Rice field herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl

What is Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9)?

Cyhalofop-butyl is an oxyphenoxypropionic acid systemic herbicide. The chemical name of Cas 122008-85-9 is (R)-2-[4-(4-cyano-2-fluorophenoxy)benzene. Oxy]butyl propionate is mainly used in rice seedling fields, direct-seeded fields, and transplanted fields to control most malignant grass weeds such as barnyard grass, stephanotis, and milfoil. It can also effectively control quinclorac, Weeds resistant to sulfonylurea and amide herbicides. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue.

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is the only aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid herbicide that is highly safe for rice. Like other varieties of this type, this agent is also a systemic conductive herbicide. It is mainly absorbed by the leaves and leaf sheaths of the plant, conducted through the phloem, and accumulated in the meristem area of the plant. By inhibiting acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) ), causing fatty acid synthesis to stop, cell growth and division unable to proceed normally, lipid-containing structures such as membrane systems destroyed, and ultimately leading to the death of weeds. After application, weed growth ceases. 5 to 7 days after treatment, the weeds began to turn yellow and brown from the core leaves, then gradually spread to the entire plant, and finally died.

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is relatively slow from being absorbed until the weeds die, generally taking 1-3 weeks, depending on the environment and the size of the weeds. The symptoms of weeds after pesticide application are as follows: the buds at the 4-leaf stage shrivel, and finally wither and die; the leaves that grow rapidly at the 3-leaf stage stop growing after a few days, and the edges of the leaves appear chlorotic to some extent, leading to death; the old buds at the 2-leaf stage The leaves change minimally and remain green, and these symptoms can also be observed on tillers of the same period. The selectivity of the herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is based on different metabolic rates. In the body of rice, Cyhalofop-butyl can be rapidly degraded into a di-acidic state inactive against acetyl-CoA carboxylase, making it highly safe for rice. . It is safe for subsequent crops because it degrades rapidly in soil and typical rice field water

.Physicochemical properties of Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9)

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is a white solid crystal with a melting point of 50°C, vapor pressure: 1.2x10-3mPa (20°C), lipophilic and hydrophilic equilibrium constant KowlogP=3.31, and water solubility of 0.7ppm (pH7, 20°C). Stability: Stable at pH 4, decomposes slowly at pH 7, and decomposes rapidly at pH 1.2 or pH 9. Regarding the physical and chemical properties, mechanism of action, and applications of Cyhalofop-butyl.

Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) mechanism of action

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butylate is rapidly transduced in the plant and is rapidly degraded into a series of metabolites: Cyhalofop-butylate (ACID), Cyhalofop-butylamide (AMIDE), Cyhalofop-butylate (DIACID) and Cyhalofop-butylol. (DP), where ACID is a compound with herbicidal activity. ACID accumulates in the intermediary meristem of weeds, thereby effectively inhibiting acetyl-CoA carboxylase, an enzyme necessary for fatty acid biosynthesis in the body, to achieve the purpose of weeding.

Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) Features

(1) Highly safe for rice. Even if it exceeds the recommended dosage several times, it will not cause phytotoxicity to rice.

(2) The control range is wider. It has special effects on stephanotis and barnyard grass, and also controls more than 30 kinds of grass weeds, such as paspalum, crabgrass, foxtail grass, goosegrass, and wheatgrass. The dosage is 60-90g/hm2, which is ineffective against sedge weeds and broadleaf weeds.

(3) It has a wide range of application and a wide application period. It can be used for indica rice and japonica rice, and can be used in various cultivation methods, such as dry rice seedling cultivation, water rice seedling cultivation, direct seeding, throwing rice seedlings, transplanting rice seedlings, etc. It will not cause phytotoxicity when used from the seedling stage to the jointing stage.

(4) Strong penetration and fast absorption. Cyhalofop-butyl is an aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid herbicide and is easily absorbed by plants. If it rains 1 hour after application, it will not affect the effectiveness of the herbicide.

