitable for rice in all cultivation methods

(4) Flexible use method: it can be used as post-emergence stem and leaf spray or toxic soil treatment

(5) Excellent control effect on older barnyardgrass

(6) Advanced dosage form, rapid absorption, and resistant to rain erosion

(7) Safety for subsequent operations

(8) Safe for humans and the environment

(9) Can be mixed with other paddy field herbicides

(10) The validity period can reach 30 to 60 days

Penoxsulam (219714-96-2) uses

Penoxsulam is a conductive herbicide that is absorbed through stems, leaves, buds and roots, and is transmitted to the meristem through the xylem and phloem, inhibiting plant growth and causing the growth points to turn green. The top buds turn red 7 to 14 days after treatment. , necrosis, and the plants die in 2 to 4 weeks; this agent is a strong acetolactate synthase inhibitor, and the agent appears slowly, and it takes a certain period of time for the weeds to gradually die.

The herbicide penoxsulam is suitable for dry direct-seeding fields, water-seeding fields, rice seedling fields, as well as rice seedling throwing and transplanting cultivation fields. The dosage is 15~30g a.i./hm2. In dry direct-seeded fields, pesticides are applied before emergence or after irrigation, and in water-directed seedlings in the early post-emergence period; in transplanted cultivation, pesticides are applied 5 to 7 days after transplanting. The pesticide application method can be spraying or soil mixing.

Penoxsulam is a broad-spectrum herbicide used in rice fields. It can effectively control barnyard grass (including barnyard grass that is resistant to propanil, quinclorac and acetyl-CoA carboxylase resistance), stephanotis and annual sedges. It is effective against many broadleaf weeds and lasts for 30 to 60 days. One application can basically control weed damage throughout the season. At the same time, it can also control bensulfuron-resistant weeds in rice fields, and has residual activity against many broad-leaf and sedge weeds and barnyardgrass. It is the variety with the broadest herbicidal spectrum among herbicides currently used in rice fields.

How to use penoxsulam (219714-96-2)

Penoxsulam is a broad-spectrum herbicide used in rice fields, which can effectively control barnyard grass (including barnyard grass that is resistant to propanil, diclofenac and acetyl-CoA shuttlease), stephanotis and annual It is a sedge weed and is effective against many broadleaf weeds, such as Hespermum angustifolia, Cyprinus spp., Astragalus spp., Bamboo japonica, and Betonia japonica, etc. At the same time, it can also control insulfuron-resistant weeds in rice fields, and has residual activity against many broad-leaf and sedge weeds and barnyardgrass. It is the variety with the broadest herbicidal spectrum among herbicides currently used in rice fields.

Penoxsulam is a conductive herbicide. It is absorbed through stems, leaves, young shoots and roots, and is transmitted to the meristem through xylem and phloem, inhibiting plant growth and causing the growth points to lose green. The zenith buds will turn green 7-14 days after treatment. Red, necrotic, and the plant will die in 2-4 weeks; this agent is a strong acetyl lactate synthase inhibitor, and its effect is slow to develop, and it will take a certain period of time for the weeds to gradually die.

Penoxsulam is suitable for rice dry-seeding fields, water-seeding fields, seedling fields, and seedling throwing and transplanting cultivation fields. The dosage is 15-30g (active ingredient)/hm2. In dry direct-seeded fields, pesticides should be applied before sprouting or after irrigation, and in water-seeded seedlings, apply pesticides in the early post-emergence period; in transplanted cultivation, pesticides should be applied 5-7 days after transplanting. The pesticide application method can be spraying or soil mixing.

Penoxsulam is very safe for rice. Ten rice varieties were sprayed at a dose of 70g (active ingredient)/hm2 at the 2-3 leaf stage. The results showed no significant difference in rice plant height, heading stage and yield. This shows that All varieties are highly resistant. When used at ultra-high doses, it has a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of rice roots in the early stage, but it recovers quickly without affecting the yield.

Degradation and disappearance of penoxsulam (219714-96-2)

The herbicide penoxsulam is rapidly adsorbed by the soil. Leachability is weak in most rice field soils. Its adsorption capacity in clay soil and soil with high organic matter content is higher than that in light soil and soil with low organic matter content. In soil with pH>8.0, it has the risk of aggravating phytotoxicity. This agent migrates easily in the soil and does not remain for a long time. Because the saturated vapor pressure of this agent is low, it is not easy to evaporate from water; in flooded rice fields, the half-life of the agent is 2-13 days; photolysis and microbial degradation are the main disappearance pathways of penoxsulam. It can resist hydrolysis in water, but can disappear quickly after photolysis in shallow water layers. The photolysis of this aqueous solution can be divided into three ways: cleavage of the sulfonphthalamide bridge, gradual degradation of trisulfide and its substituents, and photooxidation of the sulfonphthalein group. . This photolysis product can remain for a long time. In rice field soil, anaerobic microbial degradation is an important process in the disappearance of chemicals, and its disappearance rate is as fast as photolysis.

