Plant Growth Regulator Atonik Sodium Nitrophenolate

What is Atonik?

Atonik is an aromatic nitro phenolic compound, which consists of sodium ortho-nitrophenol, sodium para-nitrophenol and sodium nitro-guaiacol as active ingredients. Atonik stimulates plant activity without causing malformation or toxicity to the plants and accelerates the plasma streaming of the cells. Atonik increased the yield, which may be due to increase in the endogenous auxin level by external application.

Low molecular weight phenolics are usually not end products, but they undergo high rates of turnover in soil resulting from several reactions of interconversion, conjugation, polymerization and degradation. The decomposition of the phenolic fractions of soil organic matter may also occur, thus releasing phenolics into solution. The degradation products are either converted into phenolic radicals and hydroxy-benzoquinones by polyphenol oxidase enzymes and auto oxidation, or oxidised and decomposed to simple molecules such as phenolic acid. The low molecular weight phenolics have been isolated from a variety of soils and their concentrations depend on the extraction procedures, soil types, sampling time, vegetation type, management history and many other factors.

Free phenolics in soil are subjected to microbial mediated processes, which accounts for their disappearance. Microorganisms are capable of polymerizing phenolic acids through the activity of the enzyme polyphenol oxidases and peroxidases. When these compounds were added at concentrations ≤ 0.5 μg g-1 of soil, the growth of bacterial and fungal populations was stimulated as well as total soil respiration.

What are the ingredients in Atonik?

Atonik is an aromatic nitro phenolic compound, which consists of sodium ortho-nitrophenol, sodium para-nitrophenol and sodium nitro-guaiacol as active ingredients. Atonik stimulates plant activity without causing malformation or toxicity to the plants and accelerates the plasma streaming of the cells.Atonik is a Plant Growth Regulator.

It effects various stages of development of plants.

Enhances germination and rooting.

Stimulates Vegetative growth and Flower bud development.

Accelerates Pollen germination and pollen tube growth, thus improving flower fertilization and fruit set.

Alleviates detrimental effect of stress.

Improves health of crops.

Improves quality, increases yields and profits.

Atonik Product Feature

Sodium Nitrophenolate is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator, it is a powerful cell activating agent, it can quickly permeate to the plant body, promote the cytoplasm flow, improve cell vitality, break the dormancy, enhance photosynthesis, to speed up the plant growth and development, can improve the ability of crop disease prevention.

Atonik Advantage

Sodium Nitrophenolate is a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator.

It is a powerful cell activating agent, it can quickly permeate to the plant body, promote the cytoplasm flow, improve cell vitality, break the dormancy, enhance photosynthesis to speed up the plant growth.

It could improve the ability of crop disease prevention and resistance against natural disasters.

Sodium Nitrophenolate has been used to detoxification and cure, resistance to low temperature, resistance to lodging, advance prematurity, improve product quality, increase production, etc.

What is the mode of action of Atonik?

Four major pathways of Atonik

Activation of cytoplasmic streaming and increase of assimilates uptake.

Prolongation of Auxin activity by inhibiting IAA(Indol Acitic Acid Oxydases)and inhibit effect of ABA(abscissic acid)

Activation of Nitrate reductase

Activation of Plant defense system

What is the use of Atonik?

Atonik increases the intensity of photosynthesis and transpiration rate, but usually without a reduction in relative water content . The positive effects of Atonik are much more evident when plants are grown under adverse conditions.

Atonik Methods of application

- Atonik bio stimulator is applied to seeds and by foliar application.

- The application is made both to crops in protected areas and to field crops.

- Follow the recommended instructions for each type of crop found on the label of the product.

- The solution volume is 250 l per ha for field crops, 800-1000 l per ha for vegetables and vines.

- The preharvest interval must be at least 7 days.

Atonik Compatibility

Atonik is compatible with most pesticides and foliar fertilizers, except acidic products.

For any new combinations, it is recommended to perform a physicochemical compatibility test before large-scale application.

Floramite 240 SC works well in mixtures with most of the products and adjuvants on the market.

For greater safety, it is recommended to perform compatibility tests in the form of a small application on the respective crop and variety, and then apply it on large scale.

Atonik Application

1. Single use: foliage spray density is 6-9 mg/L; drip irrigation 3-6 g/mu; base fertilizer 10-20 g/mu

2. Mixed with fertilizer: Atonik has obvious synergies by 30% or more when mixed with foliage spray(density:6mg/l), water soluble fertilizer or compound fertilizer(150-300g/Ha).

3. Mixed with fungicide, insecticide: Sodium nitrophenolate can increase plant disease resistance and insect resistance and keep plant growth vigorously if sodium nitrophenolate mixed with fungicide,insecticide (spaying dosage 6ml/L).

Wheat, Rice 9-18 Seed soaking 12-24h;  spray once respectively in tillering stage,booting stage,filling stage

Improve germination rate and lodging-resistant capability; increase seed setting rate, promote prematurity increase yield.

