Propineb: Bactericidal zinc supplement is even better

What is Propineb?

Propineb is a broad-spectrum fungicide. It has common characteristics with other Prosenb series fungicides, both are preventive protection fungicides, but Prosenb has a wider bactericidal spectrum, more stable drug effect and better bactericidal effect. Propineb well solves the safety and long-lasting effects of mancozeb and other protective fungicides.

Propineb is a new type, high efficiency, low toxicity, broad-spectrum carbamate protective organosulfur fungicide. Its bactericidal principle is the same as that of mancozeb, mainly to inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria.

Propineb physical and chemical properties

Acute oral LD508500mg/kg in male rats. 1,2-Propylenediamine reacts with carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide, and the product reacts with zinc nitrate to obtain this product. It is used to control potato, tomato powdery mildew, early blight and late blight. Preparations are powder and 65%, 75% wettable powder.

Propineb is a broad-spectrum, fast-acting protective fungicide. Other names An Taisheng. Preparation: 70% propineb wettable powder. Physical and chemical properties: 70% Propineb WP is beige powder. Has a special smell, density 0.28, pH 5.2, suspension stability greater than 75%, wetting time less than 120 seconds, water content less than 2.5%, storage stability at room temperature for more than 2 years. Toxicity: According to the classification standard of pesticide toxicity in China, Propineb is a low-toxic fungicide. Non-toxic to bees. Mechanism of action: The bactericidal mechanism of Propineb is to inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria.

Propineb Product Features

1. Propineb is suitable for crops such as tomato, cabbage, cucumber, mango and flowers. Control cabbage downy mildew, cucumber downy mildew, tomato morning and evening blight, mango anthracnose.

2. Propineb is a quick-acting, long-lasting, broad-spectrum protective fungicide, which has a good protective effect on downy mildew of vegetables, tobacco, hops and other crops, as well as early and late blight of tomatoes and potatoes. And it also has a certain inhibitory effect on the diseases caused by powdery mildew, rust and Botrytis. Safe for crops at recommended doses.

Propineb action characteristics

Wide bactericidal spectrum: high control effect on box mildew, early blight, late blight, leaf spot (black spot and brown spot, etc.), anthracnose, scab, ring spot, etc. Prevent and control various crop diseases such as apple spot defoliation, Chinese cabbage downy mildew, cucumber downy mildew, tomato early blight, tomato late blight, and grape downy mildew.

Good drug effect: It has both rapid and long-lasting protective bactericidal effect.

Good safety: propineb has a long duration of effect and is safe for crops, humans, animals and other beneficial organisms. Since it does not contain manganese that may cause phytotoxicity to crops, it is safer for crops and has low toxicity. According to the classification standard of pesticide toxicity , Propineb is a low toxicity fungicide. Safe for bees; harmless to users, it can be used during the flowering period and all growth stages of crops.

Function of micro-fertilizer: Propineb can release zinc ions to supplement the zinc element needed for crop growth, so it has the effect of foliar fertilizer, and the fruit and vegetables are well colored and of high quality.

How to use Propineb

Propineb is a protective fungicide and must be sprayed before or during the onset of disease.

Do not mix with copper preparations and alkaline agents. If copper preparation or alkaline agent is sprayed, it needs to be used after 1 week.

How to use: Apply before the onset or at the early stage of the onset, depending on the degree of the onset of the crop, usually spray 3-4 times, spraying every 5-7 days.

1. Grape downy mildew

At the beginning of the onset, it is necessary to spray 400-700 times of 70% brilliant blue wettable powder, about 3 times, with an interval of about 7 days.

2. Citrus anthracnose

In the early stage of the disease, use 70% Xuanlan wettable powder to dilute 600-800 times for spraying.

3. Tomatoes

(1) Tomato early blight: Early blight is usually easy to develop when tomatoes are just fruiting. Spray 125-190 grams of 70% brilliant blue wettable powder per mu with water, and spray once every 5-7 days. Just spray 2~3 times.

(2) Tomato late blight: After late blight appears, the diseased plants need to be removed before spraying. 70% Xuanlan WP 150-220 grams, spray about 2-3 times, with an interval of 5-7 days.

4. Cucumber downy mildew

After planting cucumbers in the open field, it is easy to get sick in a warm and humid environment. Before spraying, remove the diseased leaves. Use 70% Xuanlan WP 150-215 grams mixed with water and spray once every 5-7 days. A total of 3 sprays are required. Spray once after the rain to strengthen the preventive effect.

