Representative of SDHI microbial fungicides boscalid

What is boscalid (188425-85-6)?

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor, which can be used to control gray mold, powdery mildew, etc. in grapes, rapeseed and field crops. It is an environmentally friendly fungicide.Cas188425-85-6 As a succinate coenzyme Q reductase inhibitor, boscalid binds to the protein complex in the respiratory chain of pathogenic bacteria, thereby acting on the mitochondria in the cell, inhibiting the activity of succinate dehydrogenase, hindering the three The carboxylic acid cycle causes a lack of sugar and amino acids, hinders the synthesis of ATP by pathogenic bacteria, interferes with their cell division and growth, and causes the death of the bacteria. . Due to the special bactericidal mechanism, the use of this fungicide avoids the drug resistance caused by the use of benzimidazoles, and is a very important new type of fungicide.

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a new type of nicotinamide fungicide, which is mainly used to prevent and control powdery mildew, gray mold, various rots, brown rot and root rot, etc. Boscalid belongs to the succinate in the mitochondrial respiratory chain Acid-coenzyme Q reductase inhibitor has a strong ability to inhibit spore germination and has no cross-resistance with other fungicides.

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a new type of nicotinamide fungicide with a wide bactericidal spectrum and is active against almost all types of fungal diseases. It is effective and is also effective against bacteria resistant to other chemicals. It is mainly used for the prevention and control of diseases including rape, grapes, fruit trees, vegetables and field crops. There is no cross-resistance with carbendazim, succinyl, etc.

Microbial fungicide boscalid transfers in plants through foliar penetration, inhibits mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, hinders tricarboxylic acid cycle, causes amino acid and sugar deficiency, energy reduction, interferes with cell division and growth, and is harmful to diseases Neuroactive, protective and therapeutic. Inhibits spore germination, bacterial tube elongation, hyphal growth and spore mother cell formation, the main stages of fungal growth and reproduction, and the bactericidal effect is directly caused by the parent active substance without corresponding metabolic activity.

The mechanism of action and application of boscalid (188425-85-6)

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor. It has excellent preventive effect, certain therapeutic effect, and shows excellent resistance to rain erosion and long-lasting effect.

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide that can prevent and control diseases caused by ascomycetes and deuteromycetes on fruits, vegetables and other crops. The product can be transported apically through the xylem to the leaf tips and leaf margins of the plant; it also has a penetrating effect; however, its fumigation effect is minimal. At present, boscalid is mainly sprayed through stems and leaves, and the dosage is 100 to 1,200 g a.i./hm2. Boscalid can also be used for seed treatment, and BASF is very excited about this market.

The microbial fungicide boscalid is used to control powdery mildew, brown rot, leaf Spot, gray mold, sclerotinia and diseases caused by Alternaria. It is also used in arable crops such as cereals, grapes, peanuts and potatoes in compound preparations.

Mechanism of action of boscalid (188425-85-6)

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a mitochondrial respiration inhibitor and a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor. It acts by inhibiting the succinate coenzyme Q reductase on the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of other amides and Benzamide fungicides are similar. It has an effect on the entire growth process of pathogenic bacteria, especially the inhibitory effect on spore germination. It also has excellent preventive effects and good intraleaf penetration.

The microbial fungicide, boscalid, is a foliar-applied fungicide, which can penetrate vertically in the leaves of plants and transport to the top. It has excellent preventive effect and certain therapeutic effect. It inhibits spore germination, germ tube elongation, appendage formation and is also effective in all other growth stages of the fungus, exhibiting excellent rain resistance and persistence.

The role of boscalid (188425-85-6)

Microbial fungicide boscalid transfers in plants through foliar penetration, inhibits mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, hinders tricarboxylic acid cycle, causes amino acid and sugar deficiency, energy reduction, interferes with cell division and growth, and is harmful to diseases Neuroactive, protective and functional. Inhibits the main stages of spore germination, tube elongation, hyphal growth and spore mother cell formation growth and reproduction, the effect is directly caused by the parent active substance, without corresponding metabolic activity. No cross-resistance with carbendazim, saccharin, etc.

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a new type of nicotinamide with a wide spectrum and is active against almost all types of diseases. It is very effective in preventing and controlling powdery mildew, gray mold, sclerotinia and various rot diseases, etc., and It is also effective against bacteria resistant to other chemicals and is mainly used for the prevention and control of diseases including rape, grapes, fruit trees, vegetables and field crops. No cross-resistance with carbendazim, saccharin, etc.