Advantages of Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9)

1. Security

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is not only very safe for rice, but also is safe for subsequent crops because Cyhalofop-butyl degrades rapidly in the soil and rice field water.

2. Thorough weeding

After the herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is sprayed, it is not only absorbed by the leaves and leaf sheaths of the plant, but the phloem of the plant can also conduct the liquid.

3. Broad spectrum of killing weeds

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl not only has a good control effect on stephanotis, but also has certain control effect on young barnyard grass in rice fields. It can also control crabgrass, paspalum, foxtail grass, goosegrass, wheatgrass, etc.

4. Wide range of application

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl can be used not only in rice transplanting fields, but also in direct-seeded rice fields and seedling fields. Pay attention to safety when using rice fields.

Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) Disadvantages

1. Resistance generation

In some areas, it seems that Stephania chinensis is resistant to Cyhalofop-butyl, and the dosage of Cyhalofop-butyl needs to be increased to achieve the desired effect.

2. Antagonism with other medicinal solutions

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is used in combination with ingredients for controlling broadleaf weeds in rice fields, and is suspected to be antagonistic. For example, mixing dimethyltetrachloride, 24 drops of isooctyl ester or bentazone, especially sulfonylurea herbicides, will reduce the efficacy of Cyhalofop-butyl.

3. Slow weeding speed

Because Cyhalofop-butyl is a systemic conductive herbicide, its weeding speed is relatively slow compared to other herbicides. After spraying Cyhalofop-butyl, under normal circumstances, weed poisoning symptoms will usually not be seen for about 15 days. .

What grasses does Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) mainly kill?

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl mainly kills barnyard grass, stephanotis and other grass weeds. It also has control effect on young barnyard grass. It can also control crabgrass, paspalum, setaria, milfoil, and milfoil. However, Ineffective against sedge weeds and broadleaf weeds. Cyhalofop-butyl has the characteristics of high efficiency, low toxicity and no residue.

What should not be mixed with Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9)

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl cannot be mixed with bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl. They will have antagonistic effects and reduce the efficacy of Cyhalofop-butyl. The recommended application interval is 1 week. Cyhalofop-butyl is mainly used to control gramineous weeds and has special effects on Stephanie japonica.

Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) usage technology

(1) Select the correct dosage form: Since the herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is a white crystalline solid with a specific gravity of 1.2375 (20°C), a boiling point of 363°C, a melting point of 48~49°C, and a vapor pressure of 8.8×10-9 mmHg (20°C) ), soluble in most organic solvents: acetonitrile 57.3%, methanol 37.3%, acetone 60.7%, chloroform 59.4%, insoluble in water and other physical properties. The impact of processing dosage forms on the efficacy is greatly different. For the same effective ingredient dosage, dosage form The effect is as follows: emulsifiable concentrate > dispersible oil suspension > water emulsion > wettable powder.

(2) Select the correct content: Preparation processing is generally made of raw materials + additives + solvents + fillers and other materials. Since the herbicide Cyhalofop-butylhas different solubilities in different solvents and requires the use of necessary additives, during processing A certain amount of additives needs to be added to the dosage form to improve the efficacy. Different contents require different amounts of additives. The formula must be scientific and rational. The additives must be added to achieve the best effect of the active ingredients. , with the same amount of active ingredients, under normal circumstances, the dosage form effect is 10%>15%>20%>25%>30%>40%, except of course special additives.

