Profenofos! Fruit growers must pay attention to use!

What is profenofos?

Profenofos is a broad-spectrum high-efficiency, moderately toxic, and low-residue organophosphorus insecticide, mainly used for harmful insects and mites on vegetables, fruits and food crops. As a group of highly toxic pesticides are gradually banned or restricted, profenofos has gradually become an important insecticide and acaricide species on citrus crops.

Profenofos is a compound with molecular formula C11H15BrClO3PS, molecular weight 373.63, light yellow transparent liquid. It is used to control various pests of cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and other crops, especially the control effect of resistant cotton bollworm is excellent.

Profenofos physical characteristics

Profenofos has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects, and the effect is rapid. It is still effective against cotton pests that are resistant to other organophosphates and pyrethroids. Or the mixed use of organophosphorus insecticides will give greater play to the efficacy of profenofos. It is also effective against rice stem borer, rice borer, rice leaf roller, and rice planthopper.

The main use of profenofos

1. Asymmetric organophosphate insecticides. It has contact and stomach poisoning effects, no systemic effect, wide insecticidal spectrum, and can control harmful insects and mites in cotton and vegetable fields. The application dosage is: 2.5-5.0g active ingredient/100m2 for piercing-sucking pests and mites; 6.7-12g active ingredient/100m2 for chewing insects.

2. It is used to control various pests of cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and other crops, especially the control effect of resistant cotton bollworm is excellent.

3. It is a ternary asymmetric non-systemic broad-spectrum insecticide, which has contact and stomach poisoning effects, and can control cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and other pests and mites. The application dosage is based on active ingredients, 16-32 g/mu for piercing-sucking insects and mites, 30-80 g/mu for chewing insects, and 30-50 g/mu for resistant cotton bollworm. mu preparations.

How to use profenofos

1. Control of cotton bollworm: use 60-100 ml of 44% emulsifiable oil per mu, and spray 60-100 kg of water.

2. Control of cotton aphids: use 30-60 ml of 44% emulsifiable oil per mu, and spray 30-60 kg of water.

3. Prevention and control of red bollworm: use 60-100 ml of 44% emulsifiable oil per mu, and spray 60-100 kg of water.

4. Prevention and control of leek maggots: use 300-500 ml of 50% EC per mu, and spray 450-800 kg of water.

Precautions for profenofos

1. It is strictly forbidden to mix with alkaline pesticides.

2. The mixed use of profenofos and cypermethrin has obvious synergies, and the commercial Duochongqing is an effective agent for controlling resistant cotton bollworm.

3. The poisoned person is sent to the hospital for treatment, and the treatment agent is atropine or pralidoxime.

4. Safety interval: 14 days. The safety interval of profenofos on cotton is 5-12 days. The maximum number of times of use per season: 3 times.

5. Profenofos should not be used in orchards. High temperature will harm peach trees and cause leaf damage.

6. The drug is harmful to alfalfa and sorghum.

With a batch of highly toxic pesticides being gradually banned or restricted, profenofos has gradually become an important insecticide and acaricide species for citrus crops in my country.

Longer safe interval for profenofos use on citrus crops

Why does profenofos frequently exceed the standard in citrus? Except that some fruit growers do not comply with the pesticide label regulations and increase the dosage without authorization or do not abide by the safety interval. Is there a problem that it is difficult to degrade rapidly? In recent years, relevant researchers in our country have carried out explorations.

1. The residual digestion trend of 50% profenofos-propargite EC in citrus was studied by field plot experiments. The results showed that the half-life of profenofos in citrus was 4.3-7.2 days. The application dose is 333mg/kg, applied twice, and 21 days after application, the final residual amount of profenofos in the whole citrus fruit is <0.01 ~0.04mg/kg, and the final residual amount of profenofos in the pulp is <0.01mg/kg , are all lower than the maximum residue limit value of profenofos on citrus regulated by my country, and the residue in the peel is 0.03~0.30mg/kg. It can be seen that most of the profenofos residue after application is in the citrus peel. Based on this, it is considered that the recommended application dose of 333 mg/kg, application frequency not exceeding 2 times, and a safety interval of 21 days will not cause excessive residues of profenofos in citrus.

2. Profenofos was slowly digested on kumquat fruit in Yangshuo, Guangxi, with a half-life of 8.8 days. Residues are positively correlated with application frequency and concentration. The conclusion is that the number of continuous use in the actual production process should not exceed 2 times, the application concentration should be controlled below 250mg/kg, and the safety interval should be 75 days.

3. The digestion dynamics and residue rules of profenofos in kumquat fruit under film-mulching cultivation. The results showed that the half-life of profenofos in kumquat was 27.1 days. Applying profenofos to kumquat according to the recommended dose and 2 times the recommended dose, the residue of profenofos in kumquat can still be detected after 100 days, but the residual value has been reduced to below the maximum residue limit. Therefore, it is recommended that the safe harvest interval for profenofos used on kumquats is 100 days.

Based on the results of the above three studies, it can be seen that when profenofos is used on different citrus crops, the required safety interval is generally relatively long (21-100 days). Judging from the actual production of citrus, a safety interval of less than 30 days is acceptable to fruit farmers, but if it takes 75 days or even 100 days, it is almost impossible to promote.

There are many substitutes for profenofos in the control of citrus pests and mites

For red spider mites on citrus trees, in addition to profenofos, spirodiclofen, hexythiazox, propyzafen, fenpyrid, pyridaben, tetrafenazine, etoxazole, abamectin, and formazan have also been approved and registered. Amomectin benzoate, amitraz, triazole tin, fenbutatin, fenpropathrin, bifenthrin, bifenazate, flubenzuron, mineral oil, ethifenapil, etc. More than 1300 products of ten varieties (active ingredients).

Among them, mineral oil, etoxaproxil, abamectin etoxazole, etoxazole, spirotetramat, spirodiclofen, avi pyridaben, fenpyrid, bifenazate, etc. have good against the citrus leaf miner, in addition to profenofos, abamectin, lambda-cyhalothrin, lambda-cypermethrin, fenvalerate, bifenthrin, cypermethrin, fluridine Urea, flufenuron, triflumuron, diflubenzuron, fenoxycarb, lufenuron, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, mineral oil, chlorpyrifos, chlorfenapyr, azadirachtin and more than a dozen varieties (active ingredients) More than 170 products, among which abamectin, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, beta-cyhalothrin, beta-cypermethrin, triflulumuron, and imidacloprid all have good control effects.

In addition, although clothianidin, chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb and other varieties have not been registered on citrus trees, they have good control effects on leaf miners. Overall, the cessation of the use of profenofos in citrus crops will basically not have a major impact on the control of citrus pests and mites, and will not cause a significant reduction in the yield of citrus crops.

Profenofos price

Usually, the price of the pesticide profenofos will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide profenofos you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of profenofos

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Insecticide Abamectin, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.