Application fields of boscalid (188425-85-6)

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide, which can effectively control p-sterol inhibitors, bisimides, benzimidazoles, anilines, phenylamides and methoxyacrylic acid Ester fungicides develop resistance in diseases. The product can be transported apically through the xylem to the tip and margin of the plant; it is also vertically permeable and can be transported through the leaf tissue to the underside of the leaf; however, the product has little redistribution in the vapor phase. Boscalid is mainly sprayed through stems and leaves, and the dosage is 100 to 1,200ga.i./hm2. Boscalid is used to control powdery mildew, brown rot, leaf spot on grapes, lawns, fruit trees, vegetables and ornamental plants, and diseases caused by Alternaria, Botrytis, and Sclerotinia (also known as complex The preparation is used on arable crops such as grains, grapes, peanuts and potatoes. Boscalid has single agent products, etc., which are used to prevent and control botrytis on pears, grapes and kiwi after harvest. The dosage is 1-1.2kg/hm2 , can be used at different growth stages of grapes, but the best effect is to apply it before the grapes are bunched.

It also has many compound products, such as (25.2% boscalid + 12.8% pyraclostrobin) is a broad-spectrum fungicide, used for watermelon and pears, the recommended dosage of water-dispersible granules is: 0.6 1.6kg/hm2, used to prevent and control many diseases including anthracnose, gray mold, brown rot and black spot, this product has been developed in Latin America and Italy; another example (26.7% boscalid + 6.7% pyrim pyraclostrobin) is used on apricots, horticultural products and lettuce to control black spot, gray mold and sclerotinia. The product is also a water-dispersible granule with preventive effect; Strostrobin + boscalid), widely used to control many diseases on apples, Japanese pears, cherries and peaches, especially for some intractable diseases in summer such as: leaf spot, black spot, scab, anthracnose diseases, ring rot and powdery mildew, etc.

Boscalid (188425-85-6) Toxicity

(1) Mammalian toxicity: Rat acute oral LD50>5,000mg/kg. The acute percutaneous LD50 in rats is >2,000 mg/kg. It is non-irritating to rabbit skin and eyes, and has no sensitizing effect on guinea pig skin. Rat inhalation LC50(4h)>6.7mg/L. NOEL: rat is about 5 mg/kg (b.w.), chronic NOAEL is 21.8 mg/kg (b. ADI/RfD (JMPR) 0.04 mg/kg (b.w.) [2006], (EC) 0.04 mg/kg (b.w.) [ 2008]; cRfD0.218mg/kg (b.w.) [2003], (FSC) 0.044mg/kg (b.w.) [2006]. Others: no mutagenic (Ames test, mouse), teratogenic (rat, rabbit) and carcinogenicity (dogs, rats, mice); no adverse effects on reproduction (rats).

(2) Ecotoxicity: Birds: quail LD50>2,000mg/kg (b.w.). Fish: Rainbow trout LC50 (96h) is 2.7mg/L. Daphnia: EC50 (48h) is 5.33mg/L. Algae: Algae ErC50 (96h) is 3.75mg/L. Other aquatic organisms: Chironomid NOEC is 2.0mg/L. Bees: NOEC (oral) is 166µg/bee, (contact) is 200µg/bee. Earthworm: Eiseniafoetida LC50>1,000mg/kg (dry soil).

(3) Environmental toxicity: Animals: The biphenyl ring first undergoes hydroxylation, followed by glucuronidation and sulfation reactions. Boscalid is rapidly and extensively metabolized in the body and is quickly excreted mainly through feces. Plants: Biphenyl and pyridine rings undergo hydroxylation and ring opening reactions. However, the structurally unchanged parent compound still dominates the residues. Soil/Environment: It has moderate degradation behavior in the soil, and the soil DT50 is 108d>1a (laboratory, aerobic condition, 20℃); the field DT50 is 28dabout 200d. Degrades well in natural water/sediment systems.

Boscalid (188425-85-6) target crops  

The microbial fungicide boscalid is mainly used in economic crops: it has significant control effect on grapes, beans, melons, tomatoes, strawberries, eggplants, lettuce and other Botrytis cinerea, and has good control effect on Botrytis on onions. It is effective in preventing sclerotinia on beans, melons, tomatoes, lettuce, onions and radishes. It has a remarkable control effect on powdery mildew of melons. It has significant control effect against Alternaria in melons, tomatoes, apples, onions and radishes. In addition, it also has a good effect on diseases such as Monocysticum (apple), Scab (grape), Monocysticum (strawberry), Brownsporium (tomato), and Sclerotinia (cucurbit) Prevention and control effect. The agent lasts for a long time after spraying and has a long spraying interval.

