Pesticide Information about Microbial Fungicides mancozeb

What is Mancozeb?

Mancozeb is a broad-spectrum fungicide that is used to control a wide range of common fungal diseases on vegetables and ornamentals.Cas 8018-01-7It is mainly used in agricultural settings to protect crops and comes in various formulations such as dusts, liquid concentrates, dry flowables, water dispersible granules and ready-to-use products.It is used to control a number of fungal diseases, such as Anthracnose, Pythium blight, leaf spot, Downy mildew and rust on wide range of field crops, fruits, nuts,and vegetables such as cucurbits, banana, papaya, pepper, eggplant, sweet potato, onions/chives, garlic,tomatoes, herbs, okra, lettuce, etc.fungicides to give more specialized effects.

Mancozeb is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide which is labeled for use on many fruit, vegetable, nut, and field crops. It provides protection against a wide spectrum of fungal diseases, including potato blight, leaf spot, scab, and rust. It is also used as seed treatment for potatoes, corn, sorghum, tomatoes, and cereal grains.

Mancozeb and other EBDC fungicides (maneb, zineb, metiram) are water insoluble and bind tightly to soil. They are rapidly hydrolyzed, (soil half-life (t 1/2), 1 day) to ethylene bis isothiocyanate (EBIS), ethylene thio urea (ETU), ethylene urea (EU), hydantoin (HYD), and other minor degrades.

How Does Mancozeb Work?

Mode of Action

Mancozeb is a non-systemic fungicide with protective and contact action. When fungi come in contact with Mancozeb, it acts on multiple sites in fungal cells disrupting lipid metabolism, respiration and production.

Mancozeb works by inactivating essential enzymes and amino acids of fungal cells to keep them from growing, developing and spreading.

Mancozeb is classified by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC)2 as a mode-of-action group M, multi-site, fungicide. It interferes with enzymes containing sulphydryl groups, disrupting several biochemical processes within the fungal cell cytoplasm and mitochondria.

What is mancozeb fungicide used for?

To prevent the formation of fungal and bacterial spores, which can cause decay and make bulbs unusable, use a broad-spectrum, protectant fungicide on your leaves. The product contains zinc, iron, and manganese that help keep the tops healthy after spraying, and it is effective in controlling common onion diseases such as Downy, Powdery, Blight, Neck Rot, Purple Blotch, and Botrytis. Moreover, this fungicide can be used on almost all fruits and vegetables.

It is used to control a number of fungal diseases, such as Anthracnose, Pythium blight, leaf spot, Downy mildew and rust on wide range of field crops, fruits, nuts, and vegetables such as cucurbits, banana, papaya, pepper, eggplant, sweet potato, onions/chives, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, okra, lettuce, etc.

Microbial Fungicides mancozeb price

Normally the price of the pesticide Microbial Fungicides mancozeb  is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide Microbial Fungicides mancozeb  you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Microbial Fungicides mancozeb supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Microbial Fungicides mancozeb  please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing mancozeb  which are registered , visit the website your  then click on the link for Products.

Features of mancozeb

Mancozeb products are divided into two categories, one is fully complexed structure, and the other is not fully complexed structure, also known as ordinary mancozeb. The fully complexed products are mainly 80% wettable powder and 75% water dispersible granule. These products are safe to use, have stable disease prevention effects, and can promote bright and clean fruit surfaces and improve fruit quality. Products with non-fully complexed structures have unstable disease prevention effects and are unsafe to use. Improper use often causes varying degrees of phytotoxicity and seriously affects product quality.

Mancozeb is an organosulfur, broad-spectrum, protective fungicide with the characteristics of high efficiency, low toxicity, and resistance to bacteria, and it has therapeutic effects on manganese and zinc deficiency in crops. It has a good preventive effect on downy mildew of various crops, early blight, late blight, leaf spot, and blight of solanaceous vegetables, and is one of the broad-spectrum fungicides that can effectively prevent a variety of germs . It has no therapeutic effect on the bacteria, and it must be sprayed before the bacteria invade the host plant to obtain the ideal control effect. Mancozeb can be used continuously for many times, and it is extremely difficult for bacteria to develop drug resistance.