(3) Select the correct application period: Weeds with different leaf ages have different sensitivities to the herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl. As the leaf age increases, the sensitivity decreases and the dosage also increases. Generally, the younger the leaf age, the smaller the herbicide. , the dosage is small, and the dosage is larger when the leaves are older. The registered dosage is generally the dosage of 1.5 to 2 leaves of Stephanotis (experts can distinguish). The dosage is small, 10% of 60 to 70 mL, 15% of 30 to 50 mL, 20% of 25 to 35 mL, 25 % is 24-30 mL, 30% is 20-25 mL, and 40% is 15-20 mL. It is difficult for farmers to distinguish between rice and Stephanotis at this leaf age. When distinguished, Stephanotis is generally between 4 and 40%. 5 leaves. If you still use the registered dosage, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect. You must increase the dosage. Therefore, under the same dosage of Cyhalofop-butyl for the control of Stephanie chinensis, it should be small rather than large. Since Cyhalofop-butyl is highly safe for rice, Cyhalofop-butyl can be used to control Stephanotis after sowing 2 to 3 leaves of rice. If you can control it when you have separated Qianjinzi, it will be the 3-5 leaf stage of rice. To see clearly the visual effect of Cyhalofop-butyl on Stephanie japonica, 3 to 4 leaves of rice is the best time to control Stephanie chinensis.

(4) Select the correct dosage: the herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl has been promoted in my country for more than 10 years. Stephanotis has also developed a certain resistance to Cyhalofop-butyl. Only by increasing the dosage can the expected effect be achieved. In areas with strong resistance, the active ingredient dosage of Cyhalofop-butyl per mu ranges from 30 to 50 g. (This year, in Nanchang, Hubei Public Security, Huangmei and other areas of Jiangxi, the highest dosage reached 60g, and the effect is still not satisfactory.) In areas with less resistance, The minimum dosage is also more than 20 g of active ingredients. Cyhalofop-butyl is currently popular for controlling old barnyardgrass and resistant barnyardgrass. The dosage in old direct-seeded rice areas should be larger, while the dosage in new direct-seeded rice areas should be lower. Normal dosage of active ingredients ranges from 20 to 30 g.

(5) Select the right drug application technology: The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is a systemic conductive herbicide, which must be absorbed by the stems and leaves, and conducted in the body of the weed plant to act on the growth point to exert its efficacy. When applying pesticides, try to keep weed plants fully exposed to the pesticide solution. When using Cyhalofop-butyl-al on rice, it is necessary to drain the water first so that more than 2/3 of the weed plants are exposed, spray it evenly and finely with a high concentration, and rehydrate it 24 hours a day to allow the liquid to be fully absorbed and transmitted.

How to use Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9)

(1) Rice field: At barnyard grass 1.5-2 leaf stage, use 450-750 ml of 10% EC per hectare (30-50 ml per acre), add 450-600 kg of water (30-40 kg per acre), and spray the stems and leaves.

(2) Direct seeding fields, transplanting fields and seedling-throwing fields: at the 2-4 leaf stage of barnyard grass, use 750-1005 ml of 10% EC per hectare (50-67 ml per mu), and add 450-600 kg of water (30-67 ml per mu). 40 kg), do stem and leaf spray. When controlling older weeds, the dosage should be appropriately increased.

Cyhalofop-butyl (122008-85-9) stability

The herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl is relatively stable under acidic conditions, but hydrolyzes faster under slightly acidic and neutral conditions. Under strongly alkaline conditions, Cyhalofop-butyl hydrolyzes rapidly; within the range of 25°C to 65°C , As the temperature increases, the hydrolysis rate of Cyhalofop-butyl accelerates, and the degradation rate at 25°C (pH5.0) is only 14% of that at 65°C. ACID is relatively stable under acidic and neutral conditions. It hydrolyzes slowly under weak alkali conditions. It only hydrolyzes faster under strong alkali conditions. Increasing the temperature can accelerate its hydrolysis. When it rises from 25℃ to 35℃, the hydrolysis rate will increase. The constant k increases approximately 1 to 2 times.