Botrytis cinerea and sclerotinia mostly occur in low temperature and humid environments, and generally need to be sprayed with different characteristics and good rain resistance to control. In severe cases, the use of boscalid can still effectively and permanently control gray mold, sclerotinia and other diseases. This is mainly because boscalid at a low mass concentration can hinder mycelial growth and spore formation, and has a therapeutic effect; at the same time, boscalid can also inhibit spore germination, germ tube elongation and appendage formation, so it has a good effect. Preventive effect to prevent secondary infection after onset. The method of using boscalid is spraying on stems and leaves. When applying pesticides on melons (such as cucumbers), care should be taken to avoid burning leaves and fruits under high temperature and dry conditions; when applying pesticides on fruit trees such as grapes, avoid mixing them with osmotic spreaders and foliar liquid fertilizers to avoid reducing Medicinal efficacy.

Bactericidal characteristics of boscalid (188425-85-6)

Highly targeted

The microbial fungicide boscalid is different from broad-spectrum fungicides such as triazoles and methoxyacrylates. Although boscalid also has a broad spectrum of fungicides, it is only effective for diseases with mildew or rot symptoms. Such as gray mold, powdery mildew, sclerotinia, root rot or other rotting diseases.

Especially for gray mold on crops, when mixed with fludioxonil, it can kill gray mold bacteria within a few hours.

With upward conductivity, it is not only suitable for leaf spraying, but also suitable for root filling or seed dressing.

The microbial fungicide boscalid does not have a systemic conduction effect. When the liquid contacts the leaf surface, it can conduct through the penetration function inside the leaf, and this penetration is rapid. It does not need to be re-sprayed in case of rain within one hour after application. .

Although boscalid does not have the function of systemic conduction, it has the ability to transfer to the top of the plant through the root system. Therefore, when used for root irrigation and seed dressing of crops, it can not only prevent root diseases, but also effectively prevent plant parts from occurring. mildew, powdery mildew and early blight).

Prevention + treatment to protect crops from pathogen infection for a long time

Taking Botrytis cinerea as an example, boscalid has a strong inhibitory effect on the germination of spores, can effectively prevent the elongation of germ tubes and the formation of appendages, thereby showing a better preventive effect, and can also inhibit the growth of Botrytis cinerea. Mycelial elongation and spore formation can prevent the chance of secondary disease infection, thereby achieving the purpose of long-term protection with one application.

According to the data obtained by the research department through experiments, after strawberries are sprayed with boscalid, the drug effect can last for about 15 days, which is difficult to be reflected in other similar fungicides.

Efficacy and application of boscalid (188425-85-6)

The microbial fungicide boscalid is a new type of nicotinamide fungicide, which mainly inhibits the mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, hinders the tricarboxylic acid cycle, causes amino acid and sugar deficiency, reduces energy, and interferes with cell division and growth. It can inhibit the germination of spores and effectively prevent the elongation of germ tubes and the formation of attachments.

It can not only provide long-lasting protection to crops, but also play a bactericidal effect at various stages of pathogen development. If it can be used reasonably, it will have great potential in the prevention and treatment of gray mold, powdery mildew, sclerotinia and root rot .

Boscalid (188425-85-6) mixed

(1) The bactericidal combination of cloflufenconazole and boscalid, the mass ratio is 1:10~10:1. The combination of the two can be made into wettable powders, suspensions, emulsifiable concentrates, water-dispersible granules, granules, water emulsions and other dosage forms. The mechanism of action of the two is different. After mixing, they have good effects on rice sheath blight and strawberry gray mold, and have obvious synergistic effects. They can reduce the amount of chemicals used, reduce costs, reduce environmental hazards, and are beneficial to overcome and delay the development of drug resistance.

(2) The bactericidal combination of boscalid and boscalid, the optimal mass ratio of the two is 1:8 to 10:1. The compounding combination can be formulated into agriculturally acceptable water-dispersible granules, wettable powders, suspension concentrates, seed treatment suspension concentrates, water emulsions, microemulsions and other dosage forms. After the two are mixed, the activity and bactericidal effect are not a simple superposition of the activities of the components. Compared with the existing single preparation, the bactericidal effect is obvious, the synergy is obvious, and the safety to crops is good.