Mancozeb is mainly used to control vegetable downy mildew, anthracnose, brown spot, etc. It is currently an ideal agent for the control of tomato early blight and potato late blight.

For diseases resistant to carbendazim, mancozeb can be used instead to receive good control effects. Often used as the main ingredient in many formulations. It can be mixed with various pesticides and fertilizers. Such as chlorothalonil, sulfur powder, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, thiram, aluminum triethylphosphonate, metalaxyl, metalaxyl, cymoxanil, oxaxyl, dimethomorph, Diniconazole, triadimefon, difenoconazole, iprodione, tebuconazole, dicyanoanthraquinone, polyoxin, Bordeaux mixture, oxaconazole, myclobutanil, flumorph and other bactericidal ingredients Mixing to produce compound fungicides. When mixed with systemic bactericidal ingredients, it can delay the emergence of bacterial resistance to systemic ingredients.

It has a good control effect on various crop diseases caused by Phytophthora genus of Phytophthora genus, Cercospora spp.

Benefits of Mancozeb

Mancozeb has shown to be effective on a wide variety of ornamental plants and vegetable and fruit crops. It stops the spread of fungus and is usually very easy to mix and apply with a sprayer. It has both curative and preventative properties and works on contact.

Drawbacks of Mancozeb

Mancozeb is not a systemic fungicide and only works as a contact fungicide where it has been applied. Curative properties only work when you apply at the very early onset of the disease, otherwise, it may not be very effective in removing the disease. It is better to use as a preventative fungicide.

Applications of mancozeb

It is a broad-spectrum fungicide for foliage protection, widely used in fruit trees, vegetables and field crops, and can control a variety of important leaf fungal diseases, such as wheat rust, corn leaf spot, potato phytophthora, and fruit tree black star disease, anthrax etc. Its dosage is 1.4-1.9kg (active ingredient)/hm2. Because of its wide application and good efficacy, it has become an important variety of non-systemic protective fungicides. Alternate or mix with systemic fungicides.

mancozeb It is a high-efficiency, low-toxicity, broad-spectrum protective fungicide, used for sterilization and disease prevention of wheat, corn, fruits and other crops

mancozeb It is a broad-spectrum fungicide, used to prevent and control various diseases of crops caused by fungi.

How to use it mancozeb

Mancozeb is one of the best options we have to control fungal disease. When weather conditions are favorable for fungal disease development it is better to use it in a preventative way and should be

alternated with other fungicides like Chlorothalonil. When you see the first symptoms of a fungal disease or it has been consistently hot or rainy, you should do a first application of Mancozeb. Seven days later, do another application of Chlorothalonil If there still exist favorable conditions for disease, continue using these two products alternating them every 7 days.

Spray when risk of disease or mites is high and repeat spray every 10 days. It is important to thoroughly cover all plant surfaces including the undersides of leaves. For stone fruit, apply at full blossom, petal fall and then at 3 week intervals till 2 weeks before harvest. For lawns, apply as a spray or using a watering can with sprinkle bar attachment.

DO NOT apply if rain is expected within 24 hours, if temperature exceeds 27ºC or if plants are suffering from moisture stress.


Azaleas, camellias

Disease - Petal blight

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Carnations, hollyhock, pelargonium, snapdragons

Disease - Anthracnose, leaf spot, rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Dahlias, zinnias, gladioli

Disease - Blight

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Black spot, powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Seedlings (general)

Disease - Damping off

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Anthracnose, bean spider mite, leaf spot, powdery mildew, rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

Disease - Downy mildew, rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Brussels sprouts

Disease - Rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Capsicum, carrots

Disease - Powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Leaf blight, powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Lettuce, melons (excluding rockmelon), pumpkins

Disease - Downy mildew, powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Downy mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Peas (including sugar snap and snow peas)

Disease - Powdery mildew, rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Spinach, silver beet, beetroot

Disease - Powdery mildew, rust

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Squash, zucchini

Disease - Downy mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.


Disease - Anthracnose, rust, bean spider mite, early blight (target spot), powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

pples, pears

Disease - Black spot (scab), bitter rot, powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

Grape vines

Disease - Bud mite, powdery mildew

Rate - Mix 5g (1 level cap) to 1 litre of water OR 50g (10 level caps) to 10 litres of water. Agitate regularly during spraying to avoid settling.