Swot analysis of penoxsulam (219714-96-2)

Strengths analysis

The herbicide penoxsulam has high activity and low dosage per mu, which is in line with the trend of the national double reduction policy. It has good weeding effect and broad herbicidal spectrum. It can be used at any time during the growth period except in some areas in the Northeast; it is long-lasting. The period is 30 to 60 days, which is safe for subsequent crops.

Weaknesses Analysis

The herbicide penoxsulam also suffers from a common problem common to almost all highly active pesticides - high resistance. Resistance has already appeared in many areas, making weeding more difficult, increasing the amount per mu, and increasing costs; in the Northeast, the temperature in the early period is like Low temperature should be used with caution. Low temperature will reduce the metabolism rate of penoxsulam in the rice body, which may cause the growth of japonica rice to be inhibited or yellow.

Opportunities analysis

The large-scale promotion of flying prevention is conducive to the increase of penoxsulam. Emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powder formulations such as quinclorac and fenacefen cannot be used for flying prevention, and the nozzle will be blocked. Fomesafen dispersible oil suspension is perfectly suitable for flying control. Its combination with cyhalofop-ethyl solves the problem of penoxsulam's resistance to Stephania chinensis and becomes the first choice for controlling gramineous weeds in the later stages of rice; and Penoxsulam is also suitable to be made into granules. Currently, penoxsulam medicated fertilizer is available on the market for use in paddy fields. Penoxsulam also has eye-catching market performance in non-agricultural fields, and is used for weeding in lawns, orchards and other non-agricultural fields.

Threats Analysis

Penoxsulam's "first show" after the end of the patent period was extremely unsuccessful. Many domestic companies had high hopes of registering production. This led to serious price comparisons at the terminal, and in order to increase selling points, they proposed The use of Zhiliu coincided with the low temperature in the Northeast that year, which led to large-scale pesticide damage from penoxsulam. More than half of the companies were affected, which also caused penoxsulam to cause extreme harm at all levels. The bad effects have greatly reduced everyone's enthusiasm for the use of penoxsulam, and it is currently mostly used for poisonous soil or stem and leaf treatment. In recent years, cyhalofop has been active and has become the largest herbicide in paddy fields; in the future, new paddy field products such as flumefenacet will also have an impact on it. Therefore, penoxsulam needs to make breakthroughs in price and new usage directions in the future.

Penoxsulam (219714-96-2) Precautions

The pesticide application method can be spraying or soil mixing. The product is very safe for rice. When used at ultra-high doses, it has a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of rice roots in the early stage, but it recovers quickly without affecting the yield. Penoxsulam can be rapidly adsorbed by soil.

Leachability is weak in most rice field soils. Its adsorption capacity in clay soil and soil with high organic matter content is higher than that in light soil and soil with low organic matter content. In soil with pH>8.0, it has the risk of aggravating phytotoxicity.

1 Dry sowing and tube paddy fields are prone to phytotoxicity due to lack of water.

2. Glutinous rice and some japonica rice are more sensitive within the 2-leaf stage (such as Shenyou 4, Wujing 15, Xiushui 110, Shaonuo 9714), and the symptoms of phytotoxicity generally disappear within 10 days.

3. Rice seedlings are small (<2 leaves) and weak in growth. Phytotoxic reactions may occur, so use with caution.

4. It is recommended to mix low-sensitivity broadleaf weeds with sulfonylurea herbicide-resistant species such as duckweed and Yujiuhua with effective pesticides such as bendasone.

5. In the Northeast region, it is easy to encounter low temperatures during the seedling stage, so use with caution. Because cold weather will reduce the metabolism rate of penoxsulam in rice, it may cause the growth of japonica rice to be inhibited or yellow.

6. It should not be mixed with foliar fertilizer.

Herbicide penoxsulam (219714-96-2) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide penoxsulam will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide penoxsulam you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Herbicide penoxsulam (219714-96-2) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide herbicide penoxsulam, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.