How to use Cyhalofop-butyl for fly control of rice (122008-85-9)

To ensure that cyhalomefen has good control effect, the correct Cyhalofop-butyl preparation must be selected first. Judging from the current registration certificate, the registered content ranges from 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, and the dosage forms include emulsifiable concentrate, water emulsion, dispersible oil suspension, etc. Therefore, the dosage form, content. Generally speaking, for the same content, different dosage forms have different medicinal effects. The effect is as follows: emulsifiable concentrate > dispersible oil suspension > water emulsion; preparation products are generally made of raw materials, additives, solvents, fillers and other materials. In terms of effectiveness, Looking at the content of the original drug, the registered ingredients and the compatibility of the auxiliaries, the conduction and absorption capacity of Cyhalofop-butyl is weak, and good auxiliaries are needed to enhance the conduction and absorption capacity of Cyhalofop-butyl in the weeds. It is understood that there are currently no less than dozens of formulas for producing Cyhalofop-butyl preparations. It should be noted that you must not blindly believe that the higher the registered content, the better the effect will be. It mainly depends on the stability of the formula and the additives.

Secondly, choose the right period of medication. The older the leaves of barnyard grass, stephanotis and other weeds are, the stronger their tolerance to Cyhalofop-butyl is. According to relevant resistance tests, stephanotis has developed resistance to Cyhalofop-butyl in some areas. Therefore, try to keep the grass young when the grass is young. Medication. In the seedling field, pesticides should be applied at the 1.5-2 leaf stage of barnyardgrass and stephanotis; in the direct-seeded fields, thrown seedling fields, and machine-transplanted fields, pesticides can be applied before the 2-4 leaves of barnyardgrass and stephanotis. Generally, conventional Cyhalofop-butyl can be used when the rice has 1 leaf and 1 heart - 2 leaves and 1 heart. If there are other ingredients, it may be used after the rice has 3 leaves and 1 heart.

Third, master the key points of flying defense. Cyhalofop-butyl is used for 3 leaves and 1 heart of rice. The lower limit concentration of 10% Cyhalofop-butyl emulsifiable concentrate preparation is 150 ml/mu, and the upper limit concentration is 600 ml/mu. It is adjusted according to factors such as weed resistance, grass phase, and weather. Cyhalofop-butyl has good miscibility, but it should be noted that it will have antagonistic effects when mixed with some broad-leaf and sedge herbicides (bispyr, bensulfuron-methyl, pyrazosulfuron-methyl, etc.), especially During flying control, the effect on the efficacy of Cyhalofop-butyl is more obvious. For example, if bispfen and Cyhalofop-butyl are mixed, when the temperature is higher than 30°C, the efficacy of Cyhalofop-butyl will be seriously affected. Therefore, when using Cyhalofop-butyl when the temperature is above 30°C, whether it is used alone or mixed, the dosage should be appropriately increased by more than 30%. When applying pesticides, use high-concentration fine sprays to ensure that weeds are fully exposed to the liquid.

Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9) Precautions

(1) Qianjin degrades rapidly in soil and rice fields and is safe for subsequent crops and rice, but it is not suitable for soil treatment (poisonous fertilizer or poisonous fertilizer method).

(2) Herbicides that have no antagonistic effect when mixed with Qianjin include clomazone, fentanyl, sulfate, fentanyl, butachlor, fast-killing barnyard grass, Nongsit, and Qilong. There may be antagonism when mixed with 2,4-D butyl ester, 2-methyl-4-chloride, sulfonylureas, bendasone, and gypsum, which can be overcome by adjusting the dosage of Qianjin. If you need to control broadleaf grasses and sedge weeds, it is best to apply Qianjin 7 days before applying broadleaf weed herbicides.

(3) When applying pesticides, the best effect can be achieved when the surface water layer is less than 1 cm or drained (the soil moisture is saturated). If 50% of the weed plants are above the water surface, the ideal effect can also be achieved. When applying pesticides in dry seedling fields or dry direct seeding fields, the saturated water holding capacity of the field can ensure vigorous growth of weeds, thus ensuring the best efficacy. Water 24-48 hours after application to prevent new weeds from germinating. In dry conditions, the dosage should be increased as appropriate.

(4) 10% Qianjin EC already contains the best additives, so there is no need to add other additives when using it.

(5) Use higher pressure, low volume spray.

Herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl(122008-85-9) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide herbicide Cyhalofop-butyl, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.