5. Apple spot leaf defoliation disease

This disease is very easy to infect young leaves. When the disease occurs, it needs to be sprayed with 600-700 times liquid of 70% brilliant blue wettable powder, sprayed once every 7 days, continuously sprayed 3-4 times, and re-sprayed once in autumn.

6. Tobacco red spot disease

In the early stage of the disease, use 90-130 grams of 70% brilliant blue wettable powder or spray with 500-700 times the liquid, spray about 3 times, and the interval is longer, about 10 days or so.

7. Mango anthracnose

During the flowering period of mango, when there is more rain and it is easy to get sick, start to spray with 500 times liquid of 70% brilliant blue wettable powder. Spray 1 time at intervals of 10 days, and spray 4 times in total.

Several common compounding methods of Propineb

1. 55% Multi-resistant · Propineb can control and prevent most diseases caused by fungi, such as anthracnose, vine blight, fusarium wilt, sheath blight, white rot, rust, scab, leaf spot and so on. It is effective for anthracic jaundice and creeping blight of watermelon and other melon crops.

2. The bactericidal mechanism of Bingsen·Carbendazim is to inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in the pathogenic bacteria, inhibit the synthesis of proteins, mitochondria, and cytoplasm in the pathogenic bacteria at multiple sites, and also interfere with the formation of the spindle in the mitosis of bacteria, thereby affecting Cell division. It has good control effect on fungal diseases. It is a fungicide with protective and control functions, has a good effect of zinc supplementation on leaves, can increase the color of fruits and vegetables, and improve fruit quality.

3. Zinc benzazine has both protective and preventive effects, mainly by inhibiting the synthesis of fungal cell walls and proteins, and inhibiting the demethylation of ergosterol on the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria, so as to kill pathogenic bacteria.

4 Hexaconazole is a fungicide compounded by zinc and hexaconazole, which inhibits sterol demethylation and at the same time affects the permeability and physiological functions of cell membranes, affects lipid synthesis and metabolism, and destroys mold cells . It has systemic, protective and therapeutic effects.

5 Bingsen·Metalaxyl is compounded by benzin and metalaxyl, which has protective and therapeutic effects, and can be used to prevent and treat tobacco black shank.

6 Prochloraz Prochloraz is a fungicide compounded by zinc prochloraz and prochloraz, which can inhibit the biosynthesis of sterols, act on fungal cell wall and protein synthesis, and inhibit the infection and germination of spores. Inhibit the growth of mycelium, leading to its deformation and death. It has good control effect on apple tree anthracnose.

7 Procytostrobin Zinc can inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria; krysstrobin can block the electron transfer on the fungal respiratory chain and interfere with the respiration of pathogenic fungal hyphae. The combination of the two can effectively inhibit Spotted deciduous fungus grows and kills it. It has protective and therapeutic effects, and has good activity against diseases caused by fungi such as Deuteromycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Oomycetes.

Propineb Safety Measures

1. Please read the product label carefully before applying, and use according to the instructions.

2. Wear protective equipment when applying the medicine to avoid direct contact with the medicine.

3. Change and wash the contaminated clothes after spraying, and properly dispose of the waste packaging.

4. The medicine should be stored in the original packaging in a cool, dry place away from children, food, feed and fire sources.

5. Rescue from poisoning: Propineb is a low-toxic fungicide and usually does not cause poisoning. If the medicine accidentally touches the skin or eyes, rinse with plenty of water; if swallowed accidentally, send it to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment immediately.

The difference between Propineb and Mancozeb

Propineb is a new type, high efficiency, low toxicity, broad-spectrum carbamate protective organosulfur fungicide. The bactericidal principle is the same as that of mancozeb, mainly to inhibit the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria. The process of propine zinc increases the zinc content, which greatly improves the protection effect. The difference from mancozeb is that it has a high content of zinc ions and does not contain manganese ions.

Zinc is a protective organosulfur fungicide. The pure product is off-white powder, the industrial product is off-white or light yellow powder, with sulfur smell. Unstable under conditions of alkaline, high temperature, humidity, and sunlight. Low toxicity to humans and animals, but irritating to human skin, nose and throat. It is safe and non-polluting to plants. The main dosage forms are 60%, 65% and 80% wettable powder, and 4% powder.

