Pesticides - Fact Sheet for Chlorothalonil

What is Chlorothalonil?

Chlorothalonil (2, 4, 5, 6-tetrachloroisopthalonitrile), a nonsystemic widely used foliar fungicide for the control of plant pathogens causing broad spectrum of plant diseases in agricultural systems.Cas 1897-45-6 Chlorothalonil is a fungicide used to control fungi that grow on trees, vegetables, turf, small fruits, ornamentals, and other crops. It also controls mold, mildew, algae, bacteria, and fruit rot. In addition, Chlorothalonil can be used to control certain pests like mites and ticks and can be used to protect wood.

First registered to the EPA in 1966, Chlorothalonil is used mainly in agricultural settings and is regarded as one of the top used fungicide active ingredients in the US, alongside Sulfur and Copper. Chlorothalonil comes in a variety of different formulations such as a dust, dry or water-soluble granules, a wettable powder, a liquid concentrate, fogging concentrate, and a dip.

How Does Chlorothalonil Work?

Mode of Action

The mode of action of Chlorothalonil is by interfering with the enzyme systems of the fungus to the point that it is unable to perform essential functions related to its growth so it eventually dies.

Mechanism of action Chlorothalonil

Chlorothalonil reacts with glutathione giving an glutathione adduct with elimination of HCl. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of trichloromethyl sulfenyl fungicides such as captan and folpet.

Microbial Fungicides Chlorothalonil price

Normally, the price of the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Chlorothalonil is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Chlorothalonil you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Microbial Fungicides Chlorothalonil supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Chlorothalonil please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing Chlorothalonil which are registered , visit the website your  then click on the link for Products.

What type of fungicide is chlorothalonil?

Chlorothalonil organochlorine fungicide

Chemical Action and Usages: Chlorothalonil is a organochlorine fungicide that is available in several different formulations.

Chlorothalonil Features

Chlorothalonil is resistant to hydrolysis, photolysis, and volatilization,

and only moderately susceptible to degradation in soil under aerobic

conditions. Chlorothalonil is somewhat persistent in water when microbial activity is limited and hydrological residence times are long.

Chlorothalonil has limited potential to reach groundwater, and where it

has been detected in groundwater, concentrations have been low and often attributed to atypical sources. Degradates of chlorothalonil have been found in groundwater. Chlorothalonil can contaminate surface water via spray drift or through runoff and erosion. Chlorothalonil can be dissolved in runoff and adsorbed to sediment in the runoff.

The major degradate of chlorothalonil in the soil under aerobic

conditions is SDS-3701. SDS-3701 appears to be more persistent and mobile than chlorothalonil. Consequently, substantial amounts of SDS-3701 may be available for runoff for longer periods than chlorothalonil and SDS-3701 may be more persistent in water/sediment systems than chlorothalonil.

The bioaccumulation potential of chlorothalonil is low, although there is some potential for the bioaccumulation of chlorothalonil degradates in oysters.

Benefits of Chlorothalonil

Chlorothalonil is an effective fungicide for lawns and has a broad label. It protects against common diseases like Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose and more. Use Chlorothalonil to protect vulnerable plants on a variety of treatment sites like golf courses, nurseries, lawns and agricultural areas.

What are the disadvantages of chlorothalonil fungicide?

Chlorothalonil is not a systemic fungicide. As a result, products containing Chlorothalonil must be reapplied regularly during the growing season. Chlorothalonil should note be applied on fine fescue as phytotoxicity may occur.

Chlorothalonil for lawns has a maximum allowed application rate that should not be exceeded (for example, the total Chlorothalonil active ingredient per acre per year allowed is 88.4 pounds). Check the label of your product for details.

For acute dermal effects and acute skin irritation, chlorothalonil is in Toxicity Category IV. Chlorothalonil produces severe eye irritation in rabbits (Toxicity Category I).

What is chlorothalonil fungicide used for?

Chlorothalonil is a fungicide used to control fungi that grow on trees, vegetables, turf, small fruits, ornamentals, and other crops. It also controls mold, mildew, algae, bacteria, and fruit rot. In addition, Chlorothalonil can be used to control certain pests like mites and ticks and can be used to protect wood.

chlorothalonil is used predominantly on peanuts (about 34% of usage), potatoes (about 12%), and tomatoes (about 7%), although the EPA recognizes its use on many other crops.It is also used on golf courses and lawns (about 10%) and as a preservative additive in some paints (about 13%), resins, emulsions, and coatings.

Chlorothalonil is commercially available in many different formulations and delivery methods. It is applied as a dust, dry or water-soluble grains, a wettable powder, a liquid spray, a fog, and a dip. It may be applied by hand, by ground sprayer, or by aircraft.

Chlorothalonil Main Uses

Chlorothalonil It is used as an agricultural and horticultural fungicide, bactericide, and nematocide. As a broad spectrum, non-systemic pesticide, it controls fungal diseases in the foliage of vegetable, field, and ornamental crops. It is typically used on: citrus fruits, currants, berries, bananas, tomatoes, green vegetables, coffee, peanuts, potatoes, onions, and cereals.

Chlorothalonil may also be used as: a preservative in paints, adhesives, and wood; an anti-mold and anti-mildew agent; and a microbiocide, algaecide, insecticide, and ar achnicide.