Cotton 4-9 Spray once respectively in seedling stage,bud stage Increase stress resistance, increase boll weight.

Tobacco 3-6 Spray once in transplanting stage, rosette stage and fast growing period respectively Make plant strong, improve rooting, increase leaf and better quality, then increase yield; increase stress resistance.

Tea tree 4-8 Early seeding stage Spray twice Improve germinating and quality, increase yield.

Peanut 6-12 Spray once in initial time of flowering, pegging stage and pot-setting stage respectively Increase flowering number and fruit bearing rate, obviously yield increase.

Soybean, mung bean 6-12 Spray once in seedling stage, initial time of flowering and pot-setting stage respectively.Increase flowering number and nodule bacterianitrogenfixation ability. Increase yield and dry matter.

How do you use Atonik Forte?

Mix 10 ml Atonik Forte in 16 liters of clean water and spray on the leaves. This will result in fully filled mature grains that are heavy, hence higher yield.

 1 – Seed Soaking. Add 10 ml Atonik Forte in 16 liters of clean water and use it for soaking the seeds for 24 hours. This will result in faster germination. (For direct-seeded rice, spray Atonik Forte at the start of incubation which is just after soaking.)

2 – Transplanting (15-25 days after sowing or transplanting). Mix 10 ml Atonik Forte in 16 liters of clean water and spray on the leaves. This will promote more tillers, longer roots, better and uniform growth of rice seedlings.

3 – Vegetative Stage (55-65 DAS/DAT). Mix 10 ml Atonik Forte in 16 liters of clean water and use it to spray the leaves.This will produce healthy and longer panicles in each tiller. Stronger plants, too.

4 – Reproductive Stage (70-80 DAS/DAT). Mix 10 ml Atonik Forte in 16 liters of clean water and spray on the leaves. This will result in fully filled mature grains that are heavy, hence higher yield.

Tomato and cotton residues in Atonik

Materials and methods

Field experiments were conducted under irrigated conditions to assess the effect of Atonik in cotton and tomato. The experimental design followed was factorial randomized block design in tomato and cotton with three replications by maintaining a plot size of 4x5 and 4x3 m, respectively.

Treatment details for cotton: Treatment consisted of two factors, stages of application and concentration. Stage was represented as S and concentration as T.

T1 - Control

T2 - Seed treatment of Atonik 3 ppm

T3 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.1%

T4 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.25%

T5 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.5%

S1 - Foliar spray of Atonik during square formation stage

S2 - Foliar spray of Atonik during square formation and flowering stages

S3 - Foliar spray of Atonik during square formation, flowering and boll set stages

Treatment details for tomato: The treatment consists of two factors. Factor 1 – stage of application (S) and Factor 2–concentration of Atonik (T):

T1 - Control

T2 - Seed treatment of Atonik 3 ppm

T3 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.1%

T4 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.2%

T5 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.4%

T6 - Foliar spray of Atonik 0.8%

S1 - Foliar spray of Atonik during flower bud initiation stage

S2 - Foliar spray of Atonik during flower bud initiation and fruit set stages

Persistence residues of Atonik in cotton and tomato produces and soil: Leaf, fruit/boll and soil samples were collected from all the concentrations of Atonik sprayed plots and control plot of cotton and tomato, at harvest. The sample was homogenized with a small amount of distilled water. Then it was first extracted with acetone under acid phase by the existence of ortho-phosphoric acid. Acetone was removed and the residue is then extracted with ether. Subsequently, the ether layer containing ortho-nitrophenol (ONP), para-nitrophenol (PNP) and nitro-guaiacol (5NG) was extracted with 0.2N–NaOH–20% NaCl solution. Once again, ONP, PNP and 5NG were extracted with chloroform under the acidic condition by adding ortho-phosphoric acid. The chloroform extract was dried through the column packed with sodium sulfate anhydrous. Chloroform was evaporated until the residue was reduced to 2 mL. The residue was cleaned up by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Then ONP, PNP and 5NG were determined by Gas Chromatography (GC). The heights of the peaks of ONP, PNP and 5NG were measured from the gas chromatogram. The quantities of ONP, PNP and 5NG referring to the calibration curves were determined. In order to modify the determined quantities to those of the sodium salts, multiplication factors 1.16 to PNP and ONP and 1.13 to 5NG were assigned. ONP was quantified using apiezon grease L column at 8.7 min. PNP and 5 NG were quantified using diethylene glycol adipate column at 10.1 min. Chromosorb W, nitrogen and ECD – 63Ni were used as support column, carrier gas and detector, respectively, for the residue analysis.

Atonik Precautions

This product melted by hot water, the small amount of precipitate can be dissolved with water, the product was diluted with clean water for use.

Precocious apple for flower and fruit thinning easy to produce injury, not use recommended.

The product can be mix with farm chemical.

plant growth regulators Atonik price 

Normally, the price of the pesticide Plant growth regulators Atonik is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide Plant growth regulators Atonik you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry

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plant growth regulators Atonik supplier 

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Plant growth regulators Atonik please feel free to contact us to get the latest price