Zinc is safe for plants and has active chemical properties. It is easily oxidized into isothiocyanate compounds in water. It has a strong inhibitory effect on enzymes containing -SH groups in pathogenic bacteria, and can directly kill pathogenic spores and inhibit the germination of spores. , Prevent pathogens from invading plants, but have less killing effect on pathogenic mycelium that invades plants.

Pre-prevention of potato early blight, late blight, tomato early blight, late blight, spot blight, leaf mold, anthracnose, gray mold, eggplant cotton blight, brown spot, cabbage, radish, cabbage downy mildew, black spot disease, white spot, soft rot, black rot, melon anthracnose, downy mildew, blight, creeping blight, winter melon blight, bean anthracnose, brown spot, rust, fire disease, etc., use 65% Zinc wettable powder 500-700 times liquid spray control.


(1) Cucurbit vegetables are sensitive to zinc, and the concentration should be strictly controlled when using the medicine, and it should not be too large.

(2) Do not mix with alkaline pesticides.

The pure product of mancozeb is white powder, and the industrial product is off-white or light yellow powder, with the smell of rotten eggs, hardly soluble in water, insoluble in most organic solvents, but soluble in pyridine, not sensitive to light, heat and humidity Stable, easy to decompose carbon disulfide, easy to decompose and release carbon disulfide when encountering alkaline substances or copper, mercury and other substances, and reduce the effect, low volatility. Mancozeb is a protective fungicide with high efficiency, low toxicity and broad spectrum. The mechanism of action is to bind to the sulfhydryl group in dilipoic acid dehydrogenase involved in the pyruvate oxidation process, thereby inhibiting the oxidation of pyruvate in bacteria. It can be used in combination with systemic fungicides to delay the development of drug resistance. The so-called protection is to provide Zn elements for plants. In addition to solving the symptoms of zinc deficiency, it can also enhance the ability of plants to resist diseases, so as to relatively play a bactericidal effect.

Control objects: pear scab, citrus scab, canker, apple leaf spot, grape downy mildew, litchi downy mildew, phytophthora, green pepper blight, cucumber, melon, watermelon downy mildew, tomato blight, cotton Boll rot, wheat rust, powdery mildew, maize spot, stripe spot, tobacco black shank, yam anthracnose, brown rot, root neck rot, spotted leaf spot, etc.


Eggplant is particularly sensitive to mancozeb. After spraying, the manganese element accumulates in the leaves, resulting in excess manganese. The leaves of the light ones turn yellow, and the leaves of the severe ones start to fall from top to bottom. It is recommended that chlorothalonil should be the main fungicide used on eggplants and melons, and mancozeb should not be used or used less.

smell different

Zinc - sulfur smell

Mancozeb - smell of rotten eggs

different content

Mancozeb zinc content 2.55% Zinc content 8%,

The effect is different

The manganese ions in mancozeb were proposed and evolved into mancozeb. However, the use of mancozeb has proved that mancozeb does not have a broad bactericidal spectrum, and its protective ability is general and has no therapeutic effect on fungi. It only contains The amount of zinc is a little higher than that of mancozeb, which is a variety that the market is preparing to eliminate.

Combining zinc ions and manganese ions in ordinary mancozeb together, it will not be a single manganese ion, and there is almost no phytotoxicity. This is complex mancozeb. Compared with ordinary mancozeb, the advantages of complexed mancozeb are safety and high efficiency. Ordinary mancozeb (non-complexed) is easy to decompose manganese ions, which will lead to phytotoxicity. Mancozeb has higher zinc content, better protection effect, and has obvious effect of leaf greening and fruit surface brightening! It can increase crop yield and improve quality; The control effect is obvious and can reduce the killing effect on beneficial predatory mites.

Duration is different

Zinc sterilizes and supplements zinc. Both sterilization and zinc supplementation are quick-acting, and the drug effect is short, usually 5-7 days.

The manganese in mancozeb can control the release rate of zinc, making the drug effect more durable. Generally, the drug effect lasts for 10-15 days, which is longer than that of mancozeb.

The price of the fungicide Propineb

Usually, the price of propineb, a pesticide fungicide, will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide fungicide Propineb you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of the fungicide Propineb

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Fungicide Propineb, feel free to contact us for latest price.