Pymetrozine: A Novel Insecticide Affecting Aphids and Whiteflies

What is Pymetrozine?

Pymetrozine is a member of the class of 1,2,4-triazines that is 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-3(2H)-one substituted by a methyl group at position 6 and a (pyridin-3-ylmethylidene)amino group at position 4. It has a role as an antifeedant, an environmental contaminant, a xenobiotic and a TRPV channel modulator. It is a member of 1,2,4-triazines and a member of pyridines.

Pymetrozine is a neuroactive insecticide that selectively affects chordotonal mechanoreceptors.Cas 123312-89-0 Physiologically, it appears to act by preventing these insects from inserting their stylus into the plant tissue. It controls many strains of aphids on potatoes and in a range of vegetable brassica crops. Pymetrozine has been determined to be of low acute toxicity to humans, birds, aquatic organisms, mammals, and bees.

Pymetrozine Mechanism of Pesticidal Action

The mode of action of pymetrozine in insects has not been precisely determined biochemically, but it may involve effects on neuroregulation or nerve-muscle interaction.

Physiologically, it appears to act by preventing these insects from inserting their stylus into the plant tissue.

What is the effect of pymetrozine?

Pymetrozine is not mutagenic. It produced some neurotoxic effects, but the frequency and magnitude were low. It produced developmental effects in pups, but only at levels toxic to parents. Pymetrozine is not expected to pose a risk of contaminating groundwater.

Insecticide Pymetrozine price 

Normally, the price of the pesticide and Insecticide Pymetrozine is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide and Insecticide Pymetrozine you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide Pymetrozine supplier 

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Insecticide Pymetrozine please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing Pymetrozine which are registered , visit the website your  then click on the link for " Products."

What is pymetrozine used for?

Pymetrozine is the only representative of the pyridine azomethines, a new class of insecticides, and is currently being developed worldwide for control of aphids and whiteflies in field crops, vegetables, ornamentals, cotton, hop, deciduous fruit, and citrus, and of the brown .

Is pymetrozine a systemic insecticide?

In summary, pymetrozine is systemic and is translocated in both the xylem and phloem. It also shows activity when eaten and as a translaminar. It has some contact activity. Pymetrozine is effective against life stages of sucking insects that are feeding on the plant.

properties of pymetrozine.

The xylem and phloem are the two types of transport tissues in vascular plants (higher plants). Water and some nutrients are transported in the xylem up the plant to the leaves. Sugars and other products are transported in the phloem down the plant from the leaves. Insects may feed on the phloem or the xylem. Pymetrozine is transported in the xylem and phloem, providing systemic activity against insects feeding in either of these tissues.

The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee places pymetrozine in group 9B (pyridine azomethine derivatives). Pymetrozine interferes with feeding behavior. The muscles that are used to pull food in the mouth are paralyzed. The stylet (feeding tube) of sucking insects is blocked. Sucking insects remove their stylets from the plant and stop feeding in an hour. The affected insects will remain on the plant, starve and die in two to 10 days. Pymetrozine is active as a systemic in the xylem and phloem, as a translaminar and if eaten. It has some activity as a contact insecticide. Pymetrozine is rainfast because it easily penetrates into the plant.

Sucking insects such as planthoppers, leafhoppers, aphids and whiteflies are killed by pymetrozine, and all life stages that suck sap from the plant are affected. This insecticide exhibits low toxicity on beneficials (including bees) and mites. It should not be applied to actively foraging bees or flowering weeds.

The translaminar activity of pymetrozine allows the material to move through the leaf from one surface to the other. However, thorough coverage is recommended when an application of pymetrozine is made. Cross-resistance between pymetrozine and neonicotinoids (class 4) has been observed.

 pymetrozine is systemic and is translocated in both the xylem and phloem. It also shows activity when eaten and as a translaminar. It has some contact activity. Pymetrozine is effective against life stages of sucking insects that are feeding on the plant. This insecticide is useful in insecticide resistance management.

What pests does pymetrozine target?

Pymetrozine is a highly active insecticide for sucking pests, including aphids, whiteflies and planthoppers. As a representative of pyridine azomethine insecticides, it inhibited insects from feeding in a unique way.

Dosage : For Domestic Use take 1 – 1.5 Gram per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Application : 120-150 grams per Acre is Recommended

It provides immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition of insects.