How to use Mancozeb

It is used for seed coating, seed soaking and seed dressing of corn, wheat, peanut, sorghum, rice, tomato and other crops, and can prevent and control seed-borne diseases and soil-borne diseases at seedling stage. For field crops and vegetable spraying, manual spraying is generally 40-50 liters of chemical solution per mu, tractor spraying is 7-10 liters per mu, aircraft spraying is 1-2 liters per mu, and fruit trees are artificially sprayed per mu. The dosage is 200-300 liters of liquid medicine. In addition to preventing and controlling diseases, it also has the effect of stimulating plant growth. Generally, it is sprayed with 600~800 times liquid of 75% mancozeb wettable powder.

How effective is mancozeb?

Mancozeb has shown to be effective on a wide variety of ornamental plants and vegetable and fruit crops. It stops the spread of fungus and is usually very easy to mix and apply with a sprayer.

Depending on the timing of the application, you should expect Mancozeb to prevent further growth of the fungus or remove the disease entirely. As mentioned earlier, Mancozeb can cure certain fungal diseases only if you've applied at a very early stage of the disease's development. For plants that are not diseased, a single application of Mancozeb will provide up to 2 weeks of protection against diseases.

Applications of Mancozeb should start when seedlings emerge or transplants are set and repeat at 7 to 10-day intervals throughout the season for continued preventative disease protection.

Is Mancozeb Safe?

Mancozeb is safe to apply when applied according to label directions. As with any of our chemicals we carry, wearing personal protective equipment is required to lessen the risks of inhaling, ingesting or coming in contact with the skin.

The minimum PPE suggested when handling Mancozeb based products includes chemical resistant gloves, eye protection, and long-sleeved clothing. Please make sure to follow the label instructions for the proper directions in applying the product and knowing what safety measures to apply. After application, keep people and pets off the treated area until the product has fully dried.

First aid measure mancozeb

Inhalation: Move the victim to fresh air and keep at rest. If symptoms persist, call a physician.

Skin Contact: If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the clothes and wash the contaminated skin

with copious amounts of soap and water.

Eye Contact: If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of clean water for about 10 to 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical advice.

Ingestion: Call a health center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Give the intoxicated person a

glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the health center or doctor.

Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Mitigation Measures mancozeb

Wear full protective clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, rubber gloves, boots, glasses,

etc. while mixing and spraying.

Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying.

Contain spills and absorb with sand, soil, or absorbent granules.

Do not allow product or washings to enter the waterways or sewer.

Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying.

Triple rinse empty containers prior to disposal. Do not re-use empty containers for any other


Store in the original container in a cool, dry, ventilated place.

Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuffs containers and animals feed.

Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin.

Do not allow product to get wet in storage.

Never use or storage in or around the home.

Keep container sealed when not in use.

Do not apply around open bodies of water (fish ponds) and water sources.

Chemical sprayers and mix tanks have to be cleaned in designated areas.

Precautions for mancozeb

It can be mixed with various pesticides and fertilizers, but not with copper-containing or alkaline pesticides and fertilizers. The interval between spraying Bordeaux mixture should be at least 15 days. Ordinary mancozeb should be used with caution in the young leaf and young fruit stage to avoid phytotoxicity, and special attention should be paid to the production of high-quality and high-grade agricultural products.

Mancozeb only has a preventive effect and does not have a therapeutic effect, so it should be administered in the early or early stage of the disease. The drug should be stopped 2 to 4 weeks before the crop is harvested, and the drug should be avoided at noon and high temperature. During storage, care should be taken to prevent high temperature and keep it dry, so as not to decompose the medicine under high temperature and humidity conditions and reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

The safe interval on watermelon is 21 days, and it can be used up to 3 times in a season. The safe interval between tomatoes and peppers is 15 days, and they can be used up to 3 times in a season. On potatoes a safe interval is 3 days and a maximum of 3 applications per season. The safe intervals on apples, pears, grapes, and lychees are all 10 days, and they can be used up to 3 times per season. The safe interval on citrus is 21 days, and it can be used up to 2 times in a season. The safe interval on peanuts is 7 days, and it can be used up to 3 times in a season. The safe interval on tobacco is 21 days, and it can be used up to 3 times in a season.