Chlorothalonil Use

Chlorothalonil acts primarily as a fungicide and mildewicide, but also has some activity as a bactericide, microbiocide, algaecide, insecticide, and acaricide. It is a broad spectrum, non-systemic pesticide. Its exact mechanism of action is not known. Chlorothalonil is registered on a wide variety of sites including field, vegetable, and orchard crops; turf; and as a mildewicide to be added to paint and other surface treatments. There are currently 39 tolerances for chlorothalonil.

Application methods include hand-held duster or granule spreader; backpack sprayer; chemigation; ultra-low, low, or high volume ground sprayer; aircraft; air-blast; specialty air-assisted equipment; brush-on and dip treatments; airless sprayers; and thermal fog generator. Chlorothalonil is formulated in dust, granular (dry and water dispersible), wettable powder,dry flowable, flowable concentrate, impregnated material, or ready-to-use formulations. Homeowner uses include mildewicidal additive for paint,ornamental plants, and turf uses.

How do you spray chlorothalonil?

Dichondra Leaf Spot: Alternaria spp. Gray Snow Mold caused by Typhula spp.: Apply in sufficient water to obtain adequate spray coverage (2-10 gallons per 1000 square feet). Apply a single application of 5.5 fluid ounces of Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil 720 SFT per 1000 square feet of turf area (15 pints per acre). 

Apply Chlorothalonil 82.5 WDG in 90 to 450 gallons of water per acre (2 to 10 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft) for tees and greens and 30 to 450 gallons of water per acre (0.7 to 10 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft) for all other turf

Is Chlorothalonil Safe?

Chlorothalonil is safe to apply when applied according to label directions. As with any of our chemicals we carry, wearing personal protective equipment is required to lessen the risks of inhaling, ingesting or coming in contact with the skin.

The minimum PPE required when handling Chlorothalonil based products includes chemical resistant gloves, eye protection, and long-sleeved clothing. Please make sure to follow the label instructions for the proper directions in applying the product and knowing what safety measures to apply. Keep people and pets off the treatment area until the product has completely dried.

Chlorothalonil Toxicity

Chlorothalonil is in acute Toxicity Category IV (the least toxic of four

categories) for the oral route of exposure, and in Toxicity Category II for the inhalation route. For acute dermal effects and acute skin irritation,

chlorothalonil is in Toxicity Category IV. Chlorothalonil produces severe eye irritation in rabbits (Toxicity Category I). The Agency has classified

chlorothalonil as a likely human carcinogen (formerly Group B2).

In determining whether to retain, reduce, or remove the 10x FQPA

safety factor for infants and children, EPA uses a weight of evidence approach taking into account the completeness and adequacy of the toxicity data base,the nature and severity of the effects observed in pre- and post-natal studies,and exposure. The developmental and reproductive data for chlorothalonil indicate that there is no evidence of an increased sensitivity to chlorothalonil from pre- or post-natal exposures. In a rat study, the developmental LOEL was based on resorptions and post-implantation loss. The same dose was

associated with maternal effects. No developmental toxicity was observed at any dose level in a rabbit study, and no maternal toxicity was observed at the highest dose tested (20 mg/kg/day). No reproductive effects were observed in any study, and developmental effects occurred only in the presence of significant maternal toxicity.

Based on these findings, the Agency has concluded that the ten-fold

safety factor applied according to FQPA to account for special sensitivity to infants and children is not warranted for chlorothalonil, and should be removed.

SDS-3701 is the major metabolite of chlorothalonil. In acute toxicity

testing, it is placed in Toxicity Category II for the oral route of exposure.

There is no evidence of carcinogenicity for the SDS-3701 metabolite.

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is an impurity present in chlorothalonil and

other pesticide products. It is classified as a B2 carcinogen.

Chlorothalonil Risk

Chlorothalonil in Food: To estimate acute dietary risk from food,

exposure estimates for chlorothalonil and the metabolite SDS-3701were compared to a LOEL of 175 mg/kg/day, based on cell proliferative response in rats. Because a LOEL was used for the assessment instead of a NOEL, an extra safety factor of 3 was added, and the safety margin is 300 instead of 100.The acute dietary risk analysis for chlorothalonil and SDS-3701 combined indicates that there are adequate margins of exposure for the general population and the most highly exposed population subgroups.

To estimate chronic non-cancer dietary risk from food, dietary exposure estimates for chlorothalonil and SDS-3701 were compared to the RfD for chlorothalonil, 0.02 mg/kg/day, derived from a 2-year feeding study in rats which exhibited kidney and stomach effects. An uncertainty factor of 100 was applied to account for intraspecies variability and interspecies extrapolation.

Dietary exposure was estimated from tolerance level residues adjusted with information on how much of each crop is actually treated with chlorothalonil.

Risk estimates indicate that chronic non-cancer dietary risk from exposure to chlorothalonil and SDS-3701 combined is not of concern for the general population and the most highly exposed population subgroup.

Chlorothalonil Production

Chlorothalonil can be produced by the direct chlorination of isophthalonitrile or by dehydration of tetrachloroisophthaloyl amide with phosphoryl chloride. It is a white solid. It breaks down under basic conditions, but is stable in neutral and acidic media.

What To Expect Chlorothalonil

When applying Chlorothalonil, you should expect treated plants to be protected from fungus and disease on contact for up to two weeks, depending on the disease you are treating, the plant and the conditions of the area, and how favorable they are to disease.

When applying Chlorothalonil-based products to target areas, you should water in the product after application. For continued protection against disease, you will need to reapply in 7 to 14-day intervals.