Dhanuka Apply etc. It binds to the neuronal receptors, which act on the nervous system creating a nervous inhibition of feeding capability in

the insects. This action also prevents the aphid from transmitting virus material into the plant. Starved nymphs and adults to death and limits

the next generation. Rapidly translocate to the plant base and easily target the pest. Excellent control of resistant plant hoppers. When used

at the right stage of the crop ( dhaan ) i.e. at the panicle initiation stage (55-60 DAT).The first symptoms are visible after 15 minutes.

Insects withdraw their stylet and stop feeding within 1 hour. Aphids do not feed again but remain on the plant leaf for several days and die

by way of starvation.Paralysis of hind leg, not able to move, falling off from the plants or predation by natural enemies.BPH SUPER is

characterized by its upward and downward translocation.Quickly absorbed by the plant tissue, remain effective even if it rains 2 hours after

BPH SUPER application.Mouthparts gets blocked, no sucking and feeding, stop permanently.Prevention of egg laying in adults, so no

hopper resurgence or stops Population explosion.Immediate crop protection through permanent inhibition of the feeding system. It

paralyses hind legs of pests, results in dropping from plants & then pests die later from starvation.It checks the next generation by blocking egg-laying of pests ..It is a world class technology which gives immediate and effective control of Brown Paddy Hopper.It has systemic and translaminar action which gives a longer duration of control.It prevents egg laying capacity in adults and thus no hopper resurgence.It is safe to the environment.Insect feeding behavior is disrupted with the direct effect on the nervous system with

permanent inhibition of feeding of treated plant hosts.BPH Super has an excellent penetration ability and can overcome rainfastness.

Dinotefuran 10% + Pymetrozine 40% 50%WDG.

Product Feature

This product is a combination of dinotefuran and pymetrozine. Dinotefuran can kill insects by contact and cause gastric toxicity by acting on the neurotransmission system of insects; it can be quickly absorbed by plants and widely distributed in crops. Pymetrozine can permanently paralyze the mouth parts of piercing-sucking pests, so that they cannot feed normally and quickly stop damaging the crop and die from hunger. The compound preparation has excellent effects in controlling rice planthoppers.


 The scientific blending of pymetrozine and dinotefuran of the agent can immediately block the needle-like mouths of rice planthoppers the moment they contact it and stop them from feeding.

It has high insecticidal efficiency and low toxicity to plants, with characteristics of killing insects by contact, causing gastric toxicity and having strong translocation and conductivity.

It has a unique mode of action and is effective for killing insects in different stages including nymphs, larvae and adults.

It has good enduring effects in controlling rice planthoppers.

Applicable Crops

Rice, cotton, vegetables, fruits, etc.


It can be used to control most Homoptera pests, especially aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers and planthoppers.

Dinotefuran 10%+Pymetrozine 40% 50%WDG Insecticide Uses and Recommendations

1. When using this product to control rice planthoppers, use at least 2 buckets of the solution (30 kg) for per mu (666.7m2) of land in the peak egg hatching period or the peak early instar larval stage of pests. Spray the drug evenly and thoroughly on the crop, especially on the lower part of the rice.

2. Improve the effects of the product by maintaining a shallow layer of water in the field. Increase the dosage appropriately in regions of high drug resistance.

3. The safety interval for the application of this product on rice is 21 days, and it should be used once at most in each growing season.

4. Do not apply it on windy days or when rainfall is expected within 1 hour.

Pymetrozine Cautions

Avoid mixing with alkaline agents during application.

It is recommended that pesticides with different action mechanisms be used in rotation.

This product is highly toxic to bees and silkworms and toxic to trichogrammatidae and aquatic organisms such as fish. Therefore, during application, pay attention to avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies and do not use it in the flowering period of the surrounding flowering plants or near silkworm rooms and mulberry orchards.

Pymetrozine is a new active ingredient from a chemical class (pyridine azomethines) not previously used as a pesticide. The Agency has reviewed product chemistry, environmental fate, residue chemistry, toxicology, and ecological effects data. Based on these data, pymetrozine has been determined to be of low acute toxicity to humans, birds, aquatic organisms, mammals, and bees. Acute toxicology studies place the technical-grade in Toxicity Categories III and IV. Dermal Absorption was estimated to be 1%.

Pymetrozine is not mutagenic. It produced some neurotoxic effects, but the frequency and magnitude were low. It produced developmental effects in pups, but only at levels toxic to parents. Pymetrozine is not expected to pose a risk of contaminating groundwater.