(3) The bactericidal combination of boscalid and flusilazole, in which boscalid is 50 to 200 mg/L and flusilazole is 40 to 100 mg/L. The mixture of the two is used to prevent and control the mildew and rot of the cured tobacco leaves. The method of use is: spray directly on the petiole after picking, or spray on the petiole after tying the pole and before going on the kang, or directly spray on the petiole after going on the kang. The advantages of this fungicide combination are: boscalid and flusilazole base materials do not undergo chemical reactions, and have obvious synergistic or additive effects. Compared with single agents, the bactericidal effect is significantly improved, which can reduce drug costs and reduce Environmental pollution; reduce the risk of potential resistance of pathogenic bacteria to boscalid and flusilazole; expand the bactericidal spectrum, and have a concurrent effect on other pathogenic bacteria that can cause tobacco mildew. In vivo experiments showed that the combination of boscalid and flusilazole has a good control effect on cured tobacco leaf mold rot, and can be used for disinfection treatment of the environment around the barn.

(4) The compound combination of boscalid and eugenol, the preparation obtained after reasonable mixing is used to prevent and control botrytis cinerea, which can greatly improve the efficacy and reduce the cost of medication. The comprehensive control effect is not the activity of each component. Simple superposition, compared with the existing single preparation, has significant bactericidal effect and synergistic effect, can delay the emergence of pathogen resistance, has good safety for crops, and meets the comprehensive management requirements of agricultural control.

(5) The bactericidal combination of boscalid and metalaxyl, which can be used to prevent and control diseases of cereals, fruit trees, and vegetables, has a high synergistic effect, overcomes and delays the resistance of bacteria, The sterilization speed is fast, the duration of effect is long, the application cost is reduced, and the control effect is obviously better than that of a single agent. It can be used to control fungal diseases on crops, especially for powdery mildew, gray mold, rape sclerotinia and rot, downy mildew, blight, late blight, pythium, etc., and the effect is better than single agent.

Why is boscalid (188425-85-6) expensive?

First, the original drug is expensive

The price of boscalid is close to 450,000 yuan/ton, which is much higher than common fungicides such as iprodione, pyrimethanil and procymidide, similar products for gray mold prevention and control.

Second, the dosage is large

It is used to prevent and control gray mold on crops such as cucumbers and strawberries. Taking 50% boscalid water-dispersible granules as an example, the current registered dosage in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of my country is 35-50 grams. Based on the current preparation price, the control cost per mu is nearly 20 Yuan, this is still the cost of using boscalid after the price reduction, and does not include the cost of mixing other pesticides.

The "blocking tiger" restricting the development of boscalid (188425-85-6)

One is to locate Botrytis cinerea, and the application market is relatively narrow

Compared with other diseases, boscalid is a microbial fungicide. Although gray mold is also a common disease, it has strong seasonality and is affected by temperature and humidity. Therefore, the market demand is limited. If boscalid control cannot be expanded, With its advantages in sterilizing diseases such as early blight, powdery mildew, and root rot, the future path of boscalid is destined not to get wider and wider, but what limits all of this is still the high price.

Second, the embarrassing situation

The microbial fungicide boscalid is not only faced with the development of resistance, and the dosage needs to be continuously increased to ensure the control effect; it is also faced with the embarrassing situation of increased application costs, which also makes the "noble" fungicide lose its cost performance.

Contraindications for mixed use of boscalid (188425-85-6)

The microbial fungicide boscalid cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides. The medicine should be mixed and cashed now, and the prepared medicine solution should be used immediately. The used medical equipment needs to be washed 3 times, and the water source should not be polluted when washing the medical equipment or disposing of waste.

Precautions while using boscalid

① Cucumbers are administered 3 times per season, with an interval of 2 days. Strawberries are administered 3 times a season, with an interval of 3 days. Grapes are administered 3 times a season with an interval of 7 days.

②Keep away from children and livestock during operation.

③ Do not pollute the water surface or irrigation channels, and do not pollute all kinds of water areas. Use with caution in mulberry gardens and silkworm breeding areas.

④ Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those with allergies are prohibited. If you have any adverse reactions during use, please seek medical advice in time.

⑤ The medicine should be mixed and cashed immediately, and the prepared medicine should be used immediately.

⑥Used medical equipment should be washed 3 times, and do not pollute the water source when washing medical equipment or disposing of waste.

The price of microbial fungicide boscalid (188425-85-6)

Usually, the price of boscalid, a pesticide microbial fungicide, will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of boscalid, a pesticide microbial fungicide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of microbial fungicide boscalid (188425-85-6)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Microbial Fungicide Boscalid, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.